Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1166: Shock

"Oh, bad-hearted grandpa, you are here too~!" Leo shouted happily, standing on the deck.

I'm afraid that Lester above his head is too old to hear, so he deliberately used the loudest voice.

The characteristic sharpness of a child's voice, piercing the ear like a sharp sword. It was clearly in the ears of everyone on board.

The people on the Royal Ark couldn't help but look at each other, and they were all strange in their hearts: Are people now using this way of greeting?

Although the old man above his head is a bit stinky, but standing high, his magic robe is hunting and fluttering in the wind, he is a fairy-style bone, and he is extraordinary. How do you think this person is definitely a learned person, at least It is also necessary to ask Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the level of university inquiries, shining ancient and modern super scholars.

Not to mention, he also led so many war fortresses, with great momentum.

People know at a glance, this must be a great man, a great man who can look up at a forty-five degree angle.

But what about that little fat man... how do you say he is a bad-hearted grandpa?

However, at the same time, there was a smile on the face of Kalion IV standing on the bridge. Obviously, Kalion IV had a clear understanding of the nature of this curse magister, but he immediately Realizing that this was a bit rude, he hurriedly coughed and changed his face again.

At this time, Lester flew down from the mid-air war fortress, just jumped up, out of the war fortress, and was planning to come to a beautiful air suspension, slowly falling on the deck, a gorgeous and shocking Rei's appearance showed the extraordinaryness of Lord Lester.

He even thought about it. When he was about to land, he would put a few miniature whirlwinds under his feet, which looked like the latest series of "Dragon Ball" on the Nian Times youth page. The situation is the same.

Because there are few people studying now, the major press and publishing organizations have no way to refine the market. So I printed a thick stack. The content inside is also a hodgepodge. The first few pages are about current affairs, the back is about housekeeping, and the middle is about real estate advertisements...

And for the growth of the next generation, improve the level of educational literacy and increase the interest of children in literacy. The General Administration of Press Office of Governor Nian's also specially issued a decree that all newspapers must set aside three to five pages to publish content about children.

In order to please young people and increase sales, the major newspapers unanimously chose to print comics in the middle of the newspaper, which is a simple and understandable form of art.

Once the comics were released, they were extremely popular with readers.

After all, you can't expect everyone to hold a newspaper like Lord Luo, and concentrate on reading the "Government Document No. 198 issued by His Majesty Rulunde". Or like Lord Luo's subordinates, holding the newspaper and reading attentively. ‘Luo Jue’s instructions on the ‘Government Document No. 198 issued by His Majesty Julund’...

Everyone is holding newspapers, mainly for recreation. Those cartoons are easy to understand. They are not only liked by children, but also by the small and medium-sized landlords and nobles. The puppies know how to eat all day long. They are full of brains and fat. Most of them have low level of knowledge. Only a little bit taller than ordinary people. Even if there is a high level, but after three or five years, the knowledge learned has already entered the dog's stomach.

Under such a general environment, newspapers have naturally invested heavily in comics. Nature is getting more and more brilliant. So one time. Uncle Lester turned to a page by accident when he was flipping through the newspaper. I was immediately attracted by the comics above.

Although Uncle Rester dismissed the weird fighting scenes in the comics and called it a "third-rate level" contemptuously, it is undeniable that the appearances of these characters are all shocking. , The 13 is extremely impressive, it is very impressive.

He really has an appetite for Lester, who likes to show off when he is all right.

but. The Great Sorcerer Lester took the opportunity with great difficulty, and was mobilized, when he was going to skunk in front of these arrogant elves. Unexpectedly, Leo would pull out the valve core.

Hearing Leo's sincere call, he couldn't help but stagger, swaying in the air, and he was about to fall from above.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help but trembled: It's broken~! This old boy must not have an accident~!

Lester was still forty or fifty feet high from the deck. He fell down from such a high place, and he estimated that there was no more broken old bone.

Although Lorraine really hoped that this guy would break an arm or leg or something, he could stay at home honestly for the first half of the year, and avoid trouble with himself and Adele.

