Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1347: Lure the enemy deep

Veraprani held the whip in his hand, pointed at Vantino, and kept screaming at the forward General Talma, scolding him bloody.

General Talma kept his head down and said nothing, even though Veraprani's spitting stars were flying on his face, he didn't even dare to wipe his hands.

Many officers beside them all showed disapproval expressions, but they did not dare to say a word.

After all, the soldiers traveled a long distance, and Deron was nearly seven hundred miles away from Vatican. The army was marching all the way. By this time, it was already exhausted. So many people have worn through the soles of their feet.

It's okay to walk fifty or sixty miles a day, but people who walk for ten days in a row can't stand it.

When they reached Vatican, the infantry had nothing but gasping energy.

But Velaprani forced the soldiers to launch an offensive immediately, which was a bit of a joy, and it was difficult for a strong man.

It is true that the emperor sent hungry soldiers.

But... but after all he is the coach.

The new commander of the Western Front appointed by the high priest cannot violate his orders.

General Talma was scolded by Veraprani for ten minutes. Although he was bitterly scolded in his heart, he could only obey the orders.

Dare to obey the order, does he still want his head?

General Talma threw his mount angrily all the way, and quickly returned to the forward army.

Immediately, a loud bugle sounded.

Beep, beep~~!

In the morning, the Semitic soldiers just drank a thin soup in a hurry, ate a few slices of hard and stone-like dry bread, and were urged on their way.

At this time, after walking dozens of miles, I was already exhausted, and my legs were swollen. The bowl of soup in the morning had long since turned into a pee and disappeared without a trace.

Even so, they still supported the camp, they were already hungry. At this time, they were all around the pot, staring, looking forward to having a good lunch for lunch, and then after a day of rest, they had the strength to fight humans desperately.

At this time, it was easy to wait until the boiling water boiled, and the food began to emit bursts of aroma. Seeing that you can have a good meal right away.

As a result, a collective order has now sounded.

All the soldiers suddenly reddened their eyes with anger, and jumped to scold their mother.

But the military order is like a mountain, and they dare not violate it. Only at the urging of the officers, he quickly took up the weapons and ran out to line up.

These Semitic soldiers are not worthy of being elites. Although they are all dissatisfied and hungry, they have been lined up in less than ten minutes.

Those who can serve as strikers are all well-tested soldiers of the Semitic.

At this time, General Talma had already come to the front of the team.

Immediately, he just drew his long knife and pointed forward, and shouted: "Attack~! We are having lunch in Vatican City."

Following his order, the big flag behind him immediately pointed forward.

Only then did the confused soldiers understand.

These soldiers had already accumulated a lot of anger and heard the order, and immediately shouted, turning hunger and complaint into the will to fight, shouting loudly and rushing towards the distant city.

Since the commanders all have such confidence, the big guy should quickly take down the city and eat early. Maybe you can find a bed to sleep in.

Seeing that despite the grievances of the soldiers, they still maintained a complete formation under Talma's command. Veraprani could not help but nodded approvingly, and secretly praised: Talma's army is indeed very consistent. Cover, the name of the brave general is not false, nor ashamed that he dared to miss the position of General Maschinot.

But immediately, Velaprani sneered: Although Talma is a good leader, but unfortunately this guy has too low EQ and doesn't understand officialdom at all.

According to the unspoken rules of officialdom that prevail in the world, the more capable subordinates are, the more they must step on them.

Besides, this guy is not his own confidant, he is the dead Muschinot's subordinate.

This kind of person must not let him show up, and stomped on it.

Otherwise, the **** **** might climb on his head one day~!

There are fewer and fewer seats as you go up.

Veraprani was thinking about the crown of the human continent at the moment. His biggest competitor, Maschino, was dead. Although Emperor De Rossi of the human race had a good name, he was nothing more than a pet dog.

Only one Orlandini who commanded the northern line was left on his equal footing. It was a big deal to split the human continent equally with him. He took the western half and Orandini took the eastern half, which was enough for himself.

Veraprani would never allow another such person to come up in the future and divide his territory.

The more arrogant, strong and powerful, the more we must suppress as quickly as possible.

When Talma captured Vatican City, his soldiers were already hungry and stuck their backs on their backs. They were busy eating, and they were definitely not robbing them.

At this time, the Chinese army and the rear army should have arrived.

With the pissiness of those puppies, they definitely rushed into the city and robbed them.

When the two sides fought a big fight in order to grab the spoils, they would slightly pull the side of the frame and mediate in the middle. I believe that the support of the other generals can be easily obtained.

As for Talma, who is proud of his credit, he will naturally be squeezed out by others. At that time, if he does a few more sub-schemes, he can easily kick Talma out of his army, take away his military power, and let him He rushed back to his hometown dingy to eat potatoes.

It is said that in the far east, someone once killed three warriors with two peaches, and his own strategy is not much worse than theirs.

