Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1327: Fight 5 scum

When the 500,000 Semitic army commanded by Orandini just arrived under Vizi City, six thousand miles west of Vizi City, under Rotgaron, the capital of the Kingdom of Archid, there were also two murderous intents. The surging army is in confrontation

In a loud bugle, the newly appointed King of the Kingdom of Casmonria, the commander of the Semitic Western Front Corps, King Maschinot, rushed to a small hill, and suddenly strangled his horse.

The war horse whistled a violent roar, and then stood up, a pair of front hooves kicked several times in the air.

Maschino sat firmly on the horse, as if rooting, the wide cloak behind him slammed, spread out like eagle wings, hunting and fluttering in the wind.

Seeing this, the guards next to him couldn't help but let out a violent shout, shouting loudly.

Maschinot only smiled faintly, then leaned down and patted the war horse's neck with a greasy pat - this Aberdeen war horse is indeed extraordinary.

At this moment, a guard came behind him holding a banner high, and then hurled hard, only to hear a bang. The banner has been firmly inserted into the soil.

In the autumn wind, the banner fluttered in the wind, hunting and hunting sound.

Maschinot sat up straight on horseback, and stared north.

A few miles away, there was a green and gray city wall stretching far away. There is Rot Gallon, the majestic capital of the Kingdom of Archid.

It is also the target of the Semitic army this time.

At this moment, more than 100,000 troops have gathered under the walls of Rot Gallon.

The black head stretches out from the city wall for several miles, swords are like forests, and flags are hidden.

The most conspicuous of these is a large flag erected on the wall of Rot Garon, the wide flag swinging slowly with the wind.

A golden cross was painted on the white flag.

It shows the ownership of these soldiers under the city, they are the Knights of the Holy See.

The flags representing different troops under the city are also varied, but most of them are pure and white cross flags of the Holy See.

From a distance, you can see priests wearing white robes, running back and forth among the soldiers, yelling non-stop.

Opposite this huge Holy See army a few miles away is an army of almost the same size.

But their flags are very mixed, with various patterns, including flowers, trees, animals, and various monsters in myths and legends.

It's like an encyclopedia of banners.

However, these entrants are obviously categorized. It can be distinguished from the military flags above their heads that they belong to different countries or nobles.

But in the middle, and also the biggest and most eye-catching, is a blue gold tulip flag. It shows their identity.

This is the symbol of the newly established De Rossi Empire.

Since the empire had just been established, everything was created in a hurry. Therefore, the huge flag was also made in haste. The coat of arms embroidered above is extremely...very crude. It's like a post-modern abstract painting.

Under this artistic banner, there is a huge phalanx of tens of thousands of soldiers from the De Rossi Empire.

Although there are a lot of recruits, those troops really feel uncomfortable.

Their costumes are like their flags, and their weapons are all kinds. It doesn't seem like a war, but a bunch of beggars.

The soldiers of the De Rossi Empire are a little better. Except for the Royal Guards, although the remaining soldiers have no standard equipment, most of them have a simple chain mail, a helmet, and a spear. Or swords.

As for the others, they are all mixed.

Some knights wore full armor and looked majestic, while others looked like peasants temporarily recruited. They had nothing but a cheap military uniform and a spear.

But at this moment, they all obeyed a banner-the golden lightning banner of the Semitic.

These are the puppet troops organized by the Semites. They were recruited by the nobles who had taken refuge in the Semitic.

In the process of compilation, there was a strange phenomenon that made the Semitic nobles disdain and puzzled.

They found that the more aristocrats who eat their brains, the faster they surrender, and the more vicious it is to suppress their ordinary people.

And those poor and thin die-poor sticks who saw the Semitic army passing by, either didn't say a word and looked at them with spiteful eyes, or turned and fled. It's as if the Semitic masters would like their little broken things.

Maschinot smiled triumphantly as he watched the classed vassal army that stretched for several miles in front of his horse.

Using the class to break into the class is really a thing that makes them happy in the Semitic.

Especially when the vassal aristocrats saw themselves, they immediately became like lap dogs, running up and down, wagging their tails desperately, wishing to pounce on his feet to show their own loyalty.

Thinking of this, Maschinot looked around, and as expected, he found that His Majesty De Rossi had appeared next to him. Maschinot smiled secretly in his heart and said: "Let you bite the dog first."

De Rossi felt Maschinot's gaze, turned his head and smiled politely, and said, "General...oh no, your Majesty, see if we can win today?"

Maschinot raised his eyebrows, secretly annoyed, and cursed inwardly: "What kind of thing are you? But a pet dog of the high priest. You dare to show off in front of me."

But there was still a polite smile on his face, even if he looked down on the Emperor De Rossi again, he had to be polite on the surface, because he was now a close friend of the high priest. When things are all right, they are often called by the high priest, and they are very graceful.

"We must be able to win." Maschinot said confidently.

