Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1208: honor


The sun rose slowly from the horizon.

The sun shone on the mountain, and the white snow on the top of the peak was covered with a golden light, which was exceptionally dazzling.

At the same time, a huge shadow was cast on the other side of the mountain.

As the sun rises little by little, the projection of the mountain peak on the ground also shrinks little by little, pointing to the north little by little.

In the end, a dazzling ray of sunlight crossed the ridge and jumped out from the other side.

The sun finally shone into the valley, not only illuminating the grass, streams, and rocks in the valley, but also the gloomy city of Oldheim at the end of the valley.

At this time, the city bathed in the sun looks no different from other places, with messy buildings and vertical and horizontal streets.

The only difference is that there is not a single resident here. There are no furniture or residents in the house. There are no pedestrians, no vendors, no lively hawking, no noisy carriages and horses on the street.

Some are just dead silence.

The stone house stood silently in the cold wind.

There is a strange and gloomy feeling in Oldheim walking in the daytime.

Although knowing that there is nothing, it feels as if there are countless invisible evil spirits surrounding you.

It was as if they were floating beside passers-by, making hysterical screams that the living cannot hear.

You can't see them, but you can feel them.

The cold wind made a whining sound through the doors and windows, sometimes high-pitched and sometimes low-pitched, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and the weird wind sounded in human ears. Shrieking like a ghost.

This is a dead city.

Anyone who sees such an ominous city will immediately hide away, and hide as far away as possible.

But at this moment, a group of people are walking on the streets of the city.

These people get together. Walk carefully in the center of the street.

They erected their ears nervously, listening to every sound coming from the wind. With eyes wide open, the dark doorways and windows were vigilant.

At the same time, hold up the weapon in your hand and be ready for battle at all times, as if terrifying monsters would jump out of those dark corners at any time.

After a while, someone in the middle finally couldn't bear it and coughed softly. Then he said: "Boss, let's go back quickly. This is not a place for people to stay."

After Leo finished speaking, he reached out and rubbed the goose bumps on his arm again.

Lorraine glanced sideways.

Obviously not only him, everyone around him opened his eyes. The nerves were tight, his expression was cautious, and there was some fear.

They huddled together tightly, watching the surroundings carefully, moving their steps. For fear that after falling behind, he will be eaten by fierce ghosts.

Before coming. Everyone knows that this is a city that was once ravaged by the undead. They have also heard how terrifying a city raged by the undead in history books and the singing of bards.

But I never knew it would be so miserable.

Every step forward. You can faintly hear the sound of broken bones under your feet, and every wind blows. Will hear the cry of the wronged soul.

How many sins are buried in this dead silence?

Just now. Suddenly, a slight sound of "click" sounded.

Lei Erye was also loud and bold, but he also jumped up with a scream of fright. Then, he took out his pistol and aimed at the direction of the sound, and shouted: "Who, where is who? To this director Grow, or I will shoot."

Not only Leo, but the wizards nearby also raised their staffs and aimed at the house where the sound was coming from. The magic lights of various colors on the top of the staff kept flashing. As soon as there is a situation, he will blast it over with all his strength-whatever it is, kill him before questioning.

This is the city of the undead, there will never be any good people.

After a while, there was still no sound in the [Room]. Only one cat gave a cry, then swaggered past the crowd.

Vera gave them angrily and said, "It's a wild cat. It scares you all."

Leo's tender face blushed, and he put down his pistol in a daze, haha, and said, "What, I'm... not afraid.

I'm just...just a demonstration of what to do in emergencies. Did everyone see it? This is how you should deal with situations.

Everyone did a great job just now.

There are always prizes for returning. "

The wizards were also a little bit ridiculous about their fuss. Following the steps of Chairman Leo, they came to: "I saw it, I saw it."

"The chairman demonstrated well."

"Yes, yes."

"Haha, haha..."

After a sudden battle last night, everyone discovered that although this group of undead had defeated, they were also scheming. They had trump cards in their hands, and everyone was almost ambushed by them.

Therefore, although after the fierce battle last night, he defeated the undead again, knowing that they must have abandoned the city and fled. And now it's broad daylight, and there are also war fortresses in the sky, but they are always worried about another sneak attack by the Dark Mage, and they are very nervous.

Around the corner, Lorraine saw his target, the wreckage of the war fortress shot down.

The war fortress controlled by the lich exploded in the air, broken into several pieces and fell on the ground. This was the largest piece in front of him.

