Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1195: Mantis catching cicada

Under the lead gray clouds, the two armies face each other at a distance of hundreds of meters.

There is silence between heaven and earth, even the wind does not know when it will stop

"Kill~" a sudden shout came

Immediately afterwards, the barbarians lined up on the wide battlefield roared and rushed to the undead army opposite them.

The savages all over the mountains and plains rush forward like a tide

These fanatical warriors chanted the slogan "Rohan" in unison, screaming and waving the crude weapons in their hands.

Unlike the clamoring barbarians, the undead faced by the barbarians are terribly silent

They stood motionless, did not move, did not shout, silently watching the barbarians get closer and closer

If the barbarian’s charge is like a roaring ocean tide, the undead army is like a rock on the coast.

Hearing the barbarian roar in his ears, looking at the black figures all over the earth, sweat is all over the goblin's silvery hands.

The earth trembled in the barbarian rush

Yin Guang’s legs were trembling when I saw this scene for the first time, especially when I saw the undead army standing in front of him doing nothing, Yin Guang’s heart began to beat a drum.

I kept appearing in my mind of being dismembered by a chaotic axe

"You will die, you will be killed..." Yin Guang kept saying to herself in her heart

The urge to turn around and run away

Goblins are never a daring race, except when they are profitable enough

The dark mage Flint turned his head and noticed the abnormality of the Earth Spirit Sutra. At this moment, he was like a rat stuck in a corner, scared and ready to escape.

Flint couldn't help getting furious. He violently pulled the goblin by the collar and dragged him in front of him vigorously, with the gleam of shame in his eyes. about you"

The lich Herod, sitting on a high place, looked a little bored, with his shriveled head in one hand, and the fingers of the other hand tapping the armrest impatiently.

Hearing the movement around me, my emotionless eyes glanced at them

The goblin was suddenly shocked by this look, and instantly felt cold all over, and the roots of the hair were standing up, if it were frozen

Yinguang suddenly knew one thing clearly in his heart. If he dared to leave here one step, he would immediately become like a nearby undead, a cold corpse.

Thinking of this, his whole body stiffened for a while, and he dared not move again.

After a few minutes of charging, the barbarian's forward was only a few steps away from the unmoving undead soldier.

The barbarians who rushed in the front shouted and threw the hatchets in their hands.

Each hand axe weighs three to five catties and has a sharp blade. It is the best throwing weapon of barbarians.

The axe in the sky whizzed and flew over a distance of more than ten feet, and it flew towards the undead soldiers on the opposite side.

The undead soldier still responded with terrible coldness, and didn't even move at all.

In the next moment, all the axes hacked deeply into the front row of undead soldiers, and most of the axes were deeply embedded.

At this time, the barbarian rushed into the middle of the undead, like a raging wave, and the two armies violently collided

Those who can run in the forefront are the best among the savages

They became extremely excited because of the fierce fighting will in their hearts, and the dark wizard's blasphemy against the dead made them angry from the bottom of their hearts

Encouraged by fighting spirit and anger, the barbarian warrior broke out with double combat effectiveness

They shouted the name of the **** of war Rohan, fitted shields and rushed towards the undead soldiers, like a crazy wild boar

With a muffled "bang", the undead soldiers were hit by a huge force just as they moved, and fell backward in a dense formation, knocking down the soldiers behind them.

At this time, the barbarian warriors raised their weapons, battle axes, hammers, broadswords, long swords, etc., using all their strength to slash at the dead souls around them.

Barbarians have always been known for their strong physique and fearless fighting spirit, but at the same time they are ridiculed for their scattered fighting.

Ruman’s soldiers alone are not their opponents

However, the soldiers of the Ruman Army are well-equipped, cooperate with each other, and are tightly formed. They use heavy armor and shields to block the barbarian's impact, and use spears to stab and wound the barbarian

At this time, the barbarians are no longer the opponents of the regular army. When the barbarians cannot bear the rout, they will be chased by the cavalry to completely solve them.

This simple tactic is very effective, tried and tested

But at this moment the barbarians are not facing the regular army of the Ruman Empire armed to the teeth, but the undead barbarians like them.

