Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1336: Charcoal in the snow

A cool autumn wind blew across the field, hunting and hunting the golden cross on the city.

Cardinal Sandos stood under the banner, dressed in a uniform, holding a binoculars and gazing west.

Although the Zeiss high-power military binoculars produced by the Nian Feiying Group in his hand are simple in style, each lens is carefully polished by the most advanced craftsmen and has excellent light transmission.

Through the refraction of the telescope, he could easily observe the grass and trees in the distance.

On the horizon is a vast expanse of yellow ground, and the just harvested fields reveal the original color of the soil.

The withered grass stalks tremble constantly in the autumn wind, and a few unknown animals are jumping in the middle, rushing to the distance without turning their heads. These animals seem to be able to predict the danger in advance. These days are all in a hurry. Leave here.

"The enemy hasn't appeared yet..." a staff officer behind him murmured, looking at the western horizon.

There was a hint of fortune and joy in his tone.

Sandos's red shirt couldn't help but smile a bit: The glorious and brave Vatican army is responsible for defending the light, and it is indifferent to the evil. It has always regarded the battlefield as the highest glory, but at this time, the enemy is found It hasn't appeared as expected, but stealthily.

At this moment, the far end of the horizon suddenly raised a few wisps of smoke and dust. If he hadn't had a telescope, and he had been watching carefully, he would have ignored it.

Cardinal Sandos keenly pointed the telescope in that direction, and then slowly moved the focus handwheel on the lens barrel.

Through the high-powered binoculars, the smoke and dust in the distance quickly became larger, first from the smoke and dust to more than a dozen black dots, and then from the black dots to a team of more than a dozen cavalry.

They leaned on their horses and galloped.

The galloping horse hooves trampled the dust on the ground, pulling up long trails of smoke behind him.

Sandos's muscles tightened, suddenly tense, and stared at the cavalry galloping at full speed. But after all, the distance is too far. Although with the help of a telescope, it was impossible to see clearly.

Sandos kept staring at them, and did not relax at all.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that they got closer and closer, and even without a telescope, they could see the golden cross robes on their bodies, and Santos breathed a sigh of relief: These are the ranger sentries he released.

And the Demon enemies he has been waiting anxiously...

They haven't appeared in sight yet~!

This is already his second day in Deron City. According to common sense, the forward or reconnaissance force of the Demon Army should have been hovering nearby.

The black pyramid-shaped war fortress of the undead. It should have been rampant over Deron.

But in fact, there is nothing.

Let alone the enemy's war fortress in the sky, even a black crow was not seen.

The more this happened, the more disturbed Cardinal Santos was. Secretly muttered in his heart: What tricks did the demons play?

As a military general commanding an army of 100,000, Cardinal Sandos has become accustomed to thinking from a military perspective.

The enemy didn't appear as expected, but he felt even more uneasy, and he always decided in his heart that the Demon must be brewing something.

The knights of the Holy See crossed the tunnels criss-crossed outside the city and ran directly into the city of Deron. Two minutes later, the cavalry captain panting heavily and appeared in front of Cardinal Sandos.

Before the cavalry raised his hand in salute, Cardinal Sandos asked impatiently: "How is the situation ahead? Have you found the enemy?"

"No. My lord." The tall and strong captain of the cavalry also looked strange and said: "We ran the farthest for more than a hundred miles, but still no trace of the demons. Our squadron leader sent a few of us back to report the letter first. The squadron is still searching forward."

"That said," Archbishop Santos slowly lowered his head, thought for a while, and said, "The enemy will not be able to live at least today."

"We met a group of refugees on the road. I heard a saying." The captain of the cavalry recalled and said: "It is said that the demons are still staying in Rot Garon, and the pseudo-kings of the demons are holding a confession meeting."

The Cardinal Sandos was taken aback for a moment, and said in surprise: "The Envelope Conference~!"

Then he looked at the men next to him in disbelief, and said, "This... isn't it in the war?"

The Demon Race had just won a big victory and wiped out the Human Race Vatican Army. At this time, it is time to fight every second and pursue the victory. Expand your own results as much as possible.

In all honesty, if the demons came here now, Archbishop Santos didn't think he could stand them for long.

But the enemy stopped at this moment, what kind of ‘enfeoffment meeting’ was held?

This... This is simply the head kicked by the donkey.

Although he knew it shouldn't, Cardinal Sandos couldn't help but feel a strange disappointment in his heart.

Originally, Sandos was still thinking about the enemy's pressure. At this critical moment of the imminent death of the human race, he stood up boldly and bravely, turned the tide, resisted stubbornly in the city of Delong, the soldiers of the three armies fought hard, and composed a song of **** hymns.

Even if it is the last to die on the battlefield, thousands of years later, there will be their own legends sung in the world.

That kind of situation, just thinking about it, is enough to make people's blood boil and tears are streaming down their faces.

But... But no matter how well I am prepared on my own side, the enemy has never come up. It really makes people feel a little lame.

