Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 983: The flaws of the banshee

Li Meng spoke slightly and looked indifferent. While looking into the distance, he said: "This "power" is called "Holy Flame". It does not come from me, but from the "Holy Tree". You can adapt to this "power" "The reason is also here."

Holy flame?

From the "Holy Tree"?

The words of the master made the group of banshees suddenly realize that even Ai Moore was also clear.

No wonder the sisters can adapt to "Holy Flame" so quickly.

The words paused slightly, and while the banshees were watching, Li Meng continued: "Whether it’s the Golden Winged or your Banshee-winged people, there are "sacred flames" hidden in their bodies. It is only due to some kind of congenital defect. As a result, you are unable to use the "sacred flame" in your body, and what I have done is just to make up for your "defect"."


This makes the banshees very curious.

What is the flaw that prevents the Golden Wing Human Race from using the "power" hidden in the body?

"Master! What flaws exist in our family?"

Compared to the curiosity of the banshees, Ai Moore is worried.

If their family has this congenital defect, doesn't it mean that they are a poor race?

Li Meng smiled slightly at the appearance of Ai Moore's worry, and comforted: "It may be wrong to say "defect". Any race has strengths and weaknesses in the development of the brain. In terms of spirit, your race is weaker than most. The intelligent race of the sages, this may just be evolutionary and imperfect. With the passage of time, this defect can be solved naturally. In the final analysis, the discovery and use of the "sacred flame", your family has not yet reached the point. It’s just the mental strength needed."

So this is ah.

The banshees finally understood.

It turns out that they are not smart enough to make use of their hidden "power."

If Li Meng knew what the banshees thought in their hearts, they would probably haha.

In Li Meng's eyes, the banshees are not stupid, and the Golden Wing human race has nothing to do with "stupid".

Their wisdom is comparable to humans.

With his gaze shifting, Li Meng looked at Ai Moore next to him, and said: "All the rings contain my spiritual power. It can help you enhance your perception and use the "Holy Flame" unrestrictedly. This is unexpected." Power", how do you explain it to the people?"

It turned out to be like this...

The master's words, let Ai Moore finally understand.

Understand why the owner is so tired.

Although she doesn't know anything about spiritual power, Ai Moore, she also knows that excessive consumption of spiritual power will definitely cause some negative phenomena.

Secretly glanced at the little face of the master.

Although it was obviously exhausted before, Ai Moore knew that the master was only hiding the exhaustion.

From the eyes, Ai Moore can feel this.

how to explain?

The owner's worry is unreasonable, and the people of the tribe will certainly have doubts about the sudden "power".

A "sage" who is too unfamiliar is likely to arouse suspicion among the people.

Ai Moore looked at the sisters, and looked around them with his eyes.

Facing Ai Moore's gaze, the banshees looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

Li Meng knew the appearance of the banshees, he still had to pay attention to it.

Even if they had an idea in their minds, they wouldn't say it, because in their view, although their "power" came from the "sacred tree", they were bestowed by their master.

The sacred tree is the sacred tree, and the owner is the owner, no matter if the two are confused.

They respect the "sacred tree" and also respect the master.

Therefore, they would not come up with this idea.

Sweeping through the banshees, Li Meng said, "Let’s do a play! Under the "sacred tree", you get "sacred flame" in the eyes of your people and say that the "sacred tree" has responded to your prayers. , Gave you the "power" to repel the enemy."

At this point, the banshees looked at each other and whispered.

Goran looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

Only Ai Moore said hesitantly beside Li Meng: "Master! This is not fair to you."


Li Meng smiled dumbly and said indifferently: "You are the "Holy Envoy", the most noble being in the eyes of the Golden Wings. I am your master, but in their eyes, you will never be the same. The relationship between me is the secret between me and you. This secret must be hidden forever and cannot be known by a second outsider, understand?"


Even so, Ai Moore still feels something wrong.

In this way, it is unfair to the owner.

The owner paid so much, but received no return.

Although the banshees didn't say anything, they all remained silent, and the expressions on their faces changed.

"Okay! That's it! The war is coming, and internal stability is the most important thing. If you get the blessing of the "Holy Tree", it will also increase the confidence of your people. In this war, our winning rate Will be bigger too."

Li Meng made the final decision.

Now is not the time to argue.

The timing is wrong, there is still time.

There is not much time left for them, maybe in the next moment, the army of the Golden Wing Saint King will appear in the distant sea.

The master's determination, Ai Moore can no longer refuse.

Can only respond: "Yes! Ai Moore knows what to do."

After speaking, Ai Moore turned his head and said to his sisters: "Let's go! Let's go back to preside over the "ceremony" immediately."

Looking back, Ai Moore knelt on the ground and said to the master in front of him: "Master! Please take your shoulders and let Ai Moore take you back."

Li Meng smiled slightly at Ai Moore's invitation, and instead of going forward, he took a step back.

"No need this time, go back! I'll be there later."

Isn't the host going with them this time?

The words of the master left Ai Moore for a moment, with some doubts in his heart.

I didn't think too much, I knew Moore loved the master's ability.

No one can stop the master where he wants to go.


Getting up, Ai Moore stood up from the ground.

Looking at the master, Ai Moore said: "Master! Then we will leave first."

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