Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1257: Uncle is the one who owes money?

Lorraine and Leo thought that Lord De Rossi, who was at the end of the road, was riding his horse in the dark.

At this moment, he was only around the Marquis of Gore and his two trusted attendants

The silence in the night sky, only the sound of horseshoes

The sound of ‘de’ hooves spread, and from time to time it alarmed the birds who were sleeping on the side of the road.

The cool night breeze blew Prince De Rossi’s hair and clothes. For a moment, Prince De Rossi felt as if he was flying in the wind.

He was so happy in his heart, it was like drinking a cold drink when he was sweating.

As long as you escape the encirclement, it is like a dragon entering the sea and an eagle in the sky, letting it fly

Thinking of this, Lord De Rossi couldn’t help but laugh loudly and quickly.


The Marquis of Gore couldn't help laughing. He stood up on his horse, whistled against the wind, and exclaimed: "It's so happy, hahahaha..."

"Those idiots, still want to trap this young master me" Young Master De Rossi smiled triumphantly, and said: "It's just a small trick, those idiots who just played tricks are all around."

The Marquis of Gore leaned over, flattered, and said: "Brother, you are really wise and just shouted, as expected, they all ran away immediately.

Now those sordid things must be dumbfounded."

De Rossi laughed a few times, then took a look at the attendant behind him, and said with some appreciation: "This is also thanks to generosity, if it weren't for him outside to pick us up, where would we go so smoothly?"

The charity immediately shouted: "The villain dare not take credit. The main reason is that the son-in-law is not the master. If the son-in-law did not come up with such a clever plan, I would suggest to the villain, how could the villain's wisdom think of this method?

The three of them looked at each other, then laughed again

It turned out that the ring De Rossi gave to Busch was not a seal ring at all, but a small gift from a mistress.

Giving is also extremely clever, and immediately understood what De Rossi meant after receiving something.

Under the harmony of all eyes, he also pretended to take a few people away, but he did not go too far, instead, he went around a big circle and quietly returned to ambush nearby.

Although the creditors are anxious and eager, but they are a mob

And it’s too paralyzing. Although some people have reminded De Rossi that he might run away, these kind-hearted and stupid people think that somehow he is also a son of a country, and naturally he has the dignity and pride of aristocracy. How could he do it? Escape this kind of thing?

Therefore, in the first half of the night, everyone was still a bit energetic, but in the second half of the night, one by one began to feel sleepy, and they were swayed and completely relaxed their vigilance.

Later, it was four o'clock in the middle of the night, which was the sleepiest time of the day.

Seeing that all those people were basically asleep, the generosity knew that this opportunity was coming, and immediately signaled De Rossi

With an order, De Rossi drove the convoy directly forward and brought the Marquis of Gore into the costume of a servant. Taking advantage of the night and chaos, he walked into the crowd and then rushed out of the encirclement from the opposite direction. Finally, after meeting and giving, he jumped Flee on a horse

What I have to say is that although Young Master De Rossi is a little sloppy and doesn’t understand any art of war, he is still a little conspirator, and he is really beautiful.

A mere escape, and then the emissary, Jin Chan escaped his shell, slammed fish in the muddy waters, three strategies

The three of them laughed for a while, and then the Marquis of Gore thought of something. He smacked his tongue with regret and said, "It's a pity, it's a pity not to bring Andre out~"

I couldn't help but sighed

De Rossi frowned slightly, and said dissatisfied: "That rice bucket, as a nobleman, he can't even ride a horse. He deserves to be unlucky, and he can have a long memory after taking a lesson."

Hearing the harshness of his words, the Marquis of Gore couldn't help but a hint of worry flashed on his face, and then said: "He won't be killed by those people?

If something happens to Andre, my uncle will kill me."

De Rossi was taken aback, looking at the sad look on Gore's face, he felt a little displeased: he made such a beautiful strategy and saved him, and praised himself badly, but said these disappointing words.