But as the saying goes: Don’t expect to pick up two gold coins at once.

If you really want him to have an accident in front of your own eyes, Adele has to work hard with her when she turns around.

Just as Lorraine was about to rush to the rescue, Lester shook in the air, and suddenly stabilized his figure, although a little embarrassed.

As soon as Lester stabilized, he glared at Leo first, then hurriedly stroked his beard, smoothed his hair, and then kept an incomprehensible expression on his face and slowly descended.

Lorraine took a step, stopped at random, looked at Kalion IV who was smiling at Mimi, smiled a little embarrassedly, and then Lala Leo whispered: "How can you tell the truth? Speak out, and go home if you want to."

Leo suddenly woke up, covering his mouth and making a face. He hadn't seen an acquaintance for too long.

Catherine and the others were having fun in the Elf Kingdom. Leo was not at all happy. It was so boring to die here. There was no fun at all, and there was no fun at all. These ten days have suffocated Leo.

Suddenly seeing the funny Lester, Leo forgot the elves around him when he was happy.

Lester didn’t hear Leo’s words, and fell in front of Lorraine. Although he had planned beforehand, in a hurry, he still forgot to release those small whirlwinds that could bring shocking scenes.

He was composure and nodded slightly: "I'm not late, am I?"

Lorraine shrugged, and despite his reluctance, he still said in admiration: "Not sooner or later, you are here just right. This is His Majesty King Kalion IV."

Kalion IV hurriedly stepped up, shook Lester's hand politely, and said: "Welcome to the great curse magister, Lord Lester, to the Elf Kingdom."

There are many kings in this world, but there are not many forbidden magic masters. Seriously speaking, a curse magister is more valuable than a king.

In addition, Kalion IV also knew that this old guy was a typical academic intellectual, screaming, resounding academic bully. Although on the surface it seems to be approachable, kind and amiable, but in fact it is very small-minded, and a dime can be credited for a lifetime. You must never offend.

Unfortunately. He didn't know that from a long time ago, the wizards of the Elven Kingdom had offended Lester horribly-this old guy came here this time, and he came to vent his anger.

Lester politely talked to the king, then pointed to the war fortress above his head, and said carelessly: "How about? Shall we exercise now? Finish the fight early and get quiet."

At the same time, he secretly added a sentence in his heart, saying: "You don't need to struggle."

Kalion IV looked at Lester in amazement: This guy is really uneasy to play cards~!

Lorraine couldn't help but curled his lips, pulled Larest, and reminded: "Master. My ship hasn't come yet."

Lester gave Lorraine a dissatisfied glance, and said, "The people who know you are unreliable at the critical moment. They're slowing down."

Lorraine gave a wry smile and decided not to be as knowledgeable as the old guy.

"It doesn't matter," Lester waved his hand boldly and said excitedly: "Since it's here, let's say hello first."

Lester smiled slyly like an old fox who defeated the hunter, and said, "Your Majesty, please."

Then regardless of Kalion IV’s doubtful look. Flew straight into the fortress of the war.

Before entering the gate, Lester lowered his head and scanned the fleet of the Elf Kingdom that covered the sea, and snorted coldly. He said viciously: "I will let you gangsters meet the world today, dare to say that I am a second-rate mage."

The prototype machine whizzed past the head of the fleet, and the war fortress behind hurriedly followed.

Kalion IV looked at Lorraine and asked in a puzzled way: "What is the master doing?"

Leiou's face showed the chairman's confident expression, and said: "Your Majesty, you only need to look at it well."

The prototype flew over an empty desert beach and dropped several smoke bombs at random.

The war fortress in the back shook as if it had rushed into it, and it was scattered in the air in an orderly manner. With no three war fortresses as a team, they were divided into different groups.

The elves on the battleship looked up stupidly at the changes in the fortress in the sky, wondering what happened to the human beings?

Then a group of war fortresses in the forefront rushed towards the deserted beach and slashed across the deserted beach at high speed.

