Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1278: Who are they

The fierce battle in Ryder city lasted all night "Book Friends Upload"

It was not until the sky was twilight that the peacekeeping forces retreated and retreated.

This night, Miss Julie, an internationally renowned war correspondent, spent an unforgettable night

The shouts of killing inside and outside the city wall did not stop for a moment

The people who lost their homes were in shock, sitting scattered on the ground and couldn't help crying.

The air is full of burning smoke and an indescribable burnt smell

Coupled with the fear of unknown dangers, Julie did not fall asleep until the shouts of killing gradually disappeared, she couldn't help being tired, and fell asleep sitting on the ground with her back against the wall.

I don’t know how long it took, feeling someone pushing herself, Julie opened her tired eyes, she only felt dry for a while, she couldn’t see the scenery in front of her.

She rubbed vigorously, and then she felt the scenery in front of her gradually clear

I saw Kobils standing in front of him

He smiled slightly, then passed a few pieces of dry bread in his hand

"Thank you" Julie felt hungry now, remembering that she hadn't eaten for more than ten hours, and generously reached out and took it.

Julie gently took a small piece from the bread and stuffed it into her mouth. For the first time, she felt that this kind of food that she never dismissed, tastes very good.

Seeing Miss Julie's gentle eating, Corbiers smiled and shook his head, and said: "Where is the cultural person~"

With that, I put a large piece of bread into my mouth, and chewed hard

At this time, a bare-ass kid got out of nowhere and stood opposite Julie and Corbiers.

He is about two or three years old, his chubby body is covered with dust and looks dirty

The child stared with a pair of bright eyes, biting his fingers in his mouth, turning his head to the side, staring at the dry bread in Julie's hand.

Julie couldn't help sighing under the bright and clear gaze

Although she knows that all these foods are extremely precious at this time of war, although she knows that Corbiers has also worked hard for the bread... But she can't bear to watch a child on her own. Starving in front of

She broke a piece of bread apart from the middle, then compared it slightly, picked up the big half of it, and shook it to the child

The child couldn’t resist the temptation of food, stretched out his dirty little hand, walked tremblingly a few steps towards Julie, but then stopped vigilantly, as if he was still afraid of Julie.

Julie smiled and said: "For you"

The little child listened and ran up staggeringly, tightly grasping the bread in Julie's hands with both hands, then turned and ran

A middle-aged woman stood out from the crowd, went up to hug the child in a panic, and bowed gratefully to Julie

Julie shook her head and then turned to look at both sides of the road

I saw the people on both sides of the road were crowded with people. They lie down or sit down, their heads down and their faces are full of horror.

Julie couldn't help sighing and murmured: "This is really a crime~ These disasters are all caused by De Rossi alone"

At this time, the surrounding is a rare peace

The eastern sky just shone, the sun has not yet risen, a layer of mist is floating back and forth against the ground, I don’t know if the water vapor is still the ashes of war.

In the gray fog, a group of heavily armed soldiers passed in front of Julie. As they walked, the armor made a clicking sound, and some of them were stained with dark blood.

Kobils shrank on the ground, with his arms on his knees, quietly and keenly watching the soldiers passing by.

At this time, a group of soldiers carrying a stretcher passed. On the simple stretcher lay corpses soaked in blood, many of which were already mutilated, and a strong smell of blood drifted away.

The expressions on the faces of the soldiers carrying the stretcher were indifferent, as if the dead were not their fellow soldiers, but passers-by who had nothing to do with them.

At this time, there was a loud shout from outside the city wall, and someone shouted: "Kill~"

This shout detonated the entire city like a fuse

"Come on~"

"Brothers, kill~"

"The general has orders, those who retreat shall be cut~"

"Those who kill De Rossi will be promoted to the third rank, reward for daughters... The shouts of killing shouted hoarsely immediately sounded in all directions at the same time, like a tide rushing toward the city

After a short rest period, the peacekeepers in the occupied outer city launched another fierce attack on the inner city.

