Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 919: Angry Masseg

"General! Can the general think through the message from the instructor of the Resistance "Locks" before? Locks has sent three inquiries."

In the office, at the desk, Jevrich stood tall, looked at the figure sitting upright behind the desk, and asked.

This was the second time Jevric asked.

The first question was yesterday, and Jevric did not get an answer because General Natasha said it was under consideration.

However, today, General Natasha still did not reply to him.

The army has already set off. If the army is near the city of Marani, there are some things that need not be considered.

Looking up, Natasha withdrew her gaze from the palm computer in her hand.

Looking at Jevric at the table, he said, “We don’t know the details of the “revolutionaries” who suddenly appeared. It’s okay to agree to their conditions, because in the system of the First Army, there is The management of Bentley will only be handed over to the locals. This is easy to control. Even if a new regime appears in Bentley, it is understandable to give them a little "freedom" under the supervision of the First Legion, but we don’t have much time. , There are only three months. Whether they can hand over Bentley to us within three months is still unknown."

Yevrich had a different opinion on the words of General Natasha.

He said: "General! This matter is only good for us, there is no harm. Even if the revolutionaries cannot end the fighting within three months, the Bentley country at that time will be greatly injured by the "civil strife". , We can unite with the revolutionaries inside and outside. In this way, we will be able to quickly end the war."

"You are right, but everything is necessary and unnecessary."

Natasha could not deny what Yevrich said.

Because of this, she also thought about it.

"Does the general think there is no need to cooperate with the "rebel"?"

"Yes, it is not necessary."

Natasha said with certainty.

Natasha never considered the last three capitals to be an obstacle.

The only trouble is the battle in the city.

The three capitals of Bentley are no better than other small cities.

As a capital city, it has a vast area and a large population. If the enemy fights in a densely populated city, even the First Army will not be able to end the battle easily in a short time.

Moreover, fighting in a densely populated city can easily injure civilians, and once too many killings will lead to hatred.

This is what the First Army does not want to see.

Although the rule of "alien" requires armed suppression, but with less bloodshed, the control of the First Army will undoubtedly be much easier.

"General! Although it is not necessary to cooperate with others with our strength, the battle will always bleed. Those soldiers are also flesh and blood and have relatives. If they die under our guns, the hatred of their relatives will be put first. The Legion, but if we die due to "internal fighting", our First Legion will be able to stay out of it. Even if Bentley is ruled by the First Legion, the hatred of civilians towards the First Legion will be greatly reduced. For the Legion, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to Bentley’s rule in the future."

After his words were slightly paused, Jevric continued: "The generals can make an appointment with the "revolutionaries". If they cannot resolve the battle within the stipulated time, the First Army will join the war. Of course, this condition will also change. , And then "cooperate with them" to end the war in Bentley."

After a little thought, Natasha decided to adopt Jevric's suggestion.

As Jevric said, if the "killing" in the hands of the First Army can be reduced, it would be worthwhile to do more seemingly troublesome things.

Natasha: "To reply to "Locks", it is said that the First Army agreed to cooperate with the "revolutionaries", but the battle must be ended within two months. If the "revolutionaries" cannot end the battle within the specified time, The First Army will launch an "offensive."


Holding the military salute, Jevrich responded.

When putting down his hand on his forehead, Jevric asked again: "General! Is the army recalled?"

Natasha spoke slightly, saying: "No, coming to the city is also a strategy. For the "revolutionaries" in the city, our presence will also relieve a lot of pressure on them. If things change, the First Army can join at any time. fighting."

Jevric: "I understand."

"Go, let the "revolutionaries" in the city seize the time to act, they don't have much time."


Once again raised a military salute to Natasha behind the table, turned around, Jevric left, and strode towards the door.

When Yevridge left, Natasha temporarily gave up going with the army.

If the army is just "soldiers under the city," she doesn't need to direct the battle herself.

While there is still time, she must record the current situation of Bentley in the data terminal, so that owners who are thousands of miles away can also know the changes in Bentley's situation at any time.

Time is passing, and the new changes of the First Legion can't hide too many interested people.

Marani City, in this large city, with the new changes of the First Army, the military forces in the city also became tense.

On the tall city wall, soldiers can be seen walking everywhere.

The guards were like turrets, nesting on the city wall, and the stubby barrels pointed directly outside the city wall.

On the Liancheng Highway in the south, it is the main target of surveillance.

Because once the First Army attacked Marani City, there was only one way to go.

Outside the city, the Liancheng Road, deep in the forest, everything is normal and quiet as usual.

But in the city, a storm is brewing.

Early in the morning, before the morning fog in the forest outside the city cleared, a meeting was being held in the military commander's mansion in Marani City.

The Commander’s Mansion, this is the residence of the commander and the center of power in Marani City.

It has different functions and is also heavily guarded by Marani City.

"Asshole thing, at this extremely critical moment, there are still people absent. It's damned."

In the huge conference room, under the gaze of everyone, Messeger was roaring, with a rather angry expression.


Amidst Messeg's angry roar, one person hurried over.

"My lord! What do you want?"

Messeger said angrily: "Who are absent?"

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