Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1244: National thief

The Semites are just a general term, but they are not a single nation

On the earth, there are hundreds of Semitic residents living

Among them, Lingshan has the greatest power, and the Thundershan people are second. The rest are small tribes living in remote places.

The Spirit Flash occupies the best piece of land in the Semitic continent. The climate is pleasant and the rain is plentiful. Therefore, compared to the Thunder Flash, the Spirit Flash family is a bit richer.

The capital of Lingshining is also the most prosperous. With a broad mind, it welcomes visitors from all over the world instead of being as stubborn as Raybourg and guarding against outsiders.

Because of this sense of identity, compared to Raycastle, the Semitic people are willing to think that Akadrin is the capital of the Semitic people.

Therefore, when people talk about the Semites, under normal circumstances, they all refer to the spirits.

For thousands of years, the entire Lingshan clan has been ruled by seven imperial families—their ancestors came from the same emperor’s family at that time.

In a remote era, after the emperor’s death, due to the endless struggles of all forces, but they were evenly matched, the forces of all parties were involved in each other, and the stalemate came down.

Everyone is holding the idea of ​​‘I can’t get better, others don’t think about getting better,’ and no one is willing to take a step back

In this case, the throne is suspended

Later, the undead high priest took the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the Semites and became the actual supreme rulers of the Semites. These seven families suddenly discovered that the snipe and the clam were fighting, and the fisherman benefited from fighting here. , It turned out to be cheap for others

But facing the undead high priest who is as powerful as a devil, even if they have the intention to fight, they are unable to recover.

Although there have been several unyielding heroes in the middle who drew their swords against the sky and rallied their troops to resist, the final outcome was all defeated by the halberd.

In order to preserve their strength, the Semitic royals can only endure silently

In the years that followed, the seven royal clans continued to multiply and thrive. Although some families gradually died out, many families became more and more prosperous.

Under such circumstances, the seven royal clans spawned countless collateral family forces

The children of these royal families may occupy important positions in the gleaming government, or they may be in the army, or they may be in business or scattered around.

They use their blood to weave an unfathomable large net in Lingshan and firmly control all aspects of the Semitic political and economic aspects.

Their relationship with each other is intricate and intertwined, like a large pile of twine that is kneaded together, it is impossible to figure out a clue. When it comes to the history, even the most outstanding research experts can't tell it.

However, the seven families are clear about themselves, and they will never be messed up-the genealogy and heraldry of the nobles is a subject that every noble child must learn

Although the royal family chose to bow their heads and retreat, it was only aimed at the high priest himself, but it didn’t mean that they bowed their heads and captured them, and since then they voluntarily withdrew from the stage of history.

In the two thousand years of history, the struggle between the seven royal clans and the undead clans, with other noble forces, and even between themselves has never stopped.

Moreover, in these fierce struggles, the seven royal families have always stood firm with their own powerful strength.

Even the High Priest of the Undead has nothing to do with them. It can be seen that their position in the Spirit Flash is deeply rooted.

As the saying goes, "the poor are the best, the rich are no corporal"

In Lingshan, an ordinary person who wants to be an official can't gain a foothold unless he has a good relationship with one of them.

This is why the disciples of the High Priest of the Undead must launch a coup and kill those important officials in order to establish their own power because these positions are firmly held by the royal confidants.

And afterwards, it was also because of the strong suppression of the undead high priest, that there was no civil strife. Otherwise, according to the temper of the Lingshi royal family, it would have been a pot of porridge.

But it's not much better now

Although the people in power who came to power in the coup d’état and the imperial family coexist peacefully on the surface, they have actually become a fire and water.

In the dark, both sides fought violently and assassinated and retaliated constantly with each other. Several unknown corpses always appeared on the streets of Akaderin every day.

Therefore, in order to control the situation, the prime minister who came to power in the coup had to work hard to form a large number of divisions in order to bypass the control of the royal family and build his own power.

The Caribbean Fourth Division was born under this background

At the same time, he spared no effort to dismantle the original legion system, disrupt the officers from the royal family and branches, and dispatch them everywhere.

Lord Brad was born in the direct line of the Iskander family. He has a distinguished status. He has 20 years of officialdom and high society experience. He also knows the huge family power.

In a nutshell, that’s something that they can’t do without them

It’s the first time for Lord Brad to receive a warning from my family like this, asking him to "be careful"

Even my family can’t guarantee his safety, which shows how serious the matter is

After hearing the news suddenly, Lord Brad took a few steps back and sat down on a chair on the balcony, his forehead sweating.

The old butler hurriedly poured a glass of wine and handed it to Lord Brad

Speaking from the heart, the Lord Brad is not a bold and ambitious person, otherwise he would not be satisfied by sitting in the Caribbean, and he would not be able to raise a kind daughter like Fiona.

The bad news really scared him

Reminiscent of the recent incidents of forced conscription of soldiers, Akadrin didn’t even have a notice. The Lord Brad quickly realized that this was the man who came to power in the coup and wanted to take him.

