Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 865: Sewer

In response, Yalan smiled blankly, not caring about it at all.

She never thought that anyone could fascinate her, and she never wanted to find a partner in the past.

How can she care if she can't have children.

Speaking of the trauma of her lower abdomen, Yalan remembered the scene before she lost her memory.

She remembered that she was fighting the devil.

What was the result of that battle?

"Get a good rest! Don't worry about your teammates. Two of them seem to have already left. Now you are on the flagship of the First Army Fleet. Your teammates entrusted you to us."

The first legion?

She is on the flagship of the First Army?

But in the next moment, Arran was faintly bright.

It seemed that she was seriously injured, otherwise Eagle would not ask the First Army for help.


Where's Clive?

The fragment that emerged in the memory silenced Yalan.

She remembered very clearly that before she went into a coma, she saw the fallen Clive.

I must have...

Are you really embarrassed?

Looking at the pure white ceiling unconsciously, Yalan showed a wry smile with irony.

Four heroes were defeated by a fallen one.

Death to death, serious injury to serious injury.

Although there have been many deaths, Yalan is still a little sad about Claver's death.

Without disturbing the sad Yalan, the medical officer left silently.

"Oh! Is she awake?"

The news of Yalan's awakening quickly reached Sakiya's ears in the bridge command room.

Sakiya was slightly surprised that Yalan woke up so quickly.

Although martial artists are different from humans, they still belong to humans from the root. They have the same weakness as humans, that is, their fragile bodies.

This fact cannot be changed even if it is made up with "jin".

Without paying too much attention, Sakiya looked out the window again.

The outside is still foggy, and everything I see is blurred.

Only the power of ships and the sound of rippling water are the only melody in this mist.

The fleet is sailing...

The mission of this voyage has been half completed, and the next step is to find the statue of the Demon God in the last two cities to restore the Nansha Islands to normal.

At least let this fog disappear.

It covers an area too wide. If it is left alone, the fleet of the First Army will not be able to sail freely in the South China Sea, and many routes will be interrupted.

From beginning to end, the purpose of the First Army was clear.

The South China Sea is the back garden recognized by the First Army. It is impossible for the evil species of the devil to appear in its back garden. Even if the price is high, the devil must be eliminated.

"Are there any messages from Qingcheng?"

Looking at the mist outside the window, Sakiya asked Jiro Yamada who was standing by without taking his gaze back from the window.

It's been a long time since I received any news from Nanlin Island, which made Sakiya a little concerned.

Faced with Sakiya’s question, Yamada Jiro asked: “The fleet has gone deep into the center of the mist. It will take some time for the transmission ship to find the fleet. Please rest assured, the general. Although the three fleets have already gone out to fight, the defense of Nanlin Island It is not weak enough to withstand any foreign enemies."

The communication inconvenience is really troublesome.

Sakiya at this moment deeply felt how important free communication is.

Without the ability of long-distance communication, many things will become extremely troublesome. For troops fighting outside, once they leave the mainland, they lose contact with the mainland.

The transmission of commands can also become an extremely time-consuming task.

Sakuya thought of the Quantum Communication Tower.

The time is almost there, and according to the construction schedule of the Quantum Communication Tower, the day to completion should be approaching.

As long as the main tower of the Quantum Communication Tower is completed, the secondary tower as a relay station for information transmission will be much simpler. By then, the First Army will quickly enter the age of information, and the problem of remote communication will naturally disappear.

Speaking of Nanlin Island's defense, Sakuya really cared a little bit.

Today, most of the troops of the First Army have gone out to fight, leaving only a small part of their troops stationed on Nanlin Island.

Although there are hyperspace portals, troops can be recruited from Al at any time.

But the recruitment of the army takes time, after all, "Al" needs some time to prepare.

There is also money. Sakiya knows that the current First Army is extremely lacking in terms of finances.

It’s not enough to recruit an army.

In terms of warfare, although the First Army fought three-way, the only source of money was Bentley. The battlefields in other directions, the war between the Spratly Islands and the devil, and the war with the three overseas countries of Ogeria, these two battlefields They are all large consumers of money, especially the war against the three overseas countries of Austria. Once the battle starts, a steady stream of logistics is needed to maintain the consumption of the army. That is a large consumer of money, and the money needed is inestimable.

Although she is worried about the safety of Nanlin Island, Sakiya also understands that she is in a war with the devil and cannot be anxious. Once she loses her square inch, this fleet is likely to be ruined in this misty land. in.

The only thing she can do now is to do her own thing and lead her fleet to get rid of the devil in the Nansha Islands. Only by doing her task well can she be the greatest help to her Highness.


It is humid and dark, and the air is filled with a foul smell.

The foul smell came from the unknown liquid in the black ditch. It was thick enough and disgusting enough.

Fortunately, the darkness hides its true colors, which makes Karina feel a little better.

But the pungent smell made Karina walking in the sewers unable to help but cover her nose.

It smells too bad, this is the most smelly place she has ever walked in her life.

On the walkway by the ditch, Karina walked slightly hard.

Karina's only fortunate thing is that fortunately, the sewer is the largest, and there is a place to go. Otherwise, if she is walking in the ditch, Karina is not sure she has the courage.

This is the only option, and Karina knows it well.

Melorka has been under martial law, the city gate has been closed, and a large number of soldiers are guarded. There is only one way to leave Melorka city silently, and that is the city's underground sewer.

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