The pillars of the magic circle engraved with runes exploded from the middle and turned into two broken houses that collapsed on the ground.

Half of the base was inserted diagonally into the ground, and scattered stones were scattered around.

After the burning in the middle of the night, only a few wisps of smoke remained, emerging from the cracks in the broken stones.

Without waiting for orders, the wizards dispersed consciously, searching around the wreckage carefully.

"Found a corpse~!" Suddenly a mage called out loudly.

Lorraine ran in the direction of the voice, and there was a dark object lying on the ground. The human figure was no longer visible. The clothes left on his body indicated that he was a dark mage.

"There is more here~!"

"I found one too."


The mages found four bodies one after another, and the ascetic Saint Belian walked around the wreckage. Finally shook his head and said: "I can't feel the breath of a lich."

"He ran away again." Lorraine could only helplessly spread his hands. As long as he still had mana, it was a simple matter for the Lich to escape.

Talking. He glanced anxiously at the war fortress.

After a while, a wizard walked out of the wreckage of the war fortress with difficulty. It can be seen from his clothes that he is still a technical officer.

I saw the man approaching Lorraine, and then whispered back: "My lord, I saw it inside. They don't have any new technology. The energy consumption of the war fortress is still the same as before.

It is estimated that they transported this war fortress through a long-distance relay. "Lorraine couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this.

This is what he worries most.

When seeing an enemy's war fortress suddenly appeared in front of him, Sir Alex Ferguson almost jumped out of his fright.

He is not worried about this fortress of war. But worry about what this represents.

For a long time, because of the distance between the oceans, the tragic voyage and huge energy consumption of the Undead War Fortress required the energy of at least ten seats. Only then can there be a center that reaches the sea.

This is not only economically uneconomical, but also going deep alone, it is easy to become a meat bun and never go back.

Therefore, the undead have never used the war fortress impulsively.

But yesterday, one suddenly appeared in front of him.

If the enemy has mastered new technology. Save energy and drive the war fortress straight over...

It's like waking up and suddenly discovering the undead's war fortresses all over the sky. This battle will not be fought. Hurry up and pack up the package, it's important to run away.

Now it seems. However, Sir Alex Ferguson was worried.

The wizard next to him looked at Sir Alex with respect.

Although he didn't know what the previous peerless generals looked like, he did. The man in front of him is definitely a great general who never came out of the world.

Lord Luo Jue taught him a lesson gorgeously with practical examples.

See Weizhi book. See the leopard in the peeping class.

With a little bit of clues, you can think of the things behind this, and then make bold assumptions and carefully verify it.

Even if such a person wants to defeat the war, it is difficult~!

"But they can't make the climate. We can leave without worry, and leave the rest to the barbarians and regular troops." Lorraine laughed and waved to the war fortress in the sky.

After losing the war fortress, Herod couldn't even return to the Semitic quickly. The rest of the time was hiding in the snowy mountains.

Irina, who was high in the sky, saw the signal, and then descended to meet the people of Lorraine.

The war fortress circled slowly over Oldheim for two times, and finally on the wreckage left by the lich, Chairman Leo personally threw a blockbuster bomb to completely blow up the remaining wreckage.

In the end, it took off.

More than ten days later, the barbarians, inspired by the victory and inspired by the warriors of the gods, gathered more than 100,000 horses again, and each of them poured dozens of catties of spirits, and then they had the courage and drove violently Under the city of Oldheim.

At this moment, they are facing a dead city with no one.

The barbarian found a storehouse of bones in the city. After being shocked, the angry barbarian overthrew the temple and destroyed the entire city, making it a forbidden place.

A hundred years later, the occasional travelers can only discover from the foundation stone hidden in the grass that there was once a city.

It is said that a certain traveler brought the discovery back to the Ruman Empire, causing a sensation in the country, claiming to have changed the history of barbarians without cities and mature civilization.

Ruman Empire’s propaganda that it saved the barbarians and brought them into the civilized, happy and warm Ruman Empire family was immediately questioned.

When the confident traveler wanted to discover the truth of history, he was ready to raise manpower for large-scale excavations. On the same day, someone checked the water meter, delivered the express delivery, and repaired the leaking pipeline...

Then, there is no more.

The barbarians' accounts of that battle in the wilderness, and the legends of the **** warriors who descended from the sky were all denounced by Ruman as a wild history.

