Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1216: People in the arena


Young Master De Rossi stood up suddenly, seeming to be a sincere compliment to Lorraine, which exceeded the expectations of everyone present.

But no matter what, since Lord De Rossi applauded, everyone should follow along.

Although more than half of the people here don't like Lorraine, they dare not openly confront Lorraine.

Everyone is waiting for Young Master De Rossi to charge in front, so they can pick up the ready-made cheap, but it seems that this guy is likely to betray his life.

There was thunderous applause in the venue, and those who didn't know thought they were welcoming the general back in triumph.

Lorraine seemed to be very familiar with Young Master De Rossi, and bowed to him affectionately, saying, "I don't dare to be it, it's just a part of it."

Lorraine stood in the speaking position under the [main] stage and pressed his hands to the applause, motioning for them to be quiet and calmly saying: "Well, since you let me come, I will come.

If you have any questions, please let me know. "

"First of all, I have a question." A representative of the kingdom stood up and said, "We want to know, after the reorganization of the peacekeeping forces, if the troops are transferred, how can we ensure that our country can be protected in the event of an enemy invasion?"

Lorraine didn't even think about it, and said: "The enemy you are talking about is the undead, right? Peacekeeping forces do not intervene in conflicts between nations, and only act when the undead is attacking.

Faced with an army of hundreds of thousands or even millions of undead tribes, it is impossible to resist one or two countries alone. No matter which country is attacked, the peacekeeping forces will fulfill their obligations and mobilize reinforcements.

It doesn't matter if these reinforcements are Ruman, Parthian, or Navian, as long as they are needed, they will appear.

Only in this way can it be ensured that the harm of the undead race will not spread, you understand what I said. "

"Yes, I understand, thank you Deputy Commander in Chief." The representative nodded in satisfaction.

As soon as he sat down, the other person jumped up impatiently. Loudly: "How do you guarantee that you can treat everyone equally. Will not deliberately sacrifice one of us, or a certain country?"

Lorraine snorted and glanced at him like a layman who couldn't understand and pretended to understand, and said, "If the peacekeeping force needs to abandon a place, we will give up without hesitation.

If the war requires a certain army to be broken, they will be sent to fight to the death.

This is war, and everything is aimed at victory.

But the prerequisite for war is that every inch of land must be contended. When needed, no matter which country or nation it is. We all regard him as an ordinary member of all mankind and send them where they should go.

I can only guarantee that when attacking, I will be the first to reach the front and when retreating, I will be the last to leave the battlefield. "

Lorraine's words immediately aroused cheers, everyone knows that Lord Lorraine's character is not flattering. But people say that one is one, and two is two.

If anyone is asked to die today, he will not be allowed to see the sun the next day.

The representative who stood up bowed deeply to Lorraine.

Lorraine didn't appreciate it. Shrugged, jokingly frightened them, and said, "In fact, the undead high priest came, and the first unlucky person is definitely not Ruman. Regardless of the invasion of the motherland, you have to send your own people to reinforcements. "

There was silence for a while at the meeting.

The Ruman Empire only has the sea in the south, the Parthian Empire in the east, and a large kingdom of large and small in the west. If the demons come by sea, the possibility of directly attacking Ruman is very small. They are all picking up small countries and landing first.

What Lorraine said was so good that these representatives couldn't help but glance at the representatives of the Ruman Empire. At the critical moment, they also expected others to help.

The representative of the Ruman Empire coughed twice, straightened his chest, and looked like a savior.

Then different representatives stood up and asked questions. Their relationship is actually a problem, fairness.

It's not that they don't understand the truth that union can win, but countries are big and small, strong and weak. The strong worry that they will be weakened, and the weak worry that they will be destroyed.

Lorraine explained in detail the original intention and code of conduct of the peacekeeping force, ensuring that the peacekeeping force will not abandon any country.

This war is destined to be a head-to-head battle. The ratio is the preparation and patience of both sides.

In fact, for the Ruman Empire, as long as the dead can be kept out of the Ruman Empire's territory, no matter how much it costs, it is victory.