These undead soldiers are a group of living dead, with shattered fur on their bodies, crude and rusty weapons in their hands, and large decayed sores on their bodies, with disgusting pus.

Their eyes have turned into a turbid yellow-brown, like liquid, and their throats emit low noises like beasts.

Slow movement and unresponsiveness, when the barbarians killed them, all the undead did not even raise their weapons

The various weapons in the barbarian's hands were severely chopped down, and a burst of swords and axes slashed in, tearing muscles, and cutting bones.

Even after many years, the goblin Silverlight still couldn't forget this scene, and the weird scenes came to his mind clearly.

The barbarians are so powerful that they chop off the body of the opposite undead with every move, or smash their heads like a watermelon, or chop off their entire shoulders, from the neck to the chest or the undead’s Pierced a big hole in the body

Use a blunt tool to directly smash or fly the undead

But the undead soldiers that were hit had no blood splashes, no wailing, no parry or evasion.

Except for a very small number of undead whose heads were chopped off, they fell silently, but the rest of the undead have also begun to act.

Although there were still weapons in their bodies, the undead soldiers awkwardly raised their hands, and amidst bursts of miserable roars, they used crude weapons in their hands, clawed fingers, and even bite with their own teeth. Attacking barbarian soldiers

The savages were shocked when they saw this scene all at once. Their common sense could not understand why they could still counterattack indifferently after being so seriously injured.

Suddenly many people stopped their hands at a loss

But the undead did not stop

Many barbarians caught in surprise were too late to react, and were immediately hit by the undead soldiers on the opposite side.

The claws of the undead soldiers slashed across their bodies, or rushed to bite their shoulders or necks, biting like wild animals.

The first casualties of barbarians occurred

The bitten barbarian screamed and pushed away the undead lying on him with all his strength

The undead soldiers even had their meat in their mouths, and blood immediately sprayed out from the wounds, instantly dyeing the barbarian's body red.

The violent barbarians spurred by blood frantically picked up their weapons and slashed at the undead soldiers with a knife. They endured one attack, two attacks, three attacks...

But as long as you fight back and have a mouth, the undead soldier will stubbornly pounce on the barbarian, scratching or biting

Even if they were chopped off their hands and feet and fell to the ground, the undead would crawl on the ground, trying to hug the barbarian’s legs and feet, and bite their calves. This is especially difficult for the barbarians to guard against.

Many fierce barbarians will accidentally be attacked when walking among corpses

"What the **** is this~"

"Rohan bless these demons to die"

"Who told me **** them"


The barbarians cried out in amazement until they dismembered or chopped the undead, they would die completely and become a pool of rotten flesh on the ground.

But often barbarians do not have time to kill an undead completely, the undead behind it, left and right will follow it, grab the barbarian’s arm, or embrace the barbarian’s body, and attack the barbarian with his hands and mouth.

This kind of fighting style that barbarians have never seen before makes the barbarians messy. This kind of enemy's attack power is not strong, but the difficulty is that they are difficult to kill.

But this is just a little trouble for the brave barbarians

Although many barbarians were injured, after the initial panic, they also found that the fighting power of the opposite undead was not strong.

Although it is not easy to hack to death, in front of barbarians with powerful force, they can only fall one by one in the end.

The barbarians who dominated the numbers surrounded the undead army from three sides and moved forward steadily.

They took firm steps, stepped past one after another withered corpses, and slowly compressed the undead front to get closer and closer to the enemy's Chinese army, and they could already see the enemy's commander.

The Hagrid in the team raised his battle axe to the sky, but the axe pointed at the lich Herod, exhausted his strength, sounded like a thunder, and yelled: "Victory is ahead, Rohan~"

The majestic voice stimulated the morale of the barbarians. The barbarians in the battle shouted the slogan "Rohan" and pushed forward bravely.

The wounded barbarians did not notice that the wounds they had bitten by the undead soldiers were turning black and blue, and the blood flowing out of them became darker and thicker.

