Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 856: War is about to start

When the messenger of the First Legion left the hall, the hall fell into a strange silence.

The ministers were thinking to themselves, the expressions on their faces were uncertain.

At this time, no one dared to stand up and say the first sentence.

Because the first sentence is likely to affect the fate of this country.

In the end, King Ferrandis broke the silence in the hall.


The old king is calling for someone.

Facing the king's call, Yellance stepped out and said, "The minister is here!"

Looking at His Royal Highness Yellance, Ferrandis said solemnly: "The war is coming. It is time for the Rangers to regain their full strength. You are solely responsible for recruiting new recruits."


Yellance responded loudly.

Nodding lightly, Ferrandis looked around at His Royal Highness ministers and said: "During the war, all departments are centered on the army, and the army must be allowed to fight without scruples."

"Immediately announce that the city owners are ready to evacuate civilians at any time. Once fighting occurs, the evacuation of citizens will be given priority."


The ministers responded in unison.

The answer has appeared, and the king has made a choice. For the Kingdom of West Asia, it is now only waiting for the arrival of war.


The weather today is fine, cloudless, and the sea is calm.

In the rippling sea, on the endless calm sea, a huge fleet is floating quietly at this time. The huge and dense silver-gray ship shadow stretches across a large area of ​​the sea, giving people an infinite power.

Just after noon, an iron-clad ship appeared from a distance and entered the fleet.

Flagship, heavy cruiser bridge command room.

"General! The envoys of the Yasi Kingdom have returned, and they have completed their mission."

The news came suddenly, which also surprised Tan Ya.

Time is a bit fast. It took only more than ten days from the departure from Nanlin Island to the present.

In these more than ten days, the mission has completed its mission, which is not unpleasant.

After all, the time required to travel to a country will never be short.

"What is the result? Is it a fight or a peace?"

The general's question caused Davis, who was standing straight to the side, to say solemnly: "War!"

One word is enough to express the answer brought back by the messenger group.

On the captain's seat, Tan Ya sat upright, her expression in her hood lost in thought.

That being said, has war been declared on the Kingdom of Assi?

For this mission, Tan Ya understood very well.

For the three overseas countries of Austria, the First Army is inevitable and fights if there is no peace.

The envoy country is unwilling to compromise, and the First Army can only use war to achieve its goals.

Turning his head slightly, Davis looked at Tan Ya on the captain's seat and said, "General! Is the fleet heading for the Yasi Kingdom? Set off now, and you will be able to reach the waters of the Yasi Kingdom tomorrow morning."

"It's not the time yet. We need to wait for news of the other two countries' envoys."

The strength of the First Army is limited, and it is impossible to attack the three countries at the same time.

In this way, it becomes very important who attack first.

The criterion for judging the highest priority target is the news brought back by the mission.

The smooth return of the envoys of the Kingdom of Assi did not mean that the other two envoys would be equally smooth.

Once something happens, the fleet is the biggest backing of the envoy.

After thinking about it, Tan Ya continued: "The surveillance of the Yasi Kingdom can be withdrawn. Strengthen the surveillance of the Dengsha Kingdom and the Danlan Kingdom, and keep an eye on the conditions in the cities of the two countries. The contact with the mission can not be interrupted. , You must report to me immediately."

The time is almost up, the Yasi Kingdom’s mission has ended, and the missions of the other two countries will not be too late. In Tanya’s view, at the latest tomorrow, the answers of the other two countries will appear.

"Yes! I immediately strengthened my manpower and increased surveillance of the two countries!"

The only thing left is to wait.

Sitting quietly, Tan Ya looked out the window unconsciously.

Outside are the towering ships, and the endless sea.

Tan Ya's thoughts drifted far, far away.

Unconsciously, it has been half a year since I came to this world.

During this period of time, many things happened and I changed a lot.

Tan Ya thought of the commander, who is also her current master.

"The change is really big!"

Thinking of this, Tan Ya sighed involuntarily.

Since the Battle of Qingcheng, the commander unexpectedly disappeared, and a month later, when the commander appeared again, everything changed.

Under his request that seemed like a love word, Tan Ya couldn't refuse at all, abandoned her body and became the existence he wanted in his heart.

This is not a dream, everything is so real.

Tan Ya felt the changes in her body and the stiffness of her consciousness.

The worries of being a human have disappeared, and now she only lives for him.

"When can I go back?"

The figure that suddenly appeared in her heart made Tan Ya's heart stand out.

She wanted to go back, back to the person, just looking at him, she was already satisfied.

But she also knew that she could not, could not be so willful.

Her current identity is not only a woman who longs for "love", but also the leader of an army and a general.

She has responsibility, and at the same time, she doesn't want to disappoint him.

Suppressing the impulse in her heart, Tan Ya opened her mouth slightly in her hood, and took a breath from her ruddy mouth.

I had to hide the figure that emerged in my heart temporarily.

"How would they... choose?"

Looking at the line of sight out of the window, Tan Ya looked far, far away, as if crossing the space, looking towards the place he wanted to see.

While waiting, time is passing.

In this world, no one will become the center of the world. At every moment, every minute, every second, different things are happening all over the world, and everyone is experiencing different things at the same time.

Some people are repeating what they do every day, while others are facing life and death choices

In the three overseas countries of Ogeria, in this remote area, something difficult to choose is happening at this time.

The envoy of the First Legion declared war on the Kingdom of Assi. This incident cannot be concealed, and it soon spread to the ears of the other two countries.

Facing the decision of the Asi Kingdom, the Dengsha Kingdom and the Danlan Kingdom's response methods can be said to be the allies of the Asi Kingdom.

After they summoned the envoy of the First Army, they expelled the envoy of the First Army in the name of the enemy.

So far, in this small place, the First Army has declared war on three countries.

The war is about to start...

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