Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1145: Mission Impossible

~Date: ~October 25~

,Nbsp; Follow-me-read en-xue-u-lou and remember!

Ke Chang's chubby face showed a sly smile, those wretched little eyes gleamed, and he said, "There is no way.

As he said, he stretched out his hand and squeezed heavily on the big **** of the fat aunt in front.

The fat woman couldn't help but exclaimed, and then turned around angrily.] The fat on her body couldn't help trembling, like a tigress, extremely ferocious.

The section chief didn't say a word, but turned his head, fixedly looking at his subordinates, his face also showed a surprised look.

The young man froze for a moment, and was a little at a loss for a while. He looked at the section chief, then looked at the fat aunt, and then looked at the section chief again...

His Nirvana fell in the eyes of the fat aunt, and immediately made the other party think it was a guilty expression.

"Little bastard, I actually wiped my mother's oil, looking for death~!" The fat woman screamed, rolled up her sleeves, slapped thickly like a door, and drew it round and vigorously.

If this is beaten, even the young man's body will have to be beaten.

"It's not me~!" The young man exclaimed, bowed his head and avoided the deadly slap, and exclaimed fiercely: "Old guy, I remember you, wait for me~!"

The section chief pretended to be ignorant, with his hands in his pockets, while raising his head and looking at the sky while blowing a whistle.

At this moment, the fat aunt roared and slapped her slap round again.

The young man hurried away again, then spread his legs and ran along the street.

The fat aunt chased her all the way behind her. Chasing. While yelling loudly: "Indecent, indecent. Don't let that little bunny run away. Get him. Those who dare to eat my old lady's tofu, haven't left a living yet. Don't run~!............ "

Two people rushed through the street noisily, knocked over pedestrians, kicked down the stalls, and they turned their backs on their backs, which was extremely chaotic.

Yin Guang looked at the scene of the shrew chasing and killing the little gangster with a lot of fun, and laughed with Huck while hugging his belly, laughing at how hungry this little gangster should be. This kind of woman who is more sturdy than a man dares. bump.

He didn't know that he had entered the death ambush circle. The agents of the action team had already held the musket in their hands and put on a piece of clothing to cover it.

He only waited for the collar, opened his clothes and opened fire at the same time.

According to the standard enforcement regulations of the venture capital company, the target of the assassination is the head. Then, regardless of life or death, make up three more shots in the shortest time to ensure that the target can be killed.

The well-trained agents can ensure that each shot accurately hits a copper plate at a distance of 30 meters. Extremely tough.

Moreover, according to the plan, each target is usually taken care of by three gunmen, two fired at crossing angles, and one person stands by to cover, and prepares to make up the gun if it misses.

So far, this method of action has been proven to be accurate and efficient.

Although Yinguang is also a spy for the number of venture capital companies. However, his professional direction is only to disguise his identity activities and publicly inquire about news.

Entering this line is because of the relationship between Shajin, and he became a monk. Yinguang himself has only received the most basic training in collecting intelligence, and basically has no knowledge of special assassination operations.

The people in the venture capital company don't think they can train a frail goblin as a combat master.

Therefore, he didn't even know that he had stepped into the ghost gate with one foot. Still gleefully pointing at the young man who was chased by the aunt and laughed.

The agents on the other side who were preparing to act were not the case. They watched their colleagues screaming and rushing by, and couldn't help but glance at each other.

They all know this sudden episode. It only represents one thing-the end of the action!

The agents lowered their arms, inserted their weapons back into their arms, without even looking at them, lowered their heads and mixed into the crowd. Passed by the three of Yinguang.

The dark mage seemed to feel something, as if someone was staring at him. But I looked up and looked around carefully, only to see the bustling flow of people.

Only Gore's two spies. Following them generously, with a piece of pie in his hand and laughing while walking.

Seeing this, the Dark Mage was secretly happy, but he couldn't help but feel contemptuous: These rice buckets, known as the human race's defenses, are airtight, but the uncle appeared majestically under their noses, but these guys still have nothing. Feel, and actually sent people to protect it.

