Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1311: Die Another Day of Seven

"We are sent by the Demon God~!"

The other party proudly said this sentence. M

"Devil... Demon God, you are members of the Demon Clan~!" The barbarian Taibo widened his eyes and called out in surprise.

Although he is a barbarian living in the mountains, it does not mean that he knows nothing about the world. On the contrary, as a famous warrior in the tribe, Taibo has a deep understanding of the Ruman people.

Moreover, he also knew that the undead high priest and the demons were the most terrifying enemies of the Ruman.

The Battle of Oldheim, which caused a sensation in the entire Daxue Mountain a few months ago, was caused by the undead.

The undead slaughtered hundreds of thousands of barbarians, but they were ultimately defeated by their barbarian coalition forces.

It was that battle that greatly weakened the strength of their barbarians. Therefore, when they faced Ruman's invasion, they couldn't gather enough troops at all, and naturally they didn't have the power to fight back.

In this sense, the demons and their barbarians are also enemies.

But for Taibo, he did not hate the undead. The demons of Oldheim did not kill their tribe. It was the Ruman who destroyed his homeland.

Barbarians have always been grudges.

"No, we are Semitic," the gorgeously dressed leader said slowly, with his hands behind his back, looking at the mountains in the distance.

What he said was not so much an explanation to Taibo, but rather a statement made to this land in the excitement after setting foot on the coast-although we have retreated from here, a thousand years later, we set foot again On this land~!

Immediately, he glanced at Taibo in disgust, and said indifferently: "Kill him."

The tone was like smashing an ant to death.

The soldier next to him agreed, then gave a grinning grin, then raised the long sword high, swung a half circle above his head, aimed at Taibo’s neck, and prepared a sword to chop off his head—the leader watched by the side. Naturally, work has to be clean and beautiful.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." Taibo rolled his eyes and said anxiously: "Ru Man is also my enemy. I can help you. I can help you."

The soldier couldn't help but stunned, then turned his head to look at the leader.

The leader looked up and down Taibo contemptuously, and said, "You? What's your use?"

"I...I can show you the way, I know the closest way from here to Ruman." Taibo shouted loudly, "I still know where their gates are."

With the help of the shimmering sharp sword nearby, Taibo discovered that his brain worked abnormally. So that even he himself was a little surprised.

A Semitic general next to him took a step forward and said, "My lord, if you keep him, he can be considered a local. No matter what, he is better than a dog."

The leader shrugged indifferently and said, "Then keep it."

The soldier next to him immediately crossed Taibo unceremoniously and tied him quickly like a zongzi in twos. Then he patted him on the shoulder and grinned at Taibo with a grin.

A dark mage wrapped in a black robe flew down from the war fort and fell in front of everyone.

All the generals of the Semi tribe stood up and stood upright, then respectfully saluted together, and said respectfully: "I have seen Master Marcel."

The black-robed lich snorted arrogantly and did not respond.

However, the Semitic generals did not dare to be angry. The headed general said politely: "Please go and inform Master Herod, we will be here soon, and he can start the arrangement."

"I'll set off now." The Lich Marcel glanced at him, nodded slowly, and then changed his tone, with a sharp voice telling the Semitic generals, "This action has something to do with the High Priest Seat. Big plans, you, must rush to Ruman as soon as possible, don’t take it lightly."

The generals nodded solemnly and said in unison: "All glory belongs to the great seat of God~!"

Lich Marcel nodded in satisfaction, his expression eased, and smiled and said: "After victory, I will personally recommend you as the emperor of New Ruman before the high priest."

The generals brightened their eyes and cheered, and bowed to the Lich Marcel, and said, "Thank you for your help, Master."

The Lich Marcel chuckled, let out a harsh laugh like rubbing glass, and leaped up to the war fort with a wave of his hand, then quickly ascended and disappeared behind the clouds.

