Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1116: Einstein's Theory of Relativity

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At this time, the soldiers of the peacekeeping force shouted in excitement, rushing from left to right in Khaligard.

After seeing the small building ignited into the sky, the few southern officers and soldiers who were still struggling to resist were immediately frustrated, losing the last bit of morale to resist.

They didn't want to fight anymore and threw down their weapons one after another, or turned and fled, or raised their hands directly, surrendering to the opposing Lao He with a gray face.

After months of fighting, the scope of the battle spread throughout the south, and the morale of the proud elite fighters who had been famous in the world had long been wiped out.

Faced with a number of peacekeeping force corps more than ten times more than theirs, and a variety of advanced weapons, the Southern Army has been able to persist until now, and has exceeded their limit.

They are struggling to fight on, only because they are still on the verge of the last trace of disappearance. I believe that General Hadu, who is known for his wisdom and strategy, will use his superb skills to lead them out of the predicament as before. Even win.

In the minds of southern soldiers, General Haddou is good at making miracles.

Therefore, this is the only way to gritted his teeth and endured hard, gritted his teeth in the difficult siege battle.

And now, the skyrocketing fire shows that the general is dead, and the last trace of the soldier's heart is also shattered~!

Hardu is over, so is the Southern Army,

In despair, many people's faces were calm.

At this time, there was nothing left to struggle, they completely failed.

As for whether it is alive or dead, my own life can only be let go by God.

Dead, pulled down. At the time of the siege, many people didn't expect to survive.

If you can live, you're just taking another life for nothing, and it's God's blessing.

But the puppies of Lao He's army simply ignored it.

They saw that the enemy in front of them dropped their weapons, raised their hands and surrendered to themselves, and immediately rushed forward without taking care of them.

Seeing the soldiers of the Southern Army who surrendered in front of them blocked the way, be more rational and ordered the soldiers to drop their weapons and step aside, waiting to be dealt with.

Irrational and anxious, they punched and kicked, or even slashed with a knife, driving the Southern Army away and making a way out.

Immediately, the southern soldiers who had surrendered dropped their weapons one by one, raised their hands, and curled up on the side of the road. They were dumbfounded as they watched the old soldiers and soldiers roaring like a river, rushing past their sides and rushing. Towards the center of the city, he didn't even look at them.

From time to time, I heard the roar of an officer.

"Quickly, it's **** faster for Lao Tzu."

"Don't pay attention to these puppies."

"Slowly, the bounty will fly away."

This situation really made all the extremely depressed soldiers of the Southern Army feel both rejoiced and strange. In addition, they also felt a bit hurting their self-esteem.

The peacekeeping forces did not intend to slaughter them completely, but they did not put them in their eyes. They simply treated them as air, not the enemy they had fought for more than half a year.

It's a pity that no matter how fast the old and the troops run, they cannot go faster than the speed of light and let time flow back.

Therefore, when they came to Fenglin Garden one by one, panting like dogs, exhaling heat and panting. The soaring fire that ignited in that small building was already extremely blazing, making it impossible for people to approach it. It was impossible to extinguish the fire.

A group of veterans and army officers and soldiers could only watch, this exquisite building, which was originally in the city of Haligarde, which was one of the best in the entire south, turned into a mass of ashes before their eyes.

Looking at the scene before me, some people regret, some regret, some wailing, and some feel

Maple Garden, Amor, Hadu’s lair, here is the center of the southern regime, where officials and generals from the entire southern army gather here.

Countless military and political orders all came from here, conveying the will of General Hadu, the powerful military giant, to every corner of the south, driving this huge machine in the south, and embarking on the road of contending for world hegemony.

Its destruction also marked the complete destruction of the Southern Warlord Group headed by Hadu. .

General Hadu, who was once so powerful and so invincible, had the sword of Damocles, which had been hanging high over the Ruman Empire for decades, making them horrified every time they mentioned it, failed like this? Hadu was buried in the fire like this?

Some people sigh with emotion that war has never been a person's will. No matter how hard Hadu goes against the sky, he will eventually be defeated by the disparity of strength.

But more people are beating their chests and feet, crying bitterly: *, that **** dog thing is really not a thing~!

The character is extremely bad, it is just a super scumbag who eats in the pot and pulls the pot after eating.

Maple Garden, here is the mansion of Hadu, the heart of the Southern Army.

The whole south is rich in oil. This dog has scraped the land here for decades. There must be countless treasures at home. Legend has it that even the toilet here is pure gold.

Just think about it, how many good things are there~!

The men of our peacekeeping forces are all waiting for today, or why should we come thousands of miles away to maintain this peace?

Everyone thought that they would break Khaligard so that they could grab things here...Bah, baah, rescue various precious cultural relics, in order to return them to the hands of the people who originally belonged to them. Of course, a small amount of compensation can be properly collected in this process.

But... But this bastard, he burned all the fire~!

The antiques, treasures, works of art, gold, pearls and jade are all buried in the sea of ​​fire.

