Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 812: Strong breath

It happened too suddenly, and I don't know if I was surprised by the gunshots approaching. The three monsters that looked like statues under the huge boulders in the square suddenly made a move that surprised the four.

Because the sight was blocked by the fog, the four people did not know the details, but from the outline, they guessed something.

A monster snarled up to the sky, and the sound was not only huge and full of penetrating power, but also caused the turbulence of the fog.

The huge roar sounded like a strong wind to disperse the fog, leaving a blank area within a few miles of the town.

When the fog is gone, everything becomes clear.

It's just that the sky is still muddy, shrouded in mist, and the only thing that becomes clear is the world around the central square.

The fog on the square disappeared, and the four also saw the shapes of three monsters under the huge boulders on the square.

Even though they had seen various forms of demons, the four of them showed incredible expressions for the forms of the demons on the square.

They have different shapes, but they are all very large, with the smallest being four meters in height.

Under the boulder, they stood side by side. The one on the far left was a chubby guy. He had a huge belly, short hands and legs, and a terrible head on his shoulders, with long fangs and the most terrifying. Five senses.

It has no fur on its whole body, as if it had been peeled off, it was brownish red.

Although it has a human form, it is the most terrifying form of the human form.

On the right is a non-human monster. It looks like a bug, a fat, huge bug. The huge round body is like water, and the surface is like a wave, trembling.

Although the body is fat, it has a fading like a centipede, which allows its fat body to leave the ground slightly.

Its body is also brownish red, like skinned muscles.

It looks terrifying from the outside, but what is even more terrifying is that there is a female head on the front end of its insect body.

The head was disheveled, with human facial features, and a tyrannical aura exuded from his eyes. The blood-red pupils just looked at it from a distance and made people shudder.

And standing in the middle is a giant, a giant with a very uniform body. Among the three demons, it is the tallest and most human-like.

It is like a big man with a beard and disheveled hair. He wears a torn cedar, his feet are bare, and his skin looks like a human. It is yellowish and covered with tiny spots. Under the black hair is a pair of huge pupils. Exuding scarlet eyes.

In terms of posture, it resembles a human being, is the most terrifying, and its breath is also the most powerful.

It is nearly six meters high and looks like an ancient giant. The most terrifying thing is that in the right hand, it also holds a black stone sword.

The stone sword is thick and big, with the shape of a sword, but it looks like a stone rod.

It is the only devil holding a weapon.

The "roar" just now came from its mouth.

The roar was very interesting. The mist that was blown away no longer condensed, and solidified outside the circle, as if there was a transparent wall blocking the entry of the mist.

Looking at the three monsters in the square, feeling the aura far more powerful than before, the four of them had some doubts about the decision just now.

The four people on the roof also stepped back cautiously, hiding behind the roof to avoid being spotted by the monsters.

"We look down upon them. These auras are comparable to elite-level monsters. The First Legion will fight them head-on, and they will definitely suffer heavy losses. If they are allowed to slaughter the soldiers of the First Legion, we will turn a blind eye. The cooperation with the First Legion may It's hard to maintain."

Behind the roof, Yalan said in a low voice.

It seems that the role of the mist is not only as simple as obstructing the line of sight, but also the ability to attenuate the breath.

Otherwise, the four of them had been able to discover the true strength of the monster's aura just now.

As a result, the wrong decision was made.

Arran's words left the three of them silent.

They can't make a decision immediately on what to do now.

Do it now?

Get rid of them before the troops of the First Legion arrive?

This is not an easy task. If the decision is wrong, this mission may fail.

"They are very clever, knowing that their size is not suitable for fighting in narrow streets, so they are waiting, waiting for the opponent to enter the square, once we go out, they will stare at us, once the battle begins, even if the First Army arrives, I can only watch from the side, because the guns are ruthless, their assistance will disturb our fighting rhythm."

Speaking of this, Jerry said solemnly: "Faced with these three monsters of unknown strength, we may also be injured. We must think about how to make decisions. My suggestion is to not affect the final outcome of The war, we should leave here. As for the cooperation with the First Army, it is dispensable at this moment. Once the war here is over, the First Army must suffer heavy losses, and the search for the other three towns will slow down. During this period of time, there is enough time for us to search the three towns in advance."

go away?

Everyone looked at each other, the expressions on their faces changing.

Although such a decision is somewhat unreasonable and will damage the reputation of the Heroes' Association, there will be a war between the Heroes' Association and the First Army, and it cannot be overstated against those who are about to become enemies.

Moreover, their practices and agreements do not violate, but they are just a little bit morally uncomfortable.

"They are here!"

At this time, Claver reminded in a low voice.

Because of Claver's reminder, everyone had to let go of their hearts and focus on the street behind them.

When everyone turned their heads and looked at the street behind them, the troops of the First Legion were emerging from the mist one after another.

At the junction, dense white figures stepped on "Zhengzheng" footsteps as the armored machinery was slowly advancing, one after another surging out of the fog.

In front of the army, the wild figure is no longer there, and the weak monsters are wiped out in the mist.

The sound of guns in the town was slowly subduing, and it was not far from the end of the battle.

The disappearance of the fog made the soldiers walking on the street a little curious, and they couldn't help looking at the sky and the surroundings.

When looking forward, on the square outside the street, the three huge figures under the boulder made the "Imperial Warriors" breathless.

"It seems that some ghosts and gods in the empire, there are such species in this world, they must be very dangerous."

"Nonsense, how can such a big body be not powerful? We must treat it with caution."

"It would be great if there was a ghost king mecha, these evil things can easily be eliminated."

The discovery of the giant devil made the frontline troops of the First Legion aroused.

Even some frontline sergeants held their breath, the expression in the helmet was very solemn.

That huge figure, just a huge and terrifying appearance, can make people feel scared.


When the army on the street reaches the street exit, take a few more steps, and the square is outside.

At this time, an order rang.

Amid the harsh "brake" sound, the advancing troops stopped at the exit of the street.

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