Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1260: Chameleons

"An explanation..." King Inholt looked at Son De Rossi and couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. m

Looking up and down again at Young Master De Rossi, thinking inwardly.

All along, newspapers and media around the country have reported that De Rossi misappropriated public funds to trade stocks in the Ny'an stock market. He lost even his pants and had to flee in order to hide his debts.

Various reports have reached an overwhelming level.

Lord Lorraine controls most of the public opinion resources of this era.

The newspaper industry is also a capital industry, and the voices of the rich speak louder.

There were detailed reports on the huge losses of Lord De Rossi in the stock market everywhere. After several influential newspapers were first published, local newspapers everywhere rushed to reprint them, and they spread to the mainland in a very short time.

The newspaper told the whole story very clearly, portraying Prince De Rossi and others as typical losers.

Under the continuous public opinion offensive and all kinds of so-called inside information bombardment, King Inholt also experienced a process from disdain, to suspicion, and then to believing. De Rossi did pay nothing, and will The national taxes that should have belonged to him were paid in.

King Inholt was also angry at this.

What is the national tax?

Isn't it just to force the king to spend~!

*, I have lost all the money, what will I do with my daughter? Do you know that luxury goods are expensive now?

The most important thing is, what will be paid to the younger brothers?

Hire them to carry the sword to suppress the people to death, and let the domestic gangsters hand over the money obediently.

Those puppies are all mothers who have milk and know money but not people.

There is no awareness of learning and carrying forward the most excellent cultural and ideological traditions of "loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust" in our great feudal society.

It's really not noble at all.

They are talented if they are given money, and they will make trouble if they don't.

Once the wages are not paid, it is possible for them to copy guys and rebel.

The unthinkable thing like auctioning the throne has not never happened in history.

Therefore, in order to calm the anger of his subordinates, he also prepared for the worst, saying that he should not use your head.

Even if he cut off his own brother and nephew. When the time comes, he will never be soft.

Compared with the seat under his ass, the so-called family affection is worthless.

And as far as he knows, his son is also ready. In the name of making up for the losses of the common people, I will go back and copy all the wealth of the Duke’s house.

Based on what he knows about his son, the dog must have his hands on his hands to make a small fortune or something.

The crown prince ransacked the old house of De Rossi and his son just a few days ago, in the name of acting for the creditor, but I heard that he has gained a lot.

Seeing him getting older and older, it is estimated that he will not live for a few years. His son is becoming more and more powerful in the ruling and opposition parties.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning his head and glanced at his son.

I saw His Royal Highness pressing the sword with his left hand, staring at the two under the steps with a cold expression.

King Inholt sighed softly, his heart was full, full of pride and pride: really worthy of my son~!

Able to be so cruel, the future must be a qualified king.

It's not in vain to teach him so many years, dug so many holes for him to watch him jump.


But now Young Master De Rossi said. He can give an account to all those who want debts.

And looking at his self-confident look, it doesn't seem to be bragging.

Lord De Rossi looked at him without evasive, his eyes filled with confidence.

This must make King Inholt surprised.

He stroked his chin with his hand. Secretly thought: Is it possible that the external rumors are wrong?

De Rossi and the others made money in Nian's stock trading. Under Lorraine's frustration, they maliciously planted and framed them?

No, no~!

King Inholt immediately denied this idea.

This kind of news can easily be proved true and false.

Although Lorraine is young, rampant, domineering, shameless, nasty, and lewd...

But he has already used his actual actions. It has been proved to the world that he is a politician who can sit at the huge gambling table of the world's political situation and play cards with the supreme rulers.

The table was not seated because King Holt himself.

And with Lord Lorraine's consistent performance, when everyone is playing cards, they might even cheat secretly.

No, he is definitely going to be an old man.

Such a resounding old hooligan. How could it be possible to tell such a crappy lie that could be easily punctured because of this little thing?

This overdraft is his personal credibility.

And credibility is especially important for a politician.

This is like the kid shouting "The wolf is coming". Once the lie is punctured and loses credibility, no matter what he says, no one will believe him~!

What you say doesn't work, who will listen to you in the future.

This is not to say that politicians cannot lie.

It means: politicians can lie without hesitation, but the lie must look true and must not be easily exposed. At least when he is alive, he can't be exposed~!

This is the most basic quality a politician needs.

Everyone is the boss with a handle, and it's impossible to know this.

So, in other words...

De Rossi, the little bastard, is lying to himself?

A loss of 10 million, if you say you make it up, you can make it up?

Not to mention the eldest son of a little duke, what can be done on this continent is not more than two hands.

They are all overlords of the Ruman Empire, Pope Vantino and so on.

He is so bold~!

King Holt's body was shocked, and his eyes were suddenly bright, staring coldly at Son De Rossi.

King Inholt was moved with real fire in his heart: being a king can be hated, scolded, and loved by others. But the king must not be provoked~!

For the king, deception is the worst provocation~!

The crime of deceiving the monarch is not to be blamed.

The atmosphere in the court suddenly became tense.

A substantive murderous intent enveloped the entire hall.

Although it was midsummer, the room was as cold as an ice cave.