De Rossi nodded solemnly and said: "Let your old saying, hope so."

Maschinot looked up at Yaosè, and it was noon in a while, then waved his hand and said: "Be prepared to attack, maybe after the fight, I might be able to catch up with lunch in Rot Gallon."

The drum horns rang in the Semitic army, and the generals of the vassals shouted "offensive" and ordered the soldiers to rush to the papal papal guard in front of them.

At this time, the Vatican army on the opposite side also followed the snare drum of "dongdongdong".

An old and thin cardinal stood at the head of Rot Gallon, staring at the enemy coming from the west, his face solemn.

Behind him, it was the leader of the dozen or so legions who came to relax the commander of the Rotgaron Holy See legion.

"The situation is not optimistic." The cardinal in a dark red robe said solemnly: "Gentlemen, in the brutal killing of the enemy, we have lost St. Mary of Oloron, we have lost Langde, we have lost Nerak .

We can no longer lose Rot Gallon. Behind us is Deron, and behind Deron..."

The cardinal glanced at the Vatican general beside him, and said solemnly: "It's Vatican~!

Millions of knights who responded to your Majesty's call are on the way, no matter what the price, we must defend Rot Gallon today. "

"Yes," a dozen generals of all ages roared impassionedly, with high morale.

The cardinal raised his hand slightly, and said: "The light is with you, go, warriors of the Holy See, punish the evil God has given us the sacred mission of the Knights of the Temple."

The generals of the Vatican Legion hammered their chests with their fists, their armors slammed into their chests, and they turned and walked down the walls of Rot Gallon.

A few minutes later, a shocking cry erupted from the camp of the Temple Knights.

"For the God of Light."

"God is with us."

The legion commanders standing upright on the battle horse pointed their swords at the classed vassals on the ground and shouted: "Offensive~!"


Accompanied by the majestic drum trumpet, hundreds of thousands of the Holy See Legion should have almost the same number of enemies on the opposite side on the ten-mile battlefield surrounding Rot Gallon.

Ten minutes later, the distance between the two armies was only more than one mile, and the flags of the opposing armies were clearly visible.

The knights of the Holy See raised their weapons towards the enemy, and shouted, "Charge~!"

The temple knights squeezed their horses hard, shouting and slammed into the enemy.

Compared with the uneven vassal army on the opposite side, the knights of the Temple Guardian Legion are undoubtedly better equipped and more horses.

The Vatican’s strong financial resources are sufficient to equip them with standard armor and weapons, and many of the patrons come from generous families and are willing to spend money on equipment.

As far as the cavalry is concerned, the patrons are in absolute advantage.

Most of the puppet armies of these vassal Semites were surrendered soldiers, or ordinary soldiers heavily armed by surrendered nobles.

Tens of thousands of knights slacken their horses, and the earth trembles with the sound of rumbling horse hooves.

The morale of these vassals was originally low, and when facing the vatican knights charging, they were unrelenting and fearless before they approached.

Especially when he saw a wall-like armored knight rushing towards him.

Their tall horses and bright armor clearly told the infantry that this was not something their thin body could handle.

The consequence of being trampled by a war horse can only be a dead end.

Only a regular army that has been repeatedly trained can deal with it calmly and calmly when facing a knight charge.

Before the Vatican cavalry rushed to the front, the vassal army at the forefront was already terrified. They turned around and ran back regardless of the military order.

The army of the vassal Semitic has collapsed before the war begins~!

The fleeing behavior of the soldiers in the front immediately caused the rear army to follow suit.

After thousands of years of teaching by the Holy See, the people who joined the tribe have already awed the God of Light to their bones. The reason why they were soldiers was only for the sake of eating food, or they were directly drawn by the strongmen.

Their combat effectiveness is even less than five, worthy of their name.

When there is nothing wrong, many brave puppies become deserters.

At this moment when facing the test of life and death, they are even more reluctant to go up and die, especially for the undead.

But the papal papal patrons would not let them go just because they fled. They betrayed and turned to the demons, and the papal patrons with firm beliefs hate them especially.

The traitor who betrays the class is more hateful than the aggressor.

The knights rushed into the fleeing group without hesitation, raising their weapons and struggling to slash them, not at all because they were also in class.

Thousands of these entering ān, even the **** of light will praise.

Those vassals heard the terrifying screams behind them, and the last bit of courage was scared away, and they ran even harder.

They knew very well in their hearts that they might not be able to run past the knights of the Holy See, but as long as they could run past their companions, the knights of the Holy See would always be tired.

No matter how the generals of the vassal army shouted and blocked them, the soldiers retreated like chao water and ignored them at all.

What's more, the deserters would stop their officers and slash them directly, and then spit heavily on their corpses.

They are afraid of the knights of the Holy See, but they are not afraid of these fake and powerful officers.

