Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 823: Part ways

From landing in the small town of Lasva to leaving, the First Army only took three days.

After dealing with some post-war matters, on the third day, the army of the First Army began to withdraw from the small town of Lasva.

The morning should have been quiet, but the pier shrouded in mist was boiling.

On the pier, a huge steel hull stood on one side, and countless white figures lined up along the tower board to board the troop carrier.

On the shallows on both sides of the wharf, in the mist, many hulls were floating, and tsunami tanks roared toward the sea, towards the floating shadow of the ship.

"The army is withdrawing, and it is expected to be able to board the ship in five hours."

In the harbor, on a road, beside the huge armored command vehicle, several figures stood tall, watching the army marching from the street beside him.

In the fog in the inland direction, the dense figures seem to be endless, coming out of the fog continuously.

"Zhengzheng" footsteps and the roar of engines are the only melody in the port.

In the standing figure, Sakuya's slender figure suddenly appeared in it.

Beside Sakiya is Yamada Jiro and some senior sergeants.

Looking at the army marching from the road in front of him, Jiro Yamada said to Sakiya.

It's been three days.

The real battle was over on the first day, and the next two days were a full search of the small town of Lasva.

After all, no one can guarantee that there will be some "hidden" places in the small town of Lasva.

Perhaps in those hidden places, there are surviving human beings.

It turns out that the First Army thought a little too much.

Although there are many cellars in the small town of Rasva, those cellars are not "hidden" places.

Although some "humans" were found in the cellar, they are no longer "humans".

It seems that even if he is hidden underground, he cannot escape the fate of being corrupted by the devil.

In short, under the invasion of the devil, the town of Rasva was wiped out and there was no survivor.

In the hood, Sakuya looked indifferent, and the incident in the town of Lasva was a big event for humans.

But it was not enough to cause a sensation.

Only tens of thousands of people, the human beings living in this world are living under the threat of polluting beasts every day.

All over the world, humans die every minute and every second, let alone a town, even if a city is destroyed, humans will not be too surprised, because the harsh environment has made them understand how to accept, and the death of life is also Numb.

Speaking slightly, Sakuya asked, "Which town is the next target?"

Hearing General Sakiya’s question, Yamada Jiro immediately said: "Corao, it’s the small town of Corao. This town is the closest to Lasva town, about two hundred kilometers away. If the fleet can Departure and expect to arrive in three days."

Three days?

The time is not long. If you follow the current schedule, it may take less than a month to complete the current cleanup task.

It seems we have to hurry up.

In the hood, Sakiya thought secretly.

Wei Wei retracted her gaze from the army moving ahead, and Sakuya said to Jiro Yamada: "Hurry up, you can speed up a little while sailing, but you must ensure absolute safety."


Sakiya's words made Yamada Jiro's eyes brighten and he responded loudly.

The previous speed was too slow, and it made people feel irritable.

Although absolute safety can be guaranteed at that speed, being too careful will undoubtedly take more time.

If the speed can be increased, the sea fleet between the towns will be able to cross faster, and the cleanup task will be completed faster.

Although the mist has enveloped everything, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner in the pier covered by the mist.

When the army of the First Legion was boarding the ship on the dock, in the sea away from the dock, the iron-clad ship of the Heroes Association was mooring quietly on the sea, waiting for something.

On the hazy deck, four figures are looming, and a trace of voice is echoing in the mist.

"The fog does not affect the transmission of the signal. The situation here and some discoveries of the First Army have been notified to the association. The association clearly stated that the statue of the devil must be taken back anyway. As for other things, we do not need to Intervene, such as "First Army"."

Eagle's words changed the expressions of the three of them, thinking about something secretly.

The order of the association is very simple, the ultimate "purpose" is the statue of the devil.

The devil statue is the most important thing.

And the last supplement is like a reminder to them.

Jerry on the side said thoughtfully: "It seems that the association has made up its mind to intervene in Bentley's affairs. If it is outside, the association will fight with the First Army, and we will continue to stay with the First Army. Not suitable."

Yes, Jerry's words silenced everyone.

Although they are getting along well with the First Army now, they are not in conflict between the two sides.

Once outside, the association fought with the First Army.

Can this kind of good relationship atmosphere be maintained?

Maybe it can, but the possibility is undoubtedly very small.

Looking at Eagle, Arran said calmly: "Then what do you say we should do? Parting with the First Army?"

Parting ways?

Arran's words made everyone ponder for a while, thinking about the possibility of this matter.

Feasible, completely feasible.

Clive nodded and said: "This is feasible. Lasva is the first goal of the First Army. The second goal is not difficult to guess. It must be Corao, the nearest town to Lasva. As long as we Get here first, we can take the lead in searching the remaining towns before the arrival of the First Army."

The words were paused, and Claver continued: "You also know that in order to ensure the safety of the First Army's fleet when sailing in the fog, it sails very slowly. This will undoubtedly waste a lot of time, but the First Army The slowness of the fleet is an opportunity for us, which gives us enough time to find the incarnation of the devil."

"Clevel is right. This should be possible."

As soon as Clive's words fell, Arran nodded in agreement.

To be able to find the incarnation of the Demon God faster is the most important thing for the four.

Because the sooner you find it, the power of the Demon God Incarnation will not become too strong, and it will be easier for the four to fight.

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