Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1237: Real big shot

The stock market rebounded immediately after the shock, and soon returned to its original position. When the market closed, it even rose a lot.

But in any case, the stock price of Feiying Railway finally fell for the first time after a month of soaring.

This is an extremely clear signal.

That night, when the stock market was closed, the investors in All Nydell City were talking about this small bend in the stock chart, and guessing the meaning of it.

Since Mr. Ragner, the agent of many investors in the Kingdom of Leiria, left the stock market, he immediately put on a beautiful dress and hurried out.

His assistant hurriedly chased him all the way, and asked behind him: "My lord, you...what are you doing?"

Ragnar glared at him impatiently and said, "What's your business?" He paused, and then added: "Oh, yes. Go and send a telegram to the boss and say that the situation is very good now. , Lorraine is almost out of recruiting."

The young assistant frowned slightly, and then said: "But...sir, although the stock market has fallen a bit, in my opinion, the situation is not good..."

Ragnar immediately became angry. He turned around, pointed at the man's nose, and shouted, "NMLGBD~!

Are you the supervisor or am I the supervisor?

You little **** actually want to point fingers at Lao Tzu?

Don’t you want to do it?

If you don't want to do it, just get out of here~! "

The assistant did not expect to remind himself kindly. In exchange for a **** curse. She was ashamed and angry, her face flushed immediately, almost bleeding.

*, what happened to the wage earners?

Wage earners are also humans and have dignity~!

Before he knew it, he held his breath and clenched his fists. I want to wave down at Ragnar's big ass-like face.

But then, seeing Ragnar's cold and contemptuous gaze, the assistant couldn't help but hesitated: Although the punch is happy, what should I do in the future?

The child's wife at home. The old lady is all pointing to her salary to live.

If they can't find a job, they all have to starve with themselves.

Thinking of the child's hungry crying, the wife's bitter eyes, and the mother's kind eyes...

Like all forced by life. The man who has to bear the humiliation is, to be precise, like all the men who are willing to give up their indifferent self-esteem for their families.

His fist was loosened slowly, and then he lowered his head little by little, and smiled barely with him: "My lord, the villain is short-sighted, and speaks recklessly. You are a large adult, don't be as knowledgeable as me."

Ragnar's eyes flashed a little bit of excitement, and then he gave a cold snort. Said: "I'm lazy to care about with you. Forget it, less waste my time here, I still have important things to do.

Go ahead and send the telegram. do you know? "

The assistant quickly agreed, then turned around and left. At the same time, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: Your MGBD is important.

Isn't it just going to fool around in the brothel again?

Your grandson smashed all the activity funds from the boss on the belly of the prostitute, and the money was not yours alone. Doesn’t it just lick **** and flatter...

It's good to play you bastard~!

The assistant kept grumbling in his stomach, but he knew in his heart that there was no way he could take this nasty guy.

Ragnar is a red man in front of Duke De Rossi.

Although he hacked everyone's activity funds, he had fun alone. As an assistant, I can only curse a few words in my heart.

Ragnar scolded his nosy assistant, and he was proud of him. This is his authority: not only can he treat his subordinates like a dog, but he can also catch anyone who is scolded when he gets angry.


As long as the sale of the Flying Eagle Railway is done. In the future, not only can there be hundreds of thousands of people for him to call, but also some beautiful female secretaries with big chests, waists and long legs. In the future, you can just follow the unspoken rules...

Carrying such a beautiful dream like a fairy tale, Ragnar eagerly jumped into the carriage, said: "Red shoes", and closed his eyes to rest.

The carriage drove straight out of Nydal City and came to the gate of a manor outside the city.

Ragnar jumped out of the carriage, straightened his hat, and walked into the door smartly.

A few women with heavy make-up greeted him eagerly, hung on him, and whispered: "Ragna, why are you here now? I want to kill you."

"My lord, you are handsome again."


At the same time that Yingying and Yanyan's anger, they also deliberately used their soft **** to squeeze Ragnar's arms.

Ragnar had an excited smile on his face and took out a few gold coins from his pocket.

With a fascinating smile on his face, he pinched the gold coin with his fingers, stuffed it deeply into the women's chest, and shouted boldly: "My little honey, this is for you."

The women immediately squirmed and squirmed, so that Ragnar's salted pork knuckles could wipe oil on them.

Ragnar laughed happily at the greet of the prostitutes.

Although in the company, Ragner is a stubborn iron cock, and from time to time he owes the wages of those staff members, but at this time, Ragner is a big-and-expensive hawker, swaying gold coins wantonly.

The women gathered around him, walking in, while whistling and asking: "My lord, how much do you earn today?"

Ragnar raised his head proudly, pretending to say: "Not much, not much, only tens of thousands."


"so amazing."

"You are really a hero."

"Mr. Ragnar, I have saved a little money too, can I buy stocks?"


The compliments of the prostitutes made Ragnar feel airy, as if he was really a financial giant holding a lot of money and galloping the stock market. With a wave, there would be women rushing into his bed.

