Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 780: Pressure from the dark side

On the square halfway up the mountain, the black car stopped.

At this point, the soldier leading the way, his mission has been completed.

Before the stairs, Qin Qian in a black dress was already waiting.

When Clive and Arran got out of the car, she greeted them.

Moving forward, Qin Qian said to the two women: "Two! Please come with me!"

He looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and then at the nuns standing in front of the stairs.

The scene before them made the two women understand that the First Legion was really a religious force.

Once here, the atmosphere of religion is extremely strong.

However, she is really beautiful in front of her!

The only regrettable thing about having the delicateness of an oriental woman is that that face is too cold.

"please follow me!"

Seeing the two women in a daze, Qin Qian said again.

This brought the two women back to their senses.

Under the leadership of Qin Qian, the two women stepped on the stairs to the temple.

The closer to the temple, the more solemn the expressions of the two women.

Here, the two felt a unique breath, which made people feel depressed.

It seemed as if a mountain was pressing in my heart, making people breathless.

What makes the two of them even more nervous is that the energy in their bodies is about to move around for some reason, and they seem to be very repulsive to the outside atmosphere.

When leaving the stairs, what enters the eyes of the two is two huge doors.

On the dark door, the black skull was extremely dazzling, and the two women could not help feeling a dark and negative atmosphere.

The evil object carved on the door made the two women look at each other involuntarily, their expressions becoming more solemn.

Could this first legion believe in a cult?

The suspicion in the heart made the two women feel a little uneasy.

Cults are taboo in this world, and they are also a scary and terrifying existence.

Even the religious empire with the strongest inclusiveness of religions rushed to exterminate the religions of the dark side, leaving no troubles behind.

Amidst anxiety, the two women stepped into the gate.

At that moment, the pressure on my heart suddenly increased, making the two women's faces pale and horrified.

Inside and outside the door are simply two worlds, at least for the two women.

She seemed to notice the confusion of the two women behind her. As she walked, Qin Qian said, "Are you martial artists?"

The enquiry from the leader in front made Claver reluctantly say: "Yes!"

"You martial artists have "jin" in your body. Letting the energy flow through your body may make you feel better!"

This suggestion brightened the eyes of the two women, and quickly drove the Jin in the Jin pulse to make it flow throughout the body.

Sure enough, when the energy flowed through the whole body, the two women suddenly felt lightened and their pressure was reduced a lot.

"what is this?"

While maintaining the "jin" flowing throughout the body, Yalan asked the person leading the way in front.

This is also Clive's curious.

That pressure should be more than just the atmosphere. To say the atmosphere, the temple does not appear dark.

It just seemed a little weird, and the weirdness was also reduced a lot under the soft light.

The pressure they felt personally would never be due to the breath of the temple.

"There are countless powers in the world. Although you martial artists are all over the world, they are not the only ones. You should be aware of this."

Although the answer is not clear, the two women understand the truth.

Indeed, although martial artists are all over the world, "jin" is the most commonly used force by humans.

But it is not unique.

In addition to martial artists, there are contractors, and even more mysterious psionicists.

If the scope is expanding, in the world, various forces can be said to be endless, demons, demons, and subhumans, they all have their own power.

There are also polluting beasts, sea beasts, and apostles. It can be said that all creatures on the earth have their own "power."

The two women are twilight.

In this way, the First Army has a distinctive "power"?

What could it be?


This is impossible. Psionic energy is a kind of mental power, the purest power, and it will not make people feel so dark.

Is it a contractor?

It is very likely that the power of the contractor comes from the demon crystal, and the power of the demon crystal is changeable, and there are countless types. Perhaps the power possessed by the First Legion is one of them.

Will it be so?

The two still couldn't confirm, guessing was guessing, and they could never be confirmed as true before the real answer appeared.

Thinking of this, Clive sighed.

The truth of this First Legion is getting more and more mysterious and more complicated.

Originally thought that through collecting data, the Heroes' Association already knew a lot about the First Army.

When they approached the First Army, they discovered that their understanding did not even touch the fur of the First Army.

A religious organization, a religious organization with strong military power.

Clive was very curious about what the First Legion believed in.

Is it doctrine? Or a misty god?

There are too many doubts and too many want to know.

The long corridor seems to have no end, and walking in it makes people feel bored unconsciously.

The temple is very large, the corridors are also very wide, and the murals are also very imposing, but once the shocking scenery is seen for a long time, it will make people visually tired.

"This temple is really big!"

Looking around, Yalan thought to herself.

It has been nearly a quarter of an hour since they entered the temple, and they have been walking in the corridor, not knowing where the end is.

At this time, two more black figures appeared in front of them, quietly passing by them, walking in the direction where they came.

Since entering the temple, there are not only three of them in the corridor, but occasionally some nuns appear.

A black robe and a hood, this dress can make people know the identity of the nun at a glance.

Outside the temple, the two women had discovered the existence of these nuns.

The employment of nuns exists in any religion, which also confirms the identity of the First Army as a religious organization.


Looking at the slender figure leading the way in front, Claver was very curious, what role does she play in the temple?

The black dress looked extremely delicate, much like a maid's outfit, giving people the feeling of being someone's "maid".

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