"Dangdangdangdang..." The alarm bell immediately sounded in the city

When the soldiers heard the sound, they immediately threw down the stretcher, and then rushed towards the battlefield without hesitation for a second.

Kobils touched Pidro who was sitting across from him with his feet, raised his eyebrows, and whispered, "Did you see the problem?"

At this time, Pidro was also solemn

He nodded and said solemnly: "Elite, they are all elite"

Julie looked at the **** corpse on the ground not far away, and said puzzledly: "How do you see it?"

Pidro stretched out his fingers, nodded on the corpses that were thrown on the ground, and whispered: "The wounds of the soldiers who died in battle are all on the front, and some of them are still holding weapons.

And look at those knives, all the blades on them were rolled up. It should have killed a lot of enemies before they fell."

Julie looked in the direction he directed, and as expected, there was a corpse with a war knife thrown beside it. The blade of the war knife was rolled up, and the blade had been soaked in blood, showing a strange, rust-like red. brown

Although the knife was just thrown there quietly, but the fierce blood rushed towards the face, making people chilling

Julie shivered involuntarily, and hurriedly looked away

At this time, I listened to Pidro continue to say: "Otherwise, have you noticed the soldiers carrying the stretchers?

They had just withdrawn from the battlefield, but when they heard the bell, they immediately returned.

You know, there is no officer around them to supervise the battle, and there is no command from the officers.

But they did not hesitate and rushed back at the first time

Obviously they are disciplined and well trained

And when I saw them hearing the alarm just now, instead of being scared, their expressions were very excited.

Surrounded by all sides and plunged into the Jedi, morale is still not low, only elite, the ordinary army has already collapsed by this time"

Kobils nodded slightly in agreement, and said: "Leiria's troops have dealt with the peacekeeping forces for a month, and the peacekeeping forces have attacked for five days before breaking the outer city. If the outer city is broken, it can immediately save the inner city. This commander is also a strategy. smart people

I really don’t know where this group of people came from. How did De Rossi invite such a powerful character to work for him? Ordinarily, an army like this shouldn’t be anonymous.

But for more than ten days, we have been unable to find out why, it’s too weird"

"Is it so powerful?" Julie couldn't see why she was curious and asked in a low voice: "How do you compare with you?"

Pidro said anxiously as if he had been stepped on his tail: "How can you compare with us?

Although they are great, they are far worse than us

Our CIA is the elite of the elite"

Kobils glared at him irritably, so angrily, it was obvious that it was a guilty conscience.

He turned his head to look at Julie, then laughed twice, and said: "Don't listen to the **** there. Actually we are not the same as them.

We are secret agents and we are engaged in secret work. The requirement is to avoid confronting the enemy head-on.

And what they want to say...

Kobils frowned and inspected for a while, and said: "The morale is comparable to that of our field army, and it may even be stronger."

"That's awesome~" Julie stuck out her tongue.

Every field regiment in the Ruman Empire is the absolute main force in the theater and is responsible for the most important figures. The selection of officers and soldiers is better than other troops.

For example, the Tenth Army of the East under the Grand Duke Julian is a field army of 8,000 people.

That army has been fighting for many years with perseverance, and has been cultivated by Lord Luo, who is known as the Flying Eagle God of War.

He was quite brilliant in the war to conquer the Orcs

And now Kobils actually compares them with the Leiria army in front of them. From this we can see that these Leirias are indeed elite fighters.

At the same time, she couldn't help being a little shocked in her heart.

Looking at the world, Ruman’s field army is a strong army

And the army that these Leirians found is comparable to them

Such a strong army cannot remain unknown on the mainland. It must be known to someone.

But everyone doesn’t know where they came from

So where did this mysterious army come from?

