Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1218: Is this an elopement?

Maple Leaf Danlin, the center of human culture. For more exciting novels, please go,

Although there are no tall and magnificent buildings here, and there is no majestic square center... But here is full of woods, grasses, flowers, and the bright and calm lake like a mirror.

Through the towering trees, you can vaguely see the various exquisite roofs scattered in the forest.

Especially in the early morning, among the light chirping of the birds, I saw a faint mist floating in the forest, like a veil, like a fairyland in myth.

And at around seven or forty in the morning, the various colleges in the Maple Leaf Danlin will ring their respective big bells to inform the students that classes are about to start.

The old school tyrants who occupy the various colleges, in order to show their own difference, and because of their competitive relationship, they would rather challenge the ultimate Leviathan in the depths of purgatory with their bare hands. The bells of my own college are designed the same as others.

For example, the Pastor’s College chooses to have a loud, melodious and long giant clock.

The military academy chose a string of small clocks with short excitement and a strong sense of rhythm. And they are used together very maliciously.

Whenever the bell of the Priest Academy rings, the small bell of the Military Academy will ring immediately, and the rapid and dense bells just cover the Priest Academy.

In order to show its own taste, the Magic Academy is convenient for people to distinguish them from the two ‘mud legs’.

They designed a set of magic clock by themselves, and with the help of mana, they spread their voices throughout the maple leaf Danlin.

This kind of competition began a thousand years ago and has continued to the present.

Whenever one party upgrades, the other party will upgrade again. As the leaders of each department, they have only one requirement-that is, they must override the other party.

The light is not enough for the sound, and everyone starts to compare the rhythm and rhythm of the bell.

The Pastor’s Academy can knock out "Praise the Lord of All Worlds", and the Military Academy will knock out a "Heavy Armored Cavalry March."

The puppies of the Mage Academy are the most venomous-they hit the symphony directly.

Therefore, every morning, all kinds of beautifully rhythmic bells are mixed together, and become an indescribable noise that makes everyone hate it. Wandering in the air of Fengye Danlin.

Walking in the bell, there was a refreshing fragrance of flowers from the side of the road, looking at the young and immature girls who were more beautiful than red flowers. Twittering, jostling and running past him, watching their hair flying in the wind, and beautiful skirts, is really a leisurely enjoyment in life.

In leisure time, in the open-air shop on the side of the street, sitting on the iron chair full of classic style. At the foot is a green brick alley with hundreds of years of history, then order a cup of hot tea, put a plate of desserts, pick up a freshly baked "Red Maple Leaf" that also exudes ink flavor, and spend the whole morning casually Leisure time.

It is the deepest memory in every Fengye Danlin person.

When they embarked on a complicated society, repeating their monotonous life day after day, they were exhausted and tortured by the busy life. Put life into a monotony, and even lose all the dreams of when I was young.

But occasionally when looking at the scenery outside the window, while serving strong tea and coffee. Perhaps inadvertently, when thinking back to the time of life in Fengye Danlin, he will clearly remember the beautiful days spent here, and a faint smile will appear unknowingly.

On such a beautiful and energetic morning, the Lorraine family was ready to pack and plan to board Sir Alex Ferguson’s private war fortress and leave Fengye Danlin. (Note, given that the war fortress was privately owned, it was taken out extremely generously by Sir Alex Ferguson for official purposes.

So on. The Nyan government officials have always given Ferguson a large amount of cars... well, subsidies for the use of fort. )

Several carriages, loaded with various luggage, slowly drove out of the manor at No. 7 Fenglin Road, mixed with the flow of people going to school in the morning, to the landing site of the war fortress.

Lorraine chose at this time, obviously did not intend to deliberately hide whereabouts.

This surprised all the people who had been paying attention to Manor Seven-what's going on? Lorraine is traveling at this time. .Where is this going? What does he want to do? Is he going to play some tricks again...

Various questions immediately surfaced in everyone's minds.

They thought they were the slowest minds, and they just thought about it for three seconds, and then they followed, intending to see what was going to happen.

These spies sneaked in among the crowd, just followed a distance, not even, to be precise, they knew the answer immediately when they came to inquire about the news.

When the carriage drove across an intersection, the upper body of Leo Leo Leo Leo came out of the car window.

He beckoned desperately to the Mafia followers who appeared on the side of the road, and at the same time let go of his throat, and shouted: "Jason, Anders, Thiel, boss, I have something to do, let's go."

The Mafia members who were dragging their noses heard the sound and ran out quickly from both sides.

They caught up with the slowly moving carriage, followed behind and trot all the way, and asked with concern: "Boss, where are you going?"

"I'm going home for a while," Leo waved at them and said, "When I'm away, we must be optimistic about our territory. When I come back, we will continue to unify the great cause of Maple Leaf Danlin."

"Yes, Boss~!" the little scoundrels shouted in a firm tone, and at the same time stood and raised their right arm, watching their party leader disappear into the crowd.

Hearing this answer, the secret agents who followed were panicked, Lord Lorraine's actions exceeded everyone's expectations.

They turned their heads and ran to report to their respective masters, so that they knocked down many passers-by and caused a burst of exclamation.