How embarrassing is this, how embarrassing is it~!

Not to mention, this is the last battle.

After this battle is over, everyone should pack up and go back to their hometown. There will be no chance to grab things again... Uh, it's time to rescue cultural relics.

Countless officers and soldiers were agitated and yelled at the Hadu family for being authentic.

You said that you are all dead. You shouldn't leave these good things to us for recycling. If they are burned out, Hadu will not be able to survive.

Everyone hurried over all the way. Tired like a dog, but they couldn't catch anything-the dog bit the urine bubble and was happy.

With so much effort in vain, who put it on? Who is not angry?

For a time, the screams of the Southern Tone-North Dialect rang across the sky.

The raging fire in Fenglin Garden burned until night before it went out. Hadu's mansion has been completely burnt to ruins.

When the fire was just extinguished, these puppies rushed in regardless of the hot residual temperature. Rummaging desperately among the embers that have not extinguished.

These puppies are not fools either. Even if something is painted or caught on fire, there is absolutely no rescue, and there is no way to find it if it is lost.

But things like gold and silver can’t be burned. Sometimes, it’s a little bit to be picked up.

Not to mention, everyone searched all over the city and didn't find Hardu.

Rumor has it that the dog stuff is in this small building.

Anyway, the Grand Duke said that Hardu's head was worth one hundred thousand gold coins. He didn't specifically indicate whether the head was full or burnt. As long as it is Hardu's head.

In order to find the corpse, to find things, the puppies are going crazy, turning around, not even letting go of any gaps. In order to compete for a place the size of a floor tile, they even have to draw their swords.

Early the next morning.

The sun rose slowly from the horizon.

Under the sunlight, the thin layer of frost covering the withered grass on the ground gradually began to melt, and the mist quickly dissipated.

Grand Duke Julian walked out of the camp, moved his body, looked at the city not far away, and then sighed in dismay.

In this cold weather, the exhaled air immediately turned into a white mist, which was extremely conspicuous.

I saw that the majestic city was now covered with the flags of Lao He's troops-the city was completely occupied by the soldiers of Lao He's troops.

The Grand Duke stared at Haligard, and suddenly shook his head, muttering: "Hadu just failed..."

General Hadu, this long nightmare hanging over the empire, shrouded everyone's hearts. The disgrace of the Ruman Empire just disappeared.

Like all great people, he has been aiming for defeating Hardu for many years, and he has been actively preparing for it.

But at this time, when he found that he had gone through hardships and finally achieved his goal, instead of the ecstasy of victory in his heart, there was some slight loss in his heart.

Now, although the goal was achieved and I should be happy in my heart, I found that because of this, I lost the motivation to continue working hard.

"*, what should I do next? Do you want to retire? Or go to fight Samarkand?" Just as the Grand Duke was caught in his middle-aged life crisis, thinking about his life plan, and muttering to himself. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps nearby.

Immediately afterwards, the stereotypical voice of the attendant next to him sounded, saying: "Great handsome. The entrance ceremony is ready."

The Grand Duke still couldn't get enough energy, he just gave a faint hum, and fell into thinking about life again.

When the attendant saw him, he was a little worried. This was already a victory. How could this uncle seem to be even more confused.

With such a wandering appearance, he is seen a lot in Lord Luo, especially in meetings, Lord Luolin gets distracted with his eyes from time to time.

But it was the first time to appear on the Grand Duke.

The attendant looked at the sun, it seemed it was too early.

For this ceremony, the Grand Duke had already set the score, and if it was postponed, it would be too inappropriate. Where are hundreds of thousands of people waiting for it.

Thinking of this, he didn't say much, he brought the war horse and let the Grand Duke ride on it.

Then surrounded by a large number of guards, he drove towards the distant city. At the same time, I secretly prayed to the God of Light in my heart, so that the Grand Duke would wake up when he entered the city.

But then, he found that the God of Light didn't seem to be at work today, and he didn't pay attention to his prayers at all.

Until not far from the city gate, the Grand Duke still looked thoughtful, absent-mindedly saying hello to the people around him.

The attendants couldn't help but secretly anxious: Now at the gate of the city, all the local dignitaries who are welcoming the Grand Duke, many of them are the southern nobles who have just surrendered.

This is when people are panicking. In order to quickly stabilize the situation, the peacekeeping forces can withdraw from the war smoothly and completely.

This will be the time when the grand prince needs to shake the tiger's body wildly, disperse the domineering aura, frighten those little ones, and frighten them with fear.

But the Grand Duke is so absent. If you say something wrong or do something wrong, the consequences will be very serious.

It may even cause the resurgence of the southern rebellion.

At that time, Laohe's troops will not organize hundreds of thousands of troops to help fight the war...

At this moment, I suddenly heard a loud and noisy sound of military music.

Perhaps the band is unprofessional, or perhaps the instruments are improvised and have not been checked at all... Therefore, under their performance, those music that should have been excited and cheerful, sounded like fifty pieces. The female cats of love scream together.