Just as she was thinking about it, Pidro stood up and took a close look at her left and right. Above the city’s head in the distance, the peacekeepers and the Leiria Army were fighting fiercely, and there were no soldiers nearby.

"You take the wind for me" After Pidro confessed, the cat touched the road with his waist.

Julie looked at him puzzled and said, "What are you going to do?"

Then he was surprised to see that Pidro touched the dead soldier's body parked on the road, and swiftly picked up the soldier.

Julie couldn't help but opened her mouth wide in surprise, and said in her heart: Is this guy too bold? If this is found out

If there are soldiers passing by, if you can't say no, Pidro will be beheaded on the spot.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly looked around, and her heart throbbed wildly.

Pidro rummaged up and down on a corpse, then turned around, when he wanted to touch the next corpse, a whistle came from the intersection.

Pidro immediately withdrew from the crowd and sat in the corner honestly, just like an ordinary refugee

Kobils whispered: "What did you find?"

Pidro pouted and shook his head in disappointment, and said: "Nothing, no documents, no signs, no personal belongings, nothing, this is so strange~"

Kobils pondered: "They are deliberately hiding their identities, who is it?"

At this time, a huge team turned from the intersection. A beautiful guard opened the way in front, and a golden yellow open carriage in the middle.

The leader of the team held up the flag to show that he was the middleman of the team, it was King De Rossi of Leiria

De Rossi seemed to be in a good mood, turning a blind eye to the refugees on both sides of the road. His face was full of white powder with a smile that could fascinate thousands of spring girls.

Julie hurriedly buried her head in her knees, for fear that De Rossi would recognize herself

Kobils touched her knee and smiled lightly: "It's okay, you just show up in front of him now, he can't recognize you."

"Why?" Julie raised her head and glanced at the triumphant De Rossi, then raised her head and wiped it on her face. There was a layer of mud on the back of her hand.

As you can imagine, her face must be as black as a cat

Julie was taken aback, and then turned to look at Corbiers, only to see him with a triumphant smile, but she didn't say she wanted to praise him.

Julie also couldn't figure out whether she should laugh or cry at this time. In the end, she couldn't help but pinch Corbiers.

De Rossi's long line stopped at the intersection. The Guardsmen with their halberds strode forward, unceremoniously driving away the refugees on the side of the road with their bright halberds, and then lined up. A wall of people separates the noble King De Rossi from the south gate of the corner

Through the gap in the human wall, Julie and Corbiers saw two generals in Leiria uniforms hurriedly walking over from the battlefield.

Seeing them, De Rossi immediately got out of the car and greeted him with a smile as if he had met his father

This is not strange. What is strange is that the two generals came and nodded carelessly to King De Rossi without saluting at all.

But King De Rossi showed no anger and respected him, and he nodded his heads in favor of the two generals.

Kobils and Pidro looked at each other, their eyes were puzzled

It stands to reason that these two generals should be King De Rossi’s subordinates, but they look like De Rossi is their subordinate.

The two are tall and handsome, and they are very heroic with a long sword. The little white face of De Rossi is naturally short in front of them.

The screams were close at hand, but Julie and the others found that these two generals had their chests up and their heads up, and their expressions were relaxed, talking and laughing with King De Rossi.

It seems that he doesn’t take the war behind his eyes at all

This confuses Julie and the others

The last two generals shook hands with King De Rossi, changed hands and walked back to the battlefield. King De Rossi also got up and drove back to the palace. Only his guards pushed several carts of fresh meat and fruits to the front.

Kobils looked at the news of King De Rossi’s team behind the street corner, and said with certainty: "These people are not De Rossi's subordinates."

Pietro rolled his eyes and murmured: "Who are you anyway?"

This day is very long

The offensive of the peacekeeping forces in the middle has never stopped. From the corpses and wounded soldiers sent to the rear, it can be known that the fighting is going on very fiercely.

