Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 927: Smooth exploration

"Has the devil been wiped out?"

Sakuya remembered the battle at sea ten days ago.

Not to mention the pirate ship, the fleet also destroyed a floating ship.

Maybe the devil in the small town of Moygo was on the floater, and the floater was destroyed. Of course, the devil could not survive.

Of course, this is just a guess, a possibility.

Whether this is a real answer or not, it is enough for Sakiya to get the answer right now.

"General! The mine is in the end. After some searching, nothing was found except the corpses all over the floor."

Behind Sakuya, the fog was disturbed, and Shinno appeared with a few soldiers and came to Sakiya's side.

"Since nothing is found, let's go."

While speaking, Sakiya reached out and picked up the statue on the stone.

It seemed to be an illusion. When Sakiya picked up the devil statue, the flow of mist seemed to speed up a lot.

Sakiya didn't pay much attention to this subtle change, but turned and walked in the direction of when she came.

This mine is already decayed, it would be unwise to stay here for a long time.

Although Sakuya, who is the "dead," even if trapped here, he still has enough time to wait for rescue.

But the imperial warriors who followed her into the mine didn't have this ability. Once the mine collapsed, even if they could survive, they couldn't last too long.

In this remote place, even for the First Army, it would take more than half a month for rescue equipment to be in place.

In the mist, the figure shook, and the imperial warriors scattered around the mine began to gather at the passageway, and set foot on the way back one by one.

The road to come is not easy, and the road to go back is of course not easy.

"General! Look, these corpses don't seem to "burn" anymore."

I don't know when, the burning corpse on the ground has stopped burning, the white "spark" on the corpse has disappeared, and the billowing gray mist no longer rises from the corpse.

Sakiya also noticed the changes in the passage.

It seemed to be an illusion, and the fog that permeated the potholes became lighter and lighter.

"Let's go!"

The footsteps did not stop.

Half an hour later, at the narrow tunnel entrance, Sakiya was the first to walk out of the tunnel.

Behind her are a group of imperial warriors.

So far, after several hours of exploration, this exploration mission has been completed.

In the open space in front of the mine entrance, Sakiya stopped and turned to look at the mine.

While playing with the devil statue in his hand, Sakuya said to Xin Ye, who was on his side: "I will give you a task."

Holding the military salute, Xin Ye quickly said: "General! Please speak."

Looking at the mountains of corpses in the clearing, Sakuya said, "Burn these corpses. As for the corpses in the them."


Xin Ye responded.

Turning around, taking another look at the dim mine cave, Sakuya turned and walked outside the forest.

The return journey was smooth. Before arriving at the port, a new phenomenon appeared in the air.

The feeling in the mine is not fake, the fog is dissipating, and it dissipates extremely fast.

When I left the mine, the fog was still quite dense. In less than an hour, when Sakiya returned to the port, the fog in the sky had become extremely thin, and everything in the world gradually became clear.

"It seems that the general's trip went very smoothly!"

When Sakuya returned to the bridge command room, Jiro Yamada, who was in charge of the overall situation in the command room, hurriedly greeted him.

On the captain's seat, Sakiya sat down gently.

For the words of Yamada Jiro next to him, Sakiya said coldly: "It's very smooth. This trip has solved the biggest problem right now."

"Oh? But it has something to do with the disappearance of the mist?"

Yamada Jiro has been watching the change in the fog outside.

The change is too fast, and the dense fog is dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Thinking about General Sakiya's trip to the mine, Yamada Jiro has a guess.

The disappearance of the fog outside must have something to do with General Sakiya's trip to the mine.

Without explaining too much, Sakuya just took out the devil statue and put it in his hands.

"This is the devil statue?"

Yamada Jiro was slightly surprised. If this thing is found, this trip to the Nansha Islands can also be said to be over.

As for the last town of "Dun Mo", it is much easier to clean up.

Putting away the devil statue in his hand again, Sakuya said: "The order is passed on, and the army will immediately withdraw from the small town of Moigo, and the next stop is "Dunmo Town"."

The mist is dissipating. Once the mist is completely dissipated, the fleet will be able to sail at high speed on the sea. Although the last town "Dun Mo Town" is far away, it will not take too long to arrive.


Holding the military salute, Yamada Jiro responded loudly.

It's finally over...

Looking at the thin mist outside, Sakuya secretly said in his heart.

For this mission, Sakiya can say that he wants to end faster than anyone else.

In the Nansha Islands, she stayed for too long.

Before she knew it, she had already left her Highness for almost a month and a half.

Although it was not long, it was too long for Sakiya.


Nanlin Island, temple, courtyard.

The restoration of communication, the connection of signals, many things, Li Meng can learn in the first time.

The only difference from the past is that in the past, when Li Meng wanted to know the situation in various places, he needed to enter the data terminal to check and find it, but since the main brain has served as the "intelligent brain", he does not need Li Meng himself. Once you find it, as long as you think about it in your mind, the mastermind will immediately appear and tell Li Meng what he wants to know.

In the secluded courtyard, on the large seat, Li Meng lay lazily.

Several blue rays shot down from the top, forming a three-dimensional image in front of Li Meng.

A person, a virtual beauty.

That is the main brain, and it is also the so-called "intelligent brain", a kind of intelligent "AI".

She looked at the person in the chair quietly, as if chatting, and whispered: "Sakiya should be back soon. With her, the master will not be so boring."

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