Under his powerful pressure. The guards all bowed to the ground, not daring to look up. Even the crown prince beside him couldn't help but feel shocked, his palms sweating.

The king was angry, but he wanted the head to fall.

But across from him. Lord De Rossi faced Inholt's anger, but his expression remained unchanged. He still straightened his waist and stood straight.

And there was a faint, elegant smile on his face, calm, as if attending a palace banquet, and he deserved to be a great noble who received elite education.

Inholt's eyes could not help flashing a strange color: "This little **** is so bold."

Seeing Master De Rossi so confident. He couldn't help but feel a little suspicious, he thought about it, and then he thought of a certain blind spot in his thinking: Did he really get the money back?

That is to say, he made a fortune in the stock market, but in order to conceal others and not arouse the hatred of the Ruman Empire such as Lorraine, he deliberately pretended to lose money.

Then did he come back quietly, and still fooled Lorraine?

Thought of this. His expression suddenly relaxed.

If this is really the case, then Young Master De Rossi is really a talent.

There are very few mainland China who can get a bargain from Lorraine's hands.

Think about it again. At the United Nations General Assembly of Maple Leaf Danlin, he once teamed up with several countries and easily forced Lorraine away, which slapped the face of the old feudal imperialist country in the Ruman Empire.

And there was a crisp sound.

The diplomatic abilities of the vertical and horizontal lines demonstrated during this period are very impressive.

With this one alone, you can know that Lord De Rossi is also considered a qualified politician.

Although there is still some distance from a politician, he is still young, and after several years of hard work, he will definitely become a politician.

At that time, Matthias should also succeed.

He can assist his son to govern this country.

but now. He found that he still underestimated Lord De Rossi.

This kid actually squeezed a lot of hair from the iron rooster of Lorraine, and he didn't even notice the guy with the copper plates strung on the ribs.

This ability is no longer a politician, but an excellent politician.

So shrewd and capable, in the future... it is not impossible to pass the throne to this kid in the future.

He couldn't help being very impressed with De Rossi, for a moment. Almost all the thoughts of easy storage have been moved.

But I just think about it, just like a young man with no house, no car, no money buying a lottery ticket on the street, thinking about winning 5 million tomorrow.

And the Prince Matthias next to him found that his father looked at the eyes of Prince De Rossi so friendly and admired, and there was a sudden burst of resentment in his heart.

He has been a prince since birth. For more than 30 years, no matter how many achievements he has made, King Inholt has never looked at himself with such admiration.

Out of the understanding of his father's cold personality, Matthias instinctively felt a little scared. He firmly squeezed the hilt in his hand, and almost couldn't help pulling his sword out, stabbing De Rossi to death, eliminating the threat.

He coughed slightly, then took a step forward and shouted sharply: "An confession? De Rossi, you are so brisk.

Not to mention, you have embezzled a huge amount of public funds, and your finances will go bankrupt, and there are hundreds of thousands of people who need debts. The gate was blocked, and the incident was up to the United Nations.

It has caused a great and extremely bad negative impact on the country.

It's hard to be a leisurely mouth even with the power of the whole country.

In this matter, how can you take a broken box and it can be done? "

He immediately turned around, bowed to King Inholt, and said solemnly: "This matter is not only related to the people, but also to diplomacy. It is extremely important, and I hope my father Wang Mingcha."

King Inholt was a little displeased at once, although Matthias blamed the facts, but specific matters should be analyzed in detail.

Embezzlement of public funds or something, if you lose money, it is naturally a heinous crime, not killing is not enough for civilians.

But if it makes money, it is naturally a reasonable capital operation.

Not only is not guilty, but the negative is still meritorious.

What's more, what he meant later was to use the so-called ‘foreign friends’ to suppress himself.

What is the so-called "foreign friendship"?

It's just a group of irritating people and laughing. Always waiting for the inferior embryo to fall into trouble.

This really annoyed King Inholt.

Among several powerful empires, when the king of such a small country is really a little bit frustrated, he must always consider the attitude of the surrounding countries.

But at any rate, I also made myself happy for a while, and always said "friends surprised". Tell them something?

Is this a realization that a prince should have?

Is there such a son?

He glared at Matthias fiercely, and realized that this son was not pleasing to his eyes.

Then he turned his head to look at Young Master De Rossi and said, "My dear nephew, what do you say?"

Lord De Rossi smiled indifferently, then lightly kicked the box in front of him, and said: "Your Majesty Rong. My dear Brother Marty said it was right. But..."

Having said that, he stroked his chest with his hand. Looking at Matthias with a serious face, he changed his tone and continued: "However, as a brother who respects and loves his brother from the bottom of my heart, I need to kindly remind him.

My dear brother, you have a large group of erudite scholars and teachers in the palace who learn from their vast wisdom and knowledge to govern the country. It's a, proper path.

However, you have lived in the deep palace for a long time. Do not contact the outside world.

Therefore, it is not clear about such a thing. "

He stretched out his hand and said loudly, "This world has changed. The outside world is developing at a flying speed.

