Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1164: So-called politician

Seeing the embarrassing look of the two of Kalion IV and Miss Tritis, especially Miss Tritis, who has always been glamorous and noble, and never faked, was almost naked, shivering with fright, completely gone. The appearance of a high goddess.

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard who rushed in were all stunned in an instant.

There are quite a few nasty stunners staring at the wolf-like eyes, and taking a fierce look at Miss Tritis, as if to keep this situation in their minds forever.

At the same time, Lord Luo Jue secretly rejoiced as a senior hooligan. Fortunately, I insisted on my position and principles at the time and I missed

The beauty scheme set by the old guy Kalion IV.

Although the chick is a little more beautiful, her chest is too flat. I remember that when I saw her during the day, there seemed to be some height on her chest... Well, I guess this little girl seemed to pad cotton on her chest.

Although the scene in front of us is very beautiful, but for the soldiers of the Imperial Guard, this assassination is also related to their heads.

Therefore, after hesitating for less than a second, the leading officer had already reacted, yelling loudly, "Protect Your Majesty~! Escort, Escort. His mother, all rush to Lao Tzu to protect Your Majesty..."

In his hoarse shout, the soldiers waved their weapons and swarmed to kill the men in black.

In the blink of an eye, the Royal Guards drowned a dozen black assassins in the crowd like waves.

Leo refilled the two pistols. Wielding his pistol, he jumped hurriedly behind the crowd. Jumping his feet and shouting loudly: "Get out of the way, let the chairman break them~! Let me have a shot too, a shot..."

With that, as soon as he bowed his head, he would squeeze into the crowd.

Lorraine kept looking at the little gangster. Seeing this situation, he hurriedly grabbed Leo, and then stretched out his right hand to hold his pistol, and said in a deep voice: "Leo don't make trouble. Let's kill the assassin. It's not a ban. It’s a job for the guards to leave a few performance opportunities for others."

Chairman Lei Ou was taken aback, then he slapped his forehead and suddenly realized, "Yes. Yes. Everyone carries the sedan chair. I understand the truth."

Beside them, the officer who was directing the battle couldn't help but gratefully glanced at them.

Let the assassin rush in front of Kalion IV, and the Janissaries would have neglected their duties.

Afterwards, to investigate the responsibility, that is, not to cut his head, not to lose office, and at least to be demoted to several levels. Maybe the future is not bright, and there is no hope in the second half of his life. Find a Qingshui government. Mixed until retirement.

Therefore, it was time for the Janissaries to perform desperately in front of Kalion IV, earning a little more impression points, so as to reduce Kalion IV’s punishment.

As for Lorraine, after all, these guards are all the disciples and grandchildren of the elf ranger Valentin. They treat themselves well, and they have to take care of them when they can help take care of them.

At this moment, Leo laughed and didn't go up to join in the fun. Instead, he turned the two pistols in his palms twice, skillfully inserted them into the holster on his waist, and then pressed his hands on the wide belt with the expression of a master master.

The action was completed in one go, like flowing water. It's so handsome in a mess.

If there was a **** girl dreaming of a prince and princess, she might scream excitedly.

This set of actions, Chairman Leo could have worked hard. But with Leo's loose pajamas now, and the crooked thread ball nightcap on his head, no matter what kind of profound artistic conception, he disappeared.

Lorraine curled his lips and sighed inwardly: This kid deserves to be a politician of the future, and he never forgets to be handsome.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard surrounded the dark night assassin group and forced them into the corner of the room.

The soldiers' scimitars and long swords were densely packed like the thorns on the back of a hedgehog, and they chopped at the assassins together, and they would cut them into pieces.

The black-clothed assassins were in danger. Although it was impossible to beat a guard that was several times as many as theirs, they didn't realize it, and they didn't even want to escape.

The assassins turned their backs to the wall and brandished the swords in their hands desperately. Although they were in a desperate situation, they roared like beasts and fought desperately to resist. From time to time, soldiers or assassins screamed and fell down.

In that mountain of swords, bright red blood sprayed around like a fountain, and within a few breaths, the entire room had been dyed red.