The inquiry continued until the evening, and dozens of people stood up one after another. Lorraine kept talking until finally, his throat caught fire, watching the darkening of the sky, and secretly saying that it was finally over. These guys just had nothing to look for. Uncle hundreds of thousands a minute, spending here with you all day?

Lester raised the hammer, he was about to knock it down, glanced at the venue, and said, "Are there any more?

In the midst of everyone’s expectations, Lord De Rossi stood up, swept his sleeves, straightened his collar, and showed a charming smile. He stepped forward gracefully, nodding to Lorraine, and said with a smile: "Vice Lorraine Hello, Commander-in-Chief."

Lorraine instantly increased his vigilance. Seeing this guy's appearance, he was clearly prepared, with a confident expression. Lorraine had seen too many faces of MLM lecturers and liars.

Lorraine’s face was as quiet as possible. Catherine and Adele had repeatedly confessed before he came, that Lord Lorraine must control his temper. No matter what others ask, don’t get angry or throw a teacup. People or something.

Lorraine also nodded gracefully, and said with a smile: "President De Rossi...Hello."

Young Master De Rossi leaned back and said, "I only have one question."

At the same time raise a hand to signal.

"Please speak." Lorraine said flatly.

Young Master De Rossi said: "I heard that among your girlfriends, four of them are demons?"

"It's the Semites." Lorraine solemnly corrected: "It's not the demons. The demons refer to the undead and dark wizards. The Semites have the same roots as our humans and have been enslaved by them for two thousand years."

"But isn't the composition of the demon army the same as these Semites?" Young Master De Rossi asked loudly.

Lorraine smiled slyly and said: "So of course, His Majesty Pope Urban has to launch an expedition to rescue them. Wherever the Jihadists go, the Semitic people look forward to the scenery and join the bright banner to fight against the tyranny of the demons. , Became a story."

De Rossi spread his hands and shrugged. Said: "But they failed"

"Mostly successful" Lorraine narrowed his eyes and sneered slightly. Said: "What you say is against the view of history of the Holy See.

The jihad of the expedition to the demons is a victorious war. Although we eventually lost the Semitic continent under the **** attack of the demons, the vision of His Majesty Urban won four hundred years of peace for the human continent. "

The representative of the Holy See of Guangming looked at Young Master De Rossi with a grim look, and had already scolded the boy's ancestor eight generations in his heart.

Prince De Rossi owed himself to the representative of the Holy See. Respectfully said: "I apologize, it was my failure to say something. I have always sincerely admired the greatness of the Holy See."

The representative of the Holy See snorted coldly, turning his face away from Lord De Rossi.

Although he didn't know what he was thinking, Young Master De Rossi showed a brighter smile on his face and looked at Lorraine and said, "But I heard that your demon...the Semitic girlfriend has always been in contact with their hometown.!"

After this remark, the venue suddenly boiled and made a humming noise.

Lester smashed the hammer with dissatisfaction. Let them be quiet.

Hundreds of eyes stared at Lorraine closely to see how he would explain.

Lorraine smiled lightly, resting his elbows on the podium, looking at Young Master De Rossi, and said, "I don't know where you heard the news from?"

"From..." Young Master De Rossi found out that he had made a mistake as soon as he opened his mouth. He hurriedly stopped the conversation, spread his hands and said, "Excuse me, I can't tell."

Lorraine also spread his hands and said, "Then I'm sorry, and I can't tell you."

Lorraine instantly thought nervously in his heart, could it be where the news was leaked?

After all, smuggling is such a big thing. It involves all aspects of humans and Semites, such as the navy on the human side, the pirates of the Semitic, the navy, the port officials, and so on.

This is a huge chain of interests. Many people know. There is no guarantee that there are no other spies.

But those who know the core secrets know that Lorraine's girlfriend is in charge of the management, and there are only a few important people.

The venture capital company on his side and the full-handed Adeling and Fiona, the Semitic side is the pirate Whitebeard, and the noble ladies of the imperial city Akaderin Pink Panther.

There is a one-line connection in the middle, and everyone else is outside or working errands.

Lorraine is very confident of venture capital companies. The white beard is the pope's. That is one of the pope's cards, and it is also a one-liner. Moreover, those people are in danger and are more careful than themselves.

The only thing left is the demons...

