Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 978: Become stronger

When they looked at the camp, they saw the queen's quiet gaze.

Seeing the tiny black figure in front of the queen, their faces were happy, and the sound of footsteps became soft.

Golan even came to the main seat and looked at the master in front of the queen.

The other banshees sat on the floor, sitting on the blankets on both sides.

In the strong gaze of Ai Moore, Golan had to press his heart's impulse and sit in the nearest deputy.

Looking at the master in front of the queen, the banshees' eyes were very light.

The war is coming, although they are very anxious, but at this time, they also know that they should keep quiet.

How could Li Meng know the arrival of the banshees.

He just closed his eyes and did not fall into a deep sleep.

If he falls into a deep sleep, waking up is not a day or two.

Li Meng also knew that now is not a time to rest, there are too many things to do.

Eyelids moved slightly, Li Meng opened his eyes as Aimore watched.

When I opened my eyes, what reflected in my pupils was the pair of huge mountains and the huge and beautiful faces.

"Master! You are awake!"

The owner's eyes opened, making Ai Moore happy, and quickly whispered.

Li Meng still enjoyed the softness behind.

Leaving slightly, Li Meng left Ai Moore's embrace and stood up.

After the master left, Ai Moore also stood up.

Looking around the camp, Li Meng glanced past the golden figures.

Counting Ai Moore, there are a total of thirteen figures, and the banshees have all been counted.

In the end, Li Meng's eyes fixed on Golan.

"Goran! Come to me."

Li Meng knew the name of Golan.

Although no one told him, her sisters had called her in the previous battle.

The master's cry made Golan stunned, facing the sight that looked at him, Golan quickly stood up.

Leaving from behind the table, Golan came to the master, half kneeling on the ground.

Although he was half kneeling, Golan's posture was still much higher than Li Meng.

Looking at Golan in front of him, Li Meng took out a gold ring from his sleeve.

The golden ring is very large, the surface is extremely smooth, and it seems to have radiance swirling around.

what is this?

Looking at the golden ring in his master's hand, Golan was very puzzled.

Very beautiful, the golden luster is so beautiful, just one glance, I got the love of Golan.

The banshees in the camp also looked at Golan enviously.

The ring in the owner's hand was obviously to be given to Golan.

In Golan's puzzled gaze, Li Meng said calmly: "I said, I will give you "strength", a powerful "strength", stretch out your hand."


Golan smiled and stared at the gold ring closely.

This is power?

In a look of longing, Golan stretched out his left hand.

Left hand?

Why is the left hand?

Glancing at Golan's empty right hand, Li Meng said nothing.

Perhaps it is because of habit.

If the ring stays on the right hand, there may be some inconvenience when holding a weapon.

Seeing Golan's extended left hand, Li Meng was a little embarrassed again.

The hand of the banshee is no different from that of a human being, with five fingers in total.

Which finger is the gold ring on?

After hesitating for a moment, Li Meng smiled dumbly.

The banshee is not a human being, so why should I care so much?

Holding the ring, Li Meng put it on the **** for Golan, the size just right.

As soon as the golden ring was put on, Golan's face changed.

At the same time, the golden ring on the **** suddenly burst into golden light.

Under the golden light, Golan's body was instantly shrouded in golden flames.

Especially the pair of wings, the golden feathers seem to be burning, coated with a layer of golden streamer.

The billowing heat wave broke out around Golan's body, and the heat of the heat wave twisted the air.

Looking at the "Golan" who looked like a golden **** of war in the camp, the banshees had already been stunned by that powerful power.

Even the queen on the main seat has an incredible face.

But Li Meng, who was originally in front of Golan, had already stepped away and retreated.

In the corner of the camp, Li Meng looked indifferent when looking at the mighty Golan in the camp.

In indifferent, there is also a trace of ugly.

Just now, when Golan's body burst out, Li Meng originally wanted to use mental power to isolate the heat wave and the surging golden element.

But it was useless, and the spiritual shield collapsed when touched. Fortunately, Li Meng responded promptly and evacuated quickly.

Otherwise, the spiritual power covered by the body will also be destroyed. At that time, the rich golden elements in the camp, plus the ring in the sleeve, once contacted with the power of death, the power that bursts out is unimaginable, and the entire holy land may be More than half was destroyed.

Although Li Meng, the power of death, can be absolutely controlled, he cannot effectively control the golden element Li Meng. The mutual restraint of attributes will cause intense conflict between these two forces.

In the instinctive rejection, Li Meng only needs to release a little death force, which is enough to arouse the riot of the golden element.

At that time, it will be out of control.

Some trouble...

Looking at Golan who was still unable to control his own strength in the camp, Li Meng sighed in his heart.

Li Meng was not worried about Golan, but himself.

In the previous casting of the ring, the mental power was overused.

This made Li Meng's mental power present a state of "weakness".

In this state, mental power has lost its original role.

This means that for a long time, Li Meng should not use his mental energy to act cheaply.

This is the price...

In his heart, Li Meng sighed helplessly.

When casting the crystal ring, Li Meng knew that his mental power would be exhausted.

This is the price, the price cannot be avoided.

At this time, new changes appeared in the camp.

I saw the golden flame burning on Golan's body jump slightly, gradually dimmed, and retracted into his body.

When the heat wave disappeared and the brilliance dissipated, the camp finally returned to calm.

In the camp, Golan stood blankly.

She stared blankly at the gold ring on her left middle finger.

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