He deliberately wanted to reprimand him, but then he thought of something, then smiled reluctantly, and then said: "It shouldn't be that those people just ask for money. Andre doesn't owe them and is a nobleman who believes them. Don't dare to mess around"

However, the tone of his words is light and fluttering, and it seems that he doesn’t care much

As a model of the royal family, Lord De Rossi has always been selfish, and he is very mean and only cares about himself.

Although Andrei and him are also friends, he can find a hundred more friends anytime and anywhere. Therefore, he doesn’t care about each other’s life or death.

It’s just that now that Gore, a friend like Andre, is by his side, he can’t say these words.

"I hope so," the Marquis of Gore murmured, "May the God of Light bless"

De Rossi felt that Gower kept mentioning Andre, quite disappointed, he paused for a while, and then turned away from the subject.

"Dear Gore, there is a proverb in the East,'Life and death depend on your life, wealth is in the sky.' I believe Andre will be fine, let alone the unhappy ones." He coughed slightly, then raised his hand and used his riding whip. Pointing into the distance, he shouted with a heroic expression: "Let’s work hard and try to cross the border before dawn to have breakfast on our land tomorrow morning."

Everyone immediately refreshed

After crossing the border, it is the Kingdom of Leiria, that is its own territory

When they got there, the puppies didn't dare to block themselves asking for money so they didn't have to run away so crappy, but continued to live their own wine forest meat pond, luxurious and corrupt aristocratic life... Running all the way, non-stop, De Rossi They spent a whole day returning to the Duke of De Rossi in the Kingdom of Leiria

The center of the Duchy of De Rossi is the eastern city of Leiria, Batalia, where De Rossi and his son belonged to the world.

Passing through the city gate, crossing the street, seeing that they are getting closer and closer to home, the dusty Lord De Rossi and the Marquis of Gore breathed a sigh of relief.

Once here, no one can do anything to them

The Ducal Palace is located in the best part of Batalia, and you can see the spire of the three-story pure white palace building from a distance.

But as the distance got closer, Lord De Rossi frowned.

He found that this gorgeous and beautiful Governor's Mansion seemed a bit unusual

The Marquis of Gore also slowly discovered what was wrong, and couldn't help but let out a "Huh", and then said: "Big Brother seems to be something wrong."

De Rossi's heart sank, he waved his horse whip and slapped a few times, and rushed towards the ducal palace.

When he reached the gate, De Rossi tightened his horse's rein, and the steed stopped with a "hiss"

Looking up at the opposite side at the Duke’s Mansion, De Rossi’s face on horseback turned red with anger. He trembled slightly on the horseback, shivering with anger and said: "Who, who did it?

I...I want to kill him~"

Amid his hissing roar, everyone stared

I saw that the originally luxuriously decorated Duke’s Mansion has now become an unfinished building

All the doors and windows on the front are gone, and one is left, leaving only the black holes and windows

The original beautiful decorations on the outer wall are gone, and there are patches of black on the wall like scars of diarrhea, as if the beautiful packaging has been torn

The courtyard used to be exquisite flowers and plants, cut into unique shapes, with life-size sculptures scattered in the middle, each of which is a tall artwork

But what appeared to Lord De Rossi was a courtyard like after a flood

The lawn was sparsely trampled, and the withered grass was scattered all over the ground.

The neat and beautiful evergreen trees were all dug away, leaving pits on the ground, and clusters of flowers disappeared, leaving only the turned over land, exposing the dried loess.

All the sculptures were gone, as if they had become real people and ran away. By the way, they also moved away the base where the statues were placed... De Rossi shouted angrily.

The statue weighs a few hundred kilograms with the base. Many people and carts are needed to get them away. This is how the deep ruts on the ground come from.

In the middle of the courtyard should be a three-story fountain with a unique shape. When it was completed, Duke De Rossi invited guests from all over the city to visit

But at this moment, the fountain that was twenty feet wide disappeared

There is not even a piece of **** left, only a deep pit remains in place

A black hole in the center of the pit is still pouring water out and flowing out of the courtyard along the dug gully

This is not what makes Prince De Rossi the most angry. What makes him most angry is that there are no tiles left on the roof of the building.