The expressions on the faces of the soldiers began to become serious

The noisy battlefield finally calmed down after dark. Taking advantage of this rare calm, the refugees in the inner city hurried out to find food. The soldiers in the city were also preparing supplies to deal with the next battle.

After nightfall, Kobils and the others found an unmanned courtyard in the inner city, where they temporarily settled down

The yard was in a mess, doors and windows were open, tables and cabinets were opened, and worthless items were thrown on the ground. Obviously the owner had escaped with valuable things.

Then a few people put Julie aside, met with their heads to discuss in a quiet voice.

Julie can only pouting helplessly, what kind of secret action these guys are planning, and how to figure it out from Corbiers

Finally, Pidro and the other agent nodded solemnly, and wrapped a weapon in their arms.

Kobils patted them on the shoulders and whispered: "Safety first. If it doesn't work tonight, tomorrow night, don't let yourself in."

Pidro pulled up his lips and smiled, and quietly climbed the wall with another person out of the yard

Corbiers turned his head and told Julie, "When the limelight is wrong, we will withdraw immediately. If we are separated, we will gather in front of the cathedral"

"What's the matter?" Julie looked at Corbiers carefully and asked

Kobils just shook his head

Fighting again in the middle of the night, Julie fell asleep groggyly amid the loud shouts

Half-dreaming and half-awake, Julie suddenly became alert and jumped up with the knife given by Corbiers.

A few black shadows appeared in front of the room carrying a big bag

Julie looked for Corbiers nervously, and saw him and two other people scattered in the corner of the room, holding a weapon in her hand and pointing straight to the door.

"Captain, don't shoot, it's me." Pidro's excitement sounded outside the door. He pushed the door and walked in, carrying a long black bag with another person.

"How is it?" Corbiers looked out and said, "Did anyone find out?"

Pidroby made a safe gesture and said: "I'm doing errands. Don't worry, this guy turned into the alley and peeed. I was being sapped. There is a war ahead. No one will ever notice."

Then several people hurriedly opened the package, and Julie was surprised to see that there was a person wrapped in it, wearing Leiria's military uniform.

They actually went to catch a Leiria soldier back

Kobils tied the Leiria soldier to a chair, put a headgear on him, and woke him up with a touch of cold water

The sober soldier shook his chair. Just about to open his mouth to yell, Pidro stepped forward and covered his mouth, took out a dagger and placed it on his neck, and whispered: "If you don't want to die, give I'm honest"

Leiria soldiers immediately freeze

Pidro whispered in his ear: "Cooperate well, we will let you go back and nod if you understand."

The Leiria soldier nodded obediently and whimpered in his throat.

"Who are you? Where are you from?" Pidro slowly let go of his mouth

The Leiria soldier coughed twice and said: "I am from the First Legion of the Kingdom of Leiria"

Pidro's dagger swiped lightly on the soldier's neck, and said: "Bullshit, if the Leirians have this quality, the kingdom will not die easily. Who are you?"

Pidro put the dagger on the soldier's throat

The Leiria soldier was stunned and motionless like a wooden man. After a long time, he said, "Who are you?"

Pidro's dagger moved forward slightly, and said fiercely: "I will ask you again, if I don't say anything, I will kill you."

The Leiria soldier suddenly laughed and said: "I'm afraid to say it out scares you to death"

Everyone was taken aback by his strange behavior

The Leiria soldier suddenly jumped and slammed into the Pidro on the opposite side, while shouting loudly: "There is..."

Pidro was hit by him in the chest and fell backward

Kobils has quick eyes, his powerful arms grabbed the Leiria soldier’s mouth, and his short sisal slashed across his neck.

The shouts of the Leiria soldiers stopped abruptly, and there was a whirring sound in the trachea

Corbiers left the body of Leiria soldiers on the ground, and a group of elite agents looked at the corpses on the ground with complex expressions.

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The third volume of the scarlet dragon rider, the young man here, chapter 1278, who are they asking for monthly tickets

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