Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1199: Eagle wall


Elena pressed her bright red lips tightly, coldly glanced at the dark cloud formed by the dark mage rushing in the distance, and then strode onto the flight console in vigorous and graceful steps. Ha 18m

With an order, the twelve battlefield fortresses suddenly separated in the air like blooming petals.

One team becomes two teams, and the two teams are divided into four groups. Every three seats form a triangular team, separated from each other by about 300 meters, flying forward with maximum acceleration.

The four groups of war fortresses are divided into four different directions, and the dark wizards, which are as dense as a swarm of bees, fall behind.

Their cooperation is so skillful, every step is not hurried, calm and precise. Looking up from the ground, it feels pleasing to the eyes, as if watching an aerial dance.

The dark wizards who rose up in the air found that the goal in front of them suddenly changed, and they couldn't help but be taken aback. Looking at the divided war fortresses, I don't know which one to pursue.

This is also one of the weaknesses of these dark wizards.

They all rank their positions according to their magical power, and whoever has the highest mana will be the boss. Lack... To be precise, it is an extremely lack of commanding and strategic talents, especially a large number of outstanding middle and lower-level commanding talents.

If this situation is alone, or a small-scale conflict, they can still handle it.

But once they are on the battlefield and engage in large-scale battles, they will lose out because of the lack of contact between the senior command and the lowest level, and poor communication.

The dark wizards hesitated in the air for a while, and then they gathered again under the scream of the Lich.

They were divided into four teams in the middle of the standard, and then at the fastest speed, suddenly rushed towards the war fortress.

Looking from the ground, they were like four plumes of thick black smoke. Circling and twisting closely behind the four groups of war fortresses.

Those ascetic monks could not help but groan secretly in their hearts.

Although the dark mages had divided their troops, there were more than 300 people in each group, which was extremely powerful.

Even though they were powerful in their holy powers and specifically restrained the dark mages, they still felt a tingling scalp when they saw the dense dark mages chasing behind them and covering the sky.

These were not a few, a dozen dark spellcasters who sneaked into the human race, these were hundreds of wizards who were proficient in dark spells.

The spells they use are known for being harsh and insidious, and not only difficult to guard against. And the lethality is huge.

Once they rushed into the fortress of war, it would be a disaster.

Ascetic monks have actual combat experience against dark wizards. Every year, there are always some dark spellcasters, necromancers, vampires, horror knights, etc. who cross the iron curtain and come to peek from the side of the demons.

Some are spying on information, some are unable to bear hunger and thirst. Some are purely curious. More is to complete the trial task of the undead.

Although the degree of difficulty is different, basically every high-level undead will have a must-do epic task-to visit the human race. This has become a sacred and inviolable tradition for them.

In the human continent. This is the home ground of the Holy See of Illumination. Once they are discovered, the priests unceremoniously use their numerical superiority to drown the unlucky stowaways.

This is why the incident in Fort Lorraine immediately received the attention of the Holy See and the Magic Association and sent people to investigate.

But... even ascetic monks who have hunted down high-level undead races have never been like this. Fight against such a large number of dark wizards.

This made the ascetic monks have an illusion that they seemed to be on the home court of the demons, and after their identity was exposed, they were chased by them in a group.

Dark wizards are different from undead creatures. The powerful skills of priests can directly purify undead creatures.

However, the Dark Mage is practicing evil magic. But they are still living people, just like human magicians.

For them. The great, holy, and benevolent God of Light still holds a glimmer of hope. In other words, although holy arts can weaken the spells that restrain them, it takes a lot of effort to kill them directly.

With such a large number of dark wizards, even if they stand still and let them kill, they will be unable to kill half of them if they exhaust their holy power.

The ascetics are not afraid of death, on the contrary they regard sacrifice in battle with dark creatures as glory.

What they worry about is their mission, endless killing of enemies, leaving the Lich and Dark Mage on the mainland, enough to set off a **** storm.

The leader of the ascetic monk turned his head to look at the command of this operation and found that Lord Lorraine, who had a high reputation in the Holy See, seemed not worried at all.

He is holding a small nail clipper and trimming his nails leisurely with his head down.

From time to time, I opened my hands and compared them carefully, and then continued to file the edges and corners of the nails with a small file.

The ascetic monk couldn't help feeling a bit salty in his throat, and he almost didn't spit out any thick sputum into Sir Alex's face.

The situation outside is already at a critical point. Is this guy still interested in manicure here?

If it weren’t for everyone to say that Ferguson was the father of His Majesty’s son, and he had seen it with his own eyes, the white and fat little chubby boy smiled at the sight of Ferguson and opened his little hand,'Da Da Da With a scream of'Da', he was going to pass it with a stick.

In line with the principle of the person in charge, the ascetic monk took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and then kindly reminded: "Count, the number of enemies exceeds the estimate, we... shall we go back and find some reinforcements? "

"Is it too much?" Lorraine was taken aback, turned to look at the black smoke outside the window, and then said: "Not much."


"Don't worry, Lord Saint-Brian" Lorraine smiled, then put down his nail clippers, looked around the tightly guarded flight crew members in the war fortress, and said affirmatively: "Please trust our pilot."