But after all, he is a member of the Iskander family, and the royal pride deposited in the blood is instantly aroused. Even if he is dead, he cannot lose the family glory.

Thinking of this, Lord Brad took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then stood up with his knees.

He calmly said to the messenger: "Thank you for your reminder, I know what to do, butler, take him down to rest and entertain him."

After the steward took the order and left, City Lord Brad looked up at the bright moon in the sky and muttered: "Since we are coming, then come~"

The chubby body of Lord Brad was suddenly full of fighting spirit

At the time, the most worrying issue for the Lord Brad was that his daughter’s vision was too high, and he could not marry, even he suspected that that matter would become a trouble for his life.

And now, this problem has already been solved

Although she and that Lorraine belong to the same human race, it made him feel a little disappointed, but no matter how you look at it, the young man is really good at making money. He also cares about his family and has a good literary talent.

Don’t mention, the daughter said in a letter, the kid agreed, and if he has a son in the future, he will inherit the Iskander family.

This made the city lord happily almost missed North because the second problem he was most worried about was solved.

The lord of the city now can be said to be fearless

He beckoned to his guard, and whispered: "There is one of the guests named Karl Horman, send someone to watch him."

Although the tone was gentle, there was still a hint of murderous intent. The flow of people in the royal family was all cold blood. They might pretend, but they were never soft-hearted... At this time, Cal Horman slowly walked out of the noisy hall. In the brightly lit luxurious hall, walk into the dim courtyard

The Governor’s Mansion of Caribbean City sits on the top of the hill, which is the best place in the entire Caribbean Port.

Looking up is the sky full of stars, and looking down you can see the sea surging under the moonlight

There is the sound of insects from all around. The flowerbeds on both sides of the courtyard are full of green plants, and you can see small red or green fruits hanging on them.

Cal Homan raised the corners of his mouth, showing a sneer, and said in his heart: "This is what the **** is the poisonous wolfberry~"

If the bubble of hyping poison wolf fruit does not collapse, the whole courtyard of poison wolf fruit is worth a sky-high price.

But now they are just a kind of fruit. Although they are much more expensive than Chinese cabbage, they are just a kind of fruit.

The hype storm that came out of the courtyard of this governor’s mansion ravaged almost the entire Semitic. Some people made their fortunes and some went bankrupt.

The violent shock caused by the collapse of the bubble has not dissipated to this day

"Country thief~" Calhouman snorted coldly and cursed in a low voice

He glanced back at the luxurious hall with a contemptuous expression on his face

Compared with others, he knows a little bit more: the hype of poisonous wolfberry originated from the **** Lorraine and Leo.

Calhouman even dared to assert that the hype must be Lorraine’s conspiracy to disrupt the stability and unity of the Semites.

It’s a pity that those incompetent officials were selfish, or because of incompetence, finally let his vicious tricks succeed.

The sudden outbreak of the Poisonous Wolfberry Crisis caught the officials of Akadrin off guard, and once affected the most important combat readiness.

As the origin of the storm, the Lord Brad, as the Lord of the City, must have played a role in fueling the flames and bears a great responsibility.

In Karl Horman's view, Lord Brad is a real country thief

When Lorraine was in his city, he did not know the report, on the contrary, he assisted Lorraine to harm the Semites.

He even sent his daughter to help Lorraine to take cover, causing Lorraine to easily get into the Imperial Guard, disturbing the high priest’s plan of combining the spirit flash and thunder flash.

In this regard, the Lord Brad and the high-ranking nobles who condoned Lorraine all bear unshirkable responsibility.

As a flashy person, Lord Brad should have committed suicide by Caesarean section long ago if he had a little consciousness, in order to thank the people

But the Iskander family is acting like a perverse, not only does not plead guilty, but also quibble in every way, saying that the matter has nothing to do with them

They violated the orders issued by the Prime Minister, and they were just a gangster

Lorraine disturbed the plan of the high priest, stole the war fortress, and caused extremely heavy losses to the Semi

However, after the investigation, only a few small officials were removed and a few insignificant small characters were arrested.

None of the responsible persons were punished, including City Lord Brad, who actually sat in his position as City Lord of the Caribbean without any shame at all.

I really don’t know~

This situation not only shocked the young officers who occupy the backbone of the middle and lower ranks of the army, but also extremely angry.

According to Calhouman, this is the reason why they must launch a coup, execute the incompetent bureaucrats of the corpse, and revive the Semites.

If they don’t do this, the future of the Semis will be dark. Only their conscientious, passionate and true Semites can save the future of the Semis.

The thought of becoming a city lord or admiral in the future, leading the Semitic army to build an immortal achievement, and a sense of mission that is destined to make Calhouman tremble with excitement.

He clenched his fist, looked back at the brightly lit hall, and murmured: "Only our actions are righteous sinners must be punished. Today is you, tomorrow is the Iskander family, the day after tomorrow is all the silverfish, and finally The human continent..."

