Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1143: Mission Impossible

Due to the harsh weather in the northern snowy mountains, the time suitable for Ruman's army operations each year is only a few months from May to September.

The rest of the time is covered by heavy snow. Of course it doesn't matter if a few people move in the mountains, but the large forces are simply difficult to deploy. Among other things, the sound made by the large troops alone was enough to cause an avalanche and bury them all.

Therefore, only in the spring and summer seasons of each year, the Ruman Army will go to the mountains to sweep around and play cat-and-mouse games with the barbarians.

As soon as the season of snow fell, they had to retreat to their strongholds in the plains to recuperate.

The small town of Wintry is just such a small town of barracks.

The local fine silver light followed the soldiers into the pass, and there was a lively scene in front of them.

During the winter break, the Ruman army garrison was very messy, and a large amount of materials were piled up in the open air. Inside the pass, there were people coming and going, including soldiers and civilians.

The off-duty soldiers gathered together and joked lazily. Among them, there are many barbarians who are dressed like the Ruman. These soldiers come from a naturalized tribe. Unfortunately, although they are familiar with the geographical position and are brave and good at fighting, they cannot get Ruman because of their origin. Trust from the top.

But for the ordinary soldiers stationed here, these straightforward barbarians are comrades and partners who were born and died with them, and are extremely popular.

The three of them suddenly came to this prosperous place from the sparsely populated and desolate place. They all felt as if they were in another world. No matter what they looked at, they felt fresh.

But what attracted the attention of three people most was the dozens of dark artillery lined up on the city.

The muzzle points to the north, and the thick metal cannon body is polished by the artillery.

A black-clad artillery instructor of the security army yelled that several artillerymen kept turning around the artillery. Keep their feet on the ground.

The Dark Mage stopped with great interest, wanting to take a closer look at the artillery.

He has heard a lot about the rumors of this small magic cannon-human beings have mastered a new and terrible alchemy technology, and the magic cannon that can be operated by non-instructors has played a decisive role in actual combat.

This news also caused a sensation among the dark wizards, and under the personal intervention of the high priest, someone had already begun to study the same weapon.


But it seems that progress has been slow.

Just as the dark mage stopped to watch. The impatient soldier nearby gave him a big push. He scolded: "What are you dazed about, hurry up~!"

Before the dark mage was prepared, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He jerked his head back and looked at the soldier angrily. No one in this life dared to speak this way to a noble mage like him.

The goblin Yinguang knew too much about this uncle's temper, and rushed over and pulled the Dark Mage away, while smiling at the soldier, and said: "Just go, go. Don't be angry, military master. Don't be angry."

Then he turned his head and whispered to the dark mage: "My lord, we are here to do great things, so please bear with me for the time being."

The Dark Mage looked around at the surrounding soldiers, snorted and lowered the hat on his head, and said bitterly: "Okay, I see."

Several soldiers escorted three people. Came to the command post at the gate.

The commander of the garrison at the pass was a squadron named Collis.

He sits behind the desk. I was boringly flipping through a copy of "Thirty-Six Strategies for Picking up Girls", wondering if I could take a book of poems or something as stated in the book, wear a scarf, put on a melancholic literary and artistic youth, and hang a little The daughter of the town mayor.

Just thinking about a plot that was very pornographic, violent, and rarely inappropriate, I suddenly heard the report from his subordinates that a goblin had come. He was still a little puzzled: This April Fool's Day was too early, why anyone would come to make a joke.

But then he discovered that a goblin really stood in front of him.

It took a long time for Corliss to react.

He couldn't help but wonder: Why did a goblin suddenly appear in this ice world?

Yin Guang laughed dryly, and then whispered in his ear: "If you want to be promoted, go and inform Baron Gore, the goblin is back.

The captain was shocked, his eyes widened, and he looked at the goblin in disbelief.

Everyone knows that Baron Gore is a close confidant of Prime Minister Russell, and his position on the northern front is equivalent to that of a supervising army. Even the commander-in-chief of the northern front will not provoke him easily.

The distance between his little officer and Baron Gore would be more than a thousand miles.

Yinguang felt uneasy, and said again, "Remember to keep it confidential. If you leak the information, you will know the consequences."

Corliss hesitated for a moment. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to believe in a goblin.

This is a lowly race that scams and steals civilization. It has always been a mouthful of lies. But seeing the goblin's so determined appearance, dragged like a civilian at the grassroots level under the military department, he couldn't help but believe it.

Then I thought about it, if this goblin deceived himself, he didn't have much loss, just turn around and kill him.

Corliss was also extremely simple, and immediately left a sentence to his opponent's soldiers: "Enter these three people well."

Then, he flung his cloak and walked out.

Regarding the goblin, he was not at ease. Therefore, I plan to find my fellow townsman next to Baron Gore first, and ask sideways.

Although the soldiers looked down on these three people, the captain gave the order, and of course he did not dare to neglect, and immediately found a comfortable room for them to live in and rest.

Time soon arrived at noon, and the goblin finally had his first formal lunch more than two months after entering the mountain.

