Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1349: Close the door and hit the dog

"Copper shell fixed-load bullets are too expensive~!"

Lord Lorraine looked at the golden bullet shell under the steps, and then slightly converted it, and suddenly felt a faint feeling of cutting meat with a blunt knife.

Although Nian's has now stepped into the road of large-scale industrial production, after all, it has only just started, and the efficiency of industrial production is not high. And there are many things in the middle, which is extremely troublesome.

Take the copper shell fixed-loading bullet as an example, its production efficiency is not high.

Only realized the machine shell. The charging of bullets and the installation of warheads all require manual operations.

Moreover, because of the low quality of personnel. When making in hand, often mistakes.

Even though Sir Alex Ferguson offered ‘assembly line operation,’ and ‘deduction of wages and bonuses, these two capitalists’ invariably big killers, he still had to tolerate a defective rate of almost six thousand rounds.

Not to mention, many inferior bullets flowed directly into the barracks because the inspectors failed.

Therefore, in the Eagle Division’s camp, you can often see those soldiers sitting in a group, sullenly picking out all kinds of crooked unqualified ammunition from a large pile of bullets.

They are hardworking for this job. First, it is because Lord Luo ruled that every twenty unqualified bullets picked up can be exchanged for a copper plate.

The second reason is that those soldiers also clearly know the importance of bullets to their lives. In wartime, if an unqualified bullet is loaded in the barrel, it is likely to kill them. When it comes to their own lives, no one except lunatics takes it seriously.

Of course, as a conscientious capitalist, Sir Alex Ferguson discovered the enthusiasm of the soldiers, and immediately raised the original standard to one copper plate for every 30 unqualified bullets.

Under the influence of this situation, one can imagine how ridiculous the cost of a qualified bullet should be.

However, these gunners and gunners are selling elves one by one, and there is no concept of saving for Lord Lorraine.

In fact, their training requires them to shoot as many bullets as possible without getting stuck.

In Luo Jueye's plan, the main purpose of the machine gun is not to deal with infantry, but to deal with the most powerful army of this era-cavalry.

Only in the shortest time, as many bullets as possible, can they stop their charge. Push these ‘kings of the medieval battlefields’ out of the historical arena of war.

At this time, all the Semitic troops on the street turned and fled, and the enemies in front of the Temple of Light were basically eliminated.

Seeing this situation, the machine gun team quickly pulled up their weapons and moved to the next position.

Although the hand-operated Gatling gun is heavy, the two huge iron wheels installed on both sides make its movement extremely flexible. Only two people can drag it away easily.

Behind the machine gun, two other people also dragged a small car of the same size, which was filled with supply ammunition, so that the machine gun could have strong continuous firepower.

The machine gun was unable to fire during the transfer process, so the situation was quite dangerous. There must be other soldiers to provide protection.

Therefore, the Eagle Division soldiers who were ambushing in the houses on both sides of the street immediately rushed out of their bunker and appeared on the street, holding weapons to cover the members of the squadron and rushing to the next battlefield.

The Semitic forwards rushing into the city of Vantino, at this moment, are like a group of rats in a burning house, running around frantically and madly along the street.

At this moment they are like being in death hell.

Behind him is the rapid sound of gunfire like hail falling to the ground. There will always be a gap in the walls of the buildings on both sides. Then, a few flame-spitting iron pipes stick out from inside.

On the roofs on both sides of the street were all human soldiers in black.

With rifles in their hands, they kept shooting condescendingly at the Semi soldiers on the street.

The deadly metal pellets were flying across the streets among the Semitic soldiers.

Every moment, someone was shot suddenly, exploded with a terrifying wound, died directly, or fell screaming, and then was trampled to death by a companion running behind.

The Semi soldiers have never seen a musket.

This kind of thing that is far beyond their time is also far beyond the scope of their minds.

They just saw the fire spurting out of the muzzle and making a huge noise, and then a blood hole was exploded in the body of the companion. Therefore, they characterized the gun as a magic weapon, a terrible magic weapon.

All of them were shocked.

In the chaos, they didn't argue the direction, like a group of headless flies, they just ran to where they knew where the gunfire was less.

Under the chase of the Terran soldiers, whenever they ran, there was always a place left behind.

And when they had just turned into a street, before they could see the road clearly, a row of gunpoints protruded from the bunker at the intersection and shot them violently. The Semitic who rushed to the front instantly fell down several rows.

Hearing the sound of gunshots in front of them, the Semites turned around again in fright, quickly fled, and turned to the next road, but just as before, they found that this road was blocked. The black-clothed eagle soldiers of the brigade had been waiting for them for a long time.