Expose the wooden board as white as a bald head underneath

"Count you cruel~" Young Master De Rossi almost vomited blood with anger, then kicked the horse in the belly and walked into the courtyard

On this road, De Rossi had to steer the horse carefully to avoid the pit on the ground, and slowly came to the door of the house.

There was no one in the empty courtyard. Two wild dogs were openly engaged in a very yellow, violent, seldom unsuitable battle under the corridor, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

The most hateful thing is that when they saw the arrival of Lord De Rossi, instead of running away, they continued their reproductive behavior in an unusually calm manner.

Young Master De Rossi roared with anger: "Where are the people? Where are all people dying~"

His voice was unusually loud, and it spread throughout the silent mansion in an instant, causing a wave of echoes

An exclamation suddenly sounded from the gate, saying: "Master, Master is back~"

"Quickly come out, the son-in-law is back"

"Quickly come out... With an exclamation, a large group of people gushing out from the open door, all the servants and guards of De Rossi's house

Originally, the servants of the De Rossi family were also the top men in the city. They regarded themselves very high. The maids of the powerful families lived better than the ladies of the landlord’s family.

But they look miserable now, their clothes are in tatters, some of their arms are still hanging around their necks, and they are obviously broken.

There are also a few walking on crutches with their legs crossed, jumping and leaping, and they were beaten by someone.

Lost money, Lord De Rossi doesn’t care, he is notorious anymore, Lord De Rossi doesn’t care either, he has big ambitions in his heart

But when someone hits the door, Lord De Rossi is outraged

He kicked off his horse, but he didn’t expect that his feet were no longer on a flat ground and he stepped off his feet. He staggered. If it weren’t for the servants in front of him, he would quickly support him. The action becomes a dog chewing mud

Lord De Rossi grabbed his servant with a fierce expression, and said loudly, "Who? Who did it? Don't kill him. He actually dared to beat the people in the Duke's Mansion. This is a rebellion~

Who, who is, Lao Tzu led someone to copy his home..."

"Master, you are back, woooo..." The servant raised his nose and cried, and said, "They all demand debts. They are responsible for thousands of people who demand debts."

De Rossi was taken aback for a moment, and murmured: "The debtor?"

"You don't know," the servant wailed: "They are too cruel. We rushed in and grabbed whatever we saw. We went up and stopped them and beat them. The beating was terrible~

I broke my arms and legs

They’ve been robbing for three days and three days, son-in-law, and they didn’t even leave us with a pot. We haven’t had a healthy meal for more than half a month."

De Rossi and the Marquis of Gore looked at each other as if they were listening to a myth. The Marquis of Gore was surprised and said: "No one will take care of the city guards? Where are the guards? Where are they all dead?"

The servant sobbed and said, "It's useless, my lord, it's useless. It's the crown prince who takes the lead. The crown prince was robbed, moved, and dismantled. Some people threw bricks into the yard after they were taken away in the middle of the night."

"Prince Prince?" De Rossi gritted his teeth and said, "Matias, you wait for me~"

Prince Matthias came forward, no one in Batalia really dare to control

The servant cried and said: "There are also those who took advantage of the fire. The dead people in and out of the city heard about it and they all went to our house to grab things. The walls were half torn down. If it wasn't for the little people to protect, the roof was almost taken away by them. "

"Okay, okay~" De Rossi let go of the servant and said, "I'll go in and take a look."

Walk into the building with the Marquis of Gore

As soon as I entered the door, the sound of karakala sounded under my feet, and the ground was full of falling debris and dust.

The hall is empty

The Parthian carpet at the foot, the leather sofa on one side, the chair and coffee table by the wall, the famous paintings hanging on the wall, and the crystal chandeliers above are gone.

Strips were scraped on the wall, leaving a transparent hole above the head

As clean as a locust gnawed

Lord De Rossi smiled with anger, and said to himself: "I really don't know how they took the chandelier away."

