Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1276: Siege

"I don't know what level my job title should become after I go home..." Julie murmured while pulling the sweat-soaked clothes at the neckline.

A piece of white and greasy skin was exposed under her neck. Kobils glanced at him, then quickly looked away, and smiled inwardly: This little girl still cares about this, and I don’t know if it is optimistic or slow

Kobils thought for a while, and then said: "According to my estimation, based on the credit you made, after returning, a senior professional title will not escape.

Maybe, in a few years, I will be the editor-in-chief of the editorial department. With just one month's salary, I can buy a house and a car in Nyan'an and live a happy life like a fairy tale."

Julie chuckles out with a chuckle, covering her small mouth, embarrassedly said: "How can it be so good?"

At this time, there were a few bangs on the heads of Julie and Corbiers.

Then someone opened the wooden board and whispered: "They are gone, all come out"

Several people scrambled to crawl out, and they sat on the ground after leaving the hole, panting heavily

The inside of the secret room is sweltering and hot, and the world outside is just two heavens

Julie pouted her small mouth and said bitterly: "I will never go down anymore. Who do you love..."

He put his hands on the ground again, just about to sit up, the ground suddenly shook, and a few strands of floating ash fell from the beams of the room

"An earthquake~?" Julie looked up at the ceiling in surprise

Kobils was also taken aback, and then suddenly jumped up from the ground, shouting anxiously: "No, it's a war, it's a war~"

All the agents immediately wake up

They rushed out of the room by chance

The agents were surprised to find that their reaction was not as fast as there were many residents on the street outside.

Seeing their horrified appearance, it is obvious that they all ran out scared by the earthquake just now.

The residents stood on the street looking around blankly, nervously asking each other what happened.

At this time, another shock came, and this time it was accompanied by a rumbling sound that hit everyone’s heart.

"There's a war, there's a war~" someone suddenly shouted in panic, "Everyone, run away..."

With that sharp shout, the streets instantly became chaotic

Although knowing that war is inevitable, the people still inevitably panic when it happens.

They hugged their heads and ran around in the street like headless flies.

Some people took their packages and ran to the east, some took their children and fled to the west. After a while, they flocked to the south with the flow of people and then ran to the north together...

All of a sudden the roar of men, the screams of women, and the crying of children became a whole

Then they all retreated and fled into the alleys on both sides of the street.

The soldiers of the brigade appeared from the other side of the street

They ran across the street, wearing armor and armed with weapons, toward the far gate. In that direction, billowing black smoke rushed straight into the sky.

If you listen carefully, you can faintly hear the screams coming from the east of Ryder City.

The war has finally begun~

Julie is standing in the small courtyard, with her hands on her eyes and looking out to the east, guessing where and what kind of fighting happened, and how should she write this report?

"It would be nice if I could see with my own eyes..." Julie couldn't help complaining to Corbiers

Kobils gave her an angry look: This little girl looks charming, but she has enough men~

On the battlefield, no one would choose to stay away from the sword without eyes. She actually wanted to run over and take a look.

Although she knows she is dedicated to her work, she still has to see the situation clearly, okay?

Just as they were talking, there was a dark figure flying from a distance in the sky

I saw it grow bigger and bigger from far to nearer

Julie was stunned for a moment, followed the flying shadow, and said in surprise: "Then...what is that?"

Seeing that the black shadow was falling at a very high degree, Julie had a vague premonition in her heart.

"Damn it~" Kobils glanced intently, then cursed with anger, and said: "It's a stone thrower."

As his voice fell, the dark shadow also fell from the sky and disappeared in the middle of the house in the distance.

In the next second, a dull bang came

The ground seems to shake suddenly

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of khaki smoke rose slowly into the air, apparently a certain house was hit

Julie looked at it and couldn't help but pray secretly, hoping that no one lives in that house

Next to Kobils, he curled his lips and said disdainfully: "These guys must not read the manual carefully."

Julie couldn't help but let out a "Huh"

Kobils looked at Julie’s bright and curious eyes, he couldn’t help sighing, and then explained: “According to military common sense, the trebuchet is a heavy weapon that focuses on military targets, blasting through walls, or breaking through the city. door

They broke into the city, and they were also non-military targets such as residential buildings.

It can only explain one thing, their aim is too bad"

Julie tilted her head for a moment, then nodded her head seemingly, "Oh, that's it..."

Kobils smiled, then pulled Julie's little hand, and said: "Go, go to the basement, I can't worry about the technology of the peacekeepers. If you smash it, you can smash a beautiful girl like you into a meatloaf. But it's a pity"

Julie couldn't help but blushed and took a sip, but still obediently followed Corbiers into the room

In the next two days, the vibrations did not stop. The peacekeeping forces used stone throwers to throw those heavy boulders at two-hour intervals, bombarding the city of Ryde.

The actual effect of this attack is not good, but it is a great deterrent to the residents in the city. No one knows when a boulder will fall from the sky and smash the family to death in the house.


