Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 801: The tyrannical Sakuya

In the hood, Sakiya opened her mouth slightly, and slowly said, "What is your purpose? I don't want to know. It is your freedom to do what you are going to do. However, it is best not to hinder us, otherwise, the gunfire will be merciless. "

This is a threat and a warning.

The other side's indifferent response made Eagle very helpless.

He didn't get any information from the other party's words, which is not enough.

Whether the purpose of the First Army was the devil in the Nansha Islands or not, it was not important anymore.

Because once the First Legion enters the mist, encounters with the devil are inevitable. Even if the purpose of the First Legion is not the devil, once it enters the mist, the First Legion has no right to choose.

Thinking of this, Igel did not hide it, and said openly: "Today, the Nansha Islands have been occupied by the devil, and the areas covered by the fog are the domain of the devil. In order to eliminate the devil, this human danger, please also ask your army to join us Work together to eliminate powerful enemies."


On the screen, the words of the young man made Sakiya's thoughts run quickly.

Although Sakiya had already expected that the emergence of the Heroes' Association was closely related to the devil.

But after confirming from the mouths of young people, expectation is no longer an expectation, but a fact.

Once the purpose of the Heroes Association is confirmed, there are some things that can be considered.

"General! The heroes of the Heroes Association are said to have good strength. If they participate in this battle to eliminate the devil, it will be a great help for us. However, their purpose should be more than just destroy the devil. Simply, this matter needs to be asked clearly, otherwise, cooperation will not be considered."

Sakiya knew what Yamada Jiro cared about.

There may be something in the Nansha Islands that the Heroes Association is very concerned about. If the First Army is also interested in this thing, conflicts of interest will arise once they cooperate.

The First Army does not have the habit of playing black hands on allies. In order to avoid this from happening, some things must be explained in advance.

In the hood, Sakuya looked at the young man on the screen again, saying: "The purpose of our First Legion is to restore the Nansha Islands to normal and get rid of the devil species. As for cooperation, you can, but you must say The purpose of your trip, otherwise, everything is undoubtedly said."

Hearing this, Igel was overjoyed.

It seems that the purpose of the First Army is not the statue of the devil, but to eliminate all the demons in the Nansha Islands and restore the Nansha Islands to normal.

Although I don't know why the First Army has worked so hard to destroy the devil, Eagle didn't think much.

No matter what the First Army wants to do, as long as it does not conflict with their goals.

Thinking of this, Iger smiled and said truthfully: "Our trip is to eliminate the demon incarnation, and it is also the culprit that caused the current situation of the Nansha Islands. Once the demon incarnation is eliminated, a statue will be dropped. This statue is our goal. ."


Is it a devil statue?

Sakiya can only think of the statues mentioned by the young population.

It seems that it can only be so.

This should be no doubt.

In this case, cooperation will be no problem.

In her heart, Sakuya muttered to herself.

The devil statue is of no use to the First Legion. It is just a slightly delicate decoration. The purpose of the Heroes Association does not conflict with the First Legion.

In this case, for cooperation, Sakiya said readily: "Cooperation is okay, but the First Army will act in its own way. In battle, if it can, the First Army will assist you morally."

The words were paused, and Sakiya continued: "You can act with us or act alone. Once you enter the mist, our First Army will not stay for anyone. It is your own business to keep up. ."

Really tyrannical.

From beginning to end, the other party's words were filled with an unquestionable tone.

Obviously as a hero, Eagle can lift his head and chest in front of anyone without showing the slightest weakness.

But the other party's tyrannical words made Igel lack a temper, which made him quite uncomfortable, who had always been confident.

But what about uncomfortable? The other party obviously didn't give him any choice.

Either agree or refuse, there is no third option.

Eagle can only use the suggested tone to say: "Your Excellency! The longer the time is, the power of the Demon God's incarnation will become stronger. Can the cooperation method be closer? We have four heroes, and each hero is powerful. With the strength of each, they can lead a team to search the four pirate towns. Only in this way can the incarnation of the devil be found the fastest and relieve some pressure for this action to eliminate the devil."


Sakiya clearly rejected Eagle's suggestion.

In the hood, Sakuya looked indifferent, and said: "Our purpose is to clean out every small town and rescue the surviving human beings, and not to disperse the strength."

"However, it takes a lot of time to do this. Once the power of the Demon God's incarnation exceeds what we can handle, both you and me are in great danger."

Eagle said unwillingly.

How long does it take to clear one town by one?

It took too long, which undoubtedly gave the Demon God the opportunity to grow stronger.

Facing Eagle's unwillingness, Sakuya said coldly: "If you can't solve it, then we will leave one to solve it by ourselves. You can leave at any time!"

After speaking, Sakuya nodded to the correspondent, signalling to disconnect.

Speaking of this, it is useless to say more.

At the signal of Sakiya, the correspondent disconnected.

Looking at the huge screen that suddenly fell into a black screen in front of him, how could Eagle not know that the other party had disconnected.

I had no choice but to leave the main control room and return to the bow deck to report the "good news" to the others.

Seeing Eagle's return, Jerry asked, "How?"

With a helpless smile, Iger leaned back against the ship’s side and shook his head: "The First Legion promised to cooperate with us. The Demon Statue can also be given to us, but we must focus on their actions. We can follow and assist them, or we can act alone."

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