This is why Ragnar likes to come to the brothel. Only here. He is a complimented uncle, once he walked back to the hotel, he was immediately beaten back to the prototype.

There, people will find that this uncle Ragnar, who can make prostitutes stare at the stars and desperately greet them, is just an ordinary wage earner, without power and power. The only advantage is that he has a bright mind and knows how to slap his head.

Since the stock market opened. The originally cold brothel has become popular, and now it is full of rich people seeking pleasure.

There are always women's whimpers and men's heroic laughter in the ears, and the smell of inferior cosmetics is floating in the air. There are barely dressed women everywhere.

The prostitutes crowded Ragner to their seats. Mr. Ragner liked the hall. I don't like private rooms.

His favorite thing was to spill a lot of gold coins, and a dozen women were crowded around him, and he was surrounded by them like a king.

The man passing by always casts envious eyes on him, knowing that this is a big man in stocks.

"Hey, Ragnar, here and here." Suddenly someone stopped Ragnar on the way, beckoning to him.

Ragnar glanced back and couldn't help but pause.

He stretched out his hands and slapped the **** of the prostitutes on both sides, and said, "You go first, little wild cat. I have something to do, uncle."

After speaking, he turned and walked into a deck.

The seats around here are all filled with big men.

Those big guys are burly stature, sharp-eyed, and they all carry bulging things around their waists, and they know at a glance that they are definitely powerful warrior guards.

They separated a long space to prevent anyone from approaching, and a group of well-dressed gentlemen were in the middle of the wall.

Ragnar walked to the middle table and sat down, with Erlang's legs folded, looking at the nine people sitting here, and said leisurely: "Sir Rooney. Mr. Redberg, Lord Dunkel...Hello."

These people also nodded slightly towards him, in return.

They are all big shots in the stock market, each holding hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands of Feiying Railway stocks, sitting on millions of funds.

Together, they hold one-third of the outstanding shares of Flying Eagle Railway. Stomping the stock market can cause a shock.

Ragnar was actually very proud to be one of them.

These are all great people. Usually he can only look up, and he doesn't even have the identity of walking up to say hello to others.

But now, they regard him Ragnar as one of them, sitting on an equal footing, smiling and greeting him.

This high-end brothel outside the city is where they often meet.

Lord Dunkel took out a cigar and threw it to Ragnar innocently, saying: "I just got it, Gosbah, high-end goods. It is said that Lorraine smokes this too."

"That must be tasted," Ragna laughed, skillfully cut off the tail with small scissors, then took out a shiny silver lighter, lit the cigar, and took a leisurely sip.

At this time, another person walked into the deck. He sat down, panting, and said: "Damn it, why does this place have to be outside the city?"

Lord Dunkel raised his fat ball-shaped head and laughed, "Because this is Nyan.

The government has always been fighting **** and illegality, and the management is extremely strict.

All nightclubs are afraid to open in the city, for fear that the governor will come out for private visits and appreciate the sentiments of the people.

You know, the Rose Garden in Ruman City is a living example. "

There was a burst of vulgar laughter from the people in the booth. They all knew the allusions of the rose garden.

Only Ragnar chuckled humorously-the fact that Ferguson went to the brothel and was arrested and raped by his girlfriends was only known to the high-level people. Little people like him had never heard of them, so naturally they didn't understand them. What is said.

Lord Dunkel put the cigarette **** out on the table and said in a deep voice, "Today's stamp duty? What do you think?"

Several people around suddenly fell silent.

Ragnar ostentatiously said: "This is a good thing. It shows that all Lorraine's methods of lowering the stock price have failed. He can only use the trick of increasing taxes."

After a few people thought for a moment, they nodded silently.

Ragnar smiled and said: "Just take advantage of this opportunity to expel the poor retail investors out of the game. This game is not something that the dead people can afford."

Lord Dunkel and they clapped their legs and laughed. This is exactly what they think. Said: "You mean they will sell?"

Ragnar nodded and said, "Of course, today's decline has explained everything. Even if they don't throw it, we will not throw a bit first, creating an illusion of concentrated selling and scaring them to run away."

Lord Dunkel gave a thumbs up and said, "It's still your kid's brain that works, what do you say we should do?"

Ragnar raised his head and smiled slightly, and said, "No matter what you do. I will throw a little bit to suppress the stock price tomorrow, drive retail investors out, and take away the stocks in their hands. Give them some sweetness and wait. At the price of around twenty, it's just..."

Ragnar made a gesture of pushing his hands outwards, and said, "Take the money and leave. The Nyan people have worked so hard for the past few years and returned to 833 years ago overnight. I see how the governor wiped this butt."

This is why Lord Dunkel and the others wooed Ragner. Although this guy is very vulgar and uneducated, he can tell that he is a hillbilly from the bottom.

But his brain is very useful, his eyes are sharp and his wrists are flexible. I made millions in the speculation of stocks and made a lot of spooky ideas that attracted the attention of these people.

