Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 838: see once

"Regarding the latest decisions of the Heroes Association, Members must report to their home countries in time. Okay, this is the end of the meeting. For the future of mankind and for mankind to regain lost ground, you must do your part."

In Keos' concluding remarks, the meeting was over.

The convening of this meeting is undoubtedly of great significance.

This is not just a meeting of the Heroes’ Association to change its strategic policy, it will also affect the peace of the entire East Asian region.

Before war and peace, the Heroes’ Association chose peace, and this choice is beneficial to most people.

When the Heroes’ Association held a meeting to change its strategic policy, the First Army, thousands of miles away, was preparing for war.

The dark green fleet of Bentley, the white fleet of the Nansha Islands, and the silver-grey fleets of the three overseas countries of Austria. Their missions and main attack directions are all serving the entire strategic policy of the First Army.

In the South China Sea, the First Army is gearing up to prepare for war.

Bentley Country, Amway City.

While waiting, the one-month deadline with the Resistance is approaching.

It is precisely because of the agreement with the Resistance that although the First Army is unstoppable in Bentley's homeland, there are only two cities under its control, one is Amway City and the other is Bali City.

Except for these two cities, the other fallen towns are all under the control of the Resistance.

It stands to reason that the sovereignty of the cities should be recaptured by the First Army one after another.

However, the army of the First Legion did not have the slightest intention of marching towards the fallen town.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Bentley’s rebels want to use the first legion to bring Bentley back to life, but the rebels did not expect that due to the unexpected intervention of the Heroes’ Association, for Bentley’s first legion, the first legion has no forcible claims. Seeking ideas.

In Amway City, an office in the City Hall.

Natasha, wearing a black armor, sat behind her desk, with a thick pile of documents in front of him.

In the system of the First Army, documents are outdated.

Due to the existence of the data terminal, any documents about the data are transmitted through data.

These documents are not from the First Army, but from the fallen towns of Bentley.

The Resistance Army is very interesting. Although they control many towns, they don't think they are the masters of those towns. When maintaining the order of the towns, they will also report to the real master of the First Army.

Natasha didn't mean to browse the stack of documents in front of her. At the moment, she was looking at the palm computer in her hand intently, checking the changes in various systems within the First Army and the situation in Bentley.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just then, the office door was knocked.

Hearing the knock on the door, Natasha did not lift her head, and subconsciously said, "Come in!"

With Natasha's permission, the door was opened, and a dark green figure walked in.

At the desk, the mobilizer stopped. He raised a military salute and said: "General! There is news from the headquarters."


Upon hearing this, Natasha withdrew her gaze from the palm computer in her hand.

How can she not know what the headquarters represents? Of course, it is "Nanlin Island", the base camp of the First Army.

In the hood, Natasha looked straight, and there was news from Nanlin Island, which must be a response to her request.


Although it is only one word, it is enough to represent Natasha's urgent heart.

The soldier said: "This is an order, an order issued by the commander himself. The commander requires the general to follow the previous order without error!"

The soldier's words disappointed Natasha. Although the answer was expected, Natasha also thought about the possibility that the master would agree.

As a frontline commander, she is unwilling to retreat on the superior battlefield. Once she evacuates, the sacrifices of the subordinates who fell in the previous battle will be meaningless.

Although I don't know why the master gave such a strange order, the order is an order, and for Natasha, she can only follow it.

"I understand!"

The master's meaning is already very clear. For Natasha, the only thing that can be done now is to follow the order.

Third-party forces have not yet appeared, and even if they want to withdraw, it will be a matter of future.

The situation on the battlefield is unpredictable, and Natasha does not think that evacuation is the only option.

As the battle situation changes, the evacuation order may change again.

Now, for Natasha, in addition to observing the master's orders, she has to act on the fly.

In Natasha's wave of hands, the reporting soldier left.

When the figure of the soldier just walked out of the door, another figure appeared at the door, waiting at the door.

"General! I have something to report!"

The familiar voice made Natasha look up at the door.

Although the soldiers at the door were shrouded in dark green power combat uniforms, Natasha knew who the people were inside.

It's Yevrich, a tenth-level sergeant.

A long time ago, Jevric was stationed in the fleet. After the situation in Amway settled down, Natasha removed him from his post and arranged him by her side to assist her with matters on land.

"Come in!"

In Natasha's cold words, Jevric entered the door.

When he came to the desk, Jevric said: "General! I am already a little bit eye-catching about what you told me. Although the target has not been captured yet, I already know where she is. Should I be arrested immediately? "

Natasha did not answer Jevrich’s question immediately, but just asked: "Do you know her identity?"

Yevrich said: "Her surname is Li, and her name is Yanran. She arrived at Bentley with an airbus a month ago. During this month, she had no permanent residence in Bentley, wandering everywhere, and traveled everywhere. In the cities of Bentley, according to the information we found, she should be looking for something."

how should I do it?

Catch her?

The reason?

No matter how arrogant the First Army was, it would not arrest an innocent person for no reason.

Natasha noticed her because of a chance encounter.

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