Just learn from the gang who only know that they are in the pile of old papers, and they can only learn from the stubborn and stubborn elders. In the end, they will only become dull fools and cannot learn the true ability of a rich country and a strong soldier. "

Mattiaston was furious, stepped forward, and sternly shouted: "Dare, what did you say? Is there a kind of say it again?"

De Rossi just publicly accused him of being an idiot. Not a qualified heir to the throne.

Matthias was exasperated.

Young Master De Rossi sneered, and then asked, "My dear brother, how long have you not left Leiria?

Have you ever seen that you can run fast without a cow and horse, and can pull hundreds of thousands of tons of heavy vehicles at a time?

Have you ever seen a ship that spit out black smoke like a beast, flying around the sea day and night like electricity?

Do you know how the Tietong telegraph works?

You know that the power is comparable to the Sea King Halberd Magic Cannon. How terrible is the artillery that sprays the flames of **** and destroys the city so easily?

Do you know how many armies equipped with new weapons in the Ruman Empire?

Do you know how many war fortresses can be produced in a month in the Maple Leaf Danlin War Fortress factory once it is fully started?

Do you know how much the Ruman Empire, Vatican, and Maple Leaf Danlin spent to support all this?


His aggressive questioning was like a heavy shot, and he slammed into Matthias, making him speechless and backing away.

At the end, Matthias suddenly felt a trip on his hind foot, staggered, and almost fell to the ground. Only then did he realize that before he knew it, he had retreated below the steps of the throne.

He hurriedly regained his feet and took a peek at the king. Then he felt something wrong on his forehead. He stretched out his hand and touched it, then spread it out, showing the sweat on his hand.

At this time, Lord De Rossi took a half step back, shrugged his shoulders coolly, then smiled, and said: "My dear brother, don't be nervous, in fact, those things...I haven't seen many of them."

Matthias couldn't help but snorted and said: "I haven't seen it, you are bragging about it. It's really shallow."

The people next to them couldn't help but feel contempt. Looking at the self-comforting crown prince, they thought in unison: He just hasn't seen those amazing things. Compared with the guys you haven't even heard of, they are already stronger. Too much.

Prince De Rossi laughed, and then said with great magnanimity: "Yes, my dear brother, you are right to blame.

However, there is one thing I have seen.

That is Nian's new financial instruments: stocks, bonds, futures... and so on. "

He smugly patted the box in front of him, and then continued: "Don't look at this box as small, but even if it is three times larger and filled with diamond jewelry, it is not as valuable as it."

‘It’s three times bigger, and the box full of diamonds is not as valuable as him? Everyone present slightly imagined in their hearts, and then let out a low exclamation.

No seven or eight million dollars can be placed in this box.

At the same time, they were all aroused curiosity, regardless of the strict courtesy of the court, curiously looked at the box in front of Lord De Rossi, secretly guessing what was hidden in it.

Moreover, a few beautiful palace ladies were brave, blinking their eyes secretly at Lord De Rossi, and gave away baskets of autumn spinach.

Handsome, handsome, young, golden, and wise, even the white-haired fox of Lorraine who has practiced for thousands of years was deflated by him.

Such a prince is hard to find with a searchlight. It's easy to encounter it, and of course I can never let it go.

At this time, King Inholt also smiled, and said to Son De Rossi: "My dear nephew, you have successfully aroused my curiosity. Okay, as a family, don't play guessing. Open the box and let me see.

Uh... what does that sentence say?

By the way, let me see how depraved capitalism is. "

Hearing his witty words, everyone present burst into laughter.

The hall was full of joy, without the tension of a moment ago.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, looked at Lord De Rossi, and waited for him to open the box. It seems that he never saw His Royal Highness standing alone and helplessly.

However, Lord De Rossi shook his head and flatly refused: "No, my majesty."

The king couldn't help but said, "No?"

He thought he had heard it wrong, but looking at the expression of Young Master De Rossi, the cold light in his eyes could not help but he said coldly again: "No?"

De Rossi smiled, bowed, and said: "Your Majesty, please forgive my wayward request to retain this sense of mystery.

I want to wait a moment and let the archbishop of our country come together, and under his witness, will the box be opened.

After all, we have too many creditors. It is very troublesome to explain them one by one.

Your Majesty, although I believe in your justice, the people outside know that you and I are the closest family.

This kind of thing that concerns one's relatives will always be somewhat discounted.

And I don't want your prestige to suffer even the slightest damage. "

King Inholt couldn't help but smile: To put it Master De Rossi is afraid that someone (he glances at his son) will see the value of the box and immediately **** it away.

That's why the archbishop of his own country came to testify to prove that he has the ability to repay the loan, and the owners of the debts in the province are arguing outside.

But when this kid spoke, it was really nice, making him very happy.

He thought for a while, this temple was just across from the palace, and there was nothing left after a while. Especially for this kind of fun, it doesn't have a lot of fun to cooperate with.

Therefore, he turned his head and said to the attendant next to him: "Asshole, didn't you hear what my dear nephew said? Quickly, please go and ask the archbishop."

The attendant agreed and ran out hastily.

Lord De Rossi looked at the attendant's back, and suddenly let out a smirk deep in his heart: The good show is finally about to be staged~! RQ

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