Sir Rooney Carr touched his beautiful moustache on his lips, and said: "If you can provoke civil unrest, he is not the governor.

Of course, at that time, I will give him a generous hand and use the earned money to purchase his property. How about we buy the Flying Eagle Railway? At that time, the stock price of Flying Eagle Railway also fell and nobody wanted it. "

Lord Dunkel slapped the table and shouted in applause, "Yes, yes, buy the Eagle Railway."

"It's better to buy Flying Eagle Telecom. That's a cash cow."

"I like shipyards."

"A bunch of idiots, buy Naian Salt Industry if they want to buy it, they will not finish it for more than a decade.

In their eyes, it seemed as if the golden coins had already arrived, and Nian's stock market had become dying. They hold the wealth of a rich and enemy country, and they gallop freely on this land.

"Then say it. Let's do it tomorrow~!" Sir Rooney Carr raised his glass and said, "Cheers for our cooperation."


Ragnar threw down the wine glass and stood up, and said, "Then gentlemen, I'll go to Freedom first. I can't let the girls wait for me for too long."

Ragnar was excited and none of them noticed that the low-hanging lampshade was hung on a metal tube, and the hollow metal tube passed through the ceiling and connected to a compartment on the second floor.

The lampshade played a very good sound-gathering effect, and transmitted their conversation to the ears of the monitoring personnel upstairs without missing a word.

The monitor closed the recorded file, opened the door of the room, and handed it to a waiter passing by.

The waiter pressed the document under the tray and walked into the back kitchen. After half an hour, it would appear in the hands of Belen, the general manager of the venture capital company.

"A spontaneous trust group? Interesting~!" Belen carefully read the documents, muttered to himself with a smile, and said: "Sure enough, as the boss said, the power of capital is infinite.

It's better to lock up this beast. "

With the sound of three gongs the next day, the stock market began another day of trading.

Unlike the past, the shares of Feiying Railway began to fall as soon as the market opened. It seems that many people are selling Feiying Railway shares at the same time.

This caused great anxiety among investors in the lobby. Reminiscent of the stamp duty policy introduced yesterday and the series of reports in the newspapers, some people began to be impatient and threw out their stocks.

People have a herd mentality. Even if they know that the truth is no longer crowded, most people will choose to follow the collective mistakes.

They can still be calm when the first person throws it.

When the second person threw it, they were already a little shaken.

When the third person throws them out, they begin to feel uneasy.

When the surrounding people choose to throw most of the time, they begin to worry.

Especially when the stock price of Feiying Railway is going down a little bit, most people flock to the trading window to sell their stocks.

Several silver coins were lost one minute late.

At the close of the afternoon, the stock price of Feiying Railway dropped by one gold coin.

This caused panic among all investors, who increasingly believed in newspaper reports, which was a precursor to the collapse of the bubble.

So as soon as the market opened the next day, the stock price of Feiying Railway immediately began to fall.

The retail investors wailed and fled the market one after another. Some did not even do their jobs and ran into the stock market to sell their stocks.

Seeing that the stock price of Feiying Railway dropped from 17 to 16 or 15 and finally stopped at 14 o'clock, people began to eat a lot and swept the stock market.

The stock price turned around and soared, and in only one day, it rose back to the high price of 16.

The retail investors who sold the stocks regretted that their intestines were all green. In just one day, they lost two gold per share.

After rebounding to a high of 16, the stock price did not stop its skyrocketing momentum.

After the market was closed for a day, the market reopened and immediately rushed all the way up, setting a new record.

This has increasingly identified the mentality of retail investors. They have realized that selling stocks a few days ago was wrong, and Feiying Railway will definitely continue to rise.

Retail investors once again raised funds to pursue the stock of Flying Eagle Railway. The stock price soon reached 18, hitting the 19 gold At this time, everyone, including the director of the stock market, Mr. Higgins, believed that Fly It is inevitable that Eagle Railway's stock price will exceed 20 gold, and the time is only these few days.

At the same time, more wealthy people, with the dream of getting rich, come to Nidal through the water and sea, ready to take a plunge in the stock market.

On June 5th, 835, the sun was shining brightly and the sea breeze was slowing down. Everything was as usual. The stock market opened its doors and stockholders and investors poured in. Everyone was waiting for the stock price of Feiying Railway to rise.

Leiou stood in front of the steps on the third floor with his hands under his hands. There was a bustling crowd in front of him. Behind him were the executives of the Flying Eagle Group and the director of the stock exchange.

There was a sharp contrast between the noisy investors and the silent elite behind Leo. Higgins suddenly fell into a trance, feeling that the image of the chairman at this moment was extremely tall and majestic.

Higgins suddenly realized that, compared with the financial crocodile in the stock market, the chairman of Leo, who owns Rumandiguo and Flying Eagle Group, is the real big man.

In the face of power and control, money is just an embellishment.

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