Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 820: God?

At this moment, there was another change in the square.

The black power of death emerged from Sakuya's body, floating in the air like a burning flame.

In the hood, Sakiya spoke slightly and sang in a low voice.

The voice is low and the speech is unclear, it is a very strange rhythm.

The spells of magic need to be guided by the rhythm, which is the so-called spell.

In the low voice of singing, Sakuya is undergoing amazing changes.

The black power of death gathered towards the top of her head behind her, and a huge black robe phantom gradually formed.

If anyone had seen Li Meng in another form, he would know that it was exactly the same as the phantom behind Sakuya.

Suddenly, the low-pitched singing stopped abruptly, and in his hood, Sakiya looked at the demon who was rushing over.

Everything happened in an instant, and the devil was also very close to Sakuya, less than twenty meters away.

At this distance, Sakiya could even feel the heat wave from the devil.

Sakiya raised her right hand to the devil rushing and stretched out one.

And the black robe phantom behind her made the same action, extending a bone hand from the phantom black robe, and the bone fingertips pointed at the oncoming devil.

"Reaper pointed!"

With a soft drink, the power of death surged, like a tide, rushing to the black robe and pointing, gathering between the white bones.

The black gloom flashed, and a gray-white gloom blasted out from between the white bones of the phantom.

The grayish white light seemed to travel through the space, flashed through the air, and hit the burning chest of the devil.

This blow was inevitable, it was too fast, and it was too fast for people to react.


The devil who was hit by the death god's finger, ran a few steps wildly, and after letting out an angry roar, his huge body came to an abrupt halt and fell to the ground.


The huge body, the black stone rod fell heavily to the ground.

The devil who fell to the ground was extinguishing the flames of lava on his body, disappearing like a receding tide.

The scarlet pupils were wide open, but at the moment they were pale.

When the fire-colored lines on the devil's body disappeared, the huge body of the devil seemed to burn, slowly turning into ashes.

First, the skin burned, exposing the huge skeleton, and then the skeleton burned, just like the muscles of the skin, turning into a little spark.

It seems magical, but it is very ordinary, because this is returning to the origin and giving back "power" to nature.

Whether in the demon, or the devil, or their undead clan, when they die, they will return to their origins and turn to ashes, giving back their respective powers.

In the huge square, the huge devil is disappearing.

When the last ashes disappeared into the sky, Sakiya was the only one standing alone in the huge square.

In the confrontation with the devil, it was undoubtedly Sakiya who won.

Although the battle against the devil is over, for those watching the battle around the square, the indiscriminate whispers in their hearts cannot be calmed for a long time.

what is that?

What is that huge black robe?

It's too simple to destroy the devil with just one finger.

As soon as it appeared, even if it was just a phantom, the air between the heavens and the earth seemed to become sticky, and the consciousness was trembling, making people feel a sense of fear.

It’s not just the four people on the roof, the army on the street, the "imperial warriors"

We are also quite curious about the phantom that appeared behind General Sakiya.

It is too real, it may be just a phantom, but it has a strong sense of existence, which no one can ignore.

Is this the "Reaper" that the First Army will believe in in the future?

For a time, a lot of voices appeared in the army on the street.

In the square, when the devil turned into ashes and disappeared, the black robe phantom behind Sakuya also gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared completely.

The power of death surrounded by Sakuya also poured into his body as the black robe phantom disappeared.

When everything subsided in the square, the purge of the town of Lasva can be said to have ended.

When the devil on the square died out, the fog outside the square also changed.

The originally static fog suddenly surged, quickly filling the blank area around the square.

In a short period of time, fog once again enveloped the square.

The world became gray again.

It's over, it's finally over.

Looking around the gray square, even if it was Sakuya, my heart couldn't help but relax.

Although the cleanup of the small town of Lasva is only halfway through, since it has arrived here, the other half of the town is certainly not a problem.

Raising his right hand and reaching into his hood, Sakiya opened the communicator that was temporarily closed by his ear.

He gave an order, saying: "Continue to clean up, and end the battle in Lasva town before night falls."

With an order, the army waiting on the street continued to move forward with the roar of the "engine". A long line poured into the square and then drove out from the other side of the square.

Under the illumination of the car lights, the huge square was in riots, and an army was advancing in the fog.

After giving the order, the petite figure on the square saw the figure flash, and it rose into the sky and disappeared into the mist.

When the petite figure in the square disappeared, the four people behind the roof on one side of the square withdrew their sights.

The expressions of the four people at this time were unpredictable, and in their pupils, the expression of horror was very obvious.

Eagle looked solemn, and said in a solemn voice: "You have also seen the scene just now. The "power" system possessed by the First Army is unusual. I don't know what that phantom represents, but it exudes power. It’s too intimidating. We can feel a very obvious pressure from afar. Its existence must be no small thing."


There is no God in this world. Even if there is a "god", it is a God that mankind is willing to believe in, not a true God. God does not exist, but only a yearning and belief in the hearts of mankind.

Even though the phantom had put a lot of pressure on the four of them, they did not think it was a "god".

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