Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1187: Zombie Siege


"You are all cowards~!!!" A roar like a lion's fury echoed in the small stone house, shaking the ears of everyone present.

The roaring man is a particularly burly man.

He is more than two meters tall, has a strong physique, his arms are thicker than ordinary people's thighs, and his muscles are swollen, with sharp edges and corners, full of explosive power.

Although the weather is still cold now, his body is only wrapped in a simple fur, his arms and chest are exposed, his face is dark golden beard, and he looks like a mature brown bear from a distance.

The bonfire burning in the middle of the stone house was crowded with savages in various costumes.

But they stared at the fire with their heads dull and said nothing. Let the flames burn their faces all red.

After a while, the brawny man saw that no one had spoken yet, and immediately became even more annoyed, saying, "The great Rohan, open your eyes and see what your descendants are like.

Now they all have a rabbit tail behind their heads..."

A barbarian with a wolf hat on his head stood up immediately and said displeased: "Hagrid the giant bear, it's not that we are timid, but we don't know if what you said is true."

Patriarch Hagrid, who was nicknamed the giant bear, snorted angrily, folded his shoulders, stared at each other fiercely, and said, "Are you doubting my honesty? Brian, if I change a place, I will twist it because of this. Under your head.

Is the demise of Hoodheim a fake? Is Dukkumheim’s demise false? Is Lundheim’s demise fake?

People who fled to me from Lundheim. Once told me personally. The samurai who couldn't kill anyhow attacked them.

When I drove people over, all people in Lundheim disappeared, not even the dead body.

Dare to say that none of you have heard of the same thing?

If you don't act, it will be your turn next. "

The patriarchs by the bonfire looked at each other and nodded one after another: They also heard about the terrible tribe that suddenly emerged in the east.

That gang of guys turned out to be extremely domineering and swept across the entire east, destroying countless tribes. This aroused their vigilance.

However, it is just vigilant.

Although those people are powerful, they did not show the mighty military power of Ruman Empire.

In front of a powerful enemy like Ruman Empire. These barbarians are aware of the crisis of their existence, so they can temporarily abandon their previous prejudices and unite. Fight the enemy together.

But if the enemy's power is not strong enough, they will naturally choose to deal with their neighbors first.

After all, no matter how powerful outsiders are, it is impossible to run into their homes, take their cattle away, steal their food, and abduct their wives and daughters. The neighbors can do it easily.

Although Patriarch Hagrid is as strong as a brown bear, but his brain is as smart as a fox. And more importantly, he is also a member of these patriarchs, so he can see through the small abacus in the hearts of these people at a glance.

He glanced at everyone contemptuously, and said, "A bunch of poor fools. Do you know who they are?

They are evil spirits sent by Demon King Zade~!

They turned living people into undead soldiers, and drove those unrest undead to fight for them.

Their ambition is bigger than the sky, and their goal is to destroy the entire human race~! "

The patriarchs could not help but exchange an uneasy look.

Wipe out the entire human race?

What a crazy ambition this is.

The human world population is as large as the stars in the sky.

The barbarians who had been overwhelmed by the Ruman Empire in a mere trivial form could not breathe.

And such an empire is only one of many countries in the human world.

Their power has been completely unimaginable by barbarians.

And those people actually want to destroy the entire human world.

Then how tyrannical their strength should be~!

Chief Hagrid continued: "And their first step is to eliminate all our savages~!

As a descendant of Rohan, I would never sit and watch Zade’s devil appear on our land. "

"Not as scary as you said, are we still safe?" Someone asked softly in the crowd.

"Safe? Hoodheim, Dukulaheim, Lundheim, they also thought they were safe.

Wake up, my brothers. Those demons are more terrifying than the imperial people.

I would rather stand and chat with an imperial stinky pig. I don't want those demons to shake hands with me. "

"I can prove it." The other barbarian patriarch who had been silent for a while stood up.

He had white hair and a rickety figure, and he was just wearing a dirty robe. It looked old and dirty, and was extremely weak among the barbarians who advocated force. But he opened his mouth. The savages in the whole room calmed down and looked at him seriously.

Among the savages after all. It is not easy to live to such an age. Being older also means having a lot of experience, rich experience, and old tricksters.

People like him are quite few among the barbarians with generally low IQ and little knowledge. In fact, they can be called the existence of wise men.