Obviously my brave Ruman Legion went deep into the mountains and rescued millions of barbarians who were trapped in the abyss.

There are only a few files marked as "top secret, permanently sealed". Lying in the world's three major libraries, people will occasionally be turned out to dry.


Fengye Danlin is still an ordinary day.

Spring is a beautiful season when wild cats call spring, wild dogs jump over walls, and sows go up trees.

The people of Maple Leaf Danlin are enjoying it wantonly. The most comfortable day of the year. The young boys with pimples on their faces, as always, chased the girls' fluttering skirts.

In a corner of Maple Leaf Danlin, the construction site of the war fort is busier than ever. Workers and mages work in three shifts. With the help of the huge steam machinery, the construction of the war fort is endless.

Less than a mile from the landing site where the war fortress was parked, a group of young students gathered together. Holding a flag painted with flames.

If you look closely, you will find that the pattern on the flag is exactly the same as that on the Jelena War Fortress.

One of them was holding a valuable telescope, carefully observing more than a dozen war fortresses parked in the landing field, and then putting down the telescope after a while. Regretfully said: "Still not."

The young people behind him wailed at the same time, and a big fat man shouted excitedly: "Our empress won't really run away with the man?"

"It's impossible~!" The person next to him utterly objected.

"But it's been almost a week. Our Majesty hasn't returned yet, and the people in the Pastor's Academy are laughing at us." The fat man murmured sadly.

The leading mage put away his sight glasses and said firmly: "No one has yet conquered our Majesty the Empress. As for the Priest Academy. Humph~!

Their majesty just ran away with the man, and I heard that the child is one year old. "

The leader's words resonated with everyone, and everyone unanimously expressed their support for their idol Empress Elena and firmly believed in their ice and fire Empress. Her Majesty Jelena is the purest and most perfect woman in the world.

These mensao young people. It is the backbone of the idol group of Irina who is active in Maple Leaf Danlin.

Once Catherine and Adele had such idol groups. No matter where you go, there are members of the idol group cheering.

The members of the idol group once fought for Catherine and Adele, who is Fengye Danlin's number one perfect woman, **** streets.

But after Lord Lorraine Luo appeared, the dream of the idol group was shattered, and the members each did a bird and beast dispersal, until the temperamental Elena appeared, they found a new goal.

The two groups of people who used to stay together for so long are now united under one banner.

Since Jelena’s war fortress suddenly disappeared a few days ago, they discovered that it was abnormal, and all kinds of terrible rumors began to spread in the regiment.

The most terrible rumor is that Master Jelena returned to her hometown to get married.

The backbone of the nervous idol group simply gathered here, waiting for the return of Master Jelena.

In a short while, another war fort flew from the sky, slowly preparing to land.

The team leader [excitedly] took out his binoculars and took a look, then said disappointedly: "Damn it, it's from Team Three. It's when they finished training."

The cadres around him also wailed and murmured: "It's been six days."

At this time, the war fortresses depicted as wild boar heads and nicknamed the "Three Flying Pig Heads" appeared one after another on the horizon, one by one lowered in height, preparing to enter and land.

"Let's go, continue this afternoon." The leader waved disappointedly and prepared to leave.

No one noticed that suddenly a war fortress dexterously inserted into the landing team and flew to the landing field smoothly.

The members of the Empress Idol group rolled up the flags and prepared to leave dejectedly.

The war fortress that was supposed to land in order did not stop, but continued to fly, passing the landing field and the heads of the crowd, flying towards the construction site at low speed.

The shadow cast by the war fortress enveloped the members of the idol group. They couldn't help but look up, and the familiar flame pattern came into view.

The fat man grabbed the person next to him excitedly, pointed his finger at the war fortress in the air, and stammered: "Back, back, back!"

The leader even threw his hat into the air with excitement, and yelled [excitedly]: "The Empress is back~! Hurry, play the banner."

The members of the idol group were eagerly chasing the war fortress in the sky, watching it slowly fall into the construction site.

A group of ten-year-old youngsters with strong hormones yelled all the way and rushed to the construction site.

Even the guards guarding the gate of the construction site were stunned. They haven't figured out what happened. The young man slammed open the gate of the construction site and broke in noisily.

The guard who woke up hurriedly blew the whistle and ran after him. The whistle sounded the entire construction site. The security team marched in fully armed to search for the enemy.

Within a few minutes. The news that the Queen of Ice and Fire and Master Jelena came back spread throughout the campus and caused a huge sensation.