The peacekeeping camp outside the city of Ryder, the camps are connected, and the flags are dense like a jungle

A large number of coalition forces surrounded the entire Ryde city group, forming a large circle around the Ryde city, leaving no gaps.

In a huge military account, the generals of the coalition spontaneously formed several different alliances, in groups of three to five, and gathered together to discuss wars.

Only then did they have to admit that a war without a commander-in-chief is indeed a chaotic battle, with a lot of effort, but very few results. If it is not because Leiria is too weak, it is not certain who wins and loses.

At least they are not confident that they can beat Casmonlia led by the Marquis of Burden, at least it is impossible to defeat him in a single charge.

However, the Casmonlians were beaten by Leiria and the whole army was wiped out. Everyone took extra care, for fear that Leiria's army suddenly appeared and treated themselves as fragrant meat buns. Up

"It would be great if Lord Lorraine was still there" in the corner of the tent, I don't know who whispered quietly

"Yeah..." someone on the other side said naturally

As soon as the topic opened up, the sitting generals couldn't help but complain together

"It was a joy to fight Almohad back then"

"Yes, our army rushed in all the way, and those Almohad would carry them as soon as they hit."

Someone slapped his mouth and said, "I am so happy to hold money."


The generals sighed and were silent collectively

The puppies who got Ferguson down, but they are all the big guys behind them, the bosses who carry the handles

As a result, white dogs eat meat, and black dogs prevent disasters

Those big guys are comfortable, but they can only swallow the bitter fruit

"Look at what you guys are like, a bunch of abandoned little women" General Marcel of the Kingdom of Thalassa ridiculed his colleagues, saying: "We are about to win, are we about to lose? It's the same without Lorraine."

"Wait for you to smash the city wall first," the person next to him said with a strange yin and yang

"Maschnot, what do you mean?" General Marcel jumped up with a slap on the armrest and exclaimed angrily: "If you are not satisfied, you can go up to the city by yourself, and you don't have to wait for my ride."

General Maschinot sneered and said: "Just your quasi-head? I might as well pray that a meteorite will smash the walls of Ryder. Who slapped the chest to guarantee that the walls would be smashed in two days?"

General Marcel blushed, showing a jealous expression, touched his chubby belly, and said: "My men just lack training. We just bought these second-hand goods from Almohad.

When the old man and the army finished enlisting Hadu and processing the supplies, Lorraine sold it to the Almohad. Later, we bought it again.

I have to say that the quality of the things produced by Flying Eagle is that it hasn’t been said for so long, this thing is still leveraged.”

Speaking of this, General Marcel looked at Maschinote proudly, and said: "If you Beja promise not to use the gap we opened, I don't have any opinion, otherwise you will shut up.

*, who eats jujube for nothing, who is too nuclear?"

Maschinot suddenly stagnated, snorted coldly, and sat down angrily.

"These two don't seem to deal with each other well?" Someone in the corner curiously pointed to the two generals facing each other.

The report that understood the gossip enthusiastically explained: "I heard that Maschinot snatched Marcel's first love when he was young."


Everyone continued to talk about gossip in the tent, and no one in the peacekeeping force would like to take the initiative to attack the city.

After all, the Leirians are still very effective, and the first to take the initiative to attack the city will definitely suffer.

The casualties are high, and they are not thankful for their efforts, and they make wedding dresses for others. In the end, it is the turn to share the benefits and they will be rejected.

So everyone would rather sit here and wait for Marcel’s men to break through the city wall. At the very least, it won’t cause too many casualties.

It’s no wonder that other people will laugh at this is a strange war. The side with the absolute advantage is passive and sabotaged, but the weaker and the weaker have fought a beautiful battle.

Suddenly a soldier rushed in and shouted excitedly: "It hits, it hits, we hit it~"

Marcel stood up in surprise and clapped his hands loudly: "Okay~"

Then he glanced at the generals present with pride, pretending to be reserved: "Everyone, let me take a look."

Dozens of generals squeezed out of the tent with a huff and rushed into the camp, looking forward

I saw that the tower at the east gate of Ryde had disappeared, leaving only the half stone wall of the base.

The wall below the tower seemed to have been gnawed to reveal an irregular gap, which seemed to have been hit by the stone that hit the tower.

The generals of the peacekeeping forces could not help but start gearing up. As long as they can hit once, write down the shooting parameters, it is much easier to hit again. It seems that Ryder's wall is not far from being breached.

For three days, hundreds of large stones were thrown out, and the soldier manipulating the stone thrower was finally hit with excitement.

In the past few days, they have been scolded by stupid idiots, especially the soldiers in charge of transporting stones, wanting to strangle them.

But they can't help it

When I bought the trebuchet, the Almohad people originally proposed to train them, but the boss was distressed about the money at the time and didn’t give up the training fee.

I always think that the trebuchet is not a high-tech thing, as long as you hit a few, you will learn by fumbling in practice.

But after buying it back, the big guys began to feel distressed about the training costs, shell costs, mechanical wear and tear costs, which add up to a lot.

