Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 808: Advance

The battle is about to begin, and a large number of soldiers gathered on the road to the port.

In the fog, tsunami tanks parked on the side of the road, lined up in a row, unable to see the end from the beginning.

Beside the tsunami tank are four columns of "Imperial Warriors".

The white figures are arranged neatly, like a long white dragon, stretching on the road.

Under the bright headlights of the tsunami tank, every beam of light tore through the fog, making the harbor slightly clear.

At the same time, the iron-clad ship of the Heroes Association landed on one of the piers of the port.

When the four left the ship and landed in the port, all you could see was a port occupied by the First Army.

In the fog, only those numerous figures and huge armored machines can be seen.

The Rising Sun Empire advocates ghosts and gods, so the appearance of equipment has obvious traces of national conditions.

The Empire of the Rising Sun loves white, and its power combat uniform is painted in white. Its helmet is different from that of the Sauville Empire and its allies. The helmet of the "Imperial Warrior" is more representative and is a hideous mask of ghosts and gods.

In "Ayre", the "Imperial Samurai" of the Rising Sun Empire is also called "Onimusha".

Its hideous mask of ghosts and gods makes the "imperial warrior" look fierce.

Walking on the side of the street, looking at the figures lined up on the street, the four of them couldn't help but stare at them.

I was also slightly surprised in my heart. All along, in the information of the Heroes Association, it has been emphasized that the First Army has advanced electronic technology and weapons are very unique.

Now that they saw it with their own eyes, they knew what was different.

The equipment was not ordinary armor, it was obviously more advanced power armor.

There are also those huge war machines, the "guards" commonly used by different humans, their multi-section tracked behavior mode, and heavy armor, as well as the sturdy barrels, inferior appearance, obviously not good at fighting in the forest, It is specifically designed to deal with human cities.

In the direction of the weapon, people can already know the wolf ambition of the First Army.

Thinking of this, the four of them proceeded quietly.

Their goal is to enter the city and search the town first.

Today the four people are fully armed, although they are still dressed, they all wear their own weapons.

As women, the two women are not weaker than men in terms of strength, and they have extraordinary strength under the strengthening of their strength.

The general weapons of martial artists are swords and knives. Claver in a blue dress is good at making knives, and a long knife with a sheath is hung around his waist, while Arran in a brown leather skirt is good at making swords. , Carrying a big silver sword behind his back.

As for Jack and Eagle, their weapons are not knives and swords, but gloves and daggers.

What Jerry is good at is strengthening his strength, his body is extremely flexible, and his ghostly speed is hard to defend against. Once he holds a dagger, he is like an assassin in the night. Once he takes a shot, he will kill him.

Although Iger looks like a young man, he is good at barbaric momentum. When "Jin" is released through his fists, it will make him look like a barbarian, with unmatched power.

"The army of the First Corps is indeed extraordinary. I am afraid that any country will not be too comfortable facing its military front. This time the South China Sea battle, the Association wants to resolve it quickly as it has always done, and I am afraid it will not be what it wants."

While walking, watching the army lined up on the street, Claver said.

Iger couldn’t say anything to Clive’s words. He looked confused and said: “I don’t know where the First Army came from. It has such a large army. If the Association does not understand the First Army I’m afraid it’s wrong to start a war bravely against the background."

"Regardless of the background of the First Army, the Association will not be afraid of any powerful enemies in all parts of the world. Don’t forget that behind the Heroes’ Association are countless human powers. No matter where they are, the Heroes’ Association can quickly The formation of an army, this kind of huge consortium, is definitely not a force that can be matched by one force. Even if the war with the First Army falls to a disadvantage, it will be temporary. Do you think the First Army has the hope of winning?"

Jerry on the side looked indifferent and said coldly.

Although Jerry was also surprised by the strength of the First Army, he did not think that the First Army had the ability to challenge the Heroes Association.

In a sense, the Heroes’ Association represents the entire human race.

Jerry couldn't think of anyone who could defeat the behemoth of the Association of Heroes.

In Jerry's view, this is absolutely impossible.

"Okay, stop these unnecessary arguments, don't you think we have enough trouble right now?"

Yalan's words left everyone silent, walking silently on the road.

At this time, the end of the road was almost here, and after the fog, the walls of the town were blurred and visible.

The four of them didn't stop, and they left the port straight away, disappearing into the mist.

When the figures of the four disappeared into the fog, on the other side of the street, Sakiya's sight was recovered from the place where the four disappeared.

When the four appeared, Sakiya found out.

It was just because of the fog that the four of them did not notice Sakiya's presence in the army.

When her eyes were drawn back, Sakiya opened her mouth slightly and gave the order.

"lets go!"

A few simple words is an undoubted command.

With an order, behind Sakuya, several sergeants turned and left, rushing into the mist.

Not long after, with the roar of the "engine", the mist-shrouded harbor rioted again.

On the street, tsunami tanks started their engines, their huge metal bodies trembling slightly.

When the tracks suddenly stopped, tsunami tanks moved on the road, followed by imperial warriors in a line.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines, and the sound of "clank" footsteps, the army began to move towards the town.

The road underneath is not smooth and bumpy, giving people a shabby feeling.

The army marched all the way, when it broke through the fog and came down to the town.

The dilapidated city gate and the decayed city wall came into view.

The small town of Lasva in the mist looks dilapidated and old, with traces of time left everywhere on the city walls.

It seems that the town’s decision-makers have not taken care of the city walls.

This also fully shows that before the devil appeared, the town of Lasva had no external enemies.

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