The mages who controlled the fortress of the war raised their heads and glanced at their bosses. They were unreservedly trusted by the big boss, and the mages couldn't help being moved and proud.

At this time, the Dark Mage still bit the tail of the war fortress firmly, and has begun to launch various spells at the war fortress impatiently.

However, due to the high speed of the war fortress, those spells dissipated in the air without even touching the tail of the war fortress.

Seeing to leave the battlefield airspace soon. Those dark wizards couldn't help but lack of excitement. The enemy just kept running away, and didn't even have the courage to fight back. This chase seems to have no results.

At this moment, the war fortress suddenly began to turn at a large angle without warning.

Due to the fast turning, the posture of the war fortress also changed.

Under the influence of huge centrifugal force, everyone in the war fortress had to hold on to nearby walls and tabletops to stabilize their bodies to prevent falling.

After a second, the centrifugal force suddenly disappeared.

Before everyone could come back to their senses, Jelena’s clearer and brighter voice sounded in the war fort: "Ready to pick up the enemy, at three o'clock."

The mages who had been on guard for a long time didn't care much, and all hulled. Pounced to the window on the right and began to accumulate mana. Prepare the spell.

The gunners in the weapon room quickly filled the artillery with shotguns, then squatted down on the artillery to observe the airspace in front of them, waiting calmly for orders.

Seeing the war fortress suddenly turning around, the dark mages who followed closely were surprised. I thought that the enemy was shocked to see the crowds on his side. Just knowing to escape with his tail.

If that's the case, everyone can only use them.

Who knew they had suddenly fainted. at this time. Suddenly turned.

Moreover, the sudden change of the flight direction also directly caused the speed of the war fort to drop, and the distance from the dark wizard who was chasing after him was also shortened a lot.

Now, the dark wizards who are tracking only need to turn their heads slightly to quickly catch up to the war fortress along the diameter of the arc.

At this moment, the right side of the war fortress that had turned ninety degrees was facing the dark wizard, flying in a direction perpendicular to the dark wizard's movement trajectory.

In less than three seconds, the Dark Mage approached within range. They began to condense spells, preparing to throw them viciously on the opposite war fortress, and let out a sulking breath of bombardment.

In their eagerness, they didn't seem to realize the fairest point on the battlefield: when the enemy was within their range, they were also in the enemy's range.

"Set fire to attack~!" Irina's magnetic voice decisively shouted.

Just when the spells of the dark wizards were about to take shape. A group of wizards suddenly appeared in front of the window of the war fortress, and they quickly threw the various spells they had prepared in their hands into the dark wizards in the air.

The dense spells all point to the few dark wizards flying in the front.

Those who rushed the fastest had no time to react. Was immediately overwhelmed by the splendid ice and fire and other spells.

There was a human-shaped torch that became a burning, while it was burning, and it fell from the air with a scream of exhaustion.

The other dark mage whose body was covered by ice crystals made no sound, and fell straight down like a rock.

The dark mages evaded in amazement and flew to the left, pulling away from the war fortress.

At this time, a red light flashed on the war fortress, and a stream of heat was wrapped in hundreds of finger-bellied lead bullets and shot from the muzzle. Immediately afterwards, a loud blast came over.

The super-high-speed flying lead shot rushed out of the muzzle and quickly spread out, forming a bullet net with a radius of several meters.

A dark mage couldn't dodge, shrouded in a large net of deadly projectiles. He saw countless black spots flying towards him and immediately screamed. Crushed a ring on his hand.

Suddenly, a shield of pale white light enveloped him. This was the top-secret method he relied on to protect his life, but he didn't expect that he would have to use it when he first entered the battlefield.

But before new ideas came to his mind, at this time, those hot lead pills had already hit behind the mana shield.

It shattered into hundreds of pieces in one hundredth of a second, then broke through the mana shield and shot at the dark mage.

The high-speed shrapnel effortlessly shot through the dark mage's body, tearing his head and body apart.

The people in the fortress of the war only saw the sound of a cannon, and then the dark mage turned into a cloud of blood in the air, falling to the ground like rain.

"Pretty~!" The ascetic monk couldn't help but rub his hand in admiration.

In his eyes, the war fort was a dashing maneuver, and the dark wizard chasing them crazily just hit the head of the knife.

This is nothing more than waiting for the rabbit.

The mages don't need to search for the enemy at all, the enemy will automatically be sent to their staff.

Lorraine first gave Elena a thumbs-up and praised her for her subtle control, and then said to the ascetic monk: "The more beautiful ones are still to come."

Lorraine raised his arm and pointed forward. A group of dark mages were flying towards them in a panic.

The triangular flight formation turned right as a whole, and the wingman on the right wing was now at the front of the row. Therefore, the dark wizards who were pursuing the right wingman were just trapped by the three war fortresses.

"At two o'clock, set fire to attack~!"

Suddenly found out that he didn't know why the dark wizard who hit the war fortress had no time to slow down, and was smashed by the wizards in the war fort.

The artillery of the three war fortresses fired at the dark wizard in the middle at the same time, and the lead shot from the six artillery guns was so dense that they even collided in the air.