His old voice was like reciting an ancient barbarian epic, and he said quietly: "A month ago, I rescued a young man by the river. His body was as terrible as a wolf bite.

He told me that Oldheim was already occupied by the devil. The devil caught our barbarians, poisoned them, and threw them into the black pool to become living skeletons to fight for them.

The devil has no emotions, no sense, old people, women, and even children.

He also said..."

The patriarch raised his head and scanned the compatriots in front of the bonfire, and said every word: "They are coming."

This sentence seemed to be an inexplicable prophecy, and the barbarians by the fire sank.

"Where is that person?"

"Dead." The elderly patriarch shook his head. Said regretfully: "May his soul rest beside Rohan.

After he said this to me, he died not long after he said that he had a plague planted by the devil and asked me to burn him.

It was Rohan's heroic spirits that made him hold on for so long. "

"You heard it." Hagrid the giant bear nodded respectfully to the elderly patriarch, and said in his heart: Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, you old fellow, who usually looks like a god-stick, actually took refuge in Ruman.

Hagrid waved his hands. Loudly: "They are going out of Oldheim, killing us, imprisoning our souls, and turning our corpses into undead. Are you just waiting to die?"

The patriarchs by the bonfire did not lift their heads. Like a clay sculpture, staring blankly at the flame in front of him.

Before the danger came to them, they would not believe Hagrid's nonsense, anyway, they were still far away from Oldheim, and they would just be able to escape.

Hagrid saw that he had been talking for a long time, but everyone was still indifferent, and couldn't help sighing: These dogs are all the masters who don't see rabbits or scatter eagles. Before seeing Shili, they would never be tempted.

Thinking of this, he coughed lightly, and then said as if nothing happened: "Everyone. Oldheim has gathered all the wealth of the tribe."

The eyes of the patriarchs suddenly lit up, and at the same time thinking of this joint, the property of those tribes not to perish did not all fall into the hands of Ordheim.

If he captures Oldheim, everything there will belong to him. and……

And Oldheim, it was a city with many strong windproof houses. If you live in, winter will not be as terrible as it used to be...

Hagrid patted his hairy and majestic chest hard, thumped his chest, and said, "I will lead all my warriors to attack Uldheim and destroy the Zade Devil. All the spoils of our tribe are not paid for. It is fair. The distribution is given to every tribe that contributes.

If you are willing to come, my Hagrid welcomes my brother with open arms. If you don't want to come, just run for your life. I, Hagrid, don't laugh at you either. "

"I'll go." The elderly patriarch was the first to respond. Said: "We Woolf sent three thousand soldiers, but I am old. Let my son replace me."

Hagrid bowed solemnly to the old patriarch and said, "Rohan will also praise Woolf for his courage."

"I will go too. There are too many terrible rumors. My people are afraid to escape. I must go and take a look."

"I am coming too,"

"I go."

"Okay~!" Patriarch Hagrid nodded vigorously, and said: "We will set out now and bring your most elite fighters, and then we will meet those demons."

Hagrid strode out of the stone house and yelled at the barbarian warriors gathered outside: "Let's kill the devil in Zad. Rohan~!"

The barbarian warriors who had been waiting for a long time raised their weapons high and shouted their battle slogans with their greatest strength.

"Rohan~!" Loud noises reverberated in the valley, and the roar of thousands of people shook the snow on the cliff, followed by the sound of a "rumbling" avalanche.

After the oath, the barbarians lined up in a scattered formation and headed east.

The other patriarchs looked at each other and got up one after another, and strode out of the house.

Although they are not so smart people, they have unparalleled instincts in the face of the severe test of nature. They knew clearly: the enemy was so powerful, since they decided to fight, they naturally had to join forces and beat one of their guys fiercely.

With so many savages all together, this is the battle that has the best chance of victory.

If this opportunity is missed, then I will never have this opportunity to fight again in the future.


"Papa......" Anxious footsteps sounded in the deep Demon Temple, and it was particularly harsh in the silent temple, which shocked the Lich Herod who was closing his eyes and meditating.

The green light in the eyes of the Lich Herod suddenly brightened, and his dry, hoarse voice said, "What happened?"

