Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1232: Disillusionment and crisis

In the spring of 835, this fanaticism finally reached its peak. www.)

In 1983, a tomato originally only needed one gold coin, but this time it has risen to three thousand gold coins.

This price is enough for people to buy a villa in the fourth ring of the Akkadrin Imperial City.

At 3:47 pm on May 12, 835, people will always remember this moment clearly.

At this time, it was almost the end of market transactions, and the people who had been busy after a busy day were all a little tired, and they had already begun to pack their things.

Because according to past practice, at the close of the market, the price of tomatoes will basically not change much.

Looking at the red price list on the wall of the trading floor, they were content to estimate how much they had earned today, and they greeted their companions next to them, planning which bar they would go to after work for a good drink. , Relieve the fatigue of this day.

Even some people have packed their things and turned to leave the trading floor.


But at this moment, I saw a staff member of the exchange hurriedly walked out from behind, and then holding a long wooden pole, took off the red price tag on the high wall, and then replaced it again. The list price on the other side.

Out of professional sensitivity, the people who were planning to leave could not help turning their heads, glanced at them, and then stopped.

They were shocked to find that the price of the brand was actually green~!

People couldn't help being surprised.

At first, they thought it was the staff member who made a mistake, and quite a few people took the opportunity to shout out a few words.

‘Where’s the idiot? ’

"If it's the price, I will eat as much as I can..."


Then everyone present burst into laughter.

Immediately afterwards, another staff member hurried over with a sign, sweating profusely, planning to change the price tag again.

After everyone saw it, they felt relieved for a while.

The cards were changed so soon. Some staff must have made a mistake.

Someone in the crowd murmured: "*, I really thought it was a price cut. I scared my cold sweat."

The voice of that sentence was not high, but it clearly spread to everyone's ears, making them laugh again. But at the same time, there is also an ominous cloud rising in their hearts.

It is easy to say if it is wrong. Everyone keeps getting rich, buying a house and land, including a mistress and raising a mistress...

But in case...

What if he is really a green card?

Thinking of the terrible consequences, everyone felt chilly for a while. They all held their breath and stared, quietly watching the staff take down the sign on the high wall, and quietly waiting for him to hang up the other sign in his hand.

Although this period of time is only a mere ten seconds or so, in the eyes of these anxious waiters, it seems that a year has passed.

Immediately, I saw that the staff member was still holding a green card.

There was an uproar in the crowd.

Green card? ? ~! ! !

It's still a green card~!

how can that be?

Over the past two years, the price of tomatoes has been rising. Why did it suddenly drop?


This is not scientific~!

Everyone on the trading floor was dumbfounded and at a loss for a while.

When everyone was shocked, they saw the price tag exchanged at a standard rate of once per minute. Every time you exchange, you have to drop one gold coin.

For them, every drop in the price of a gold coin also means that tens of thousands of gold coins in their hands are turned into ashes.

When they reacted, the price tag had fallen by nearly twenty gold coins.

For a while, the brokers, brokers, stocks, brokers, and futures traders in the lobby... all went crazy~!

In order to recover their losses, they flocked to the trading desk, planning to sell them to recover their losses. But at this time. In the trading floor, the huge grandfather clock began to ring.

After the establishment of the trading hall, this huge watch was specially ordered from the Flying Eagle Swiss Watch Company of the Human Race continent in order to show the dealers' respect for time and to install 13. Accurate travel time. The error per day is no more than one second.

The bell sounded deep and melodious, extremely clear.

For everyone in the exchange, every time the bell rang in the past, it was like the sound of gold coins rushing into their pockets, making them laugh.

But at this time, the sound was like a death knell in the ear.

Since the exchange is closed, people can only turn around and go home.

After a long and restless night, these haggard people came to the exchange early the next morning, dreaming that yesterday's decline was just a nightmare.

But they were disappointed and, to be precise, what frightened them was that as soon as the market opened, the price was cut in half, and it was cut by half. Immediately began a continuous decline all the way.

The market suddenly fell into panic, and people went crazy. They were pulling their hair and howling in pain, while the tide rushed to the counter, dumping the tomatoes in their hands.

However, no one in the market dared to take over this hot potato at this time.

The price of tomatoes plummeted. Like jumping off a cliff, all the way down.

Countless speculators, including nobles, landlords, merchants, farmers, handicraftsmen, chimney sweeps, toilet toilets, etc., have all gone bankrupt.

Although the government is doing inspirational propaganda every day, "How can I see the rainbow without going through wind and rain" or "Opportunity is just around the corner" "Winter is here, can spring be far behind?" "'The most important thing to be a human being is to be happy'...Wait and so on, but on the highest tower in the imperial city, every day there are mentally fragile bankrupts jumping from it.

When the speculators reacted, they organized one after another and asked the government for help. Some people even staged large-scale demonstrations, calling on everyone to unite and occupy the Imperial City Hall of Akadrin.

