Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 734: Unstoppable

As it progressed, the bloated bus left the blank area outside the forest and plunged into the gloomy forest.

On the forest road, the scenes on both sides give people a different feeling.

The forest is still dense, but broken war equipment can occasionally be seen on both sides of the road.

The most conspicuous is the destroyed guard.

The huge guard is like a meal of scrap iron, quietly nesting on the side of the road. If you don't look carefully, you can only see a large group of dark shadows, like a big rock in the dark forest.

The dark picture is going backwards, quietly watching the backward picture outside the window, at this moment, Lilos' heart is very calm.

"My lord! There is a checkpoint ahead!"

The front seat driver's voice suddenly rang, interrupting Lilos' thoughts.

In the direction of the bloated bus, in the distance of the highway under the forest, there is a huge war machine, which is quietly nested on the highway, with the black hole muzzle pointing straight ahead.

In front of the war machine, several dark shadows stood upright, lined up in a row, cutting off the road.

"Slow down and get closer!"

This is the advice of Lilos.

In the warning, the bus driving on the forest road slowed down and slowly approached the checkpoint.

"Attention! In some cases, an unknown vehicle is approaching. Be alert."

Of course, the mobilized soldiers in the temporary roadblock were aware of the approach of the bus.

During the warning, the mobilized soldiers on the highway shook hands with the gun, raised the muzzle, and pointed it at the approaching vehicle.

The hammer tank at the back also moved its muzzle slightly, and the gunfire from the black hole moved as the bus approached.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engine and the white smoke, the bus slowly approached.

While the mobilizers watched, the bus stopped in front of the roadblock.

Looking at the bloated guy in front of him, the mobilized soldiers quickly surrounded him with guns.

"Open the door! Accept inspection!"

The bus was surrounded by mobilized soldiers. Although the shouting sound was mechanical, the people in the bus could understand it, and it was elegant.

One of the most common languages ​​in the Eastern Hemisphere is also the language used in Bentley.

Standing up from his seat, Lilos looked as usual and said to the slightly nervous driver: "Don't be nervous! Open the door and let me go down."


In response, the driver immediately pulled a buckle on his side.

With a bang, the car door opened.

Under the muzzle of the black hole, Lelos got out of the car calmly.

"This place has been under martial law, no one can pass!"

Before Lilos could speak, a mobilizer at the front of the vehicle said first.

Facing the muzzle of the black hole, Lilos smiled indifferently, and said: "I am not a passerby, but come here with a purpose. This time I came to see your general on behalf of the "Rebel Army". Please tell me."


In the helmet, the look of the mobilizer was slightly stunned. He did not take the initiative, but turned around and walked to the side of the road to contact the camp.

"Yes, I understand, I will take him to the camp immediately!"

In the communication, the mobilizers clearly received instructions from higher-level officers.

After the communication was over, the mobilizer returned to Lilos and said to him: "Leave the car and the people will follow me."

After speaking, the mobilizer turned and left, leading the way in front.

Lilos can only keep up.

When he walked to the side of the hammer tank, the huge war beast beside him attracted the attention of Lilos.

Looking at the behemoth beside him with a slightly surprised gaze, Lilos was very surprised.

This kind of tracked heavy metal behemoth does not exist in Bentley. In the memory that Lelos knows, the armored units of various countries are basically various types of "guards". Such heavy machinery does not exist at all. .

The biggest enemy of mankind is the polluting beast in the forest. Only "guards" can move freely in the forest. Tracked heavy armored units have too high requirements for road conditions and are eliminated by humans over time.

"Is it armored for the city?"

Looking at the giant beast beside him, Lilos secretly said in his heart.

Armored weapons like this are obviously used to deal with human cities.

In human cities, there are better road conditions, and machines like this type of heavy armor have higher survivability. The first generation of guards cannot match it in cities. I am afraid that only the second generation of "guards" In order to have the ability to compete with one another.

Under the leadership of the mobilizers, the two came to the rear of the hammer tank and boarded a "mouse" assault vehicle.

In the slight "roar", the mouse assault vehicle turned on the highway and left in the gloomy forest.

The gloomy scenery outside the window was quickly retreating. Lelos in the car, looking left and looking again, everything in the car was so novel to Lelos.

This car is very stable, and when sitting in it, Lelos can't feel the slightest tremor.

And the engine. What kind of power stove does this car use?

From the appearance, this car is not too big, and there is no room for a power stove.

There are too many confusing places, and the technology used by the First Army seems to be different.

Galloping all the way, a ray of light appeared at the end of the road ahead, and the destination was about to arrive.

As the darkness above the head disappeared, the rat assault vehicle drove out of the forest and looked to the right, and all the huge camps came into view.

Looking through the windshield at the opened space on the right, Lilos' expression was slightly startled, full of weirdness.

What did he see?

There are endless tents, countless armored machines and soldiers in dark green armor.

In the open space outside the tent area, countless soldiers lined up in phalanx, ready to go.

On the side of the open space close to the road, armored machines were neatly placed, and at a glance, they exuded a power that people could not ignore.

Lilos even heard the "roar" of the engine.

The army in front of him seemed to be preparing to set off.

This scene made Lilos sigh.

The First Army has such a strong army, it is no wonder that it can be unstoppable in war.

Facing the frontiers of this army, how can Bentley resist?

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