The artillery in the fortress of the war suddenly fired, and the fire from the muzzle flashed. In the blink of an eye, six shells smashed into the weird reef and then exploded. In the flames and smoke of the explosion, fragments of the solid black reef flew all over the sky.

When the explosion sounded, the officers and men of the Elf Fleet trembled, and they were all shocked.

Kalion IV was also taken aback by the sound of the artillery. He couldn't help but pointed to the deserted beach and said, "The magical cannon is so powerful?"

Leo glanced at him strangely, with a rare and weird look, and said: "This is not a magic cannon. This is an artillery produced by the Flying Eagle Group, which can be operated by ordinary people with only shells."

"So amazing~!" King Kalion IV exclaimed, then frowned, and said, "It's hard to make this shell."

Leo waved his hand disapprovingly, and said, "It's not difficult. The group can probably produce about a thousand rounds per day."

"Oh..." Kalion IV nodded thoughtfully.

Leo glanced at Kalion IV with a stern face, and said in his heart: Envy, do you want it? Just say if you want to buy it, you just say that you want to buy it~!

Kalion IV also secretly glanced at Leo, and the two of them collided with each other, and at the same time gave a smirk of joy.

After the first team opened fire, they flew across the beach quickly, and the second team followed up and blasted the smoke bomb. Then the third team...

More than a dozen air combat teams used textbook-like perfect actions to bomb the target within two minutes.

The roaring cannons became one piece, the entire deserted beach was enveloped by the smoke of the artillery fire, and the sea breeze quickly dissipated the smoke. The scene on the reef surprised the elves, and many people took a breath.

I saw that the deserted beach was as if planed by a big monster, and there were craters of different sizes.

The sturdy reef is so, not to mention the wooden warship under their feet.

"It's a maneuver~!" The officers and soldiers of the fleet had such an idea at the same time.

It is said that we will conduct a confrontational exercise close to reality with the coalition forces of human peacekeeping forces, and everyone's hearts have long been geared up. To show the dirty humans a little bit of color, let them see the power of the world's super-class navy.

Don't close the door all day and think that you are number one in the world.


However, Nima does not bring such bullies~!

All human beings are actually war fortresses. Judging from the current situation, their warships are not enough for a small team or three war fortresses.

The speed and range of the war fortress far surpassed their warships. This is not a level of competition at all, they only have to be abused at will.

Some elven naval generals with long-term vision are already wailing in their hearts. Their elven kingdom fell behind by an era overnight.

The foundation of the kingdom of the elves, the kingdom relies on to preserve its military power, fell behind in an instant~!

From then on, what is the use of the superb art of naval command and the heroic combat sailors from now on?

What is the use of the exquisite shipbuilding technology and the large number of shipyards?

What's the use of them, those admirals who have fought pirates for a lifetime in the wind and waves and the sea?

Do you want to stay in the barracks like an army general? Playing cards and drinking.

Kalion IV thought more, frowning from the shelling. His face was even worse than facing a house of assassins last night.

This time, a joint military exercise code-named "Deterrence". Indeed, the elves were shocked on the first day.

Kalion IV sighed inwardly. No wonder Lorraine was so confident during the negotiation process that he didn't talk about it. He only went shopping with his girlfriend. The peacekeeping troops were obviously here, not afraid of being obedient.

Lester flaunted his strength in front of him in such a naked way, which made it clear that he was deterring their elven kingdom. To deter Kalion IV himself, he told the elves "this is the consequence of disobedience".

Kalion IV's anger immediately ignited, and he glanced at Lorraine with an unkind look.

All this was caused by the person in front of him. Whether it's the Flying Eagle Group or the war fortress, they are all made by this uncool young man in front of them.

Looking at the appearance of the elves around him, Lorraine could only helplessly spread his hands, and did not approve of Lester's reckless approach in his heart.

But I didn't expect Lester to give the elves a direct attack, although this fits Lester's personality very well.

But for that old guy, he had never done anything, and in the end he could only turn into a bitter smile.

Kalion IV instantly suppressed the anger in his heart. As a qualified politician, he was still on the weak side. This humiliation was really nothing.