After all, the collection of protection fees is so much, it is embezzlement and bribery, and it is necessary to raise a mistress to cover the mistress, and there are not many left.

Therefore, everyone also holds the idea that ‘saving a fortune is a fortune’, and doesn’t care too much.

It’s only now when it’s time for the actual combat to come out.

Who knows, it’s not the same thing to watch others play easily, it’s not the same thing to get your hands on

The weight of the cannonball, the pulling force of the catapult, the counterweight, the wind force, the direction of the wind, the distance, the angle, the height... these parameters are all a lot.

Whoever reads it will have to dazzle

Don’t mention that the technical officer responsible for aiming is also a brother-in-law, who graduated from the Fashion Department of Fengye Danlin College

Therefore, after a few days of hitting, it is already very good to be able to hit a single serve.

However, with the first hit, the rest is easy to handle

The puppies of the trebuchet unit immediately corrected the five trebuchets according to the shooting parameters they wrote down, aiming at the same spot and attacking fiercely.

Under the strong impact of the huge boulder, the city wall near the east gate of Ryde City gradually cracked, revealing the adobe under the stone. Seeing that Ryder's city wall will not last long.

The inner city of Ryder’s city wall is rammed earth, and the outer layer is made of masonry. The height is only about 20 feet. As a city with a population of 100,000, Ryder’s city defenses can be regarded as excellent. Of course, this is also because it is an imperial city. After continuous renovation by the kings

The peacekeeping force immediately began to mobilize troops, blocking the east gate of Ryder, waiting for the moment the city wall collapsed

After another day of throwing stones and impacts, the ground outside the east gate was covered with huge boulders half a human height, and the city walls became jagged.

The black shadow of a boulder fell from the sky and hit the collapsed city wall accurately. With a loud noise, a piece of yellow dust was lifted up, and the smoke covered the entire city wall.

As the dust gradually dissipated, the peacekeepers were pleasantly surprised to see that a 15-foot-long wall had collapsed, revealing a huge gap through which the building behind the wall could be seen.

The scattered earth and rock formed a **** in front of the gap

"Kill~" A loud roar from the peacekeeping force

The drum of dong dong sounded immediately

"Catch De Rossi alive, bounty ten thousand, come on~"

"There are only 20,000 enemy troops in the city, destroy them"

"Grab money, things, women, brothers come with me~"

Morale immediately soared to full value, and the soldiers of the peacekeeping force screamed and rushed to the gap in the city wall.

The generals watching the battle from the back have smiles, watching the soldiers charge easily.

As long as he scores, even if he wins, De Rossi, even with three heads and six arms, cannot stop the tide of peacekeeping troops.

Besides, this is a city, or a small city, surrounded on all sides, and De Rossi can’t get out even if he runs.

The one who rushed to the front was naturally General Marcel’s men. As the hero who broke the wall, his troops gained the right to enter the city first.

Marcel has even given instructions to his opponents. Those places in Ryder are more valuable.

The primary goal is of course the kingdom. King Leiria’s savings for several generations are in it, and the king’s palace will be developed.

Marcel's men climbed through the gap, and their backs sank into the city of Ryder. Ryder's defenders have never seen the initiative to attack.

"Good~" Marcel rapped his palm happily. This is a good phenomenon. Maybe the Ryder defender has escaped early.

But before Marcel was happy, the peacekeepers who had just poured into the city fled back desperately.

They squeezed each other, even trampled each other, ran out of the city frantically

But the soldiers who were about to rush in just blocked their retreat

Among the soldiers of the peacekeeping force climbing on the city wall, some people kept hitting an arrow in the back and fell to the ground. Apparently the Leirians were attacking them from behind.

Soldiers inside the city wanted to pull out, soldiers outside the city wanted to rush in, and peacekeeping soldiers on the battlefield were in chaos

The situation took a turn for the worse. Marcel stared blankly at the gap in the city wall in the melee. After a few minutes, he stomped and shouted in panic, "Retreat, let them all retreat~"

The generals reacted at this time and shouted in unison: "Retreat, retreat"

The retreat horn sounded in the peacekeeping force, and the troops participating in the attack ran back again after hearing the order.

The Ryder defenders did not chase them out of the gap, as if they saw them retreating.

General Marcel rushed directly into the collapsed soldiers, grabbed a man and shouted: "What's the matter? How did you get it back?"

The soldier who was caught by him was still studying His eyes were in a trance, apparently in a panic, expecting Ai Ai said: "Let's go in, go in... see,"

"See what?" Marcel yelled, shaking the soldier hard.

The soldier looked at Marcel in horror, and whispered: "There is a city wall inside, with people on it, enemies."

Marcel froze for a moment, cursed, "Asshole, it's Wengcheng"

"Look at the top of the city~" someone pointed at the city wall and shouted

Marcel looked up and saw a large group of Leiria soldiers on the wall between them. They were escorting a group of captured peacekeepers.

The Leirians pushed the captured soldiers up the city wall, facing the camp of the peacekeepers

Marcel looked at each other and said uneasyly: "What are they going to do?" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation)

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