The battle has entered a stalemate scene, but in the eyes of the goblin Silverlight, the scale of victory is tilting towards the barbarian. If there is no other means, the barbarian can break through the undead army of the lich in another half an hour, no, twenty minutes. Array

Yin Guang’s heart is very entangled at this moment. He really hopes that the barbarians will win, but if they do win, his nickname is also not guaranteed. The barbarians will definitely be very happy to shoot themselves into meat sauce.

Compared with the survival of the barbarian, of course his own life is more important. The goblin Yinguang knew very well in his heart, so he looked at Herod beside him worriedly.

Yin Guang was surprised to see that the Lich was closing his eyes and rested, and he had no intention of sending the dark knight in front of him.

Flint whispered: "Kill, kill, the faster you kill, the sooner you die"

After a few more minutes, the barbarian's encirclement became tighter and tighter.

The wounded savages gradually felt abnormally tired, as if they were overstretched and lost their strength. Their wounds no longer bleed, their minds gradually began to dizzy, and their vision became blurred.

Although they kept admonishing themselves in their hearts: "You can't fall down, you can't fall down"

But the feeling of fatigue became stronger and stronger, the limbs became stiff and numb, the hearing and vision began to decline, and finally they were exhausted and fell on the battlefield in darkness.

The toxins carried by the bodies of undead soldiers spread through their blood in the fierce battle of the barbarians, and gradually accumulated enough to paralyze the heart. The barbarians who fell on the ground stopped their heartbeat and breathing and became a corpse.

At this moment, the carefree lich Herod smiled triumphantly and got up from his chair.

A white bone staff appeared in his hand out of thin air. Herod gave the staff a heavy meal and looked at the barbarian fighting in front of him and said flatly: "Okay, from the beginning, take this as a ruman Rehearsal before the battle"

"Yes," the dark wizards behind Herod bowed their heads at the same time, and then, like Herod, clenched their respective staffs, and chanted slurred spells in a low voice.

Suddenly a cloudy wind blew on the wide battlefield, and the barbarian who was blown by the cloudy wind suddenly felt cold, and it felt that the sky was suddenly darker.

The wind on the battlefield seems to have a color, getting darker and darker in just a few minutes, changing from wind to smoke and from smoke to fog

A faint black smoke enveloped the entire battlefield

But the barbarians in the fierce battle have no time to care about this anomaly

Only Chief Hagrid keenly felt that something was wrong, first quietly stopped, and then slowly retreated a certain distance.

When Chief Hagrid walked out of the smoke, he suddenly found that Chief Woolf came out earlier than him.

The two people stared at each other for a moment, and then laughed slyly at the same time

The savages in the black mist feel the air a bit weird, something indescribable lingers around them

The barbarian who fell dead on the ground twitched, then twitched like an electric shock.

Seeing the anomaly of his comrades, the soldiers next to them hurried to help them, trying to shake them up.

The first barbarian warrior who came back from the dead opened his eyes, his white eyes have turned dark yellow, and his eyes looked at the sky without a god.

Just as the companion was rejoicing, the resurrected barbarian warrior made a sudden profit, opened his mouth and bit fiercely towards his companion’s neck, once biting it, he would not let go.

The strange situation makes the barbarian both frightened and angry

"They live~"

"Damn, they became enemies"

"Rohan bless, what the **** are they?"

The quick-thinking ones immediately commanded loudly: "Cut off their heads, don't be soft, they have become enemies"

But for ordinary barbarians, looking at someone who was just his own compatriot, they can’t do anything.

Especially the relatives of the same tribe, unable to believe that the people who came with me all the way, turned into enemies at this moment.

The casualties of the barbarians are increasing, but they are close to Herod, as long as they rush up and cut off the skinny ghost-like old man, the victory will belong to the barbarians.

At this moment, behind the noisy battlefield, behind the barbarians, a group of dark shadows suddenly appeared

The shadow splits into three directions, blocking all the barbarian’s retreat, slowly approaching the barbarian

"What's that?" A sharp-eyed barbarian saw a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

Chief Hagrid is happy for the wise decision he just made, and fortunate that he didn't stay in the dark mist and lost his life in vain.