At the most critical moment, Lorraine was going to leave suddenly, and the meaning behind this was too intriguing.

Viscount Andre, one of the main leaders of the Anti-Lorraine Alliance, got the news a few minutes later.

At that time, he was eating breakfast. Hearing the news, the knife and fork in his hand fell to the ground with a stunned expression, looking at the reporter in disbelief.

"Really? Really? Is this real?" Viscount Andre reacted, and the table jumped up with a heavy beating, shouting in surprise.

The servant wiped the drops of water on his forehead before entering the door, deliberately panting heavily. Said: "My lord, we...we saw it with our own eyes. Really, really can't be real."

"Great~!" Viscount Andre really jumped up happily, holding the servant's hand like a child. Turned around twice and then reacted.

He shook the servant aside, then took out a handkerchief in disgust, wiped his hands on it-a dirty and dirty servant dare to touch the noble hand of the noble viscount with his dirty hand , Although the Viscount Lord was happy in his heart, this was never allowed.

He threw the handkerchief aside and said to himself: "Such good news. I have to tell De Rossi."

With that said, he ran out of the room with strides, went upstairs and slammed into Lord De Rossi's room. Before entering the door, he shouted loudly, "Lorraine is going to run away~!"

In the room, a maid is dressing Lord De Rossi.

He glanced back at Andre, smiled and said, "I see."

Although his expression is still calm, there is still a trace of tremor in his tone, showing that his heart is not as calm as his face.

That is the dignified Earl of Lorraine. A character who once confronted the undead high priest and sent a word that made the whole world tremble. And now, I just made a small trick. He turned around in fright and fled.

If it hadn't been for years of good family education, just this great sense of accomplishment would have almost exploded his heart with joy.

Viscount Andrey flushed with excitement, rubbing his hands in excitement, and said: "*, how good do I think that kid is?

You only made a move, son, he is about to run away, haha~! "

Young Master De Rossi smiled to himself, and said: "A person has weaknesses, and he is stuck in his weaknesses. He is just... how does that sentence say...

Aha, yes, paper tiger.

It looks great, but it falls as soon as the wind blows.

Go, follow me out. "

"Where are you going?" Viscount Andre asked puzzledly.

Lord De Rossi swept the bangs on his forehead, then showed a charming aristocratic smile in the mirror. Said triumphantly: "Go and send our dear Count Lorraine."

Viscount Andre was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted, nodding repeatedly, and said: "Yes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Let's go, let's enjoy his embarrassed runaway."

De Rossi straightened the collar, then pinched the glamorous maid's chest heavily, looked at her frowning brow from the pain, couldn't help laughing, and strode out of the room.

Because there were too many salutes, Lorraine could only stop and go along the way, and it took a full twenty minutes to get to the landing site of the war fortress.

Although this period of time is short, it is still enough for the news to spread to the ears of interested people.

Sure enough, when Lorraine stepped out of the carriage, many people had gathered near the landing site, mostly representatives of various countries.

Some people are carrying breakfast bought from the roadside in their hands, and some are wearing loose sportswear, pretending to be out for a morning run. Others even ran out in pajamas and caps.

After they saw Lorraine, they couldn't help but greet Lorraine enthusiastically.

"Deputy commander in chief, you... are you leaving now?"

"Come back anytime~!"

"The Lord Sir Alex has a good journey."

"I will miss you... There are a few others who ignore the gazes of others and do not shy away from them. They walked up straight, shook hands with Lorraine affectionately and bid farewell, and asked concerned: "Why are you leaving suddenly? Sir Alex, do you know this is a critical moment? "

"Your leaving is their wish."

"Stay, dignified Sir Alex, and I'm afraid of the few little rascals... These people are the few friends of Sir Alex Lorraine, and they expressed surprise and doubt at Sir Sir Alex leaving.

Lorraine squeezed their hands, smiled at them, did not explain, just nodded, and said, "Take care, everyone."

But more people just hid from one side and watched, with triumphant and mocking smiles on their faces.

Catherine's daughters looked at them, and their faces were quite displeased.

They knew in their hearts that these people came to watch Lorraine's jokes, and they didn't know how to laugh at Lorraine under the polite surface.

They simply walked straight to the fortress of the war, and the servants were busy carrying boxes of gifts up. It seemed to outsiders that Lorraine and his girlfriends really wanted to leave for a while.

Leo carried two guns and a cowboy hat. He clasped his hands on the belt around his waist, tugging, watching the people pointing at them and talking about them, and whispered: "Xiao Bai. Remember their faces, and when you encounter opportunities, you will die. I smoke them."

Xiao Bai nodded heavily, glared at them with wide-eyed eyes, as if ready to rush up at any time. Sure enough, many people were scared. They hurriedly backed away a few steps.

Princess Lulu and representatives of the Elf Kingdom are also nearby. However, she seemed a little absent-minded, her eyes twirling, she didn't know what she was thinking about.

Lorraine waved his hand to say goodbye to everyone. Turning around, he was about to walk up to the war fortress. Suddenly, he heard a shout floating in the wind. Someone shouted: "Your Excellency, please wait..."