This activity similar to ‘Occupy Wall Street’ immediately angered the authorities that had just come to power in the coup.

*, this gang feeds unfamiliar puppies. Back then, I didn’t talk about giving the government a little bit of money, but now I’m sitting on my ass, but I want to wipe it myself?

Does this still make sense?

The young and ardent soldiers immediately waved their hands and sent a group of soldiers in. Give the gang of puppies who don't know what to do. [] The parade was quieted very efficiently.

Because of their decisive action, they also won a compliment from the lead lich Cameron.

At this time, the entire Semitic tribe was already in sorrow, and the economy was in a mess.

Countless people have gone bankrupt. Displaced and reduced to extreme poverty. In order to wrap their stomachs, they have to sell their children and wander around.

However, this has helped the military a lot.

Due to the economic crisis, those young people joined the army in order to feed themselves. The military completed the conscription plan easily and accelerated the pace of combat readiness.

The pace of war is getting closer.


"Broken five, broken five~!" Leo yelled all the way and rushed into the room. Xiaobai, as a follower, followed closely behind his boss, and howled vigorously in cooperation.

As a result, Chairman Leo, who was very excited, did not see his feet, slipped his feet and limped his calves. The whole person fell to the ground with a clean "Bhaw".

Leo's movements startled everyone, just as Catherine was about to stand up quickly, Leo still stretched out her arms face down on the ground. Opening his palms to everyone, 〖excitedly〗 said: "Five, five~!"

When Catherine saw her brother look like this, she rolled his eyes with anger and sat back again.

Princess Lulu looked at Leo's [excited] look, flat her mouth and concluded, "This little hooligan is possessed..."

Adele and the others nodded at the same time, agreeing with Princess Lulu's statement that this little ruffian has been soaking in the stock market every day for the past few days. Go before the market opens and come back after the market is closed.

Just like being fascinated, if it wasn't because the Flying Eagle Railway was their own, they were really worried that this kid would throw in his wealth and life.

After Lorraine's popular science, I heard about all kinds of money scams, big fish eating small fish. They all know that this stock market is a bottomless pit. Only the dealer will never lose money without losing money.

Fortunately, they are the dealers~!

Melina sighed faintly, closed the book in front of her, stood up very ladylike, walked slowly to Leo, took Leo's arm, and pulled him from the ground.

Then he gently slapped Leo's clothes and smoothed his clothes. His large clear and transparent eyes stared at Leo flickering, and said with a chuckle: "Next time I will be ashamed, I will show you 97net~ !"

Leo smirked and nodded, and said, "Meilin, it's broken five, do you know? We're developed~!"

Melina's little hands helplessly lined up her smooth foreheads, then turned around angrily, and decided to at least two days, no, three days to ignore this stupid boy.

To put it aside, Leo discovered Melina's abnormality a long time ago, and immediately ran over to make his girlfriend happy.

But at this moment Leo’s entire spirit was in the stock market, grinning happily, and ran to Lorraine to offer security, and said: "Boss, the transaction price is over hardware."

"You've said it no less than ten times, I see." Lorraine mourned Leo in his heart. The little gangster didn't know that he had annoyed his girlfriend, and he would suffer in the next few days.

Leo touched his head with a smirk, then took two steps back and squeezed between Princess Lulu and Adeling abruptly.

Princess Lulu raised her hand against Leo's waist and said, "Go away, go away, find a place to sit."

Leo snorted and twisted his hips deliberately, forcing Princess Lulu and Adeling to avoid them.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, little gangster." Princess Lulu slapped Leo's forehead in an annoyed manner, raised her boots on the ground, sat on the opposite side, and widened her eyes in annoyance. Snorted.

Leo made a grimace at her and said, "The director is now worth over 100 million yuan, so I don't care about you like you. Hey..."

Princess Lulu was so angry that she turned her head away from his smug look.

With a triumphant smile on Leo’s face, he pointed his fingers at www.7ket and said: “A piece of hardware, five million shares is 25 million, and we still have 15% of the shares, which is 1,500. Ten thousand shares to be issued, multiplied by five is 75 million...

The total assets of the railway company are five... billion...

Wait, 500 million~! "

Leo suddenly stunned with his fingers, his eyes dull, and his mouth murmured: "Five million...500 million..."

Hearing this number, Lorraine couldn't help taking a deep breath. The Ruman Empire’s tax revenue was only 300 million a year, and a railway company exceeded one and a half times the Ruman Empire’s tax revenue. It is too shocking to say it.

The point is that this railway company uses funds raised by all parties and does not use a cent of the national financial appropriation.

Princess Lulu was thankful again in her heart. Her investment decision was made in a timely manner, and she got on this express train. No matter when she said it, Princess Lulu would have face.