The opponent’s spells are too weird and terrifying, as long as they are bitten, they will definitely die.

This is even scarier than fighting against Ruman

Hearing the voices of their subordinates proudly, Chief Hagrid and Chief Woolf turned their heads to look behind them at the same time. At this moment, they can tell that these dark shadows are a large group of people, no less than tens of thousands.

The old treacherous Patriarch Wolf passed bad thoughts through his mind, and asked, "Are there any unreached people behind us?"

Patriarch Hagrid also felt bad in his heart, shook his head, and said, "No more, I have gathered all the soldiers within ten miles in the morning."

When Woolf heard the answer he expected, his face changed drastically, and he said hurriedly: "Then..."

Chief Hagrid's face was gloomy, and he scolded angrily: "Damn, we are surrounded~"

Woolf pretended to grab Hagrid's clothes nervously, and asked hurriedly, "What should we do?"

Hagrid did not hesitate, and said in a round of battle axes: "While they are still not encircled, I am leaving, as for you old fellow"

Chief Hagrid looked at Chief Woolf contemptuously, and said mercilessly: "Fend and die."

When Patriarch Woolf heard this reply, his horrified face instantly turned blue, and his eyes stared at Hagrid with hatred like a wolf, and threatened with a deep voice: "If you don't take me, I will take all your ugly things. Shake it out, don’t you be able to hide from me because you can hide from me, I’m also there."

Patriarch Hagrid was about to turn around and run away. He suddenly turned his head when he heard the words. His eyes were slightly narrowed, and his eyes flashed brightly, saying: "Old miscellaneous hair, you threaten me?"

Patriarch Woolf stared at Hagrid uncompromisingly, and said harshly, "Boy, you're still a little tender when you are in front of my old man."

Hagrid snorted from his nose, his voice was chilling, and he let out a "roll"

Woolf suddenly let go of Hagrid, and said loudly as he stepped back, "Hagrid is Ru..."

Before he could finish speaking, Hagrid’s great axe swung down from the air with the sound of the wind, chopped from the top of Woolf’s head to his stomach, and broke the old guy's stomach, almost splitting it in half.

Upon seeing this, Woolf's men screamed and rushed towards Hagrid.

The followers around Hagrid also screamed and rushed to fight, and the two sides fought together behind the battle.

"Bah~" Patriarch Hagrid spit on Woolf's corpse, then said: "Let's go, we can run out now."

After talking about leaving behind the people who were fighting with the Woolf tribe, he ran for his life quickly, but the followers behind him still held the big 纛 symbolizing unity.

The barbarian’s forward is only a hundred feet away from Herod, and with a little effort, he can throw his axe to the hillside where Herod is.

But at this time, the barbarians on the battlefield found that they were surrounded by people, and the undead army from three sides had already been killed and attacked behind them.

The reinforcements of these undead races are mixed with some advanced skeleton soldiers and dark knights. These undead warriors are much better than sluggish zombies.

"We are surrounded" yelled in a panic from the barbarian caught in the front and back flanking

"What to do? What to do?" They were caught in a dilemma.

At this time, command is most needed to stabilize the military's mind and indicate the next goal, but when the barbarians are looking for their allied leader, they suddenly find that the banner symbolizing the leader has run far behind.

"Leader has escaped~"

All the barbarians saw that their heroic leader of Hagrid abandoned them and fled away alone, even behind the undead reinforcements in the rear.

After the guy spotted the enemy, he didn't remind them

This sentence caused the barbarian's and the panic spread quickly



"Bring me back"

The barbarian yelled at the banner of escape and cursed Hagrid who was the first to escape.


Defeated like a mountain

Herod stood up excitedly, raised his arm and pointed at the barbarian, excitedly commanded: "Dark Knight, assault~"

At this moment, his cold phylogeny trembles fiercely. The victory belongs to Herod, and the Ruman will lose to Herod in the same way.

The dark knights who waited patiently for a long time behind the battle are more and more out there, like barbarians with no morale

On the boiling battlefield, no one noticed the two black spots hovering in the sky

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