Calhouman walked out of the city’s lord’s mansion, walked down the hillside along the main road, and circled the dark Caribbean city a few times until he was sure that no one was following him. Then he quietly came to a house in the lower city, using time light and time heavy. Knocked on the courtyard door

After a long time, the courtyard door creaked open to reveal a narrow slit, and a watchful eye appeared behind the slit. After a glance at Calhouman, the door opened and complained dissatisfiedly: "Why are you here now?"

Calhouman didn't even look at him, walked straight to the room, and said casually: "I just went to the dinner party at the City Lord's Mansion"

The man was startled, and said in amazement: "You don't want to die~"

Cal Homann glanced back at him contemptuously, and said: "Fritz, you are so bold? Then I really found the wrong partner."

Fritz said angrily: "It doesn't matter if you don't want your life, we still have so many brothers, but we are doing a head-off business. Do you know how many soldiers there are in the city? Five thousand people~"

Cal Homan opened the door and said flatly: "It's okay, I satirized the old dog face to face, he didn't react at all.

It's ridiculous that he doesn't know yet, I am the one who will kill him."

In the room, sitting or lying down, there were a dozen sturdy guys gathered. Kong Wu was powerful and had a fierce expression. The weapons were on hand, obviously they were not good people.

They just looked up, then lowered their heads to work on their own affairs

Fritz was rather dissatisfied. He chased after Karl Horman and said endlessly: "Please don't put your Akaderin style to please women in front of us.

It's not bragging with the girls in the theater, do you know how to kill? "

Calhouman interrupted him angrily, and said: "If you shut up, just rely on your simple-minded martial artist to kill a city lord?"

Fritz sneered, folded his arms across his chest, and said coldly: "I don't know **** a city lord, but I know **** you."

The big guys around felt the murderous intentions in his words and couldn't help but look at each other, and then changed their sitting positions one after another, intentionally or unconsciously, their right hand was already touching his weapon.

Cal Homan tit-for-tat, said: "Don't forget who sent you here, they can make you better than dead"

Fritz seemed to think of terrible things, Ji Lingling shuddered, and his vigor suddenly fell.

Cal Homan smiled triumphantly and said: "I have thought about the plan. When the time comes, you can just implement it and leave the rest to me. After the event is completed, I will protect your prosperity and prosperity throughout your life."

Fritz curled his lips unwillingly, poured himself a large glass of strong alcohol and drank it, then glared at Karl Horman and said, "Tell me about your plan."

Cal Horman is very proud of his plan, and proudly said: "Let's make it once"

"What?" Fritz asked suspiciously

"The hillbilly is the hillbilly," Cal Horman cursed secretly in his heart, and said: "It's just to find a bunch of people around the gate of the city lord's mansion to make trouble. This is what the officials fear most.

Fritz shook his head, and said: "When there are too many people, they are determined to strengthen their guard, how can we do it?

Cal Homan said with a stern face, "Just listen. I have found people. They all lost their money when they were hyping the wolf fruit. I said they could help them get their losses back, so they would listen willingly. As for me, I'm really a bunch of fools, no wonder I ended up being the picker."

Fritz also laughed. In his opinion, spending dozens or hundreds of gold coins to buy poison wolfberry is a brain problem.

"Your people are in the crowd," Cal Homan said: "When things are up, the city lord will show up and give you an explanation. Are you guys taking advantage of it at that time?"

"No problem," Fritz slapped his chest and said in a big deal: "That's what the brethren did, eh..."

Fritz took out a crossbow from under the table and threw it on the table, saying: "The arrows are all poisoned, the black manba's venom, see the blood in the throat"

Calhouman smiled and nodded, and said: "I will let them create chaos. If you kill the city lord, I will swarm them and enter the city lord mansion.

The mediocre city lord was beaten to death by angry people. It is indeed a method of death suitable for the Iskander family."

Fritz said: "How do we retreat after it's done?"

Calhouman waved his hand and said: "I have all planned. As soon as the city lord dies, I will send a signal. The Fourth Division outside the city will rush in and take over the Caribbean. You will mix in between them and go to the fourth division camp, No one dares to find out where to stay for two months, and you can go home after the limelight passes."

"It's really that simple?" Fritz shook his head worriedly, and said, "That's the Iskander family, they will retaliate."

Calhouman laughed long and said: "You don't understand politics. If the city lord is assassinated, it will cause an uproar. The Iskander family will definitely not give up.

But if he was beaten to death by angry people in a mass incident, the nature is different. This is called the officials forcing the people to rebel, which shows that the official has a big problem.

For the sake of regional stability, Akaderin will only reduce major issues and put the blame on the dead officials, let alone the Prime Minister on my side.

The Iskander family can only try to cover it, because this is a scandal

Brad, Iskander will not only die, but he will die with infamy. He deserves it"

Fritz shook his head blankly, and said: "I don't understand, the nobles are still afraid of killing a few dead people."

Cal Horman glanced at him with an expert look at an layman, and said: "No matter what the reality is, what the nobility does on the official side is more like that of anyone. When an official is to be the master of the people, this is called politics. got it,

You don’t need to understand, just do it.” RQ


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