The dark mage who walked in quickly stopped his steps, bowed his head, and said respectfully: "Master, we found a large group of savages coming from the west, "Huh? Herod was silent for a moment and said: "How many people are there?" "

"Tens of thousands," the Dark Mage estimated. Then shook his head. Corrected his answer and said: "No, tens of thousands."

Herod couldn't help but frowned: There is a big difference between the two figures of ‘tens of thousands’ and ‘tens of thousands,’ which shows how unprofessional the scout in front of him is.

But he wasn't exacting either. After all, the other party was a dark mage, whose profession was extremely wrong. He can figure out the difference between "tens of thousands" and "tens of thousands", it is already commendable.

You know, if you put a group of people there, even if it is him, it is difficult to tell whether those people are'tens of thousands' or'tens of thousands'.

He murmured: "Tens of thousands of savages? Ha. I went to find them, but they found the door by themselves. This is a good thing."

Dark Mage said anxiously: "Master, what are we going to do?"

"Assemble the staff, let's practice with them." Herod seemed to explain a small matter. Said lightly.

Then the bell in the Demon Temple rang and spread throughout Aldheim. In less than ten breaths, all the dark mages gathered in the Demon Temple, and the silver light of the goblin was also among them. .

Yin Guang hid at the end of the team, looking at the dark mage around him, secretly guessing what happened.

Yin Guang wanted to see some clues in the eyes of the dark wizards, but found that these dark wizards were just as confused as him.

"I'm exposed? Impossible. The Lich will not put up such a big battle just to catch a little spy. The Ruman fights over? It is even more impossible. The Ruman did not put on his wings."

Yin Guang thought about various possibilities in his heart, even considering whether Lord Lorraine led a large group of old priests with white robes and white beards.

The Lich Herod walked out with his bone staff. He glanced at the black head in front of him and nodded in satisfaction. The efficiency of the dark wizards in transforming the undead soldiers was very good. Now the entire undead in Alderheim are controlled by them.

Herod pointed to the West, his mute voice exhilarated: "There have been tens of thousands of savages in the West, maybe tens of thousands, but regardless of him, those dirty and stupid savages are coming to us anyway.

Solve them~! "There were no passionate slogans, no loud oaths, all the dark wizards bowed silently. Turned around and walked out.

The silver light of the goblin was wrapped in the crowd and followed their footsteps out of the demon temple, and then the dark wizards vacated and flew to different places.

When Yin Guang was confusing where he should go, his arm was suddenly grabbed. Tugged him to the gate of Oldheim.

Yin Guang looked up at Flint.

Flint only said "follow me", and quickly boarded the city wall with the goblin.

Standing high and looking out. The valley in front of Oldheim was silent. A small river flowed through the valley. The snow on the sunny side melted, revealing the gray stone ground on the ground, and there was no trace of creatures.

Herod and several liches also descended from the sky and landed in front of Flint and Yin Guang. One of the liches raised his face slightly, as if sniffing the smell of the cold wind, then grinned and said: "I Smell the smell of strangers."

"Fresh soul, fresh blood." Herod seemed to be about to have a full meal.

The liches were ready to watch the **** performance of the gladiators, with cruel smiles on their faces.

Goblin Yinguang is still wondering, where is this person? Looking around, there are bare rocks.

At this moment, a dark shadow appeared on the peak of the mountain that was facing away in Oldheim. They paused for a moment and then jumped off the mountain.

The dark shadows of these activities continuously rushed down from the peak line, and slammed straight towards Oldheim.

As the distance got closer and closer, Yin Guang heard the peculiar cry of barbarians when they charged with the cold wind.

"Loha, Loha..."

The voice became slightly clearer, and the silver light also saw the barbarians who had been killed. Their number was no less than 10,000, and there were a steady stream of people crossing the mountains and joining the battlefield in the valley. I don't know how many people will join in.

The wilderness in front of Oldheim was full of savages, wrapped in crude fur and holding crude weapons.

Yin Guang widened his eyes and looked at the howling barbarian, applying with a pity on his face, and said in his heart: "Don't come, don't come, you will die."

The shouts grew louder and louder, and the forward barbarian was only a short distance from the city gate.

Herod sneered. Waved. Said: "Since you are here, don't go back."

Then he waved his hand and said, "Let's start."

The liches flashed, fluttered away from the city wall, and disappeared inside the city of Oldheim.