Thinking of the later, General Veraprani even smiled triumphantly, and said in his heart: On the first day I took office, you didn't come to visit the dock. When I don't know what you think?

Want to replace Maschinot, you are not qualified~!

But the other generals looked at Talma's army with eager eyes. These puppies are the first to attack Vatican City, and the best thing must be theirs~!

Among other things, just the gold leaf on the top of the Great Temple is enough to make people crazy.

At this moment, although the ups and downs of the Semitic army have different thoughts, they all have a strange and firm belief-they are bound to win!

In their eyes, Vatican City seems to be a big red apple, as long as they walk over, and then they will pick it off and put it in the bag.

But this is not surprising. The battle on the Western Front has been fought too smoothly. They attacked the city and landed all the way and were invincible.

Vantino’s army is not unfighted, and they are not their opponents of Semitic people.

Within a few hundred miles, there is no other human army at this moment.

Everyone is unanimously optimistic about the current war.

In private, there is no lack of sighs, how awesome the human race a thousand years ago. Kalidan, the first titan of the Semi tribe, brave the three armies, but they have also given him a scoop.

In the end, the Three Sages were also defeated by the Semi tribe, defeated by a thousand miles.

But now, these puppies have all been softened by the alcoholic beauties, and they are simply vulnerable. Until now, there is no opponent with enough weight to come out.

It is precisely because of this that General Veraprani also began to engage in internal fighting, considering the future pattern of political power.

In his opinion, victory is already a sure thing, and now it is time to consider how to enjoy the fruits after victory.

At the urging of the officers, after only thirty minutes, the Semitic striker had approached Vatican and came to the first trench outside the city.

Then a loud horn sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of shouts erupted from the front phalanx, and then they held high swords and guns, rushing forward like a tide.

Their task is to clear the periphery and create conditions for large troops to attack the city.

Originally thought there should be some bows and arrows or something, but to their surprise, there was no movement at all in the city at this time.

There was no figure above the city, as if it was an empty city, and they were not attacked.

The soldiers rushing to the front have come to the edge of the trench.

In their view, this is another puzzling thing about Human Race.

Trenches were originally meant to create obstacles and delay the attacker's actions.

Therefore, in the Semitic, all the trenches are filled with water, which is a little bit vicious, and iron nails and the like are put in the water. Or, just sprinkle some poison, put some water snakes, and eat. Mermaid or something.

On the human side, when they were fighting, they hid the soldiers in it. Instead of putting defensive forces on high walls.

Those idiots didn't seem to know that being condescending would have more combat advantages.

But because of this, they were unprepared under Deron City and suffered a little loss.

The trenches are nothing, but the humans throwing grenades in the trenches are really hateful. The attacking Semitic team is so dense that there is nowhere to hide.

They shouted loudly, roaring like wild animals, turned over the barbed wire in front of the trench, jumped in, and prepared to start a **** killing with the enemy.

But found that the trench was also empty.

There was no expectation of the Holy See soldiers, and there was no grenade explosion that made people tremble every time it sounded.

The soldiers were stunned for a moment, looked at each other in a puzzled way, and then checked their surroundings. Although the building is complete, it seems that it has been abandoned for some unknown reason.

A loud bugle came again from the rear.

Just as the first group of phalanx soldiers hesitated, the soldiers of the second echelon had passed them, turned over another barbed wire fence, and rushed to the second trench outside the city.

But they were also disappointed to find that there was no one in the trench.

Immediately, the Semi soldiers found depressed that the third trench was also the last trench outside the city, and it was also empty.

Not far away is the walls of Vantino.

At this time, the main attacking force has reached the city.

The bugle sounded again.

The soldiers suddenly broke out with earth-shattering shouts, and immediately afterwards, countless ladders were lifted high and leaned towards the city.

Some brave soldiers even climbed up the ladder in advance, with knives in their mouths, hands tightly holding the sides of the ladder, like a gecko attached to the top of the ladder.

In this way, when the ladder is leaned against the city wall, they can jump on the top of the city and kill the defenders off guard.

Of course, it is more likely to be smashed into a sieve by the spear of the defending army.

The first batch of people who dared to climb on the wall were all good soldiers~!

The walls of Vatican are not high, or even low, although they are beautifully constructed.

After all, at the beginning of its construction, it only considered the role of public security and not the role of military. No one on this continent dared to lead troops to attack Vatican.

‘Shu La Lala..., with the sound of a ladder leaning against the wall, the soldiers had jumped onto the wall, and then roared and brandished knives to guard against the sudden spears and short swords that the enemy stabbed.

But to their disappointment, the city was still empty and no enemy was visible.

Not only was there no one, the walls were clean, there were no debris.

In this situation, their own low body and roaring look seemed quite foolish.

At this moment, I heard a harsh and unpleasant sound from the gate not far away.

The soldiers on the top of the city turned their heads and looked around, and saw that Vantino's beautiful city gate had been opened. More Semitic soldiers poured into the wide and gorgeous streets from outside the city like a tide.