Thinking of this, I could not help but screamed "idiot~!"

After having been busy for most of the day, the goblin Yinguang turned the entire Ventris all over, and then he dragged his tired body back to the hotel.

Although there was no expression on his face, Yin Guang was extremely disappointed in his heart. He found no trace of the Flying Eagle Group in this city.

Yinguang was relieved after thinking about it. Such a small border town is also Russell’s site. It is reasonable for the Flying Eagle Group to look down on it. It feels weird to set up a branch of the Flying Eagle Group here. .

Yinguang wondered in his heart, or find an excuse to go to the big city to the south. Maybe you can connect with them there.

In case they really think that they have renegade and surrendered, they will be in trouble. They will confiscate their property in Nian'an. Maybe they will send a killer to kill themselves...

He couldn't help thinking more and more afraid, almost couldn't help shivering.

At this moment, there was a loud laughter outside the door.

Realizing that the laughter seemed a little familiar, Yin Guang couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then he realized that this should be Baron Gore's voice.

The voice has arrived before the person arrives, and the laughter is so loud, obviously there is something good.

Then Baron Gore strode in.

As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and apologized to Yinguang and said, "Today, my two ineffective men are causing trouble to Mr. Yinguang."

The goblin also hurriedly put on a smiling face, and said, "No, no, I have to thank your sir for your kindness, for having them here. I have saved a lot of trouble. Hahahaha..."

Baron Gore waved indifferently. Said: "There, we are now partners, and in the future, we will be colleagues fighting side by side."

The goblin showed a puzzled expression and said, "My lord, what are you talking about?"

"I bring great news~!" Baron Gore was not polite, handed over a chair, sat opposite the goblin, put on an extremely friendly attitude, said with a smile: "Yesterday In the evening I passed Mr. Yinguang’s credit back to Ruman, and I received a call back from Prime Minister Russell early this morning."

The goblin Silver Light was stunned. He couldn't think that Russell actually cared about himself personally, which was even more troublesome.

The dark mage was shocked, and he was secretly happy. I felt that I had collected the goblin and took the risk personally. The ugly goblin in front of me was a strange thing and entered Russell's eyes.

Doesn't it mean...

Does it mean that you can get news of the highest level of the Ruman Empire through the goblin? ? ? ~! ! ! !

The dark mage's eyes were all naked, looking at the goblin like a shimmering golden figure.

"I found the treasure, I found the treasure~!" He secretly made up his mind: "I thought it was something to be thrown away with a single use, but I didn't expect to find the treasure. Now I have to change my plan and put a long line to catch Ruman. Big fish."

Under the excitement, he didn't notice at all. Another extremely important message revealed in the words of Baron Gore: How did Baron Gore communicate with the Prime Minister at a distance of thousands of miles?

Compared with picking up a goblin, this message contains a greater amount of information and a higher amount of gold.

If he can infer from this news that the Terran has achieved swift communication and bring this news back to the undead, in the future, the undead will be able to destroy the communications facilities of the Terran in a targeted manner and hinder the human race. The destructive power caused by communication will be extremely terrifying to inestimable.

But it is a pity that he is not a qualified intelligence officer, but he did not grasp this. But like holding sand, let this precious golden sand slip away from the fingers with the sand.

But ♀ is understandable, after all, as a magician. They have many ways to achieve fast communication, although all of them are extremely magical.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Human Race has a dedicated communication channel for magicians between the Northern Fortress and the Prime Minister's Mansion of Ruman City.

When he heard the news, the goblin was stunned for the first time. He didn't know what to say, so he said: "It shocked the Prime Minister, this, this..."

The appearance of being frightened was quite different from the shrewd rumors of goblins.

Baron Gore was secretly pleased that no matter how savvy this goblin was, he was just a terrapin goblin. The inferior petty people were frightened when they heard the Prime Minister's name. This kind of person is easy to control.

He coughed very lightly, and his eyebrows fluttered for a while, suggesting that the goblin continued to question.