Although those assassins were very skilled, every time one fell, two or three soldiers fell. But they are helpless, and if one falls, one will be missing. And every time a soldier fell, there would be ten or eight Imperial Guards replenished.

The assassins could only shrink constantly under the fierce attacks of those imperial guards. Can barely maintain.

Seeing that victory was imminent, the guard officer who was commanding behind kept shouting loudly and commanding loudly: "Brothers, kill, kill me fiercely, kill them all..."

Lorraine couldn't help turning his head, glanced at the guard officer weirdly, and then said loudly: "Slow, keep alive. Keep a few more. Ask who sent it."

Seeing Lorraine's weird eyes, the guard officer was startled, and instantly understood.

He was frightened and sweated all over, hurriedly changed his words: "Yes, yes, yes. Brothers, keep alive, keep a few more..."

The soldiers listened to the order, and their men couldn't help but slow down.

At this moment, a low voice suddenly heard from the people in black: "Fight~!"

Several people in black immediately roared in unison, and then rushed into the guard against the blade.

In an instant, they were all pierced by several weapons.

But they just snorted and tried their best to grab the weapon of the Imperial Guard and use their bodies to block the companions behind them.

The remaining three black-clothed assassins took this opportunity to scream at the same time, their bodies stretched, and they jumped high.

They are like big birds. Without regard to his body, the door opened wide. The body flew over the heads of the Imperial Guard soldiers, and at the same time, he desperately threw the weapon in his hand at Calion IV not far away.

The men in black were immediately stabbed by the soldiers of the Imperial Guard, but the swords in their hands had already flown towards Kalion IV.

Several soldiers of the Imperial Guard roared, and jumped up, blocking the front of Kalion IV, and using their bodies to stop the swords.

Immediately, these loyal guards screamed a few times and fell to the ground like a stone.

in the mean time. There was still a dagger flying through the gap in the man's wall of the Imperial Guard, whizzing towards Kalion IV.

Seeing the dagger flying over, Kalion IV yelled in horror, instinctively short. Lies down on all fours, pouting **** on the ground.

And Miss Tritis covered her face with her hands, tightly closed her eyes and screamed desperately. Suddenly, she felt a heat on her face and a **** air poured into her nose.

Tritis opened her eyes in astonishment. There was only dark red thick blood on her hands and face, and the warm blood was sliding down her smooth body.

On the opposite side, a black-clothed assassin was opening his scarlet eyes, staring at himself, blood was spraying from his chest. It kept spraying on Tritis' chest.

Miss Tritis rolled her eyes and made a "hiccup" in her throat, and finally fainted and fell softly in a pool of blood.

The last few assassins' fighting blows still failed.

At this time, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard pulled out their weapons from the body of the black assassin.

The dead body fell to the ground, and the soldiers felt uneasy, stabbing them several times in a row, until they were sure that they were dead and could not die again, and then they were relieved.

Lorraine watched by the side, and couldn't help but secretly startled.

Sir Alex Ferguson is not afraid of death. But they have never seen such a fear of death. From their actions, it seems that these assassins have no intention of going back alive.

"A dead man, another dead man..." Leo squashed his mouth next to him, disdainfully said: "You can't get something new. There is no technical content, despise them."

Been out for several years. Just a dead man, Chairman Leo has met several times.

This group of killers with a determination to die. In the assassination is indeed better than the average person. But in thousands of years of history, those few guys were killed by dead men?

Very rare~!

For those who play politics and want to get rid of their opponents, the best way is to engage in a coup.

Chairman Leo looked down on the dead and the people who used them.

The agents of the venture capital company are doing the same job, but their morale is higher than them, and the success rate is close to 100%.

Of course, the cost of training and equipping an agent is ridiculously high. In action, we also follow the principle of safety first.

Plan several different retreat routes in advance. If you encounter difficulties, you would rather give up the action and wait for the next opportunity than allow them to take a risk.

Seeing that all the assassins had fallen, and King Kalion IV was still alive, Lorraine breathed a sigh of relief. It was so dangerous that this guy hadn't caught himself under his nose.