Lorraine felt like he was shooting a turkey with a shotgun. With the naked eye, he could see that the bodies of a dozen dark wizards were torn apart by the projectiles, breaking into pieces of varying sizes and falling to the ground.

At the end of the round, your own skills and weapons enter the cooling time. Everyone in the fortress of the war realized that it was time to retreat.

"Speed ​​up~!"

Following the order of Elena. The war fortress moved forward at full speed again, dexterously turning, leaving the frightened dark wizards behind at five o'clock.

Within a few minutes, the war fortress of the Flame Emblem accelerated to the fastest speed, leading the formation back to its original position.

At this time, the three aircraft formation of the fourth team on the outermost side drew an arc. Also rushed back to the battlefield, located about a kilometer directly in front of Lorraine and them. The height is slightly lower than Lorraine.

Behind them, dozens of dark wizards chased after them.

And Lorraine was looking at the **** of these dark mages. The dark mages did not find the chasing soldiers behind him at all, and sullenly chased the war fortress ahead.

There is no better attack position than this~!

Jelena's voice sounded: "At twelve o'clock, free attack."

The voice was as cold and flat as ever, and I couldn't hear the excitement, excitement, or nervousness when commanding a battle. It deserved a command Ruoding compliment.

Under this once-in-a-lifetime attack opportunity, the ascetic monks couldn't help but eager to try. Going to the forefront, at the same time as the mage of the war fort, attacked the dark mage who didn't know that he had fallen into a death trap.

The artillery with the farthest range fired first, and because the gunner was able to aim calmly, the first two shots were accurate.

The few dark wizards who were lucky enough to be the last to grind foreigners would never think of it. The cowardice caused them to die.

The two cannon sounds were almost connected together, and the flying dark mage's body suddenly sank. Rolling to the ground.

The ascetic monks followed and shot, a thick light across the sky, always shining on the war fortress of the fourth team ahead.

There were three dark wizards illuminated by the light, and Lorraine could clearly hear the screams they made when they were hit.

The mages of the first team shot at the same time, and the splendid spells exploded right in front, forming a deadly colored cloud, and the dark mages wrapped in it were not spared.

The dark wizards who found chasing troops suddenly ran for their lives, mostly swooping toward the ground.

The same thing was happening at the same time with the cooperation of the second team and the third team. The dark wizard was dizzy by the elusive flight path of the war fort.

They only know that they are blindly chasing behind the war fortress, but they are always caught in different directions weirdly.

A chase in the air lasted only ten minutes. The Dark Mage lost more than 30 people, but he didn't even touch the hair of the war fortress.

The ascetic monk who has been like a dry well for thousands of years has also become excited in the hearty battle. On his dry face like orange peel, there is a satisfied smile, and only a few yellow teeth are exposed.

Touching the sparse, withered hair on the top of his head, he said, "I never thought that a delicate flight can be a weapon. Your pilot is very good. I'm very surprised. How did your people do it? They are like opening their eyes. Same. Always appear in the best attack position."

Lorraine looked at the excited Nian Qing mage in the war fort, and said: "The best pilot, plus the most sophisticated tactics."

"I wish to hear the details." The ascetic monk's curiosity that had been calm for decades was seduced.

Lorraine pointed to the war fortress outside the window and said: "If each war fortress wants to exert all its firepower, it needs a sufficient range of motion. Otherwise, accidental injuries and collisions will occur.

Because we divided the war fortresses into groups, with three war fortresses as squadrons, four squadrons formed a squadron, and the three war fortresses in the squad covered each other.

Each squadron used arc or circular flight to cover again, and at different altitudes, they took turns to attack and cover to ensure the intensity and continuity of firepower.

The popular point is called a domain with multiple layers, grouped and combined, and the artistic point is called the wall of eagles. "

"The Wall of Eagles..." The name of Taste muttered in the ascetic monk's mouth, nodded approvingly: "Today is really an eye-opener."

After being attacked repeatedly, the dark mages had lost their courage.

The shrill screams of the Lich once again remembered that business had become more urgent and urgent than ever before. This time the Dark Mage did not follow the order, and was afraid to move forward in the air entering the ground.

"Weak, incompetent~!" The Lich's voice spread across the battlefield, saying: "This time, follow me~!"

The five dark shadows rushed towards the war fortress where Lorraine was located from different directions. It seemed that they also knew that Lorraine was on it and determined to concentrate their forces on one.

The Lich knew more about the consequences of the mission At first, they boasted in front of the undead high priest.

They also cannot afford the consequences of failure.

The speed of the Lich is not comparable to that of the Dark Mage, and in the blink of an eye, it has approached the war fortress painted with the flame emblem.

And they chose to approach from directly below the war fortress, which is the dead end of the war fortress.

"After the overall offense fails, it's time to focus on the offense. Can you change your routine?" Lorraine scoffed at their actions.

Jelena raised her eyebrows slightly, showing a solemn expression for the first time, and the war fortress quickly raised and accelerated.

Despite his unwillingness, the Dark Mage summoned his last courage and rushed to the fortress of the war following the figure of the Lich.

The remaining three teams followed the first team and staged a new air chase. RQ


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