Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1270: Horn of War

The undead high priest suddenly issued a declaration of war, which immediately shocked the hearts of all the souls. m

Prime Minister Madolins's heart was ups and downs, and he was shocked and suspicious: Was it too hasty to start a war at this time?

Although he is the leader of the main battle faction, it does not mean that Madolins is a politician who doesn't know anything about military affairs, but also likes to command blindly and have the dream of commanding.

On the contrary, he is an experienced and outstanding military man.

As the leader of the young and strong army, he does not have a very good family background, but he can stand out among the bureaucratic class of the royal family, relying on step by step, solidly climbing from the bottom.

Moreover, in a high position, through daily contact and administrative affairs, he clearly knows the true strength of the current Spirits.

Although the Lingshan government has long issued a ‘mobilization order,’ but due to poor decree, officials' wrangling, and various other reasons, it will take some time to actually mobilize Lingshan.

According to his estimation, even if everyone used the strength of feeding and mobilizing enough troops, it would take a year less.

Otherwise, they are likely to no longer be able to maintain the normal operation of the flash society. The whole Spirit Flash died like a patient who lost too much blood.

As the highest priest, it is impossible not to know this.

Why did he suddenly give such an unreasonable order?

With all the doubts in his heart, Madolins raised his head and glanced secretly at the undead high priest.

I saw that the high priest was as expressionless as usual, his face was as deep as a thousand meters deep, and he couldn't see the real thoughts of the high priest.

Is he excited or worried?

Unable to guess the true thoughts of the high priest, although Madolins was anxious, he did not dare to express his worries.

The undead high priest seemed to have noticed Madolins' eyes and glanced slightly, his eyes calm, like a thousand-year-old well.

But it was nothing short of a thunder for Madolins.

Madolins shook suddenly. The high priest seemed to see through his thoughts and lowered his head in a panic.

Madolins shook his head, discarded the dangerous thoughts in his mind, and warned himself secretly in his heart: "Under the leadership of the invincible high priest. We will be invincible.

No one can stop the high priest, no~! "

The strong man who can compare with the undead high priest has already turned into dust with time.

Now there is no one on the human continent who can pose a threat to the undead high priest.

The leader of the Holy See is a female doll in her early twenties.

There are only a group of old people who fight for power and profit and like infighting in the Elemental Mage Association, and a few great magisters who step into the coffin with one foot.

And there have been no powerful knights or warriors for hundreds of years.

There are many countries on the Human Race Continent, and they are constantly attacking each other, and they are fighting forever. Far from being united by spirit races.

not to mention. The Semitic still has one of its greatest support. That is the high priest himself.

As a peerless powerhouse, his role alone is worth one million troops~!

Madolins couldn't help thinking in his mind, looking for various reasons, silently comforting himself: We are strong, we still have a chance to win...

Later, he almost succeeded in hypnotizing himself.

However, the Admiral Hawkes of the Janissary Army could not bear to stand up.

He stepped forward and bowed to the high priest. Then he said neither humble nor arrogant: "Your Majesty the great high priest, is it too hasty to send troops now?"

A group of high-ranking officials standing in the two compartments of the hall raised their heads in unison.

Hawkes' words spoke the aspirations of all of them.

As the elite class that governs the entire Lingshan, they are not behind closed doors. Yelang arrogant stupid and obese nobleman.

On the contrary, they are a group of truly intelligent people, and the struggle for power among the Semitic nobles is also cruel and bloody.

The officials and nobles who can stand in the Great Demon Temple not only rely on having a good father, but basically everyone has dripping blood on their hands and bodies.

Moreover, they are also the only people in the Semites who have opened their eyes to the world. Most of the human luxury goods smuggled every year are in the homes of these noble bureaucrats (Of course ordinary people just want to see it, and there is no such condition.).

From those luxury goods, they can have a general understanding of the human race's production and life.

For example, the letter opener and razor produced by Flying Eagle. The sharpness of those steel. Sharper than the swords of the Semites. From this we can know that the human iron and steel metallurgy industry is well developed.

And through the understanding of the carriages produced by the Flying Eagle Company, those sophisticated bureaucrats can know that Terran is at least 30% higher than them in terms of transportation capacity.

In addition, beautiful silk, exquisite porcelain... these luxury items. All represent wealth of amazing value.

And literary works such as poems, novels, etc., which mark the civilization level of a society, contain the great ideas of human society.

Not to mention, the books they produced.

Their books can be manufactured in large quantities, instead of manual copying. This is what scares those Semitic noble elites the most~!

This also means that human knowledge education is no longer constrained by the production cost and can be imparted to more people.

Maybe someday, the little rascals in the countryside of the Human Race will have more knowledge than the elites of the Semitic nobles.

The nobles of Lingshan have been observing the development of the human continent and estimating the power that mankind possesses, but... but judging from the results of the estimation, their situation is not optimistic.

Therefore, from the bottom of their hearts, everyone is unwilling to go to war with the human race, at least not now.

Therefore, when Hawkes raised the question, they all raised their heads in unison and looked at the high priest, hoping that he could give himself a reason or explanation.