The Guardsmen hurriedly threw away the assassin's body, rushed in to help Kalion IV up, and anxiously shouted in Kalion IV's ear: "Your Majesty, are you injured? Do you feel sick?"

Kalion IV made a shocking application, and the whole person seemed to be stupid, and was pushed and swayed like a puppet by the soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

It took a while for King Kalion IV to groan suddenly, shook his head feebly, and said weakly: "What's wrong with me... Assassin? There is an assassin~! Help, help~!"

The soldiers of the Janissary Guard held down Kalion IV and said with comfort: "Your Majesty, the assassins have been killed by us. You are safe, safe~!"

"All killed..." Kalion IV's expression relaxed, and his legs softened. If it weren't for someone to help him, he would have to sit down on the ground. Push on the chair.

The officer of the Janissary Guard shouted: "Search the entire ship to see if there are any remaining parties."

Dozens of soldiers ran out with orders.

The rest took care of Kalion IV nervously.

During the whole process, no one thought of Miss Tritis who fell on the ground and let her lie on the ground with her clothes open.

Lorraine sighed slightly, took off his coat and put it on Tritis' chest. Then walked around the room.

The body of the Janissary Guard soldier spread from the bedroom to the corner of the living room. Almost one fell next to each other.

Lorraine speculated that the scene at the time was that they rushed into the bedroom and pulled Kalion IV up from the bed.

A short crossbow bolt was inserted into every soldier of the Imperial Guard that fell to the ground, and black and purple blood flowed from the wound, which was obviously poisonous.

These soldiers used their bodies to block the poisonous arrows that were shot at Kalion IV.

Leo stood beside Lorraine, looked down at the young Guards soldier on the ground, and murmured, "It's a pity."

Lorraine nodded silently, and said inwardly that it was indeed a pity.

Surrounded by the navy fleet, the assassins could still touch the bedroom of Kalion IV silently, without even thinking about it.

Kalion IV fell on his chair and panted for a long time. Then he said shiveringly: "Help Miss Tritis in and find a doctor, doctor~!"

Then the expression on his face became fierce, and he slapped the chair and shouted hysterically: "Check it out for me. Check out who the assassins are, and find out how they got here~!"

The Guards officer had been looking down at the faces of the assassins and the weapons they were carrying, and heard the words: "Your Majesty, they should be members of the Dark Brotherhood."

Kalion IV was taken aback, and then said bitterly: "The ghost is still here, these guys again."

"The Dark Brotherhood?" Lorraine and Leo glanced at each other in confusion. They had never heard of such an organization.

The officer lowered his head and said, "The assassin climbed up the rope from the sea."

"Hai Li?" Kalion IV was taken aback for a moment, the expression on his face instantly became extremely unnatural, obviously he also connected the inner gate.

Unless his navy is a group of blind waste, otherwise it is impossible to let a group of unknown people pass through most of the fleet. Touch the flagship.

Kalion IV pondered for a while, his expression constantly changing, sometimes angry and sometimes worried, and finally turned into a tired, bitter smile, waved his hand, and said: "Forget it, go check the injured first."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The officer did not dare to lift his head, and respectfully agreed. He also felt that the smell inside was abnormal. Then he looked at Leo and Xiaobai, and said, "Your Majesty, it's Leo and Xiaobai..."

The officer thought for a few seconds and said: "Your Excellency~!

The assassin first discovered by Lord Xiaobai. We only learned of the assassin after hearing the warning from Your Excellency Xiaobai. "

Kalion IV looked up at Lorraine and Leo, and smiled gratefully. Said: "No matter what I say at this moment, I can't express my gratitude, Your Highness. From now on, you will be the most honorable guest of our Elf Kingdom. Please mention what you need."

Leo grinned and said, "There really is one."

Kalion IV was taken aback. He was the first time he saw a pole and climbed up along the pole, without any politeness. Only then did he realize who he was facing.

The two big bosses of the Flying Eagle Group are both notorious and notorious. This reputation has long been passed to the Elf Kingdom.

When the Feiying Group was mentioned, the first impression of the elves was that they were unkind, forced to buy and sell, and forced many people to go bankrupt and lose their money.