It was like countless sharp nails scratching on the bowl. Extremely harsh.

Even after people listened to it, the scalp exploded and the whole body became numb. The faces of the people around were darkened, glaring at those preparing for the welcome ceremony.

Under the stimulation of those unpleasant sounds, the Grand Duke couldn't help but shivered, and reacted suddenly.

At this time, he noticed that he had reached the gate of the city.

On the opposite side, a large group of generals and nobles were divided into two rows, waiting eagerly to greet them with a cautious expression.

The Grand Duke laughed immediately, kicked off the saddle, and jumped off his horse. Then laughed, stretched out his hands, and greeted those people.

Someone from the side stepped forward to introduce them one by one.

Although the noble generals who surrendered secretly signed an agreement with this side, after all, all the weapons were surrendered at this time, which is equivalent to being on the chopping block. Therefore, all of them were trembling, worrying about the blood hand butcher. Suddenly turned his face and changed his mind.

The peacekeeping forces just turned their faces and slaughtered them all, and they have no reason to do so, and the UN Human Rights Organization will not accept it.

At this moment, everyone was relieved to see the grandduke's such kind attitude. Then everyone slapped a flattering hard. The pen-hold shot of the Grand Duke is flying with joy, and the dragon is joyous.

Immediately, this was surrounded by the Grand Duke, walking towards the city.

When everyone walked through the city gate, the Grand Duke suddenly remembered something, and then he was not polite. In front of everyone, he opened his pants and happily faced the city gate with a bliss.

The aristocratic generals in the south looked at them, and they looked at each other, their faces turned blue.

Although the two parties have reached an agreement, they have only heard about the Grand Duke, knowing how cruel and ruthless the bloodhand butcher is, how unreasonable, and not without substantive understanding.

Even the smartest people just think that the Grand Duke is just a rough draft. The big guy is someone who even Hadu fooled, not to mention, this guy who was once a defeated general under General Hadu.

Therefore, although everyone surrendered at this time, they still had a sense of superiority in the intelligence similar to that of aristocrats and great princes who saw the dead in the countryside.

Compared with the Ruman Empire, which was founded after the War of the Holy Sacrament, the south of Almohad was not affected by the war at all.

These southern aristocratic families also survived. Their history can even be traced back to before the War of the Holy Guard. The genealogy is not three hundred pages up, and I am embarrassed to go out to greet people.

With such a long history, it is natural to look down upon Ruman.

In their hearts, although the so-called coalition forces have defeated us now, you mud legs are always a bunch of mud legs that are not on the table.

Especially just now, the big guys were rushing to slap the prince's flattery, and seeing his happy appearance, he couldn't afford to look down on him even more.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that the Grand Duke was so rude.

Although the words were good, but when I turned my head, I the eyes of everyone, he sprinkled this bubble of urine in public.

And...and also...he was so happy to pee. With a big grin, shaking, sprinkling, and circled... it's like an idiot.

Disgusting... Disgusting hate can't gouge my eyes out.

It's over, it's over~!

Going back this time, I have to get eye diseases such as needles, glaucoma, white malaise... etc.~!

This dog thing doesn't put everyone in the eyes at all, it's like...It's like pouring on their faces.

*, there are so many shameless people. But it's the first time I have seen you so shameless~!

Moreover, they also believe that regardless of how happy the Grand Duke and the people say, the screaming of relatives and brothers, the affectionate ones are almost the same as the dead friends.

But one day in the future, this **** crude embryo will be happier when he stands in front of his house and peeing~!

Therefore, everyone looked at each other, and they all fell silent. Secretly made up his mind, no matter what, I can't give him that kind of opportunity, endure, endure hard.

Even if you want to rebel no matter how hard you are, you have to endure it first and wait until he is dead.

Otherwise, when he got the news, he ran over happily and peeed at his door.

This kind of shame, let alone alive, even the dead ancestors have to get up in shame and die again.

Everyone had their own thoughts for a time, but they could only wait for the dog.

These southern aristocrats fully understood Einstein’s theory of relativity in the first time speaking, it doesn’t take much time to pee, but the pee of that dog thing is so long. It seems that I can't stop it all the time.

The Duke's guards also looked embarrassed. Although they are not surprised, it is a bit shame after all.

I don’t know how long it took. The Grand Duke put on his trousers. Then he stretched out his hand and patted the nearest southern aristocratic general very affectionately, saying: "General Rasauer, go, let’s go in. Go to the city. Take me to take a good look."

General Rasauer couldn't help grinning: *, this **** thing "What kind of affection. It is obviously to wipe the urine from his hands on his clothes.

If he didn't know, he drew a knife, this **** dog thing has a 200% chance, he almost has to fight with this dog thing when he runs to his door to pee.

But at this time, he could only swallow this breath forcibly, then turned to one side, and said, "Grand Duke, please..."

Archduke Julian did not refuse at the moment, he laughed very boldly, and then took the lead and walked into the city.

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