As the chief disciple of the high priest, Cameron was furious. He stepped forward and shouted angrily: "Bold, are you questioning the decision of the high priest?"

The Admiral Hawkes of the Janissary Army raised his head and looked at Cameron without showing any weakness.

He is not afraid of this old ghost manipulating the coup, saying loudly: "I don't dare to be humble, but we must consider it from a military perspective."

His words are neither arrogant nor humble, but utterly loud.

After the coup d'état, the Janissaries were the only place that was not affected by the coup.

All the imperial guards were children of nobles.

Among the official Semitic propaganda. These brave boys are the elite of the Semitic and the backbone of the country. In layman's terms, ordinary people can't control them at all.

This also caused them to be arrogant and defiant.

Therefore, the admiral and commander in charge of the Imperial Guard is not only to be officially appointed by the government. And you must get the support of the nobles to get a firm seat.

At that time, Madolins killed a lot of royal and noble bureaucrats during the coup, and the riotous nobles had a lot of sentiments. Later, relying on the strong support of Lich Cameron, this calmed down.

In order to avoid further aggravating the situation and touching the bottom line of the nobles, he was extremely wise not to stab the hornet's nest of the Imperial Guard.

Admiral Hawkes of the Janissary Army spoke upright. With the support of most people, they silently raised their heads to stare at the high priest, with even a trace of stubbornness in their eyes.

"You..." Cameron squeezed his fist in anger-in this mainland, no one should dare to question the high priest.

The Undead High Priest waved his hand generously, motioning Cameron to retreat, facing the shrewd man, and slowly said: "Now is the best time."

The high priest also knew that if he did not give the nobles a satisfactory answer. They really dare to refuse to execute the order, and it is useless for him to kill all these people.

This war still depends on them to fight.

He also had to patiently explain to them.

The high priest scanned the nobles in the Demon Temple and said: "The basic power of mankind is far stronger than us. They have more people. The land is bigger. This is their advantage, so they can drag us down through the war of attrition."

The high priest glanced back and glanced at Hadu, who had turned into a dead soul. These strategic issues were explained to him in detail by Hadu.

Admiral Hawkes and the nobles of the gleaming nodded, and the gleaming people have summarized thoroughly about the failure of the last millennium war.

"This is the advantage of mankind. The longer the time, the greater the advantage of mankind in basic strength." The high priest said: "We don't have to wait for the next hundred years. If we don't act anymore, we will have to usher in the active attack of mankind. I still have fresh memories of the war that humans took to the Semitic continent six hundred years ago.

Instead of waiting for the flames of war to burn all over our land, we should take the initiative to attack. "

Many people nodded their heads and agreed with the high priest's statement. From Lorraine's fight with the Semites, it can be seen that the Holy See of Light has not given up the idea of ​​landing the Semites again.

And what is different from the last time is that this time Human Lorraine sneaked into the mainland and spied everywhere in the Semi. Geography of mountains and rivers. Chengai Shanguan, troops stationed...all military sentiments have been taken into his hands.

With this information, once the Semitic wars recur, the Humans will no longer be smeared, but almost equivalent to local warfare, which will inevitably cause significant damage to the Semis.

"The balance of power determines that this war will be a deadly one-strike war." The high priest said slowly: "We will not repeat the mistakes of a thousand years ago. Our goal is not to destroy mankind, but to destroy them. Integrate into our society."

These words of the high priest resonated with the shining people.

The richness of the human continent has long attracted them to salivate. As long as you think about the beauty of that continent under the rule, people will feel excited.

With the human continent, who cares about the barren Semitic homeland.

"Our advantage is a strong war fortress, an invincible mage power." The high priest said loudly: "The warriors of the Semitic will go straight to the enemy's heart under the cover of the overwhelming war fortress.

As long as the supporting power of the human continent is defeated, the remaining scattered small countries are not a concern. "

Even Admiral Hawkes had to admit that the words of the high priest made sense. The advantage of the Semis was the powerful dark wizards, liches and huge number of war fortresses.

Although the number of war fortresses is classified as top secret, no one knows the exact number except the high priest himself, but the upper class of the Semitic people inferred from various spiders and horses, the number should be no less than two hundred.

This is an unparalleled powerful force.

The high priest smiled and said: "At present, humans have no war fortresses comparable to ours. Intelligence shows that the number of war fortresses for humans is gathered in Maple Leaf Danlin, and the number does not exceed sixty. But..."

The high priest said abruptly and solemnly: "It took only one year for mankind to build these sixty war forts."

The Lingshiren in the temple were suddenly shocked. How many years did it take the high priest to build two hundred war forts?

A hundred years or two hundred years?

It took a longer time to stock up the energy spar that satisfies the operation of the war fortress.

The high priest said: "And mankind continues to build war fortresses at a rate of one per week. Wait any longer. Our only advantage will gradually disappear.

When mankind is sitting on two hundred war fortresses, it is when the flames of war ignite on the Semitic continent. We can't wait any longer, now, it's our best. It is also our last chance. "

The Semitic nobles looked at the high priest in disbelief, and the speed of mankind's construction of war fortresses reached one per week!