Large chunks of white bread, stewed beef and potatoes, and even a bottle of wine to accompany the meal.

When the delicious piece of meat melted on the tongue, the tears of silver light excitement almost shed, and he secretly vowed that he would never do this kind of suffering work again.

After playing with knives and forks like silver light for a while, Huck finally gave up and reached directly into the soup bowl. In the contemptuous eyes of the soldiers next to him, the juice dripping with the meat.

After drinking and eating, the goblin lay down on the chair and dozed. Huck rolled under the table in his arms.

Although the dark mage was bold and bold, he was a little worried because he was in danger for the first time. Therefore, I kept staring at the goblin nervously, and looked out from time to time to see if there was anything abnormal outside.

When the sleeping goblin suddenly felt that someone was pushing him, he raised his head and it was already dark at night, and the soldiers' voice came from outside the door.

Immediately after. Opposite the goblin was a middle-aged man of medium build. Sharp cheeks. The triangular eyes are shining sharply, and the faint straight eyebrows look feminine and fierce.

But his face was white, he was dressed in luxurious winter clothes, and his chest was decorated with gold chains. Looks even a rich and noble noble.

The silver light shook, and he became sober in an instant, jumped up immediately, and said respectfully: "Baron Gore."

At the same time, he glanced at the Dark Mage, and saw that his hands were in his sleeves, his head lowered and said nothing. But the goblin knew that this guy was preparing to shoot at any time.

At the door stood two guards of Baron Gore, Yin Guang estimated that they should not be able to defeat this dark mage, they had to press their mind to escape.

Baron Gore sat down opposite the goblin, looked at the goblin carefully for a while, and said, "Mr. Silverlight. You have suffered."

The goblin was shocked and whispered: "For the empire. Your lord."

As if he heard a funny joke, Gore laughed out loud and heard a goblin shouting "For the Empire", which was unspeakable weird.

After he stopped doing it, Baron Gore nodded and smiled and said, "The Prime Minister will remember your credit. Who are these two?"

The goblin pointed to the Dark Mage and said, "Flint, my best friend and colleague, I can't get out of the Snow Mountain without him. This barbarian is my servant."

Gore looked at the Dark Mage carefully. Although this guy looked miserable, the virtues of most intelligence agents did not feel abnormal. He turned his head and said to the goblin: "You have been there for two months? What are the gains? ?"

Yin Guang rubbed his hands, showing the usual smiles of goblins, and said, "A good harvest, sir, a good harvest. Our goods have earned 700,000 gold coins."

"Seven hundred thousand~!" Hearing this number, Baron Gore couldn't help taking a breath. He was able to get 50% of it, and he sighed inwardly: "No wonder everyone likes smuggling. The money is so easy. ."

The goblin smiled proudly and said: "I will take advantage of the winter military break, and I have to make another trip. I must make a million for it, and then I can retire."

"Want to run again?" Gore showed a pleasant smile on his face, patted the goblin on the shoulder, and said in approval: "It's a beautiful job, Mr. Yinguang, it seems that it was the right choice to find you as a partner at the beginning. .

It's just that the **** of cheap Hawke, I really don't want to give him a penny, sooner or later I will kill this **** northern silverfish. "

The goblin smiled cunningly, and said: "Let's say that this time the income is used to buy goods, so you can save him a lot. As for the next trip, it has nothing to do with him."

Gore's eyes lit up, pointing at Yin Guang and laughing out loud, and said: "It really is a goblin. What are the other gains?"

The goblin solemnly took out a piece of leather from his arms, carefully spread it on the table, and said: "This is the barbarian tribe that I have ascertained. In May, the adults just need to mop up according to the plan."

It is the tribe that the goblin encountered along the way, but in fact, they have all been conquered by the dark wizard.

During the short five-month battle, the Ruman Legion said that the biggest trouble it encountered was the difficulty in finding a tribe of barbarians.

Hundreds of thousands of mountains are boundless, and no one knows that barbarians will hide in that valley. Not to mention that they will play hide and seek with the Ruman Army. When the army comes, they will run and leave. Are they harassing the Ruman Army?

As long as you can predict the location of the barbarian tribe before the battle, you can make sure that none of them can run.

Baron Gore raised the light to observe the map carefully, slowly drew his fingers across the map, and murmured in his mouth: "Heshanheim, Gurionheim, Tuluheim... Ha, Lundheim hides in this corner Inside, I want you to look good in Spring."

Baron Gore carefully folded the hide map, put it in his pocket, and said, "You can't praise you for this contribution. I promise, the Prime Minister will reward you accordingly."

The goblin said modestly: "All of this is inseparable from your great support, Lord Gore."

Gore found that this goblin was getting more and more on the road. Then he smiled and said, "I find that I like you more and more."

Then he looked at each other with the goblin and laughed, with a look of sympathy.

"Believing in you is a ghost~!" The goblin Yinguang cursed inwardly, and then said: "I don't know if anything major happened after I left for these two months?"