Lorraine and Leo stopped and looked at the first-class secretary of the Ruman Empire Ambassador to Fengye Danlin. Holding a letterhead in the office, hurriedly ran towards here.

"Ru Man...cheng, call~!" The secretary handed the telegram to Lorraine. Bend down and panted loudly on his knees.

Lorraine opened the telegram and glanced at it. With a sneer on his face, he slid it to Leo and said to the secretary: "In reply to the Prime Minister, I said I have received it. Thanks for his care."

Leo glanced at him, then showed a disgusting expression, "Bah~!", spitting heavily on the ground.

Everyone can guess that the content of this telegram is obviously not liked by Lorraine and Leo.

The secretary also knows the content of the telegram. There was an awkward smile on his face, and he didn't know whether to comfort or praise Lorraine.

In his opinion, Lord Lorraine was not angry on the spot, and he could be regarded as vain. When Lorraine was about to leave, Ru Mancheng took this telegram too unnaturally.

At this moment, a smiling voice came out from around Lorraine. Said leisurely: "What? Your Deputy Commander-in-chief is going to leave? That's a shame..."

Lorraine was like a mongoose meeting a snake, and his eyes instantly revealed the will to fight, but after Lorraine blinked, his expression returned to Hexi's smile and turned to look at the speaker.

Young Master De Rossi had a bright smile on his face like the sun, and Viscount Andre behind him showed a piercing mockery, holding his head up and looking at Lorraine with the eyes of a winner.

Leo got out from behind Lorraine and looked at Viscount Andre triumphantly. He suddenly grinned at him and shook his round fist.

Viscount Andre instantly felt a fiery pain on his face again, Leo's shoe soles appeared in front of him, brushing one side of his face and hiding behind Young Master De Rossi.

"I also feel a pity," Lorraine said flatly: "It's... regrettable to not be able to be friends with someone like the son."

Lord De Rossi stretched out his hand and said sincerely: "We will meet again on the battlefield in the future."

Lorraine reached out and touched him, looked at his eyes, and said, "See you on the battlefield, but I don't guarantee that you will be on the same side as you."

De Rossi's face changed in an instant, showing an expression of astonishment and fear, but returned to normal in the blink of an eye, but all this did not escape Lorraine's eyes.

De Rossi calmly shook hands with Lorraine and said, "You laughed."

"I'm really joking with you." Lorraine patted his hand and laughed.

Young Master De Rossi gave a dry laugh, with an angry look in his eyes.

Lorraine waved to him, turned and walked to the war fort. Princess Lulu reluctantly sent him to the door, eagerly like a poor puppy, and said: "Cousin, I heard your house is beautiful?"

"Alright?" Lorraine looked at his cheap cousin warily.

Princess Lulu glanced at the ambassador of the Elf Kingdom who was behind her, waved her hand, and said, "It's all right."

As everyone watched, the war fortress made a buzzing sound, trembling slightly, rising from the ground a little bit, and slowly rising into the air.

At this moment, Princess Lulu suddenly picked up her skirt and provoked it suddenly.

In the stunned eyes of the representatives of the Elf Kingdom, Princess Lulu stepped on the edge of the battle fort half a man above the ground, and leaped quickly like a dolphin jumping out of the sea. In the air, he turned over lightly and leaped into the open door of the war fortress.

She hooked the door frame with her slender hands, as white as jade, looking at the frightened ambassador below, shouting: "Tell my father, I will come back after two days of playing with my cousin."

The ambassador on the ground was twisted on his face, as ugly as constipation.

Lorraine and Leo looked at the uninvited guest blankly.

Leo even pointed to her and said: "You..."

Princess Lulu shook her pink fist in front of him, jokingly: "Look what you see, sister, I have also practiced."

Leo rubbed his soft and plump chin, and said, "Is this an elopement?"

Lulu's face turned red like an apple, and he yelled with anger, raised his hand to grab Leo's fat face, and said, "What are you talking about, little ruffian? I'm a reluctant player, stop me. "

Leo applied oil on the soles of his feet, and he disappeared immediately.

The people on the ground also looked at each Seeing the pig liver-like face of the ambassador of the Elf Kingdom, they invariably exclaimed, and said: As expected, Lord Lorraine, I don’t forget to abduct another one if I fail. Princess, Niu Cha~!

The war fort went straight into the air, and did not circle the Maple Leaf Danlin as usual, but rose into the clouds and disappeared into the eastern sky.

Lord De Rossi put one hand in his trouser pocket, and raised one hand to wave goodbye to the distant war fortress.

The representatives of other countries looked at the aspirational expressions of the Leirias and sneered secretly in their hearts. They didn't know that they were guns. Your boy would not want to die.

But no matter what, Maple Leaf Danlin belongs to the era of Lorraine, and may be gone forever.

Young Master De Rossi looked at everyone's gloating expressions, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealed a sneer, and muttered in a low voice: "If you knew, you just sent yourself to **** by yourself, don't you know what you would think? Really? I want to see your expressions at that time, it must be wonderful...

Enjoy the rest of your days, pigs. To be continued) RQ

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