The first thing he thought of was the loss of naval superiority and the loss of trade superiority with the human continent.

The sea trade between the elven kingdom and the Ruman Empire is afraid of ups and downs, but he is the one to take over.

Every effort must be made to maintain the current advantages of the Elf Kingdom and not be sheared by humans.

In a blink of an eye, King Calion IV saw Lorraine's eyes become eager again, and all this fell on Lorraine.

After showing off their strength in front of their elves, looking at their stupid expressions, Lester was extremely comfortable.

I even thought that since my granddaughter was abducted by the bad boy Lorraine, I have never been so happy as today.

With such a victorious mentality of revenge, Lester returned to the top deck of the Royal Ark, looked at the gloomy face of Kalion IV, and said happily: "It’s ugly, the boys are not. Proficiency, let you see the joke."

Kalion IV twitched the corners of his mouth with difficulty, showing a smile that was not much better than crying, and said dryly: "There, it is really amazing."

Lester got cheap and still behaved, saying: "There is still a part that hasn't been brought in during training. When everything is done, I will invite your country to exercise."

"How can you bully people without you~!" Kalion IV murmured angrily in his heart, and finally understood why the king and the wizards hated Lester, but there was a smile on their faces, saying: "I look forward to it. ."

Even Leo couldn't stand it, shook his head and said inwardly: "Look, I just said it's a bad-hearted grandfather, you still don't believe it."

Under the high morale, the elves never mentioned the exercise plan that had been prepared for a long time, as if everyone had forgotten this.

The whole morning passed, and King Kalion IV hosted a banquet to entertain Lester and his party.

Just after noon, the two Victory-class battleships arrived late.

The appearance of two giant ships close to the Royal Ark has attracted the eyes of the elves. For naval soldiers, the two Victory-class battleships shocked them more than a group of war forts.

After all, this is their professional competitor.

The officers and soldiers of the Elf Kingdom who were in the harbor were all crowded on the dock, vying to get a closer look at the victory class.

Even with the critical eye of the Elf Navy, there is no shortcoming of these two ships.

The accompanying Hippo Maidong dragged Lorraine to the port, looking up at the Victory Class from the dock, and patted Lorraine affectionately, saying: "My dear prince, it seems that our exercise plan needs to be changed. changed."

Lorraine expressed understanding, nodded and said, "We have no objection to this. I will listen to your arrangements."

Hippo Maidong laughed happily and said: "Our fleet and the war fortress really have nothing to play. Why, let us and your fleet of the prince have a fair two-on-two."

Even if the tonnage of the Victory class exceeds the main battleship of the elves, Hippo Maidong is still confident that the elites of the elves can not find the north.

He has carefully observed that the quality of the sailors on the battleship is worse than that of the elven sailors, plus they are faster and more flexible.

Lorraine gave him a weird look, as if trying his best not to laugh, and said leisurely: "Are you sure?"

Hippo Maidon kept in mind the teachings of Palentine before he set off. When Lorraine laughed, someone would be unlucky. Hippo Maidon cautiously tentatively asked, "Is there anything famous in it?"

Lorraine sighed patted Hippo Maidong on the shoulder and said: "Old Xi, we are friends, I won't cheat you. Come on board with me."

Hippo Maidong was confused and followed Lorraine to board the battleship. The two battleships then lifted their sails and departed from the port. They turned a small turn, facing the deserted beach and opened all their gun ports.

Following the order of Chairman Leo, the guns on the two battleships fired at the same time.

The deserted beach was instantly plunged into a sea of ​​fire, and the momentum was even more shocking than before. Hippo Maidong looked silly on Cambridge, and he opened his mouth wide and could not speak for a long time.

The captain and sailors of the battleship looked at the gloomy elf navy general with elated spirits. After hundreds of years, the human navy finally got back a round in front of the elf navy.

Lorraine patted Hippo Maidong on the shoulder sympathetically.

Hippo Maidong gave a wry smile and said, "Or, let's change the joint search and rescue exercise?"


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