Gore beckoned to the guards, took a bottle of good wine, and poured himself on the goblin and the Dark Mage. First, he sighed and said: "Hadu is dead. The war with Almohad is over."

"As expected." Yin Guang said somewhat vacantly.

"The good news is." Baron Gore smiled triumphantly, and said: "When the Southern War is over, the Prime Minister can free up his hands to prepare for the war in the North. After the beginning of spring. The Prime Minister is preparing for an unprecedented action."

The Dark Mage shook his body and suddenly raised his head.

The goblin Yinguang laughed hurriedly, attracted the attention of Baron Gore, patted the table and said: "It should have been like this. Let's talk about it, how unprecedented it is."

Gore hesitated, but because the goblin had just earned himself more than 300,000 gold coins. He lowered his voice and said, "The entire army will be deployed in the northern theater. It is estimated that more than 300,000 troops will be deployed to push past Beiping on the front line. The prime minister will not leave anything where he has passed. The preparations have now begun."

The Dark Mage was secretly happy, and said in his heart: Sure enough, he came right. As soon as I got here, my **** was still hot. I have already found out about the war plan of the Ruman Empire next year.

But a huge gain that is difficult to estimate its value~!

The goblin smacked his lips and shook his head regretfully: "Speaking of this, our business can only be done this year."

Baron Gore also curled his lips, thinking about the loss of this huge income, he also felt pain, raised his glass and drank it, patted the goblin affectionately, and said: "I have prepared a good place for you. Rest for two days."

The goblin also raised his glass politely, and said, "It just so happens that I can also do some shopping."

That night, Baron Gore arranged the goblins and them in a small town in the Guan, and stayed in the best hotel in the city.

In order to keep it secret, the entire hotel was even sealed, but what made the goblin Yinguang depressed was that the Dark Mage still looked at him every step of the way, obviously very worried about him.

While Yin Guang was lying on the soft bed that could sink in, with his hands behind his head, his eyes widened in the dark, staring at the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking.


At the same time, in the same small city, not far from the hotel, a few people sat around on the left, the lampshade pressed very low, and the yellow light only shone on everyone's arms, and their figures were hazy.

A short-handled musket is placed on the table, and a pair of generous and stable hands are carefully wiping the musket, gently and carefully, as if the musket is a precious and fragile object.

"Uncle Qi is back." said a young voice.

Another calm and low voice said: "Are you sure it is him?"

"Haha..." The young man chuckled and said, "Uncle Qi's characteristics are so obvious, I can't get it wrong, section chief, don't you contact him? That fool of Gore has gone, I see The look of his sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks is so angry."

The section chief shrugged obviously and said in a deep voice, "Something has changed."

Several people at the table heard that the tone of his words was wrong, and they couldn't help raising their heads at the same time, staring at the section chief.

The atmosphere in the room became tense for a while.

The section chief took out a piece of paper from his arms and was still on the table, leaned back in his chair and held his head with his hands, and said: "It was sent back from the branch just a day ago."

A few people circulated the paper in silence.

It took a long time for someone to ask quietly, "Is the news accurate?"

"I'm sure, the news was sent back by Uncle Qi. It used Uncle Qi's personal password, which was also matched." The section chief picked up the note and lit it on the lamp, and then came to light the cigar on his mouth. Spit out a mouthful of smoke, and said: "No. 2 also praised Uncle Qi as a professional, shit~!"

In addition to the unique passwords that only individuals have, the hidden spies also have a secret, which is usually a small technique for writing passwords. Others can't see this even if they get the password.

Different representatives have different meanings. According to the fact that the recipient can see the authenticity of the intelligence and the status of the intelligence agent at a glance, and is used to send a signal when the intelligence agent is captured.

Everyone looked at each other and fell silent. The atmosphere in the room became extremely dull for a while.

The goblin sent a message that he was captured, but now he was swaggering and showing up in the city. Then there is only one explanation-after he was arrested, he rebelled and surrendered~!

So, will he betray the people here?

Are you still safe here?

After a while, a young man murmured: "I knew these little guys were unreliable~!"

Another young man sneered and said, "Boy, you have to deduct bonuses for racially discriminatory remarks in the company."

"I want you to talk more. Head, what shall we do? Evacuate, or hang him up?"

The remaining few people couldn't help but glance at the person who made the suggestion, but they all saw the dullness on the other's face-none of them were cruel and cruel.

The section chief took a deep breath of cigarette and then slowly exhaled the smoke, then said: "The news I have sent back to the company, so let the second go to the headache, after all, that is his fellow."

He paused, then continued solemnly, "He said he was arrested, and then appeared here again without contacting us. No one knows what happened inside. What if he didn't change his mind?

This is a black box with a cat in it, and you won't know the real situation inside until you open it.

The best way now... is..."

At this moment, a person walked over, handed a piece of paper to the section chief, and said: "Company news."

The section chief took a look, put the cigarette **** in the ashtray, and said flatly: "Second boss spreads the word, crisis management."

The young man squeezed the trigger of the musket and the hammer made a light crack.


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