Naturally, a large part of it is that some people are pushing the flames and making trouble behind their backs.

But Lord Lorraine's poor reputation is an indisputable fact. The title of Pluto's neighbors spread throughout the mainland, and Lorraine himself recognized it.

"It's awful~!" Kalion IV was secretly bitter, and said to his heart: If they open their mouths, they want the most favored nation treatment, what about zero tariffs?

With so many subordinates around him watching, his kingdom has lost its prestige when he regrets it. He was already embarrassing enough just now.

Leo rubbed his chin and said, "Then give Xiaobai a fruit feast. You guys are so outrageous, I didn't let Xiaobai eat well for dinner."

"That's it?" Kalion IV looked at Leo in disbelief with his eyes open.

Leo clapped his palms and said, "Oh, one more point."

Kalion IV's face was bitter, and I knew it was not that simple.

Leiou said, "We Xiaobai only eat fresh fruit, and we must wash it clean." Seeing that his boss is so loyal, Xiaobai looked around Leiou with a flattering expression.

King Kalion IV was overjoyed, for fear that Leo would regret it, and hurriedly shouted: "Fruit, go and bring all the fruits, go quickly~!"

Lorraine had been watching with cold eyes and cursing inwardly: The so-called politicians are probably all like this. Having just saved his life, the first thing this old guy had in mind was his interests.

Lorraine thought for a while, and asked in a low voice, "What kind of organization is this Dark Brotherhood?"

Kalion IV took a breath, pressed his hands on his knees, and said: "The Brotherhood of Darkness was originally a cult organization that worshipped the gods of darkness and death. Their leader is the Night Mother, who is said to have supernatural powers.

After being wiped out hundreds of years ago, a group of remnants survived, and since then it has become a professional assassin organization that specializes in assassinating the leaders of the kingdom and the leaders of the Druids. "

It turned out to be only active in the kingdom of the elves. It’s no wonder that such an arrogant organization has never heard of it. It is indeed a cult organization. Lorraine secretly said in his heart, and then slightly nodded, saying, "The assassination of tonight seems to have been planned for a long time. Up."

"Planning...huh~!" Kalion IV sneered, grabbed the chair angrily, and said, "This is not planning, it's cooperation."

Lorraine smiled inwardly, it seemed that the old guy was very clear in his heart.

Kalion IV sat on a chair with a sad expression on his face, and said: "In our king, there is a small group of people who are frantic. For personal benefit, the kingdom and the nation’s righteousness are ignored. As a king, yes. Such rebels will never tolerate.

Vittels~! "

The officer of the Janissary Guard who sat down on Calion IV stood up.

Kalion IV had a determined expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "I immediately convey my order to the crown prince. The elder Burns is plotting the wrongdoing and is immediately detained for investigation.

There may be some members of the presbytery, and all activities of the presbytery will be temporarily suspended. All the elders stayed in the royal city and waited for investigation.

Jack Polly neglected his duty and dereliction of duty, led the army incompetent, removed all duties, and handed over to the navy headquarters for the crime, and the deputy commander-in-chief of the Navy Bowen temporarily replaced the commander of the Central Fleet..."

Lorraine was stunned. He didn't expect that the two highest-ranking people in the opposition alliance would be taken down by the order of Kalion IV in the blink of an eye.

The elders that restricted the rights of the king instantly But everyone knows that the most suspected and capable of assassinating the king is the crown prince himself. But at this time, compared with power, the truth of who is going to assassinate the king is irrelevant.

Kalion IV followed up with a long list of names and positions, including the elders of the Presbyterian Church, military generals, local governors and city leaders, and high-level government ministers.

It seems that Kalion IV intends to take the opportunity to show his power and conduct a thorough cleaning.

Kalion IV finally said viciously: "These orders are carried out by the prince himself, Vittels, I have ordered the prince to supervise him."

Wittles trembled slightly, even if he was just a military commander, he knew that this would be a violent political storm, and he didn't know how many people would lose their heads.

"If the prince refuses to execute..." Kalion IV said with a husky face and a hoarse voice: "Report it to me immediately."

"Yes~!" Wittles lowered his head and ran out in a hurry.

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