It's like when classmates secretly passed on all kinds of banned books. Someone secretly sent a thick book over. In the middle of the night, he locked the door, lit a small oil lamp, and opened it with excitement. When I saw it was "The Book of Gods", anyone would swear: Grandma's, my pants are all off, you let me watch this?

"War fortress~!" Just as Sandos was depressed in red, the defenders on the wall suddenly roared in panic.

Immediately afterwards, the alarm sounded.

The rapid bells rang one after another, and soon spread throughout Deron City.

The officers who reacted yelled hoarsely.

"Pay attention to concealment."

"Enter the bunker, enter the bunker immediately~!"

"Fast forward to cover."


The guards on both sides didn't wait for orders, and immediately pulled the Cardinal Sandos to run down the city.

They rushed into the bunker under the city wall almost without touching the ground.

After entering the bunker, Cardinal Sandos immediately shook off the guards on both sides, stood at the bunker door and looked towards the sky, and asked, "Where is the war fortress?"

He took the binoculars and shot around. But there is nothing in the sky to the west.

However, Sandos saw the fortress of war in the east.

A dozen black dots in two rows formed a triangle, approaching Delong City quickly at a very low height.

"It's finally here~!" Sandos Cardinal whispered to himself.

The war fortress in the sky flew over Deron within a few breaths, and then swooped down toward the ground.

The height from the ground is getting lower and lower, from a few hundred meters to tens of meters, almost close to the top of Delong's head.

After a dozen war fortresses slowly flew around the city of Deron, they fell to the ground under the nervous and surprised eyes of all the soldiers.

The papal papal knights hiding in the bunker stared blankly at the war fortress that fell on the empty street, not knowing what happened.

At this time the door of the war fortress opened. A group of people in black uniforms walked out from inside.

They circled the war fortress, and then shouted to the surroundings: "Hey, are there any people alive? Where is all the **** mother? Come out for me, grandpa."

Cardinal Santos smiled excitedly and waved to the person behind him. Quickly walked out of the bunker and yelled happily, "Go and help~!"

"My lord is dangerous~!" The guard behind him still wanted to hold him.

The Cardinal Sandos kicked the guard angrily and yelled: "Idiot, I didn't see the flying eagle logo on it. It belongs to the Flying Eagle Group and is here to reinforce us."

Soon, the soldiers of the Holy See also reacted and saw the familiar flying eagle logo on these war fortresses.

"It's my own, go up and help~!"

The soldiers shouted with joy. Running out of their respective bunkers, they ran quickly to the war fortresses parked on the ground.

The flight crew members of the security forces in black who wandered in front of the door looked at the soldiers coming up, and each sarcastically said, "You are hiding so good."

"We are in the sky without seeing anyone alone."

"Hurry up and help~!"

The crew member of the security army pointed to the pile of boxes inside the war fort and said, "This is a gift for you."

Surrounded by his men, Cardinal Sandos walked into the war fortress and asked loudly: "What's the matter?"

A security officer with golden twisted silk epaulettes on his shoulders walked over, raised his hand to touch the brim of his hat and saluted, and said with a serious expression, "Is that Mr. Sandos?"

Sandos nodded blankly. Said: "It's me, you..."

Having said that, he remembered that he seemed to be supposed to respond, and hurriedly raised his hand to salute.

"We belong to the flying unit of the Security Army." The officer nodded at him and said, "In the name of our big boss, we will provide you with a batch of supplies. Please sign for it."

Talking. The security officer handed over a document and a pen.

"Boss of the security army, isn't that the deputy commander-in-chief of Lorraine." Santos was overjoyed in his heart, and said anxiously: "What are you sending?"

At this time, soldiers from the Holy See, under the command of the opposing officer, rushed into the war fortress and lined up from the inside to the outside. The wooden boxes were removed from the war fortress by relay.

"Grenade." The security officer said lightly.

Sandos's hand shook suddenly, the pen pierced the document with a stab, and then said in surprise: "Grenade~!"

He is too familiar with this weapon. When he expedition to Almohad and wiped out Hardu, Lord Lorraine's soldiers were equipped with a large number of grenades.

The actual combat effect is very good, it can be called a close combat weapon.

The killing power of each piece can be worth a full blow from a magician.

At first, he was greedy for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the deputy commander-in-chief of Lorraine had not forgotten him at the critical moment, but Sandos himself was ready to be abandoned by the Holy See.

Since knowing that the frontline troops had been wiped out, he had already had the consciousness of sacrifice.

Although the Holy See has a large number of troops, but those troops are still on the road, it is impossible to arrive in time. Therefore, he had to stay here stubbornly to buy time for Vantino. He could last for a few days or even a few days, and even the entire army was wiped out in the end.

But I didn't expect Vantino to send someone to reinforce him.

From a military point of view, use the time he bought. Gathering reinforcements to Vaticano, and gathering the most combined forces to fight a decisive battle with the enemy is the best choice for Vaticano.

