Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 698: Mermaid

With Love's repeated assurances, Natasha stopped saying more.

Finally, Natasha said to Love: "Early tomorrow morning, the troops will start marching towards Amway City, and the battle must start in two days!"


Holding the military salute, Love responded loudly.

Amway City is not close to Bali City, which is more than 70 kilometers. At the speed of the army, I set off in the morning, and I am afraid that I will arrive at Amway City in the afternoon, and the battle may not start until the next day.

Before leaving, Love reported to Natasha what he had just received.

"General! Early this morning, the "Emperor" off the island of Turner has already left. Sergeant Jevrich has sent a message. Let me report to you!"

In the hood, Natasha looked indifferent, and the owner would leave. She had known for a long time, and Natasha was not surprised by the news.

"Do you send warships to **** him?"

Natasha asked Love.

Love replied: "Yes! Sergeant Jevrich sent a cruiser to return to Nanlin Island with the "Emperor"!"

In this way, Natasha was relieved.

The sea is full of dangers, and the "Emperor" has such a big goal, there may be troubles. If there is a warship to follow, it will be different. Even if trouble is encountered, it can be solved properly, so as not to disturb the owner. Of leisure.


It was Li Meng’s own decision to return to Nanlin Island. This trip was originally Li Meng’s whim. Although he was headstrong, he had to return to Nanlin Island honestly. After all, Nanlin Island was The base camp of the First Legion, this root can not be chaotic.

The war is a war, the construction of Nanlin Island cannot be stopped, and the political layout of the First Army cannot be affected by this.

All this is inseparable from Li Meng's seat.

The sea is vast and boundless.

In the boundless sea, the huge "Emperor" rides the wind and waves on the sea, like a mountain slowly moving.

On the side of the "Emperor" is the accompanying cruiser.

The huge cruiser went with the "Emperor" and loyally guarded the "Emperor".

No matter from which angle you look at it, the sea is magnificent. Just by watching it, people can't help but feel a sense of awe.

Awe at the vastness of the sea and the magic of nature.

"Commander! The virus on the mermaid has almost been cleaned up. According to the test of the vital instrument, her vital signs are all normal, but for some reason, she is still sleeping. According to common sense, she should have woken up long ago. Her body structure is a little different from that of humans, and she cannot be judged according to the "human" standards!"

In a medical room, in front of a huge glass pot, Li Meng was listening to a report from a medical staff.

In the glass jar, it was filled with light green liquid, and in the liquid, the mermaid that was picked up by Li Meng was sleeping peacefully, receiving treatment with the repair liquid in its deep sleep.

This mermaid is pretty beautiful, but it's no different from human beings. It always plays tricks.

Looking at the mermaid in the glass jar, Li Meng thought to himself.

Looking sideways, Li Meng looked at Wendy beside him and asked: "What did you find last time you came?"

Wendy shook her head and said, "I just took a look in the outer hall last time, and didn't check it carefully!"

It turned out to be so!

Across two layers of glass, it's still a bit difficult to discover her illusion.

After pondering for a moment, Li Meng looked at her in the glass jar again, with a calm expression, and slowly said: "This layer of glass has no sound insulation effect. You should have heard what we said. You want to pretend to sleep. When is it?"

The voice echoed in the medical room and spread to every corner.

Pretend to sleep?

Several medical personnel in the medical room were slightly stunned, and then understood.

It turned out to be pretending to be asleep. No wonder the life tester fails to detect any problems.

Under the gaze of many gazes, she finally couldn't bear it in the glass jar, slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Li Meng indifferently with her blue pupils.

Speaking slightly, a slightly magnetic voice came from her mouth.

"When? I will wait until I fully recover!"

She became arrogant, looked at the people outside the glass pot, and said coldly: "Humans! Although you saved me, I will not thank you, because this is my shame, and the great shame of my blue-scaled fish people. !"

Seeing her cold and hatred look, Li Meng felt dumb.

I was kind for a while, but I didn't expect to feed the dog in the end.

However, looking at her appearance, it seems that there is something going on with humans.

As for what the festival is, Li Meng can't control it.

As the rescued, it's just that you don't treat your benefactor in return, the attitude is so bad.

This made Li Meng's appreciation for her beautiful appearance disappear instantly.

Originally, Li Meng planned to let her return to the sea after she recovered.

But now, being treated so badly, Li Meng didn't plan to let her go just like that.

How dare you ruin your kindness?

In his mind, Li Meng first appeared disgusted with something.

He clearly has a beautiful face, but his heart is so unreasonable.

Li Meng's impression of the so-called blue-scale murlocs suddenly fell to the bottom.

Li Meng narrowed his eyes and looked at her with a cold expression. Li Meng said calmly: "Is it your own business to shame, I saved you, this is the biggest fact, ten years, ten years of serving me, I will let go You leave! Be regarded as my report to save you!"

Li Meng's words made her look furious in the glass jar, and sneered: "Dirty and hateful human beings are really not at ease, want me to serve you for ten years? Huh, delusion!"


Li Meng also said unceremoniously: "I heard that there is a blue scale mermaid pavilion in the Republic of Sharjah, but I don’t care if there is a mermaid pavilion in my territory. After all, you these beautiful creatures, many people appreciate , This might make me a fortune!"

"Human! Don't think you saved me, I dare not kill you!"

Li Meng's words seemed to irritate her, she looked excited, staring at Li Meng indignantly, and the words were full of harshness.

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