Flynn Trala, the goblin, said: "If you don't want to die, just follow me."

The gate of Oldheim opened, revealing the straight street behind the gate.

When the barbarian rushed to the gate, he stopped in surprise and wandered around the gate.

There is no one on the road. There is no single figure on the building, and the whole city is quiet, like a ghost town.

This is the first time the barbarians have seen such a strange thing, and they clearly saw someone on the tower on their charge. As a result, they were all gone.

While the barbarian fighters hesitated, behind them, Hagrid and the other patriarchs stopped on the hillside to watch the battle.

"What a majestic city~!" Someone couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The barbarians who had never thought of building a city were amazed at its magnificence and neatness at the first sight of Oldheim.

"How many people can there be in this city?" Clan Hagrid asked fascinatingly.

"Five thousand, no, one hundred thousand~!"

"I think two hundred thousand is possible."

Chief Hagrid nodded and said: "Two hundred thousand people, the riches looted by two hundred thousand barbarians are all inside."

The patriarchs cheered up as if they had been shot, two hundred thousand barbarians. The people and properties of more than fifty tribes are in the city in front of them.

As long as it is defeated, one's own wealth and population can increase drastically. Faced with this temptation, no one can calm down.

But some people were unmoved and said: "We Woolf don't want any wealth.",

Just when others lamented that the young patriarch’s brain was burnt, they said leisurely: "We only need this city."

"The beauty you want~!"

"Co-management must belong to everyone."

"Agree, co-manage, and make this the capital of our barbarians."

Hagrid stopped their quarrel and said, "My tribe doesn't want anything. As for the spoils, let's talk about winning this battle."

"Damn it, why are our people still at the door?"

The patriarchs found their soldiers hovering in front of the city gate.

Seeing the empty city wall sharply, he laughed loudly and roared: "They didn't close the city gate. The gang of cowards were scared away by us, so rush in."

"Rush in. Rush in~!"

Under the loud urging of the patriarchs in the rear, the brave barbarians screamed across the walls of Oldheim and rushed into the city streets.

They smashed every building and searched every room, but they found nothing. The city was empty as if it had never been inhabited. Even the gloomy temple in the city was empty.

The barbarian who felt deceived angrily overthrew the idol and smashed the altar.

It was not until they rushed through most of the city that they finally found their compatriots in their simple shack.

These savages living in Oldheim all fell to the ground at this moment, lying or lying, motionless on the cold ground, as if dead.

A barbarian warrior stepped forward and pulled up his compatriots, looked at each other as if they were asleep, shook them vigorously, and urged: "Wake up, wake up, tell me where the treasure is?"

A person next to him reached out to touch their necks, shook his head and said, "It's useless, they are dead."

"I X", the soldier yelled, threw away the dead barbarian in his hand, clapped his hands and said, "Unlucky."

Turn to find the next person.

The corpse of the toppled barbarian suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes had turned cloudy yellow-green, and then the corpse who had died awkwardly moved his hands and feet, struggling to stand up from the ground.

After seeing the horrified gaze of his comrade in arms, the soldier suddenly turned his mind and saw the person he judged as a corpse staring at him with yellow eyes.

The barbarian warrior happily said: "You are still alive, great, tell you that everyone runs..."

At this moment, the opponent suddenly jumped up, hugged the barbarian warrior's neck and bit down.


When they gathered to the place where the sound was made, they found that people who were lying lying on the ground were getting up from the ground or coming out of the shack that had been pushed down.

These people staggered and acted like stiff puppets, but when they approached the living barbarian warriors, they would rush to bite them.

But when the warriors slashed these monsters with their swords, they found that they couldn't kill them. Even if their hands and feet were cut off, these monsters would crawl towards them with perseverance.

"It's Zade's devil~!" the soldiers yelled in can't kill them, run away. "

The savages were not afraid of living enemies, but they were afraid of such immortal monsters. They screamed in panic and rushed back.

When they tried to escape the ghost city along the way they came in, they found that the gate had been closed tightly. Thousands of savages like them were guarding the gate, with bright weapons aimed at them.

The streets that were originally empty were also crowded with dense crowds, who silently faced the barbarian fighters.

With a "chirp", like a screaming ghost, the monsters surrounding the barbarian warriors rushed up from all sides.

Oldheim's was overwhelmed by a shadow.


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