The soldiers on the front of the city suddenly felt a little swelling in their chests, and almost vomited blood when they were depressed.

This is the holy city of mankind, the residence of the God of Light.

The spiritual pillar of mankind, the center of faith.

In order to demonstrate the glory of the Great Demon God and the High Priest, the Great Lightning Banner was planted on the Temple of Light. Numerous Semitic people of lofty ideals went forward and succeeded, throwing their heads and blood, sacrificed their lives and burned their souls.

For this great and glorious mission, many soldiers even made preparations to sacrifice. Those who wrote the war blood letter and left a suicide note to the family in advance.

Some guys also specially asked the ill student in the barracks to help write, and one individual Tido was sensational. You can cry out of your large intestine just by looking at it.

Everyone is ready to cut down the last human soldier after a bloodbath, and use blood-stained hands to stand the Semitic flag on the top of the Temple of Light.

Now, this has become a joke.

The Vatican of the human race, the great Vatican turned out to be an empty city.

With a light kick, it kicked its solid gates open.

This is too easy, too simple, so that they themselves can't believe it.

Humans actually abandoned this holy city? ? ~! ! !

The officers of the Semi tribe looked at the towering temple of light in the distance, and they were full of emotion for a while.

The dream of a thousand years is finally coming true.

And they, as soldiers who invaded the Holy City of Vatican, will surely go down in history.

At this time, the whole city was still quiet. There was no sound and no moving images in the city. It seemed that this place was already an ancient ruin, and there was no human figure.

More and more troops poured into the city of Vantino. They spread like a tide, and proceeded slowly and cautiously along the streets paved with Vatican slabs.

All up and down were immersed in a strange atmosphere, and no one spoke aloud, breaking the silence in the city.

Only the footsteps of soldiers remained in the whole city, and the occasional flicking sound of armor.

They walked slowly through the streets, passing by huge and exquisite statues, passing by a fountain with splashes in the middle of the street...

The soldiers looked around as they walked. I hope to find even a human figure or even a moving animal in this city.

But no, nothing, not even a bird on top of his head.

This silence is so strange that many people can't help but feel a bit of chill in their hearts.

As they marched, many people even felt that someone next to them was looking at them in the dark, and there was a faint chill behind their necks.

But when they turned their heads and looked around, they found that no one was visible at all.

They continued to search forward, and after walking for about ten minutes, the forward troops were already less than 500 meters away from the Temple of Light.

At this time, the soldier walking in the forefront seemed to have discovered something and suddenly stopped.

He raised his head suspiciously and looked at the Temple of Light not far away. On the high steps, among the white and thick classical columns, there seemed to be a few things like tree trunks sticking out, pointing diagonally. To my side.

However, he can be sure that it is definitely not wood, because wood does not reflect light in the sun, it should be some kind of metal.

In the temple opposite him, Lord Luo put down the telescope in his hand and sighed slightly disappointed.

Originally in his vision, the enemy would send more troops to attack with a fragrant bait like the Holy City.

In that way, using the advantages of city defense and firepower to close the door and fight the dog, you can wipe out as many enemies as possible without leaving the city.

But I didn't expect that the enemy would be so cunning and sent troops to attack.

It's impossible for everything to go well~!

Immediately, Ferguson smiled with self-satisfaction, and said softly: "Fifty thousand people, it's almost a dish."

Beside him, Prisoner Mazovia grinned: This master is really a master. There are only 20,000 people on his side, and there are as many as 50,000 to 60,000 enemies.

Master Ma just looked at the densely crowded enemies on the street, and he felt dizzy, heartbeat, and his face pale.

And this Lord Luo actually thought there were too few enemies, not enough for a plate of food.

Ruthless, ruthless person~!

Master Ma usually slaughtered a chicken, and he had to worry about it for a long time. He wanted to kill 50,000 to 60,000 people in one fell swoop. The blood flowed into rivers, and the corpses piled up like mountains, but it was not enough. He doesn't even frown his eyebrows.

At this moment, he also made up his mind that he must be loyal to His Majesty the Pope in the future and never betray.

After all, compared with His Majesty’s adulterer, he is only one-fifty thousandths of a dish.

Lorraine handed the binoculars to Vera, then took out the handgun and walked slowly to the door of the Temple of Light.

Seeing the flash of a figure, the Semi soldiers could not help but stop, and then raised their heads to look up.

Compared with the tall and white steps in the Temple of Light, the figure of that person is extremely slim

But at this time, falling in the eyes of a group of Semi soldiers, they felt a tremendous amount of pressure, and the heavy pressure on their hearts made them almost breathless. It was as if a **** high above the clouds was looking down at them in silence.

A strange feeling arose in all of them. As long as that person slightly raised his hand, he could send out countless thunder and lightning, killing them all.

Under their nervous gaze, the figure slowly raised his hand.

The process seemed short, but it seemed extremely long.

After Lorraine raised the handgun level, then gently squeezed the trigger.

(To be continued)

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