Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 665: Fruit of victory

With the gradual expansion of the door gap, the dark green metal figure on the square outside the city wall was also seen.

That is the enemy's army and the object of their surrender.

In speechlessness, Vader and Via walked side by side towards the city gate.

The soldiers on the square behind them moved with the two figures in front, forming a long dragon and leaving the inner castle.

The gate of the city was opened, and the choice of the enemy defenders in the inner castle was already clear.

With a few teams of mobilized soldiers, Love left the large army and waited not far from the city gate, waiting for the enemy soldiers to come out of the city gate.

When coming to God Love, Via solemnly said: "We surrender to you, and hope that you will keep your promise and ensure the safety of our "life"!"

Although I don’t know whether the person in front of him has the right to decide, whether he is the highest officer of the enemy’s army on the square, in Via’s view, the costume of the person in front of him is no different from the other enemy soldiers on the square, but since he can Waiting for their surrender here, even if their status is not the highest officer, they should be someone who can speak for themselves in the First Army.

Moreover, since he is standing here, it means that he is solely responsible for the surrender.

"Relax! We are not vicious pirates, nor bandits who love to kill. We are the First Army. We can do it if we speak. Now you are our captives. When the war is over, you will be "free." "."

Without saying too much, this sentence has been able to prove the attitude of the First Legion, although Love's words are also the attitude of the First Legion towards their prisoners.

"Freedom" will be given, but not now.

Hearing this, Via relaxed. Although he did not know when the day when he was truly "free" would come, he also understood that it was a time of war and the First Army could not let them leave now.

After all, the number of soldiers who surrendered was quite large, more than 6,000. If they were put back in the war, they would probably rejoin the army and become their enemy again. This is not impossible. It can be said to be certain. Will not let them go back.

"There are still many seriously wounded in the Neibao, please treat them kindly, even if they are not saved, please give them a happy life!"

Finally, Via made another request to Love.

There are no good medical conditions on Turner Island. For the defenders on Turner Island, once they are injured, they can only wait to die. In previous battles, many wounded were lifted from the battlefield. They were simply bandaged. He was thrown into the Neibo to die.

In just a few days, many wounded died.

Love did not refuse Via's request. Even if the people in front of him did not say anything, the First Army would still treat the wounded properly.

"We will establish a medical station in the camp, where all the wounded will be well treated!"

Upon hearing Love's words, Via was relieved.

There is no more to say now.

Turning around, Via gestured to the soldiers behind him.

In Via’s signal, the soldiers who had stopped behind them started to act again. They walked past Vader and Via, lined up in the square to drop their guns, and then waited on the other side of the square.

At this time, several teams of mobilizers walked out of the large army of the First Corps and began to maintain the order of the captives on the square.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner in the huge square.

Only the bomb craters everywhere in the fortress, as well as the black traces, illustrate the gunpowder war not long ago.

From the First Army to Bentley, for ten days, the First Army finally got a perfect start.

Turner Island was captured, and the First Army gained an advance base.

Relying on this forward base, the rear war-maintaining materials are continuously transported to the front with energy. Relying on this forward base, even if a protracted battle with Bentley is launched, the First Army will no longer be afraid.

The defenders in the fort surrendered, and the news was passed back to the fleet within the first time.

When receiving the news from the front line, Jevrich reported to Natasha.

"General! There is news from the front line that the enemy in the fortress has surrendered and Turner Island has been captured by us. In this battle we have won!"

While the fleet was enjoying the joy of victory, Natasha, who had reaped the fruits of victory, looked strangely calm.

There is no joy, no surprise, and of course no negative emotions.

Winning is indeed a good thing, but Natasha has forgotten how to "rejoice" and how to express this emotion.

Before becoming "Zie Ji", Natasha's military career was full of cold blood. When she was a human, she had never laughed, and lived the life of a soldier like a machine. When she became a "Zie Ji", hi Anger, sorrow, and joy are far away from "her". For Natasha now, even if she is about to face destruction, there will probably not be any fluctuations in her heart.

Sitting tall in the captain's seat, no one knew the look of the face in the hood at this time.

The news of victory is not surprising, but something expected.

But for the victory of a battle, the victorious party has the right to enjoy the fruits of victory.

For Natasha, although the war on Turner Island is over, it is only the beginning of the war.

The next battle is the most important thing, and it is also the most important node after this war.

As long as it wins the next battle, the war against Bentley, the First Army can fully bloom and accelerate the pace of occupying the entire territory of Bentley.

"How much supplies are left? Can it support the next battle?"

The cold voice echoed in the command room and interrupted the joy of many soldiers in the command room.

At this point, the soldiers on duty in front of the various instruments looked straight and continued to perform their duties.

As the tenth-level sergeant, the highest officer in the general position, Jevrich of course knew everything about the fleet.

Without calculating too much, Jevric replied: "The material reserves on the warships, life-related materials are about 70%, and the ammunition reserves are very small. Since there is no corresponding logistics supply ship, the average The ammunition reserve on a warship is still about 30%. As for the ammunition reserve of the army, the ammunition reserve of the army is transported by troop carriers and amphibious landing ships. Because these two types of ships are not logistic ships, the carrying capacity is limited. , The remaining ammunition reserves above can barely support a medium-scale battle."

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