Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 888: terror?

In this world, the existence of magic is very vague.

Although the power of magic is used on the floating boat, the magic spar is also a kind of energy in the eyes of humans, but it needs a unique mode to operate.

For a long time, the First Legion has been curious about how humans obtain the magic spar, because in this world, the power of the elements is very weak, and the weak elemental power is not enough to form the spar. This has always been a problem for the First Army fan.

To solve the mystery, the First Army must connect with the human world.

To this end, the First Army is working hard.

Without thinking about it, Tan Ya said: "The Bus Association is just a commercial organization for passenger transportation, so you don't need to pay attention to those floaters."


Davis replied.

In the command room, Davis was busy giving orders.

Tan Ya turned on the screen in front of him and entered the data terminal of the First Army.

In the past few days, although the round-trip of logistics ships has slowed down, this does not affect the update of the data terminal.

Although it is thousands of kilometers away from Nanlin Island, Tan Ya is always paying attention to the situation of the First Army.

Everything is going well.

From the data on the data terminal, Tan Ya learned the overall situation of the First Army.

On the battlefield in the northwest, Natasha's army maintained the status quo, neither making progress nor retreating. The situation was not very clear. The main factor was still some external reasons, which made the "master" a little wary.

Heroes' Association?

External factors made Tan Ya think of this nosy organization.

Indeed, before leaving Nanlin Island, Tanya had heard something about the Hero Association.

The Heroes' Association seems very interested in the war in Bentley.

If this is the case, the owner's "cautious" is not surprising.

After all, the "soft power" of the Heroes' Association cannot be underestimated. Backed by the nations, this power is enough to threaten the "First Army."

As for the Nansha Islands...

Sakuya seemed to have some trouble.


Tan Ya frowned slightly, unexpectedly a devil appeared on the islands in the sea.

Such evil creatures are not easy to deal with.


Thinking of this, Tan Ya laughed blankly.

She is not qualified to say this.

The undead are also dark things and evil existences.

Although the master’s family is different from ordinary undead, the origin also belongs to "dark".

Although they live like people, it is because of the existence of the "master".

Tan Ya understands very well that whether it is a ghoul, a ghoul, or a ghoul, polarization is very serious.

They are just wearing a human appearance. Once they return to their true appearance, they will be more terrifying than any evil thing.

Tan Ya didn't care too much about the "devil" on the Nansha Islands.

No matter how strong the devil is, he cannot resist a fully armed army. Sacrifice is inevitable. No matter how bad it is, there is the backing of "Sakuya".

"Shi Ji" is a kind of dark creature specially created by the owner, and its main purpose is to use it for battle.

In Tan Ya's eyes, the owner is no doubt with the "god", how can the species created by God be weak?

How can it be weaker than the "devil"?

There is nothing to worry about.

"Well, is the quantum communication tower about to be put into use?"

Tan Ya found a good news.

The large quantum signal tower standing in Qingcheng has been completed, and it is now being debugged, and it will be officially put into operation soon.

Once put into use, Tan Ya knows what it means.

It represents that the First Army Corps is about to enter the era of informationization.

Once the communication between the signals is unimpeded, the military strength of the First Army will be greatly increased.

The three major military services, sea, land and air, will emerge as an organizational system.


For Meloka, today is destined to be an unusual day.

The pilgrimage that lasted for several hours ended before noon.

Compared with the confusion when they came, the ministers looked relaxed when they left.

In this court meeting, the fight for rights between the Yvesstein family and the "royal family" is over.

With the compromise of the Yevstein family, the "royal family" won.

Seven days later, on November 10, Princess Catherine will hold a ceremony to inherit the "throne".

Since then, the Danlan Kingdom has finally embarked on formality.

The outer hall of the "Royal Palace", in the meeting room.

As the living room of the "Royal Family", it is undoubtedly luxurious.

The furnishings are not only exquisite, but also rich in colors.

There is a soft carpet on the ground.

In a small space, purple wooden chairs are placed irregularly.

It looks a bit messy, but it also gives people a pleasing feeling.

In the main position, little Catherine is dressed in a white princess dress, with golden hair coiled on top of her head, and her hairstyle is extremely exquisite. She sits on a large seat with a dignified figure, and looks like a serious listener. She looked very petite and lovely.

Opposite her, Karina sat quietly, her face thinking.

And Harandy is teaching Catherine the first lesson.

"This meeting looks very smooth, but it will take some time to stabilize the "pain" caused by the previous struggle. Of course! This is not difficult. Time will kill all the "pain"."

The words were paused, and Harandi's expression was sinking, and said: "The important thing is the "vassals" outside, because the Danlan Kingdom practiced the system of enfeoffment, and the dukes in various places had great rights. When the first king was alive There is no doubt about the loyalty of the dukes, but now that your Majesty has passed away, once Princess Catherine succeeds to the throne, their loyalty will not be guaranteed."

Frowning slightly, Karina said, "Do they still want to rebel?"

Catherine also looked at Harandi curiously.

For Catherine, her world is in the small world of "The Palace", except for Harandi and Karina, as well as all the attendants, she doesn't know any ministers or vassals. Without the slightest cognition.

Shaking his head lightly, Harandi said with certainty: "No, they won't. I am not worried that they will rebel because they did not capture the "strength" of the capital in one fell swoop, but they gave orders to the capital. They will probably not execute it well, or even ignore it."

Harandy's words silenced Karina.

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