Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 911: Consolidated Convention

Wendy was unmoved by Delcha's words.

She just said coldly: "In the previous meeting, the First Army had made it very clear that the war against Bentley will not stop for anyone. If your goals are the same as the last meeting, then No need to waste your tongue."

"No, no, Your Excellency Wendy misunderstood me."

Delcha quickly explained: "I am here this time with a heavy responsibility. The Heroes Association has no plans to intervene in the disputes in the South China Sea. No one is qualified to speak about the actions of the First Army in the South China Sea. The Association just hopes to be the first. The Legion can resolve disputes in the South China Sea as quickly as possible and restore calm to the South China Sea."

The words paused slightly, and his expression slowed, Delcha continued: "In the subsequent southern expeditions, the Association also hopes that your legion can contribute a little to bear some responsibility for the human family. Of course, this is not free. Afterwards, the First Legion will be recognized by the Heroes’ Association, recognized by the nations of the world, and the First Legion will be added to the "Unification Convention" and become a convention country."

Unified body convention?

Convention country?

Wendy's expression moved slightly. Wendy knew a little about the unified convention.

This is a world-class convention among mankind, and it was signed jointly by all the major powers in mankind.

Once you become a convention country, you can establish diplomatic relations with all convention countries and identify a series of agreements.

It can be said that this is what the owner wants most.

Because once it becomes a treaty country, the First Army can fully integrate into the human world.

There is also the Association of Heroes. If the Association of Heroes abandons intervention in the war in the South China Sea, this is undoubtedly good news for the First Army, and the subsequent battle will be much easier.

However, Wendy was a little bit confused.

Is the attitude of this hero association changing too quickly?

With a menacing appearance not long ago, the possibility of getting involved in the Bentley War was almost 100%.

Why did you give up suddenly?

Although wondering about the change in the attitude of the Heroes Association, Wendy nodded in Delcha's expectant gaze: "I "agree" on behalf of the First Army. During the Southern March, the First Army will perform its corresponding responsibilities, but Afterwards, the First Army must become a treaty country."

Wendy's words undoubtedly gave Delcha a sigh of relief.

Joining the Southern Expedition, this is not the courage of any country, because this is likely to be a journey that cannot be returned.

Moreover, the opponent is still a terrifying "demon", and this alone has made many countries flee.

Although many countries participated in this southern expedition, apart from the master’s cult empire, it is still unknown how much the coalition army can have.

The so-called righteousness, in the face of interests, is still too weak.

In order to reassure the First Army, Delcha promised: "Don't worry, what the Heroes Association said will never be taken back."

Speaking of this, Delcha thought of one more thing.

He followed closely: "In the three overseas countries of Austria, should the First Army stop its hands? In such a poor country and such a long distance, even if the First Army seizes this land, it is not easy to manage. "

Although the three overseas countries of Austria are close to the South China Sea, they are not close to Nanlin Island, probably not less than five thousand nautical miles.

Such a long distance, for any country, is beyond the management of such a large sea area.

The three overseas countries of Austria?

Wendy shook her head lightly and said coldly: "You are late. The Danlan Kingdom has become a subject of the First Army."

So fast?

Delcha was shocked.

Only a few days now?

It has only been more than half a month since the Heroes Association learned that the First Army had appeared in the three overseas countries of Austria. In such a short time, the First Army has captured a country?

This is too fast.

Delcha's expression fell slightly, and Delcha fell into thinking.

For a moment, Delcha's expression relaxed, and he looked up at Wendy, and said indifferently: "In that case, just take the sentence I didn't say. Originally, in the plan of the Southern Expedition, the three overseas countries of Austria can As an outpost of the sect empire, a transit place for logistic materials, if the First Legion controls this place, I believe that religious lunatics will no longer look at this place."

As soon as he finished speaking, Delcha regretted it.

The First Legion is a religious organization, and religious lunatics also include the First Legion.

After taking a peek at the slender figure on the main seat, Delcha let out a sigh of relief after discovering that she was not different.

The talks have come to an end, it's almost time to conclude.

Finally, Delcha said: "If your army still has worries, you can draft an agreement, and I can sign it on behalf of the Heroes Association. With this agreement, you and me can be at ease."

Wendy did not refuse.

Speaking slightly, Wendy said: "I will deliver the agreement to the villa where you live in two days at the latest. You can stay in Qingcheng temporarily these days."

Although the agreement is not too restrictive, it also depends on who it is.

If the target is a hero's association, the agreement will become a weapon for binding the other party.

Because the Heroes Association is the most face-to-face, and it also represents the major countries behind it, and it cares most about reputation.

Once the agreement is violated, the international prestige of the Heroes Association will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

The Association of Heroes will not do this kind of self-request.

Nodding lightly, Delcha replied, "Okay!"

Moving slightly, Wendy got up from the seat.

Just when Wendy was about to announce the end of the talks.

Eagle, who was next to Delcha, asked quickly: "Your Excellency Wendy! I wonder what happened to Arran's injuries? In the Nansha Islands, we entrusted her to General Sakiya of your army."

Wendy knew about this, because the data terminal recorded it.

In Eagle's expectant gaze, Wendy said: "Due to some unknown reason, we have lost contact with General Sakiya. We don't know what the situation is today."

Upon hearing this, Iger's expression changed slightly.

Did the fleet of the First Army encounter any danger in the Nansha Islands?

If this is the case, Aran may be in danger.

With a slight expression, Eagle said, "Is there any rescue operation in your army? Eagle is willing to go with him."

For Eagle, Arran can't do anything anyway, otherwise he will be in serious trouble.

Not only is his trouble, but the home country behind him will also be in big trouble.

When I think of Arran’s country, Iger feels a numb scalp.

For that country, even if you go for free aid, you will get a lot of trouble.

If Yalan was sacrificed, Eagle knew very well that the association would definitely use this opportunity to let his country assist Yalan’s home country, which would be regarded as a kind of compensation for Yalan’s sacrifice. This is the last thing Eagle wants to see Things.

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