Watching the Lich Marcel disappear into the cloud, the leader of the Semi stood up straight, and then shook the cloak behind him, shouting: "You all heard it, glory and wealth, in this battle. Now, to unload the ship, we must get out of the snowy mountains within half a month."

The crowd suddenly agreed, and then they dispersed.

In the distance, countless ships rushed towards the shore one after another, and many nearby ships have begun to unload personnel. From a distance, the entire coastline is crowded with people, covered with dense black spots.

There were hundreds of thousands of barbarians who originally lived in the Daxueshan area, but because of the slaughter of the undead and the conquest of the Ruman Empire, they have almost disappeared.

After conquering the barbarians, the Ruman Empire army evacuated this area. This has formed a blank blind spot for monitoring the ǐng ring.

Therefore, the Semitic army can easily land here without knowing it. , Once their army rushes out of the snowy mountains, it will be like a venom-quenched dagger, thrust straight into the back of the Ruman Empire... With a burst of crisp and sweet ringtones, the silver light from the sweet sleep Waking up slowly.

He opened Huang's eyes and looked at the luxurious golden fringed tent above his head in a daze. For a while, I didn't know where I was.

After a few seconds, he woke up and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Oh, this is Ruman."

Yin Guang reveled in touching the smooth blanket covering her body, involuntarily squinted his eyes, giggled, and said, "This is not a dream. This is really not a dream..."

The morning sun shines through the open window into the silver bedroom. In the golden sun, you can clearly see floating dust drifting slowly.

The light breeze shook the white window screens, and shook and danced gently in the air. At the same time, bursts of floral scents were blown in. The walls were lined with gorgeous furniture inlaid with gold and silver, and there was a huge mirror standing upright in terms of human height.

The table is full of beautiful glass wine bottles. In the middle vase, there are a few beautiful flowers, and there are a few drops of crystal clear dew on the flowers...

There is a thick dark red carpet on the ground, and the intricate patterns woven on it can be seen from the far east.

Step on it with one foot, almost submerging the ankle.

Seeing this, Yin Guang couldn't help but groaned happily: "Heaven..."

Although he has lived here for a few months, he still can't believe that every time he opens his eyes, this belongs to him, a life that grew up by the dirty sewers in Xiacheng.

This bedroom alone was twice the size of the house where his family lived, and the windy and rainy house in his hometown was packed with more than a dozen lots for three generations.

"My mother must not believe it." Yinguang murmured.

At this time, the bedroom door was knocked gently.

"Papa, papa..." The voice is not high, but it is enough for the people in the room to hear clearly. Just from this accurate grasp of the knock on the door, you can know how well-trained the knocker is.

With Yinguang's "come in", the door was opened silently, and a neatly dressed and stern housekeeper walked in, followed by two young and charming maids.

He put a black suit in his hand on the head of the bed, then bowed and respectfully said: "Good morning, sir."

He has a serious attitude and a low voice. At first glance, he is a professional housekeeper who has received many years of professional training and has obtained several four- or six-level professional certificates.

In Ruman City, having such a butler who understands noble etiquette not only requires a big price, but also has extremely strict identity restrictions.

In the past, for Yinguang, don't say anything beyond expectation, he hadn't even heard of it. But now...

Although it's impossible to hire two or three, Master Yinguang still enjoys hiring such a housekeeper.

Yin Guang grinned with a ‘um’, jumped off the bed, then stood on the ground, raised his hands, and was served by the maid, helping him change into clothes.

The butler asked in a low voice next to him: "We have prepared fresh beef nǎ, cheese and bacon for you for breakfast. The carriage is already at the door, what else do you want to tell the lord?"

Yin Guang waved his hand, and the butler bowed and walked backwards out of the room.

A few minutes later, a freshly washed Yinguang sat at his ten-feet-long dining table, watching several male servants put breakfast in front of him like running water.

The housekeeper was holding a gold plate with today's morning paper on it, which was carefully ironed with an iron, and it was extremely clean and tidy.