The doors of each room are gone, and there is not even a bit of residue on the door frame. It can be seen that the demolition is very serious

De Rossi circled around on the first floor and walked up to the stairs to find that even the handrails had been removed

When I walked to my room on the second floor, the big bed that could roll four or five people at the same time was gone, and the sunlight came in through the empty window.

If you don’t know, I really think this is a ghost house that has been abandoned for many years.

De Rossi squeezed his fist and swears: "Take mine, I will make you double back."

I completely forgot that he borrowed a large sum of money and couldn’t pay it back, so they came to demolish his house.

The Marquis of Gore said: "If it doesn't work, go to my house, no one in me dare to mess around."

De Rossi shook his head and said: "It can only be done like this, it seems to be useless here."

At this moment, the servant ran up in a hurry and yelled in panic: "It's not good, my son, it's not good, someone blocked our door."

"What?" De Rossi couldn't believe it, and said in surprise: "What's wrong with someone?"

The servant was out of breath and said, "A large group of people came outside and blocked our yard."

De Rossi walked quickly to the window, hidden behind the wall and looked out quietly

During this time, a large group of people gathered in front of the empty gate, including men, women and children.

They shouted neatly in the compound: "De Rossi~"

"Repay the money~"

"De Rossi"

"Repay the money"

One sing and one harmony, very neat

There are many people rushing here

Duke De Rossi owes a lot of money in the country, and the creditors have already sent eyeliners in front of the door, waiting for De Rossi and his son to come back to block their debts.

As soon as they saw Son De Rossi, they immediately went back to report the series, and came to collect debts.

De Rossi was so angry that he slammed the wall and said: "On the contrary, I won't go to them to settle accounts, they still dare to come, copy guys, and follow me~"

He intends to use practical actions to show the unbreakable truth of ‘the one who owes money is the uncle’

De Rossi and the Marquis of Gore angrily drew out their swords, led the servants who were able to move out of the hall, and greeted the debt collector at the gate of the courtyard.

When he got to the front, De Rossi shook his sword and cursed: "Go away, I robbed my house. I haven't settled accounts with you, so I dare to come."

The Marquis of Gore cursed: "I will kill you if you don't kill anymore"

"The money owed is justified~" A loud curse came from the creditor: "You agree or not?"

"We don't agree~" the crowd outside the courtyard shouted in unison

"What are we going to do?"

One of the crowd shouted: "Beat him a bitch~"

"Hit him half to death"

"It's fine if you can't beat it"

Seeing that the onlookers were more angry and fierce than themselves, as if they were going to play for real, De Rossi and the Marquis of Gore immediately took a few steps back.

Once a hundred and ten people rushed up together, De Rossi couldn’t stop it even if he was able

De Rossi flashed his sword and pointed at the crowd and shouted: "Who dares to come up, Master, I will kill him~"

Everyone hesitated. De Rossi is a bully and he is notorious. He really dares to kill. No one wants to go forward and die.

"What are you afraid of? Copy guys~" A loud shout came from the crowd

More than a dozen strong men holding wooden sticks came out of the crowd, eyeing De Rossi and his servants.

The big guys grabbed the long wooden stick in their, aimed at De Rossi who was in the center, and rushed to beat him together after only a command.

De Rossi was fierce in his heart, and decided to fight a few sticks, so as to stab a few unopened untouchables.

When can civilians attack the nobles boldly?

As everyone knows, if he hadn't been for the title of a nobleman and owed so much money to him, someone would have killed him long ago.

This is the reality of aristocratic society

A civilian attacking a nobleman is treason. The nobleman will lose a little money at most if he kills a civilian.

To stone a person to death is a death sentence, and a carriage to kill a person is a fine

Those who steal the hook will punish, those who steal the country are Hou

Just as everyone was preparing to stage the full martial arts, a loud voice behind the crowd shouted: "Stop, we are the imperial guards, order you to stop" RQ

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