"Could it be that this kid is connected to the Demon Race?" Lorraine murmured inwardly, but it didn't look like he had penetrated very deeply on the Demon Race's side. There would be no news.

"Either this kid is catching up and cheating himself, or he is going to a certain key point in the channel." Lorraine decided in his heart, and simply kicked the ball back in order to remain unchanged.

Young Master De Rossi shook his head and said: "Deputy Commander-in-Chief, you are wrong. I don't say it is because the person who provided the information could not be exposed. His identity is very sensitive.

As the deputy commander-in-chief of the peacekeeping force, you should give us peace of mind on such a major issue, right? "

The delegates in the venue responded at the same time, shouting: "Yes."

"Clarify this question~!"

"We demand to know the truth."

The excitement in the venue was like a pot of boiling porridge.

Lester hummed and slammed the wooden hammer hard, the table banged loudly, and even smashed the wooden hammer vigorously, but no one paid him any attention.

The old man's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, clenched his fists, and looked like he wanted to jump up and hit someone. Obachem hurriedly pressed his arm and motioned him to calm down.

Young Master De Rossi pressed his hands against the crowd to calm them down, turned and looked at Lorraine, and said, "Could it be true that you are the undercover of the demons, or is the undercover in your house?

Of course, I'm joking, you don't need to care about Deputy Commander in Chief. "

Lorraine chuckled, squinted and looked at Son De Rossi unkindly. Son De Rossi was also tit-for-tat, with a smile on his face. The eyes of the two people stirred up an invisible fire in the air.

"Your kid is dead." Lorraine first sentenced him to death, and then said: "I still want to say, this is my private matter, no comment."

De Rossi shrugged and looked regretful, and said: "Then I can't help it..."

"Everyone~!" De Rossi turned to face the meeting and said loudly: "I am going to put forward a proposal of distrust of the peacekeeping force command. I hope everyone will support it."

Nearly half of the delegates were also filled with righteous indignation, jumping up and yelling at Lorraine waving their arms.

Facing what Qianfu pointed out, Lorraine just smiled calmly, our Lord Lorraine was never a person who needed to explain to others. Believe it or not, let it fall~!

The representative of the Ruman Empire stared at them with a group of his allies coldly, and some of the neutrals in the middle were dulled, not knowing what they were thinking.

Lord De Rossi walked up to Lorraine and said loudly: "Deputy Commander-in-Chief, I’m sorry. Of course, first of all, I personally believe that you are upright and innocent. This is not a personal grievance. I am just out of public heart. I sincerely hope that Become a good friend with the deputy commander in chief."

Lorraine smiled relaxedly, waved his hand, and said every word: "In my heart, it is very, clear."

Lord De Rossi smiled triumphantly when facing Lorraine. Said proudly: "Well, offended, I wish the deputy commander-in-chief victory in future wars. Maybe we will meet on the battlefield in the future.

Your ancestor, Your Excellency, Haar, became a duke because he made great contributions to putting down the rebellion. I believe that in the future, your merits must surpass Haar. Whether you are crowned Duke or Prince, it is just around the corner. "

Lorraine had been calm and calm since just now, but when he heard these words, his face suddenly changed and his expression became cold.

Lorraine tapped his fingers on the desktop and sneered. Said: "Young Master De Rossi is thoughtful and well-planned. I also look forward to your brilliant future."

"Yes, I will." Young Master De Rossi bowed slightly to Lorraine, and Shi Shiran walked back to the crowd.

"The meeting is over!" Lester announced loudly, impatiently, and then stood up and grunted heavily. Flicked his sleeves and walked out of the venue.

Lorraine walked unhurriedly all the way back to his home at No.7 Maple Leaf Road. On the way, he would greet the representatives he knew well, and he looked like a okay person.

When I walked into the hall, I was startled by the crowds in the room, and said in surprise: "All there."

The three chiefs didn't pull one, Catherine and the others were all sitting together, Leoto was meditating with his cheeks, and even Xiao Bai stood beside him obediently.

Lorraine took off his coat and threw it on the hanger next to him, sitting among the crowd humming a brisk little tune.

Adeling and Fiona looked calm, but they clasped their hands tightly together, and they were still a little uneasy.

