Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 899: God?

Li Meng's comfort seemed to make Chen Yan come back slightly.

Although there is no smile on her face, she is finally not so pale anymore.

Leaving gently from the broad chest, Chen Yan's white face was slightly timid.

She moved slightly, Chen Yan lowered her head and moved her hips, leaving Li Meng's arms.

When the body's fullness disappeared and became empty, Chen Yan hurriedly sorted out her messy dress.

She knelt on the ground, lowered her head and said: "Master! I'm gone!"


After getting the answer, Chen Yan quickly got up, lowered her head and walked away quickly.

When she walked, she was very flustered. When she left the pavilion and walked on the garden stone path, she staggered and almost fell.

When the panicked figure disappeared in the garden, Wendy looked back at the master beside her and said, "Master! You seem to scare her."

Yes, she did scare her.

Li Meng always saw Chen Yan's appearance when she left.

Li Meng shook his head helplessly, and said: "This body is a "spiritual body", a product of the fusion of the power of the soul and the elements. It has flesh and blood, and has the same structure as the human body. Eyes are the window of the soul, and my eyes are the source of the soul. Under the blessing of the power of the "mind", it will interact with the emotions in my heart, and inadvertently release an invisible "power" through the eyes. This kind of power has a shocking effect."

Wendy: "Master! Do you need me to help her?"

Li Meng waved his hand gently and said, "It's not necessary, it's not a bad thing for her. This state will weaken over time, and her spirit will be tempered in the process."


Wendy's expression was gentle and reminded: "For a long time, she will be very afraid of "Master" you, unless necessary, I am afraid that she will not come to the temple again, and the master will be very annoyed by this!"


There is something in these words.

Looking at Wendy next to him with a smile, Li Meng said: "The demand in that area is just a pleasure. Our "dead" people don't need these passions. Why bother with such a beauty as you?"

Wendy is not shy when it comes to teasing her host.

She just stayed so cute, she looked like this.

Immediately he denied the master's words and opened her mouth slightly. Wendy said: "In a sense, the master is not a "dead race", and the master does not have any characteristics of a "dead race", whether it is body or soul."

Looking at Li Meng, Wendy said seriously: "Although the master retains our emotions, these emotions have been hidden deep in our hearts, becoming numb and stiff. These emotions are only used when the master needs them. It will come out from the heart, and the master is different. The master has a complete "soul" and maintains the state of a "human". The body is not a physical body, but a "spirit". We are the resurrection of the dead. The "dead", but the owner is not. The owner is the creator of our "dead family", not the "dead family", but the creator "god", the "god" of the dead family."


Li Meng shook his head lightly, and said: "The creator is always "nature". Isn't my current existence and form created by nature? There is no real "god" in any world. , If there is, it will only be "nature"."

Li Meng considers himself a "God of Death" because of his control over the power of "Death Force".

With the power to control the power of death, Li Meng has the power of a creator.

Why not call it "Reaper"?

But Li Meng also knows himself.

Li Meng would not think that he truly became a god.

Because God does not exist, it should be said that the "true God" does not exist.

Whether it’s the “fierce beasts” on the earth, or the countless alien races in the world of Adras, whether they are undead or demons, their birth is not due to a certain “god”, but nature, because of a certain type of element. The product born or catalyzed by force.

Even the corpses and ghouls created by Li Meng, as well as ghouls, were created with the help of nature.

Therefore, there is only one true creator, and that is "nature".

However, Wendy was right.

Although Li Meng's current existence is like the consciousness of the power of death element.

But in a real sense, Li Meng is not a "dead".

Nothingness does not exist either.

Because Li Meng's body is now a "spiritual body", he can freely switch between entity and "spiritualization".

Once it becomes a spirit body, it will turn into a pure force of death. The force of death is an element. The element is invisible in the air and cannot touch matter. Of course, Li Meng in the spirit state Seeing the world is nothingness.

There is also the human body, although that body has reached the point where it is exhausted.

But the body hadn't really died yet, and it was sealed in the mirror by Li Meng with a breath.

In a sense, Li Meng is still "human."

"Okay! No matter what I am, I am here. I am your commander and master. I will accompany you through endless hours."

Although it was just a simple sentence, the women in the pavilion heard it as a kind of "love words" that made their hearts tremble.

Whether it was Wendy or the guards in the pavilion, the gaze of the figure on the seat became slightly soft.

Li Meng did not notice this.

Pick up the palm computer on the stone table.

Powering on, Li Meng entered the data terminal of the First Army.

The time has come to do business.

Mind moved slightly, Li Meng called out the "mastermind" that hadn't appeared for a long time.

"It's really rare. I thought that the master who fell into the gentle country had forgotten me a long time ago. Let me figure it out. The master is really capable during this time. Natasha, Wendy, Tanya, and Chen Yan have taken over. Oh, it's really rare, why have you forgotten the most beautiful Sakiya?"

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