These classified vassals are composed of nobles who are greedy for life and death, or speculators who are greedy for power. The success of these vassals can be imagined.

Many criminals were originally gangsters who were contemptuous and scolded by them.

They all shook immediately after taking refuge in the demons.

The posts with a little bit of power and oil and water are all controlled by their cronies or relatives. They use power for personal gain and profit only.

These soldiers who were forcibly recruited by them are like pigs and dogs in these eyes, being arbitrarily used and oppressed.

The consequences were immediately revealed on the battlefield, and the resentful soldiers killed them without hesitation.

After the vassal army was defeated for several miles, it took them a full half an hour to walk from the starting point to the battlefield, but it took only five minutes to escape from the battlefield to the starting point.

Even the knights of the Holy See are not as fast as they charge.

Emperor De Rossi's face was as black as pig liver, and his expression became very ugly, as if he had been constipated for half a month.

He has always been proud of the jīng sharp-the brave soldiers of the De Rossi Empire, who collapsed before the battle.

The emperor originally valued his loyal army very much. If he wants to make a difference among a group of Semites, the emperor must have a hard fist, relying on his one hundred thousand army, which is just flashing. Clan, this is also a not weak force.

For this reason, De Rossi made a wish without missing the officials, paid bonuses, and paid 14 months' salary for the year he was a soldier.

For a long time, De Rossi believed that his imperial soldiers were not much worse than the Semitic. When they went to the countryside to collect food, they dealt with the poor and stubborn people, but they were very capable of fighting. The beaten gang yelled.

Unexpectedly, on the battlefield all of a sudden the original form was revealed, and it was just a bunch of bullshit.

Emperor De Rossi gritted his teeth and cursed fiercely: "A bunch of stupid talents, trash, bastards..."

Maschinot sneered, and laughed out in front of De Rossi. He didn't care about the nobleman next to him. He laughed loudly and said: "This is also called an army. It's not as brave as the dogs I raised. The novel:."

The Semi generals behind him laughed in unison, mocking these nobles mercilessly.

"Maybe we can use dogs to form an army, maybe we will win the category."

"Hey, tens of thousands of dogs are easy to find. Where can you find tens of thousands of dogs."

"That's true."


Listening to the unbridled laughter and mockery of the Semi, Emperor De Rossi could only stretch his face to death, like a wooden door, without saying a word.

The nobleman beside him also looked like pig liver, but he didn't dare to say a word.

At this time, the defeated soldiers were already running towards them like chao water, and they were about to run to them. Many people frowned at this time and considered a major question-shouldn't it be time to escape at this time?

It seems that you can't run without running.

Some nobles turned their horses very fragilely, and began to flee with their cronies. If they were not afraid of death, they would not take refuge in the demons.

A nearby minister of De Rossi whispered to the young emperor: "Your Majesty, is it time to turn in?"

Emperor De Rossi hesitated. The tens of thousands of the Holy See army was not far away from them. Generally, it was time to escape at this time. No, turn in.

However, seeing the Semitic generals next to him was indifferent, Emperor De Rossi also hesitated. He knew that these Semitic tribes were involved in ghosts, and they had run away long ago. Seeing that they looked confident, there must be ghosts.

Maschinot looked at him with a smile, and said, "Your Majesty will not go?"

Emperor De Rossi rolled his eyes and his expression suddenly became firm again, saying: "No, even if there is only one entry left, I will stick to it until the end."

"Oh, tut..." Maschinot shook his head and murmured in a low voice, "What a pity."

Then he turned his head and ordered to his subordinates: "Write down the name of the escape, and your Majesty the God seat specifically confessed."

Emperor De Rossi shuddered Of course he knew the deep chill of this sentence. For these nobles who escaped, presumably the high priest would not let them go: His head will soon hang on the city gate.

If he didn't hesitate just now, I'm afraid that the emperor will be the end of his life.

Maschinot moved his body on horseback, squinted at the platinum and golden Holy See flag on the head of Rot Garonne, and said: "Send a signal, it's time for us to go out."

Behind him, a dark mage wrapped in black robes raised his hand and shè a spell into the air, and the splendid spell exploded in mid-air.

The fleeing soldiers blocked the battlefield at this moment, and the Vatican army was blocked by them and slowed down, but the victory already belonged to them.

The golden tulip banner of the De Rossi Empire attracted the attention of the patrons. It was the symbol of the traitor De Rossi, who seemed to be still under the banner. This was a big fish.

"Catch him~!" With such thoughts, the papal patrons of the Holy See killed in De Rossi's direction. It was a great achievement to be able to seize this number one.

At this time, on the eastern horizon of Rot Gallon, behind the entire battlefield, a group of black figures appeared, rushing towards Rot Gallon quickly.

The head of Rot Gallon was suddenly enveloped by an unknown shadow.

When the cardinal on the head of the city raised his head, the sky above his head was a war fortress covering Yaorì.

(To be continued)

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