As a knowledge and capital intensive war fortress, the construction speed of just a few a year has overwhelmed the Semites, and the peasant uprisings that have been triggered one after another.

But humans are actually producing war fortresses like a hen laying eggs.

"Can't just sit and watch," the Semi said in his heart at the same time.

Waiting any longer is waiting for death.

Waiting for human beings to hold hundreds of war fortresses and send three to five million troops to the Semitic. The air is covered by a war fortress, and the ground is opened with artillery...

Bing Feng pointed out that those **** untouchables would definitely turn their backs.

As long as they think about this scene in their hearts, they can't help shaking.

The Semitic nobles would not think that the dead people would resist to the end for them.

Maybe sell them for a lollipop.


There will be no more, the great Semitic nobles will disappear in the long river of history.

For the survival of the Semites and the eternal glory of the Semitic nobles in the future, this war must be fought.

General Melo, the commander of the Guards in the crowd, bowed his head and said silently: "Lying."

Seeing that the people of the surrounding clansmen were incited by the high priest. Melo couldn't help but feel heartbroken. He and a friend in the distance looked at each other, and both saw the worry in each other's eyes.

Melo cursed inwardly: "A bunch of fools. When will you understand that the biggest enemy of the Semis is not humans, but the undead, the undead high priest.

I must deliver this news as soon as possible. "

But by whom? Who should it be passed to? Melo had no idea in his mind.

"And..." The high priest patrolled with his hands on his back, his eyes piercing, and said, "There are human spies among us."

There was a sudden uproar in the Great Demon Temple. The Lingshining nobles looked at each other and asked angrily: "Who is it, who is it?"

"Catch me and kill him."

"Who betrayed us~!"

Madolins was stunned after hearing the news suddenly, but only stunned.

He had known for a long time that there were human undercover agents in the upper level of Lingshan. It is no secret that even the Caribbean city has human assassin activities.

He also knew that someone was secretly planning to overthrow him. Although he didn't know who it was, he could find out one day.

It is too difficult to keep a secret in this place of Akaderin.

Madolins was surprised why the high priest had to speak out publicly.

This will only weaken the morale of the shining people and create a sense of distrust among the top.

Catch spies should act secretly.

Soon he found that the high priest's eyes fell on the only white-robed man in the crowd. Madolins suddenly realized that the high priest was testing the human bishop who had defected.

The bishop squinted his eyes and scanned the nobleman in the temple with a fierce expression. At the same time, he clenched his fist, as if he would jump up and kill him if he found that someone was a spy.

The high priest turned his gaze, and said inwardly: It's not him~!

The high priest had been observing the bishop just now. When the high priest uttered these words, he did not show a trace of panic. On the contrary, after a moment of stunned, he immediately became fierce and combative, with very emotional fluctuations. Clear.

The high priest was confident that if he were a spy, his instinctive reaction would not escape his eyes.

The high priest smiled slightly, and then continued: "The spies among us are betraying us to humans.

We can't bear it any longer. It is now, today, to set off, attack, and build the immortal achievements of our Semites.

Victory will belong to us~! "

"For the Semitic~!"

"Long live~!"

There was a loud cheering in the Great Demon Temple.

The Semitic nobles raised their arms, flushed with excitement, and shouted slogans in their throats.

The prospect described by the high priest is undoubtedly wonderful, and more importantly, it is achievable. Apart from anything else, close to two hundred war fortresses is enough to guarantee the victory of the war.

As long as they are defeated, all the beautiful affairs of the human continent will belong to them.

With a smile on his face, the undead high priest walked through the excited Semitic nobles, walked out of the gate of the Demon Temple, and stood in front of the gate of the Temple.

Tens of thousands of Semitic people gathered in the square looked at the high priest who appeared in surprise, and then couldn't help but shouted excitedly.

"Long live the high priest~!"

"Long live~!"

The crowd in the square knelt to the ground and worshipped the high priest in front of the temple.

In the minds of the Semites, the undead high priest is the true god, with unparalleled prestige.

At this time, the bright sky above everyone suddenly darkened, and the shadows blocked the sun.

The people kneeling on the square couldn't help but raise their heads.

A dark cloud of war fortress flew slowly over their heads.

The flying height of the war fortress is extremely low, as if within reach.

The crowd couldn't help but scream The four huge war fortresses lined up in a line, separated from each other by only a dozen meters.

Column after column, it seems to be endless.

At the beginning, some people counted their numbers, but they quickly gave up. There were too many, very many, too many to count.

They flew out from behind the Demon Temple, like locusts, pouring out all over the sky. Passed over the heads of the high priests and the Semites for inspection.

The high priest looked up proudly at his war fort army. In this world, no one could stop this powerful force.

It took a full quarter of an hour for all the war fortresses to pass over the Great Demon Temple. They hovered above Akaderin, quietly looking down at the crowd on the soles of their feet, demonstrating the terrifying power of the undead to the Semites.

A thin middle-aged man in the crowd lowered his head, lowered his hat, and murmured: "Two hundred and twenty people, it's difficult now~!" RQ

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