Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 853: Right and wrong

The other party's refusal so cleanly made Eagle a little surprised.

He quickly added: "This matter is just a convenience for you. In this battle, a hero was seriously injured and needed timely treatment. The medical level on board our ship is limited, and the way back is far away. Indefinitely, therefore, I would like to ask you to take care of the badly injured hero temporarily. Of course, this is not free. We will pay double the medical expenses. Please allow your permission!"

It turned out to be this...

Iger's words let Sakiya understand the purpose of the people on the screen.

It seems that the hero was seriously injured, otherwise his companions would not seek the help of the First Army.

"General! This is not a big deal, the general can choose at will."

At this time, Yamada Jiro on the side reminded Sakiya.

In Yamada Jiro's view, this incident is only an extremely small matter.

Healing a hero is only a matter of General Sakiya's sentence.

Sakiya didn't think much about this matter.

Sakiya gave the answer in the eyes of Iger's expectation.

"Yes! I grant it."

As soon as this was said, Eagle on the screen was relieved.

He said gratefully: "Thank you very much for your help, I am grateful!"

"Get ready to move the wounded!"

After saying this faintly, Sakiya nodded gently to Yamada Jiro.

At Sakiya's signal, Yamada Jiro quickly waved to the correspondent.

The screen flickered and the connection was terminated by both parties.


Although the contact has been terminated, Eagle who got the answer looked relaxed, and he couldn't help taking a deep breath.

With a satisfactory answer, Iger left the cab.

Next, the only thing he needs to do is to transport Arran, who was in a coma, to the fleet of the First Army.


The flame is dancing, the town is burning.

In the waves of shelling by the First Army Fleet, the town of Corao has been enveloped in flames.

Countless thick smoke billowed, intertwined with the fog.

The flames soaring into the sky reflected red for half of the horizon.

The uninterrupted shelling lasted for several hours. During these hours, the First Corps poured over 100,000 shells into the small town of Corao.

The small town of Corao has been completely destroyed in wave after wave of bombing.

The only thing left is a piece of burning debris.

When the last wave of shelling ended, the surging sea gradually calmed down.

On the mist-shrouded sea, when the shelling was over, the huge fleet began to retreat and move in another direction.

Regarding the situation in the small town of Corao, the First Army did not check the results of the shelling.

There may be surviving demons in the small town of Corao, but their existence is trivial.

Without sufficient numbers, without the interference of the devil's consciousness, they can't get through the sea, they can only wander there day and night.

From now on, the Nansha Islands will become a dead place, and the existence of demonized people is inevitable.

As long as the number of them is controlled within a certain range, the existence of the demonized is also a great help for the First Army.

In this mission, the biggest enemy is the incarnation of the devil. As long as you find it and eliminate it, the threat of the devil will naturally disappear.

The biggest goal has long been locked, and the next battle is much simpler.

"Let's go! Our mission is over. The devil of the Nansha Islands can only be solved by the First Legion. That general is not an ordinary person, and she also has a powerful army, no matter how powerful the Demon God is incarnate Under this powerful force, it can only be eliminated. I believe the riots in the Nansha Islands will soon be subdued."

In the fog, the fleet of the First Army is leaving.

On the deck of the Iron Armored Ship of the Heroes Association, two figures were watching the departure of the First Legion.

In the mist, that piece of ship's shadow had long since disappeared, and the only remaining trace was the faint engine roar.

Withdrawing his gaze from a distance, Eagle couldn't say anything to Jerry beside him.

No one can deny the power of the First Legion that the riots in the Nansha Islands will be subdued sooner or later.

The First Army has this ability, and Eagle does not doubt it.

No matter how powerful the Demon God incarnation is, how can it resist such a powerful fleet?

In the bombing not long ago, Eagle saw the powerful firepower possessed by the Fleet of the First Army. Under that kind of blow, let alone the devil, even the "apostle" of the source of disaster, I am afraid. Can also be repelled.

"This journey back is a bit difficult. When we return to Kyoto, we won't be greeted by people's cheers, Jerry, you have to be prepared.

Glancing at Jerry beside him, Igel said lightly, then turned and walked into the cabin.

To Eagle's words, Jerry looked calm and followed behind him silently.

How can he not know this?

The success of the mission is just a small matter.

A task will fail if it succeeds.

Although their heroes are the best among mankind, they are also the strong ones among the capable, but sometimes, the powerful force will not become the evidence to complete the task.

If the mission fails, the heroes will be punished, but the punishment is acceptable. What is lost is only some political benefits and some names.

But the passing of the hero is a major event.

Although there are many heroes in the Heroes’ Association, since the establishment of the Heroes’ Association, only a handful of heroes have been sacrificed due to missions. In the past few decades, only a dozen heroes have been sacrificed due to missions.

In the eyes of ordinary people, heroes are powerful, as powerful as gods, and the passing of every hero will cause a sensation.

In this battle with the devil, Claver died in the battle and Arran was seriously injured. When they relayed this news back to Kyoto, they did not know how big a sensation it would cause.

The two of them must be the first to bear the brunt, because only the two of them are still alive.

Sometimes, right and wrong are not clear, no matter what to face, Jerry is already prepared.

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