However, that goblin was extremely ignorant, which made Master Gore very depressed to show the blind man his eyes.

Finally, he had to laugh dryly, and then said: "Mr. Yinguang, don't you want to know what the Prime Minister said?"

"Huh?" The goblin was stunned for a moment, then reacted and hurriedly asked: "The Prime Minister...what did the Prime Minister say?"

Baron Gore laughed, and then took out a piece of paper and placed it in front of the goblin, proudly pointing to a line of characters that raised his head, and said: "Recommendation order, and the Prime Minister appointed Mr. Silverlight as the intelligence director of the Barbarian Region."

With that, he gently pushed the piece of paper with his fingers, and pushed it in front of the goblin.

After a series of heavy news, the goblin Yinguang felt that his brain was not enough. After staying for a while, Yinguang asked incredulously: "I? I'm an official?"

Baron Gore nodded and said: "The regional intelligence director is equivalent to the city lord in terms of level, and has the authority to independently recruit his subordinates. In other words, in the future, the barbarian intelligence system in the northern mountains will be solely responsible for Mr. Yinguang. . Congratulations to Mr. Yinguang, we will be colleagues in the future."

Yinguang rubbed his nose, grinned silly, and murmured: "Me? City Lord level?"

Baron Gore smiled and nodded, and said: "If Mr. Yinguang can make new achievements, according to the generous character of our Prime Minister, your husband may be made a nobleman."

Yin Guang pinched herself heavily behind her back. Finally determined that this is not a dream.

he. Guini, Yinguang, a goblin who grew up in the poor streets of Xiacheng District, a thief and a liar, a counterfeiter and a smuggler, has become an official~!

Moreover, he was a serious official of the Ruman Empire, and he was even a high official of the city lord level.

In order to be a nobleman, a goblin nobleman.

Yinguang estimated that he had become the highest official in the history of the goblin.

Although Shajin is in charge of the intelligence investigation department of a venture capital company, the Flying Eagle Group is a private company, and the venture capital company works for the royal family.] The gold level is extremely high, but there is no official position.

Yinguang scooped up his letter of appointment. Although it was only a telegram, it was clearly written on it. He, the goblin Yinguang was appointed as the intelligence supervisor in the northern snowy mountains.

Yin Guang showed a smirk and kept muttering: "Supervisor~! I'm an official...I'm an official..."

Baron Gore shook his head, sneered, and said in his heart: I'm afraid it's not so happy to be silly, right?

Then he clapped his hands and said: "To celebrate the promotion of Mr. Yinguang, tomorrow night I will hold a welcome meeting for Mr. Yinguang at the headquarters of our Northern Intelligence Department. The leaders of our northern district will all be there. I will introduce him to you by then."

"There is a welcome party?" Yinguang said with a mouth open.

Baron Gore nodded and said, "Tomorrow at five o'clock in the afternoon. I will send someone to pick you up. Please have a good rest today."

Then Baron Gore clapped his hands, and a large crowd came in, including men and women, old and young, jewelers carrying boxes, and tailors hanging tapes and holding fabrics.

"Serve Mr. Silverlight and them well." Baron Gore gave a faint order, but these craftsmen shivered in fright, and said respectfully: "Yes..."

"So, don't disturb Director Yinguang, see you tomorrow night. Don't send it." Baron Gore left a sentence. Waved out of the room.

At this time the goblin was still in a daze.

When Baron Gore left with his front foot, these service staff rushed up, surrounded the goblin trio, and started busy around them.

The Dark Mage whispered in the ear of the goblin: "Don't be too happy, forget your identity."

The goblin silver light shook suddenly. Wake up from the surprise, thinking of the crisis in front of him. He could still be killed by the Dark Mage at any time.

Without waiting to think carefully, they were separated by the crowd, and a dozen hands touched them.

Soon, the silver light, dark mage Flint and the barbarian Huck were dressed up. They were dressed in luxurious suits, with glittering gold and silver ornaments on their clothes, shiny leather boots on their feet, and perfume on their bodies. .