"This is the first batch, and there will be more in the future. As long as it is possible, we will continue to reinforce it." The security officer glanced at the Vatican soldier carrying the grenade behind him, and said: "But how many can be shipped depends on you. The speed of unloading."

Sandos was stunned when he heard it, and suddenly took off his beautiful general's uniform and flung it to the ground. Stride into the war fortress and throw himself into the work of carrying grenades.

"Brothers hurry up, the faster we unload, the more they can transport. This is a good thing to save lives." The officers cheered loudly.

As long as it is related to their own lives, the soldiers will not be ambiguous at all.

Under the personal leadership of the legion commander, the soldiers of the Bayer regiment went into the rush to carry out the work like crazy

Ten minutes later, they unloaded 3,000 boxes and 60,000 grenades.

The war fortress that had unloaded the grenades took off in the eyes of all eyes, and disappeared from the sight of everyone to the east. It would take them as fast as six hours to return.

But contrary to the expectations of the soldiers of the Bayer Legion, only two hours later, more war fortresses landed in Deron City. The big red maple leaf signs on these war fortresses indicate that they are the flying troops that Fengye Danlin came to support.

Captain Fengye Danlin, the leader of the team, was not embarrassed to bow his hand to Sandos and apologized: "Sorry for being late. We are not familiar with the flight route. We wasted a little time."

Sandos naturally wouldn't complain, in fact he still didn't thank him.

At this time, two people slowly walked out of the war fortress, each of them carrying a long strip of package behind them. Each hand also carried a large bag.

Wearing a colorful, dark-colored hat on his head, the brim of the hat is pulled very low, covering half of their faces.

The two stood at the door and looked around first, then squeezed through the busy crowd carrying grenades and walked calmly into the Cardinal Sandos.

For some reason, looking at the eyes of these two men hidden in the shadows, Cardinal Sandos suddenly felt a palpitation.

It felt like a fierce large carnivore, step by step towards his prey.

Cardinal Sandos even touched his neck unconsciously.

Even the Vatican soldiers beside two people. Seeing them at the first glance, I evaded to the side in a panic, looking at these two strange people with horrified eyes.

Under the gaze of everyone, the two of them were very calm, and they didn't swipe the end of their eyes.

Sandos suddenly reacted, this is murderous.

These two are well-trained professional killers.

The two walked directly in front of Sandos. Throwing down the bag in his hand and raising his hand in salute, one of them took out a folded document from his arms and handed it to Sandos without saying a word.

When I came up to me, I could see the sharp eyes of the two people more clearly. The moment I saw their eyes, Santos felt a sudden cold, as if his heart had stopped beating.

Even the captain of Fengye Danlin murmured "weird", and then stepped back to hide away.

The captain had endured them all the way, staying beside them, the air seemed to drop to a freezing point, making people feel uncomfortable.

Sandos swallowed nervously, licked his lips, carefully took the file from him, and asked in confusion: "You are?"

"Secret." A man said slowly and lowly: "Everything you want to know is written on paper. You don't need to know the others."

Sandos hurriedly opened the file and quickly browsed it. It only stated that these two people were ordered to fight on the front line, and ordered anyone who saw this file, no matter who it was, to provide them with everything they requested, without error. .

There are several chapters covered below, including the United Nations peacekeeping force, the Ruman Empire, the Maple Leaf Danlin, the Vatican, and the eagle emblem of the security forces. This order is valid in this organization.

And the last signature made Sandos' eyes lit up, it was the unique signature of Lord Lorraine.

"If you have doubts about this order, you can ask the headquarters." One of them said coldly.

Cardinal Sandos was a little puzzled. According to this order, these two were not here to cooperate with him, but he wanted to cooperate with these two men. What is the background of these two men? So hanging.

He smirked, returned the file to them, and said: "I will provide you with everything you need, Rogers, take these two to rest no need." One person refused unceremoniously. Ending Sandos, said: "We are going to start working now."

After squeezing the documents back into their arms, the two picked up their bags and walked across Sandos towards the city.

"What drag..." A staff officer behind Sandos looked at their back and mumbled: "The Magister doesn't have such a big air."

Sandos waved his hand and said thoughtfully: "They must be exceptional."

As a cardinal, a high-ranking Holy See, he has heard some rumors, but it is not suitable for his opponents to say.

Fengye Danlin's war fortress took off after unloading all the supplies.

At this moment, the streets were in chaos, with more than 10,000 boxes of grenades piled up on both sides. The soldiers of the Holy See quickly shuttled through them and moved them into the bunker for storage.

Sandos looked at as many grenades as the barricade, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. Vantino did not forget him, His Majesty did not forget him, and Deputy Commander Lorraine did not forget him. With these support, he Self-confidence can last for a while.

At this time, the soldiers in front of him let out another exclamation, and the crowd shouted loudly, "Look, what is that~!"

"Someone is flying in the sky~!"

Sandos raised his head and saw a group of several figures descending from the sky, and exclaimed in surprise: "Why are they here too!"

(To be continued)

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