Even people who don't pay much attention to Master Jelena can't help but curiosity and follow up to watch the excitement.

Just as the guards were catching a few young people who were making trouble on the site, a crowd of black and heavy people came up and directly broke the defense of the site.

When the brigade arrived, the war fortress had already landed in the clearing. The water around the periphery was blocked by dense crowds.

The first thing the Fengye Danlin people saw was the huge hole on the back of the war fortress, and then they discovered that the outer wall of the war fortress was covered with potholes. Obviously, it had experienced a fierce battle.

"What happened?" This is the most urgent question everyone wants to know at this moment.

The gate of the war fort opened. Several people stood at the gate talking eagerly.

The Maple Leaf Danlin people recognized that there was the **** Lorraine, the lovely sister Vera, the domineering senior Lorraine, and of course the protagonist in everyone's mind, Master Elena.

Those members of the idol group could not help but raise a very scary one. Very terrifying thought: Is it inappropriate for the **** Lorraine to make Jelena very yellow and violent?

Facing the suspicious glances cast by everyone, but no one was ready to pay attention to them, Lorraine just turned around, as if explaining something to Adjutant Lucian.

Just as the doubt in everyone's hearts was about to boil. The Adjutant Lucian nodded to Lorraine, proudly puffing his chest. Walk down the fortress of the war under the eyes of the public.

Every woman enjoys being the focus of everyone, and Miss Lucian is no exception. There was even a little vanity. In all fairness, Miss Lucian was considered a beauty, but the light of Elena was too exuberant, covering up Lucian's glory.

At this moment, Miss Lucian, who is so proud, is like a shining huā peacock, walking into the crowd with her head high and wide.

Lucian was immediately surrounded by the crowd, and dozens of people were talking to her at the same time.

"Lucian, where is Jelena going?"

"Did you go to war?"

"Is it dangerous? Is Jelena injured?"

Lucian was so angry that her chest rose by three points, and there was no one who cared about her. The more angrily Miss Lucian looked at the men around her, the more unpleasant her eyes were. Hearing their voices in her ears was like noise.

Finally, Lucian, who was intolerable, rubbed her fingers, and brought out a dazzling blue electric light with a "stabbing lala", and the faint blue arc swept over the crowd around him, and the world suddenly became clean.

Lucian clapped her hands, snorted coldly, and shook her head and walked straight forward. Everywhere she passed by, the crowd avoided.

After a while, Lucian, who was carrying paint and brushes in her hand, walked back again, once again passed through the crowd and returned to the front of the war fortress, and jumped deep into the air, floating in front of the flame emblem.

The brush was stained with paint, and Lucian's three strokes made a big equilateral triangle. Just as everyone was puzzled, Lucian made a bigger red cross on the triangle, and then fell on the ground with satisfaction, and said to Yilian. Na picked her thumb.

Everyone was confused, looked at this sign, and asked each other what it meant?

The captain of the war fortress, Master Yiwen, who was in the crowd, flashed a flash of light in his mind, and heard what Rowlinna had said before blurting out, yelling, "Knockdown record~!"

The surrounding Fengye Danlin practitioners were taken aback at the same time, grabbed Yiwen and asked, "What is the down record?"

Ivan looked at the pattern drawn by Lucian enviously, and muttered: "This means that she shot down a war fortress of the demons~!"

Everyone was stunned for an instant, chewing the meaning of this sentence, the amount of information in the words was too rich.

"This is the first result of the human war fortress." Evan's eyes were red with envy, and said: "All the captain's dreams..."

The news spread through the entire Maple Leaf Danlin like the speed of light. Everyone knows that Jelena shot down a war fortress of the Even people who don’t like Jelena have to admit that this woman, Not ordinary~!

The enthusiasm of the crowd surrounding the war fort was instantly detonated.

"Long live Jelena!"

"Long live your Majesty!"

The cries were higher than the waves, and spread throughout the entire Maple Leaf Danlin.

The focus of the crowd's screaming, Master Jelena was a little caught off guard, standing stupidly at the gate of the war fortress, with a rare confused expression on his face, extremely cute, and the hearts of the idol group were all drunk.

Lorraine was pulling Lorraine into a carriage quietly. Lorraine looked at the highly anticipated Ilena through the window, squeezed Lorraine's hand, and said softly: "Is that okay?"

Lorraine rubbed Lorina's smooth back of hand and said leisurely: "Honor is the best way to inspire morale."


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