Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 700: Blue Eel "King" Beast


In the darkness, the rippling sea suddenly stirred up splashes, and the falling figure disappeared into the water.

The cool water didn't hit the body as expected, and there was a dark area around him, and he couldn't see his fingers.

The only thing she could feel was the breath of the person in front of her, and the sense of gravity still falling.

In the darkness, a ray of red light suddenly flashed, and when she saw what was emitting red light, her expression suddenly became frightened.

It's in the water, and it's still deep into the seabed.

Although she did not know how the humans in front of her had isolated the sea, it was not wise to go deep into the seabed.

She suppressed her voice and said, "Do you want to die? If you go deep into the trench, a "king"-level sea beast can kill you and me in the sea!"

Li Meng was not afraid, but asked calmly, "How does it compare to your whales?"

"Huh! It's the same existence, even in the trench, the blue scale whale is the king!"

There seemed to be pride in her tone.

"Oh! That's better than this!"

I don't know when, Li Meng has stopped going deep and stopped.

The darkness had already left for some time, because two huge blue-rayed eyes appeared not far in front of Li Meng.

The eyeballs are large, each eyeball is no less than five meters in diameter.

Under the blue light, in the deep sea shrouded in darkness, its body was looming, and a huge outline emerged.

The outline is very slender, and its body is extremely large.

Looking at it in a daze, she was held tightly by Li Meng with a pale expression, and said timidly: "It's over! It's the blue eel "king" beast, and the absolute king in the trench!"

King beast?

The momentum is indeed amazing.

The sea was disturbing, and it found its prey. Although it was small, it instinctively felt a sense of crisis. Driven by its instinct, it opened its big mouth like a black hole in the dark.

The huge body suddenly gleamed with blue light, forming patches of blue scale armor.

With the help of the blue light radiating from its whole body, its body was completely exposed to Li Meng's eyes in the deep sea.

The king beast in front of him is undoubtedly a behemoth, probably more than a hundred meters in length and no less than ten meters thick.

Just waiting and watching makes people feel shuddering.

In the blue brilliance, electric currents suddenly flickered between its big mouth. The currents that flowed in the deep sea were particularly eye-catching, and they gathered quickly to form an electric ball flashing electric arcs.

In just a few breaths, the electric ball, which was originally only the size of a fist, grew more than ten times, becoming extremely large and still growing.

Along with the enlargement of the electric ball, there seemed to be a harsh "hiss" sound in the deep sea, the sea water outside the mental shield was boiling, and the power of the electric ball seemed to be amazing.

"Go! This is the electric shock attack of the Blue Eel King Beast. Once the plasma ball in its mouth is released, it can vaporize anything!"

Her tone was filled with panic and weakness, can she escape?

Who can beat the speed of lightning?

She was desperate.

"The power is amazing!"

Looking at the huge electric ball that was finally brewing, Li Meng was also amazed by its huge power.

Can't let it go on.

One hand loosened from her waist, ten fingers spread out, and the palm was aimed at the Blue Eel King Beast tens of meters away.

Looking at the king beast not far away indifferently, Li Meng's heart moved, and his majestic mental power surged out, penetrating the thick sea water, as if an invisible hand grabbed the blue eel king beast.

With a strong grip with the open ten fingers, the huge body of the Blue Eel King tens of meters away seemed to be torn apart by something, and the huge head was not twisted and formed, as if it was being squeezed again.

Its open mouth closed instantly, and the entire head was squeezed into a mass of flesh.


It is struggling, it is resisting, but useless, intangible power cannot be resisted.

After a scream, a cloud of blue light burst out in the deep sea.

In the light, the broken limbs swept around with blood and water.

There was no explosion, only the sea water was violently disturbed.

When the bursting shock wave hit the sea with the sea, its huge thrust caused Li Meng to fall back several hundred meters in an instant.

When the blue light disappeared and the deep sea became calm again, darkness enveloped the sea again.

In Li Meng's arms, she who was desperate at the moment looked stunned.

She saw it. She saw everything just now. It was the human in front of her. She stretched out a hand and gently shook the blue eel king beast. The huge blue eel king beast seemed to be caught by something. , Raw was crushed.

What "power" is that?

Is this the power that humans possess?

"They have a gentle temperament, and I don't want to kill them innocently. For ten years, serve me well for ten years, I will let you go, and you have no choice, because what I say will never be taken back!"

There is no doubt that the words of human beings are so domineering.

Is this a threat?

Yes, it is indeed a threat.

In the dark, her expression is dim, does she still have the "right" to choose?

It's gone, he has such a powerful "power", just like what he said, even if he calls the blue scale whale, it is of no use, and it will only kill the blue scale whale because he has this ability.

Li Meng wouldn't care about the change in the expression of the person in his arms.

As soon as his mind moved, the mental power shield enveloped him and began to rise to the surface.

On the surface of the moon-shrouded sea, I saw a sea surface suddenly boiling.


The water column was surging, and Li Meng rushed out of the water holding the mermaid in his arms in the splashing water.

The embracing figure rushed straight into the sky, turning into a black figure and galloping away in the direction of the departure of the "Emperor".

Under the moonlight, the endless sea was shimmering, reflecting a piece of silver light. Looking at the vast and magnificent sea below, her eyes in Li Meng's arms were shocked, and her expression was full of incredible.

Are they flying?

They didn't even use any external tools to fly freely in the sky?

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