Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 963: Underground trip

Coming to the edge of the tiankeng, Li Meng looked down at the depths of the tiankeng.

There was no wind, no sound, only the pale green gas rising slowly.

Behind Li Meng, in the helmet, Darley's expression stopped.

It's too dangerous. The position of the commander's station is too dangerous. If you step forward, you will fall into the dark abyss.

But thinking of the commander's purpose this time, Darrey couldn't say what he wanted to say.

This time the commander came here, what purpose Darrei knew.

The commander will go to the ground himself to investigate the situation of that strange creature.

This matter caused a lot of commotion in the First Army.

All the senior sergeants did not approve of such adventurous behavior by the commander.

Although the sergeants of the First Army knew that the commander had extraordinary abilities, it was still too dangerous to go underground alone.

Even General Natasha, who was outside, expressed opposition and contacted the commander personally, wanting the commander to give up this risky behavior.

But it was useless. In the face of opposition from everyone, the commander did not change his mind.

Turning around, Li Meng looked back and looked at Sakuya.

In Sakuya's worried gaze, Li Meng smiled lightly.

"I'll be back soon!"

When these words were spit out, Li Meng standing on the edge of the tiankeng, his thin body fell backwards.

Under Sakuya's startled gaze, Li Meng's figure slowly fell into the sinkhole and disappeared into the darkness.

The departure of Li Meng caused Sakuya's expression to change slightly, and he hurriedly came to the Tiankeng.

Looking down, there is no sign of His Royal Highness, only the deep darkness.

"General Sakuya! Commander, he..."

The practice of jumping directly off the tiankeng shocked Darrei.

There can be more than 100 meters deep below, if ordinary people jump down, there is no possibility of survival.

But thinking of the commander is not very human, and the commander must have self-confidence in doing so. Darri, who thought this way, relaxed a lot.

The sound in her ear made Sakiya breathe out slightly.

His Royal Highness has already left, and now she can only wait peacefully in Qingcheng.

Suspending the worry in his heart, turning around, Sakuya walked out.

As she walked beside Dalari, her voice rang.

"After your Highness returns, immediately report to me!"


The wind was whistling, the surrounding environment was pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Although Li Meng was head down when he jumped off the sinkhole.

But soon after entering the sinkhole, Li Meng adjusted his posture.

After just a few breaths, Li Meng, who was falling free, reached the bottom of the tiankeng.

Darkness is not an obstacle to Li Meng. For any "dead race", the external vision and "senses" will not be affected by darkness.

At the bottom of the tiankeng, in the darkness, Li Meng's falling posture stopped abruptly and lightly touched the ground.

The bottom of the tiankeng is still empty, a cave with a relatively rugged terrain.

Standing on a raised rock, Li Meng patrolled all directions in the dark.

There is only one channel, and Li Meng does not have many choices.

The figure flashed, Li Meng on the rock disappeared, turned into a sharp arrow and disappeared in the cave.

The underground space can be under ten thousand meters. If you explore it unhurriedly, how long will it take?

Li Meng did not have so much leisure.

The mission this time is very clear. At this time, Li Meng will not have a leisurely heart.

How fast is Li Meng's speed?

He is not running, but flying.

If someone was in the cave, when Li Meng flew past him, he could only feel a gust of wind blowing by, and he could not see Li Meng at all.

The scenes on both sides are constantly passing backwards and quickly, and the line of sight ahead is narrow and wide. Whenever encounters a narrow place, it gives people a feeling of about to hit, but whenever this happens, Li Meng will adjust Direction, or let the body temporarily incarnate and pass through obstacles.

In the rapid flight, the dark passage suddenly hummed, it was a strong wind raised at a very fast speed, the sound went from far to near, and then from near to far.

Suddenly, Li Meng's figure paused during the flight, and the speed slowed down.

Before a fork in the road, Li Meng stopped.

In front of Li Meng, there are two ways.

All are downward, one narrow and one wide.

how to choose?

Perhaps these two roads will eventually lead to the underground space, or perhaps one of the two roads is a dead end.

There are all possibilities.

In thinking, Li Meng looked to the ground, as if looking for something.

For a moment, Li Meng seemed to have an idea and looked into the cave on the right.

The figure flashed, Li Meng's figure turned into a "sharp arrow" and disappeared into the cave on the right.

In the following journey, Li Meng encountered countless forks and dead ends.

Whenever he encounters a dead end, Li Meng's expression is very indifferent.

He will arrive in the underground space sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.

Although the terrain in the underground cave is complicated, for Li Meng, he will never get lost.

Because the places he walked were all the places that strange underground creatures passed.

Li Meng followed the trail of strange creatures to identify the direction, so it is impossible for Li Meng to get lost.

Under the ground, the deeper you go, the more natural risks.

Along the way, Li Meng encountered countless cracked Grand Canyons.

Faced with this situation, if you don't have the ability to fly and have a strong jumping ability, it is quite difficult to get over it.

Even with the ability to climb steep mountain walls, the time it takes is unimaginable.


In the darkness, the voice of the wind suddenly sounded.

I saw a black shadow flashing past, disappearing into the darkness with the howl of the wind.

Suddenly, in the narrow passage, Li Meng's galloping figure stopped abruptly.

The end of this cave has come.

Before the exit, Li Meng's figure appeared in the darkness.

At the foot is a rock protruding outwards, and below is an endless space.

Looking forward, the line of sight suddenly became wide, with a faint light.

"There is such a beautiful place!"

What he saw in front of him made Li Meng's expression stunned and amazed.

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