They could still smile when they saw Lorraine. Claudia looked nervous and hugged Lorraine and asked with concern: "Are there any problems?"

Lorraine patted her hand and said, "You can rest assured."

Deipoll frowned, looked up at Lorraine, and saw the doubt in each other's eyes: How could that guy know?

Deipoll also found the problem from a professional point of view, nodded heavily, and said: "I will find out."

Everyone fell silent for a while.

Lester smacked his mouth and didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only slap the table hard and said angrily: "That kid is too mad. If this guy goes to the Maple Leaf Danlin, I will crush him for 15 years. Can't graduate."

Lorraine laughed out loud and picked Lester's thumb, thinking that this is the style of learning domineering.

Obachem looked worried, and said, "Lorraine, what should I do next? If this case of distrust comes out, it will cause chaos in the world."

Catherine and the others sighed together, feeling down.

On the contrary, Lorraine laughed happily and said, "What are you worried about? If this peacekeeping force is really pulled out now, the troops of more than one hundred countries will come together, and it will be an angry force.

If I were the commander of this irritated force, I would have to have a short life span of ten years. It would be good not to do it. Let's go home and live our life. "

Lester was so angry that he could only spread to Lorraine, and pointed at Lorraine dissatisfiedly and said: "You can't be a little ambitious~!"

Lorraine raised his hand to surrender, and said, "I am not the High Priest of the Undead. I have to listen to one sentence in the whole continent. I reminded them three times to do what they should do. They are still willing to die. I will not stop. Watch them."

Lester stagnated and could not speak. Lorraine was also a victim of this incident.

Leo suddenly raised his head and said: "We can't hide."

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Leo in surprise.

Leo's chubby face was stern, and he said solemnly: "This time it wasn't that they won. They just did something that everyone was looking forward to at the right time.

The root is still a country on the mainland. We always say that the undead will attack and kill, but until now, there is no sign at all. Do you remember the story of the boss that the wolf came?

We are the kid who keeps crying for the wolf. "

Everyone was stunned by Leo's words. Thinking about it, it was indeed the truth. The Mozu's Mao didn't even see it. They started to integrate resources here, so naturally no one would appreciate it.

"Before the wolf really comes, no one will trust us" Leo said with certainty: "If there is no De Rossi, there will be a Perosi, or a cat and a dog like Throsi. This is bound to be occurring."

Catherine rubbed Leo's head silently, but the second master Lei didn't appreciate it, and flung his head away, causing Catherine to habitually slap Leo, and immediately became honest.

Obachem's face was solemn and his tone was firm and said: "In any case, this bill cannot be passed through the submission process.

We Maple Leaf Danlin, Vatican, the Society of Masters, Ruman, Almohad, all at the same time, let him be rejected at the stage of proposal. "

Leo asked, "Grandpa, how did you vote for this no-confidence case?"

Obachem raised his finger and explained: "If a case of no confidence is to be submitted for a vote, it needs to be submitted jointly by more than half of the member states before it can be voted by the General Assembly.

If you want to pass, you need two-thirds of the member states to vote in favor. "

"So," Leo thought about it, and said, "Even if he can submit a vote, he will never pass it."

Obachem nodded and said, "But it will have a great impact on our morale and will delay the reorganization of the peacekeeping force."

"It seems that UU's purpose of reading has been achieved." Leo rubbed his face and said with little interest.

The three deans stood up and rushed back to contact the members of the United Nations to prevent the no-confidence case from being raised.

When they were sent away, Lorraine closed the door, faced the worried girls, smiled happily, and said, "Pack things, I guess, we have to go back to Nian."

Catherine raised her eyebrows, stared at Lorraine in surprise, and said angrily: "Aren't you running away?"

"What do others think, cousin, have you thought about it?" Princess Lulu also jumped angrily in front of Lorraine and said: "They would think you, the deputy commander-in-chief of the United Nations peacekeeping force, and even the undead high priest is not afraid of Luo. Earl Lin, I'm afraid~!

Fear of a little hypocrite, fear of a group of selfish cowards. "

Lorraine sighed softly and said: "I suddenly realized a truth today...

People in the arena involuntarily. ".


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