Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 868: Unexpected choice

With a sigh of relief, Karina sat down with a relaxed expression.

With a good start, it is undoubtedly a lot easier for Karina.

Before coming, Karina's only concern was that the First Army would not recognize her identity.

The identity is not recognized, and whatever she does is redundant.

Well now, as long as she sits at the negotiating table, at this moment she has the qualifications to be equal to Yago.

After that, I worked hard.

When Karina sat down and looked at the two opposite people, Tan Ya calmly said: "You represent the Prime Minister Harandi who actually controls this country, and the other represents Princess Catherine, the heir to the "throne". Who do you represent? This is not my concern. Yes, what I care about is the final result. Within half a month, if your country cannot resolve internal conflicts, the First Army will conquer the Danlan Kingdom by force."

As soon as he said this, Yago looked excited. Half a month was enough. As long as he could go back, the royal family would soon disappear in this country.

After the royal family disappeared, the First Army can only cooperate with Prime Minister Harandi.

Karina, who was on the side, had a face, and she hurriedly said: "Your Excellency! Please also tell me the content of the meeting with the Yago messenger. I think I am qualified to know this."

"of course!"

Tanya cannot say anything to Karina.

Moving her gaze, Tan Ya said to Yago: "Emissary Yago! Please give the agreement in your hand to the emissary Karina."

Although somewhat reluctant, Yago also knew that he had no choice here, so he could only push the agreement to Karina on the table.

Picking up the agreement book on the table, Karina quickly read it.

The agreement is very thick, but the important content is in the first few regulations, and the latter are complicated supplements.

In silence, Karina quickly learned the specific content of this agreement.

On the bright side, this is a traitorous agreement. Once signed, the Danlan Kingdom will become a subject of the First Army.

But in the same way, this agreement is also very tempting and it is impossible to refuse.

For weak countries, this agreement may be an opportunity, an opportunity to become stronger.

Seeing the fleet of the First Legion, and personally experiencing the power of the First Legion warships, Karina has no doubt that the First Legion does not have this ability for all the temptations in the agreement.

I closed the agreement in my hand and placed it gently on the table.

With a sigh of relief, Karina calmly said, looking at the strangely dressed person on the opposite side: "My lord! In the Danlan Kingdom, the royal family has supreme authority and is loved by the people. Although Prime Minister Harandi controls power, The public opinion of the royal family, cooperating with Princess Catherine, the people are more able to accept the rule of the First Legion. Princess Catherine is young and needs the assistance of the First Legion in political power."

Glancing at Yago coldly, Karina continued: "The Prime Minister Harandi is different. This person is not only the prime minister, but also the brother of the first king, but the brother who is trusted by the first king, for Right, but wanting the life of the only orphan of His Majesty the King. Cooperating with such a perfidious and ambitious person, can the First Legion rest assured?"

"Karina! You are slandering the Prime Minister!"

Karina's words made Yago angrily.

He hurriedly said to Tan Ya: "My lord! The Prime Minister is deeply loved by the people and will never do such a frenzied thing. Cooperating with your army, the Prime Minister is sincere and sincere. Your army has such a strong strength, how can the Prime Minister? Dare to betray the heart again?"

The fight for power?

Looking at the two people arguing on the opposite side, Tan Ya thought to herself.

Although among allies, political struggles are not uncommon.

But such a naked fight still surprised Tan Ya.

This also shows how bad the Danlan kingdom is now.

How to choose?

Tan Ya understands that she must make a choice between the two.

But who to choose?

In terms of immediate interests, it is undoubtedly wise to choose Prime Minister Harandi, because he controls the country. Once the agreement is signed, the Danlan Kingdom will soon be calmed down, but in the long run, control a man with ambitions It is not an easy task.

Although Tan Ya does not believe that this man with ambitions will cause too much trouble to the First Army, his existence is undoubtedly a time bomb. Maybe it will explode someday and will cause the First Army to get involved. All in a show.

Once betrayal occurs, the result is doomed to be bloody.

In the long run, choosing Princess Catherine is the most accurate. She is still small and easy to control. As a female, she will not be too outrageous due to her personality. However, once she chooses Princess Catherine, Dan I am afraid that the Kingdom of Lan will be caught in internal fighting, and the First Legion will have to provide some help to Princess Catherine.

Although Tan Ya didn't know the specific situation, he also guessed how bad the royal family's situation in Melorka was.

In that case...

Tan Ya looked at Yago in the expectant gaze of the two.

Said: "Yago messenger! You can leave now, and I hope that you won't be disturbed in the next meeting."

Tanya's words made Yago happy.

He looked relaxed and said happily: "Thank you for your trust, please rest assured, Lord Harandi will present a complete Danlan Kingdom to the First Army at the next meeting."

Taking a cold look at Karina, who was pale, Yago suppressed the urge to laugh in his heart, and once again gave Tan Ya a chest-covering ceremony, raising his head and leaving excitedly.

When he walked a few steps, he suddenly stopped, turned around and said to Karina: "Karina Interior Officer! You will not leave your master."

After speaking, Yago smiled slightly, turned and continued to take his footsteps.

Yago left, leaving in a happy mood with the agreement.

Only Karina was left with a sad look.

"Okay! The person who got in the way is gone, let's talk about our cooperation."

The sudden appearance of words made Karina's expression slightly stunned, and then she thought of something, her sad expression instantly turned into surprise.

She looked at Tan Ya in disbelief and said in surprise: "My lord! What do you mean..."

"You are right, I chose to cooperate with the royal family."

"But... why?"

Only about this, Karina was puzzled.

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