And when ironing, some spices were slightly sprinkled, the newspaper opened, not only did not have the smell of ink, but also had a tangy fragrance.

A servant picked up the snow-white napkin, gently shaken it, spread it on his chest, and skillfully tied the ends around his neck.

Although it is obvious that some upstarts are a little bit rich, because ordinary nobles usually spread the napkins on their laps when eating, but after trying it a few times, it turns out that they are greasy when eating, and his elderly are not careful. The drool stained his beautiful velvet coat.

Therefore, after paying a few high professional laundry fees, he had to regret that way.

Another servant cut the food and placed it on a beautiful white porcelain plate in front of Yinguang.

Yin Guang looked down at the porcelain plate with a smirk: Putting it aside, the family worked hard for a lifetime, and they didn't make enough money to buy a plate.

Now, he can buy two sets of this kind of thing at once, and use one set to drop one set, without him, his silver light is now a good person.

While flipping through the newspaper at will, eating breakfast slowly, seeing the battle report on Maple Leaf Danlin on it, Yinguang also sneered, pointing to the newspaper to his butler and said: "The demons are really stupid. ."

The butler leaned slightly, and said with a smile: "The master said so."

That attitude is impeccable.

He smiled, pushed the plate, pulled off the napkin on his neck, stood up, clamped a few newspapers under his arm, and pulled the collar of the suit, saying, "Go to work."

The butler removed the silver top hat and cane from the coat rack, and followed the silver light out of the room with his hands in his hands.

Under the steps outside the hall, the handcrafted luxury carriage made by Feiying Group has been waiting under the steps. The four horses pulling the carriage are white horses with shiny fur and spotlessly clean.

The steward pulled the car door, and the coachman hurriedly put down his footstool, watching the ground steadily get into the carriage.

At this time, Flint also swooped up and sat down opposite Yinguang, squeezing a stiff smile on Yin Yu's face, and said dryly: "Good morning, my lord."

Looking at Flint's face, Yin Guang was instantly pulled back into reality, and then I remembered that he was a double agent controlled by a dark mage, and the dark mage opposite could kill him at any time~!

Yin Guang nodded to him sternly, lazily.

Back then, Lorraine personally went out and sneaked into the city of Odderheim where the undead was in the Snow Mountain, to bring him back safely, but Yin Guang vowed to become a man of One Piece...Bah, baah, to become an ace spy. Therefore, he chose to continue lurking.

Later, when the imperial crusade army came over, he spent a lot of hard work and finally contacted the Prime Minister. The final reward was transferred back to Ruman City by the Prime Minister for reuse and lived a life.

Seriously, his identity is extremely complicated. First of all, he is the prime minister's intelligence officer. Secondly, he was another spy for the Mozu to break into Ruman, and finally, he was also a senior agent for the Mozu intelligence network of Nian Venture Capital. The ace spy codenamed 007.

The servants were already familiar with this Mr. Flint, and knew that he was Yinguang's deputy. This guy usually lives here, but he has a quirky personality, and he doesn't let anyone in his room, nor is he liked by the servants.

The door closed with a bang, the coachman flicked his whip, the carriage started slowly, and the horse's hoof stepped on the bluestone pavement with a crisp sound.

The steward led a group of servants, bowing to see off their master.

Sitting in the carriage, Yin Guang picked up the newspaper and put it in front of her face, deliberately not looking at Flint's stinky face. The carriage drove out of the verdant courtyard and turned onto a quiet street. On both sides of the road were large and quiet courtyards, a standard high society noble community.

Driving out of this avenue, the carriage squeezed into the turbulent main road of Ruman City.

Although the road that runs through Ruman City is tens of meters wide, it is still full of dense crowds and traffic. The silver carriage can only move slowly in the traffic with stitches.

Through the window of the car, silver light watched the magnificent and prosperous city of Ruman outside. On both sides of the road are the most famous commercial streets of the empire.

This is the center of the world. Yinguang sighed contentedly. Only by being a rich and powerful person here can I know what life is.

