Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 663: Movement

Love was able to confirm that among the brightly advancing team, many eyes were observing the **** square, and many eyes were looking at the six black figures on the square. Different views are inevitable.

Although they are soldiers, they are also humans, and they have the emotions that humans should have. Sometimes, the inner emotions cannot be suppressed. After all, humans are emotional creatures.

It was still too cruel, and the **** scene of the killing caused by cold weapons was unacceptable.

The queues rushing into the fortress formed two long dark green dragons, each walking in the same direction from the roads on both sides of the square.

The densely swaying figure, "Zhengzheng" footsteps, seemed like a river diverging in the square.

"Sergeant Love! There is an order from General Natasha!"

After a short stay in the square, a sergeant ran outside the queue and approached Love.


The order came at this time, but it's really not the time!

After all, it seemed to Love that the battle on Turner Island was almost over.

The attack began in the early morning, and it was past noon. After a few hours of attack, the battle was finally over.

"Say it!"

Love also wanted to know what order Natasha would come at this time.

In Love’s gaze, the sergeant chief said: "Natasha ordered that before launching the final attack on the enemy, a persuasion should be made to prevent the enemy from fighting and fighting back. If the enemy refuses to surrender, the fleet will use The armor-piercing projectile bombarded the inner fort, burying the enemy completely, lest the troops suffer losses!"

What a ruthless order.

Although I don’t know how many enemy soldiers there are in the inner castle, once the fleet bombards the inner castle with armor piercing, although there are not many armor-piercing shells per warship, it is enough to destroy the inner castle, depending on the style of the inner castle, if the inner castle is destroyed, I am afraid that the defenders inside will be buried, no one can escape.

By then, I don't know how many souls will be buried in the Neibo.

No one is to blame. The war is cruel. No matter what the outcome is, it is their own choice. The First Army gave them a chance.


Since it was General Natasha's order, Love could only do so.

Now we only look at the defenders in the Naiburg. They must live or die, and everything depends on their own choices.

Following the line of action, Love continued to move forward and left the hideous square.

The fort is not big, but not too small. The barracks alone are about one kilometer long and wide, and it is a full kilometer from the city gate to the inner fort.

On the two roads, the troops of the First Army marched in parallel. The roads were wide and smooth. Although there were cracks in some places, this did not hinder the driving.

Looking from the sky, a long dark green dragon was moving on two roads in the fort.

The moving war machinery, the swaying figure, densely packed, flooded the continuous road.

The gate was lost, and many soldiers returned to Neiburg, forming a second line of defense in Neiburg.

There is a wide square on the edge of the barracks, and outside the square is the tall city wall of the inner fort.

Although the walls on both sides are connected to the walls of the Neiburg, the walls of the Neiburg are higher and separated by two towers.

The troops of the First Corps are moving in the camp.

Located on the tall city wall, everything in the barracks was reflected in the eyes of the defenders on the walls of the inner fort. Of course, the defenders on the walls also saw the approaching enemy troops in the camp.

Although the city wall next to him was full of companions, at this moment, the defeat in the battle made people unable to see hope, and the companions beside him couldn't give any sense of security.

A frame of gray-painted "guards" stood on the city wall. Compared to the previous scale, there were not many guards on the wall of the inner fort. There were only a handful of them. At a glance, they were scattered on the wall.

The defeat of the external line of defense caused heavy losses to the defenders in the fort, and now less than one-third of the defenders of more than 20,000 have survived.

The situation has become clear. Many soldiers on the city wall have desperate expressions on their faces. They don't know what will be waiting for them next, and the most likely thing is "death."

In the face of death, many people are vulnerable. After all, survival is the instinct of every life, and the instinct to "live" cannot be suppressed.

At the top of the wall, Vader and Via did not know when they came to the forefront of the battle. Not long ago, this was the rear, but now, this is the forefront of the battle.

For the two brothers, hiding in the Neiburg is meaningless. Even if they are alive, they can't change much. The only thing they can fight for is to take a step toward "death".

Instead of this, it is better to die on the battlefield like a soldier, so as to retain the last point of dignity.

Standing on the top of the wall, the two brothers have no fear on their faces, just silently watching the approaching enemy troops in the camp.

The battle is about to begin!

Amid the roar of "rumbling", the sound of "clank" footsteps, in the shaking figure, in the gaze of the guards on the city wall, from the roads on both sides of the square, the army of the First Army looked like two ink Long green dragons poured into the square.

The roaring war machinery, densely packed figures, in a short period of time, the square has become a metal world.

The First Army that poured into the square did not immediately launch an attack, but paused in the square below the city, no more than a hundred meters from the city wall.

The first half of the team entered the square, while the second half was still in the road.

The expected battle did not happen. Although I don't know what the aggressive First Army under the city wanted to do, the enemy did not launch an attack, and of course they could not, because once attacked, as the inferior party, they would have no retreat.

When the team stopped, except for the roaring war machinery, the dense dark green figure stood upright, motionless, looking at it, the continuous figure looks like a tree stump, silent, revealing enviable military discipline.

Seeing the army on the square had such a strength, even as an enemy, Vader, Via couldn't help but feel moved.

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