The higher the stock price of Flying Eagle Railroad, the happier Princess Lulu, which proves that Princess Lulu has a unique vision, and the more people who slander her can go back.

What is her elopement?

It is basically for the country and the people. It was a feat. She should be given ten or eight medals or something.

"According to me, the increase is not enough." Princess Lulu said fiercely: "What's so great about the hardware, it's best to increase to ten gold, fifteen gold."

"Don't say it, it's really possible." Adele tapped www.7ket's beautiful chin and said: "I heard two little maids discussing how to buy stocks in Huā Garden today."

Hearing this, Deipoll shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't mention it. I went to work at the company today, and they said that they were discussing stocks, and no one went to work. It is said that the old fellow Shajin was trading stocks during working hours."

"Yes. People are panicking." Catherine dropped the pen, rubbed her wrist, and said: "Kristin has got the news, and everyone who wants to buy stocks has come to me.

They are all uncles who have known since childhood, and it is hard to open their mouths when they refuse. "

Vera blinked her big blue eyes, and wondered in her heart: Compared with the stock market, the city she robbed by Dragon Ball is too pediatric. Master is called Mingqin~!

Others are still rushing to give it. Do you want to open a stock market in Longdao?

Vera hung her head, frowning and thinking seriously.

Leo was still holding his finger www.7ket to count. Said: "Ten gold is 150 million, the market value is 1 billion, 15 gold is 225 million, and the market value is 1.5 billion...

1.5 billion~! "

Leo kept chanting the numbers in a trance, and gradually the joyful expression on his face disappeared, but it became more and more solemn. In the end, his brows were twisted together, and he sat on the sofa blankly, his hands still counting.

"This kid must be happy and stupid." Princess Lulu said in a low voice beside her cousin.

If the stock price can rise to ten gold, Princess Lulu can wake up with a smile in her dreams, and the elves will not have to offer her as a god.

Leo, who was thinking hard, suddenly flattened his mouth, looked up at Lorraine, and said, "Boss..."

Then he cried out with a "wow".

Instantly beyond everyone's expectations.

Catherine dropped the pen in her hand and immediately ran to her in a few steps, pressing Leo nervously and said: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Melina also forgot to ignore Leo's decision for three days, and quickly walked around, took Leo's hand, and asked with concern: "Why are you crying well? You are talking~!"

The girls also put aside the things they had at hand, gathered around Leo, babbling: "What's the matter?"

"what happened?"

"Isn't it good just now?"

"I was stupid by that fall."

"Bah, crow's mouth."


Even Xiaobai, who was squeezed out of the crowd, wailed his voice, expressing his concern for the boss.

Leo cried with tears, wiped his nose, and said dejectedly: "I was going to make a fortune and leave, now...

Can't fish~! "

The girl looked at each other in surprise, and at the same time secretly said in her heart: What is the reason?

Lorraine was startled for a moment, and then laughed blankly, rubbing his chin with his fingers www.7ket, pondering for a while, then slowly said, "That...

Leo said that originally we had prepared some means to stir up the stock price, and then made a profit of 20 to 30 million and left. The Feiying Railway does not know when it will be opened to traffic.

As for now..."

Lorraine shrugged and said: "The market value is over 100 million. Our Feiying Railway is the largest company in the world. If you lose one dollar, it will evaporate and you can't afford to lose ~!"

The girls suddenly realized that this little ruffian still loves money.

When the market value is not high, it is not distressed when the stock price drops. Now the market value is high, and the stock price drops a little bit like the meat.

"It's fine." Leo wiped his face indiscriminately, and then grabbed it... he picked up the clothes of a person next to him, wiped off his tears and nose, and gritted his teeth vigorously.

With a serious expression on his face, he said firmly: "If the big deal is a big deal, just manage it. I'm a business wizard, a genius child, and I can't play a railway company. I don't just want to make a profit, but I also want to make a big profit."

Princess Lulu screamed, pinched the corner of her skirt, and said in a panic: "Little ruffian,, this was just bought the day before I shouldn't sympathize with you, this little hooligan ~!

Cousin, cousin, look at him and bully. "

The girl huffed away instantly, far away from Leo, this kid was too disgusting, Melina added Leo one more day in her heart, and Jedi didn't talk to him for four days.

Lorraine could only try his best to appease his stubborn cousin, saying: "It's all right, I'll buy you ten of them tomorrow."

"This is what you said" Princess Lulu smiled and said, "Cousin is the best."

Lorraine glanced at Leo, thinking that this kid must be deliberate, and he will be accounted for tomorrow.

Leo sniffed, rubbed his eyes, jumped up from the sofa, and said, "Where is the railway line from Nidel to Constantine? Hell, I forgot about it.

I have to make a plan to speed up the progress of the project. The sooner I open to traffic, the more money I can make.

There is also an additional issuance plan, which cannot be used to stop money, but has to consider the long-term, and has to reserve enough development funds..." To be continued

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