Someone can provide all the convenience he can think of, provided that there are enough gold coins in his pocket.

"Soon, soon..." Flint, who was sitting opposite, suddenly muttered twice.

"What did you say?" Yinguang put down the newspaper and looked at him in surprise.

Flint looked at the ground with a contemptuous sneer, and said, "Soon, this place will belong to us."

He gave a dry smile, put up the newspaper in front of his face, and said in his heart: Is there anything wrong? These people have been weird recently...

Twenty minutes later, the luxury carriage carrying silver light stopped at the door of a gray building. The guards in front of the door eagerly ran up to pull the car door, bowed and saluted, and said, "Good morning, my lord."

Ding Yinguang hummed like a big man, and holding his cane one size smaller than others, stepped forward and walked into the compound leisurely.

"Hi, brother Yinguang." A big fat man who was three times taller than the ground came over with a smile, before bending down, and patted Yinguang's shoulder with a big hand like a fan.

Yin Guang smiled bitterly, and said, "Langier-sama."

The old guy said hello every time, as if he wanted to pat himself into the ground like a nail.

"He must be deliberate," Yin Guang slandered secretly in his heart, and then pretended to be happy: "You are so early too."

"Secretly tell you, I visited the rose garden last night." Langier leaned down and smiled mysteriously, revealing the eyes of a man who understands.

"The adult's love is still true." Yinguang smiled and flattered.

"Are you really not going?"

Yinguang shrugged helplessly and said, "I'm free, as you know, during the war, there are tasks on it, and the Prime Minister urged them very urgently."

"Oh, what a pity." Langier touched his chin and shook his head regretfully.

Of course Yinguang knew where the rose garden was, and he even went there once. However, when the owner of the rose garden vaguely told Master Yinguang that they could provide a beautiful girl, Yinguang was so scared that he never dared to set foot there again.

If Sha Jin knows that he is messing around here, his silver light in Ruman's good son will end.

But when he dreamed back in the middle of the night, Yin Guang still couldn't help but dream about what kind of wife he would marry after he became famous.

The crowd passing by Yin Guan greeted him one after another. Some people even walked over specifically to say hello to the ground, joking affectionately, and laughing.

Although this man was ugly and vulgar, and looked like a monkey in human clothes, he was a big celebrity in front of Prime Minister Russell, and the Prime Minister had personally interviewed people who encouraged him.

In this building of the Intelligence Department, few people receive such treatment as land.

Enter the marble-paved hall, turn right up the stairs, and walk through the two doors, which is the silver light room.

There is a golden sign on the door that says "Northern Intelligence Center Specialist". This is the position of Ding Yinguang here. This information building belongs to the upper middle class and ranks about a dozen.

In Ruman City, where there are more officials than dogs, he is also the number one person.

The office is divided into two rooms inside and outside. The outside room is a subordinate of the local government, with a total of twelve people.

Inside is my own room, surrounded by wallpaper, and there are several famous oil paintings hung.

On the other side is a bookcase several meters long, filled with thick tome.

The beautiful female secretary has already cleaned up the The large, rolling mahogany desk is just for reference, and there is already a cup of steaming black tea on the table.

He took off his jacket and hung it on the shelf, walked to his thick leather swivel chair and sat down, let out a long breath, pressed his hands on the table and patted, everything was prepared just right, the documents and pen and ink were in him At hand.

This is the quality of the top bureaucracy of the empire.

The secretary was reporting the day’s schedule and important tasks to the local area. The office door was suddenly pushed open with a bang, and Flint strode in with an excited expression on his face.

The secretary has long been accustomed to Flint's unannounced intrusion, and gave him an angry look, then turned and left with the papers.

"What's the matter?" Yin Guang leaned on the soft chair back, folded his hands on his chest, said impatiently.

Flint stepped forward and grabbed the ground, violently picked him up from his seat, dragged him out, and couldn't wait to say: "The tutor is calling, follow me~!" RS

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