But only the dark wizard has the temperament of a nobleman, and the goblin feels like an upstart.

And the barbarian Huck, this outfit is more like stolen from someone else, no matter how ugly it looks.

The goblin was holding a famous wine that was as clear as amber. The young and beautiful makeup artist squatted on the ground to make his nails. Yin Guang suddenly remembered an important question, jumped up from the chair, and clung to the old tailor, nervous Said: "Should I pay the money?"

The old tailor was taken aback by the goblin's behavior, and after a long pause, he whispered and cautiously said, "No, sir, Baron Gore has already paid?"

Yin Guang breathed a sigh of relief, sat back on the chair, and said, "In that case, give me two more suits and fur. I want to take it away."

The corners of the old tailor's mouth twitched twice, and he smiled bitterly, "As you wish."

"By the way, Xiafei in 1968 scooped me another box." Yin Guang shook his clothes and commanded grandiosely.

The busy craftsman agreed, secretly crying, wondering if Baron Gore will directly let them die after receiving the bill.

Until the sky was completely dark, after all the little merchants had left, the Dark Mage Flint sat beside the goblin Yinguang, and according to the goblin's shoulder, said: "I warn you again, Yinguang, don't play tricks on me. I put a beacon on you, no matter where you go, I can find you."

Yin Guang shuddered in horror, and shook his head desperately, saying: "No, absolutely not."

"Hmph~!" The Dark Mage smiled satisfied and said: "This Gore said that tomorrow's welcome meeting will be at his intelligence headquarters."

Goblin Silverlight nodded.

"Very good," the Dark Mage raised his eyebrows, his cold face sneered, and said: "I think he and Russell's official documents should be in his headquarters, and there are more important war plans for next year."

The goblin looked at the dark mage vigilantly, unconsciously shrank back, and said in a panic: "What do you want to do?"

The Dark Mage stared at the goblin fiercely with both eyes, and said, "Tomorrow night, you go and steal these things from me. This will count as your name, if you can't do it, I will kill you."

The goblin shook his head in fear, and said repeatedly: "You can't do this. I will be found out, and I will die if I find out, I..."

The Dark Mage squeezed the goblin's collar tightly, took out a dagger and put it on the goblin's neck, and said coldly: "Then I might as well kill you now."

"No," the goblin desperately shook his head, squeaking: "I... I just do it, I do it."

The Dark Mage let go of the goblin, straightened the collar of the goblin, and said in a kind tone: "If you do, you will be his own from now on.

There is no such thing as racial discrimination in the Semites. The High Priest of the Undead is extremely fair and has such credit. Not to mention a small noble of the city lord, even the Governor, the hereditary marquis, the High Priest of the Undead will reward you. Not a hundred times better than being a low-ranking official in Ruman. "

The goblin Yinguang nodded his head repeatedly, but he cursed in his heart: writing a bad check, I am more capable than you, but also the governor, the marquis, who doesn't know that the demon is the darkest official, the lich will not die for hundreds of years, die Dominating the position, I believe that you and I will die in the future.

The Dark Mage patted the goblin on the shoulder, smiled coldly, and said: "Very well, I see your performance. Remember, your little life is pinched in my hands."

The goblin picks the corners of his mouth and barely smiles, but it is uglier than crying.

The Dark Mage let go of the goblin, flicked his sleeves, and said, "I want to prepare something for tomorrow night. Neither of you are allowed to step out of this door."

Goblin Silverlight jumped up from the and went straight to the door.

The Dark Mage squeezed his fist and said sharply: "What are you going to do?"

The silver bald head said without turning back: "Go to the cottage, do you want to follow?"

The dark mage really followed the goblin silver light, staring at the silver light until he walked into the toilet.

After Yin Guang closed the toilet door, he suddenly turned around and stretched out the middle fingers of both hands in the direction of the Dark Mage, cursing silently in his mouth: "Fuck your mother~!"

Then he fell down on the toilet in despair, and said to himself: "What should I do?"


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