Lorraine had planned to close the door and fight the dogs. He had only 20,000 people. Although the firepower was strong, the results of the battle would not be too great. The Semi people were not fools.

After knowing the power of the machine gun, they will look for countermeasures.

Turn the entire Vatican into a group of bunkers, into a cannibalistic pit, put enemies in, no matter how many they come, you can swallow them-think back then, when Sir Alex Ferguson used to play real-time strategy games,'ying The handsome little prince of the bunker is not for nothing.

No matter which road the Semitic soldiers ran on, they were always within the coverage of the gunfire.

The Eagle Division soldiers can walk through the opened buildings and open fire at the Semitic people on the street from the shooting port without fear of being attacked by the enemy.

After being rammed in the rain of bullets for half an hour, the Semi soldiers finally knew that the city was not safe no matter where it was.

They want to survive now, the only way is to escape the city.

"Retreat, retreat~!"

"Chongximen withdraw from the city~!"

"Run west, run west~!"

The Semi soldiers who were bewildered by the bullet rain came to their senses. They just followed the big group and turned around like a headless fly. Now they suddenly understood, turned quickly, and rushed towards Vantino Simon at the fastest speed.

Thirty to four thousand people flocked to the west from different streets, and the Eagle Division soldiers who had been chasing on both sides of them stopped chasing at this moment.

A sharp whistle sounded from the rear, and the officers of the Eagle Division yelled: "Combine together, gather together~!"

Gather the soldiers from each company.

Hearing the "popping" sound like fried beans suddenly became thinner behind him. The Semitic soldiers felt like they had recovered their lives, rushing to the gate noisily.

But when they crossed the street and stepped onto the street facing the city gate, they all stopped in fright.

The west gate was not high on the city wall. It was clear that there was no one when he came in just now, but at this moment, it was full of soldiers in black clothes. The city gate was closed tightly.

These soldiers in black knelt or stood, with short spears in their hands.

More than a dozen machine guns, regarded by the Semites as devil weapons, were lined up along the city wall, and their muzzles were coldly pointed at the Semites crowded on the street.

Time seems to freeze...

Tens of thousands of Semites and thousands of soldiers from the Eagle Division faced each other at a distance of several hundred meters.

At this time, from behind the Semi soldiers, a loud shout of the Eagle Division officer suddenly sounded.


The regrouped Eagle Division soldiers were divided into several parts, blocking the way for the Semi soldiers.

The machine gun was dragged out by the vigorous half-orcs and quickly erected in the middle of the road. The houses on both sides of the road were occupied by hawk soldiers, and countless rifles protruded from the roof and windows.

A few seconds later, there was a violent shout from the Semitic crowd: "If you want to survive, please, kill~!"


There is only a dead end when trapped in the city, and you can survive only by rushing out of Vatican.

The Semitic soldiers rushed towards the city gate.

The officers and soldiers of the Eagle Division on the wall calmly watched the Semitic army approaching ten times more than them.

The officer took out the revolver, pulled the hammer away, raised his arm, and shouted, "Ready~!"

Seeing that the enemy is getting closer and closer, about to rush over a distance of 100 meters, the officer suddenly waved down and shouted: "Fire~!"

The three thousand soldiers on the city wall squeezed the trigger fiercely, and the Orcs sneered and sneered on the handle, lowered the muzzle, and then turned the crank.

The Eagle Division soldiers blocked behind the Semitic opened fire at the same time, shooting bullets at the dense crowd.

The gunshots rang out, and the Semi soldiers rushing towards the city gate fell in groups, but the people behind stepped on the corpses and still rushed up in groups...

Lorraine watched the battlefield from the top of the Temple of Light. From this height, the entire Vatican and the Semitic camp outside could be seen.

Seeing the Semi soldiers constantly attacking the city gate, I secretly sighed that the Semi elites were indeed not covered.

Changed the ordinary troops, it collapsed long ago.

However, that's all.

If they were allowed to rush through the falconer's defensive position, Lorraine should jump off the building angrily. Now, in front of the falconer's absolute superiority of firepower, all that is left is a matter of time.

Within a few minutes, the corpses of the Semi soldiers who were shot blocked the road. Seeing thousands of people bravely rushing to the city gate, and then turning into corpses tens of meters away from the city gate, the morale of the Semi soldiers finally collapsed. Up.

They turned their heads a little hurriedly, went to other directions to find a way to survive, and then rushed into the Eagle Defense line behind them, where there were much fewer people than the city gate.

Lorraine put down the telescope, wrinkled thinking for a moment every day, waved his hand and said, "Let them surrender."

Mazovia froze for a moment, then complimented: "My lord is kind."

Although he also claimed to be a cruel character, otherwise he would not be able to climb to where he is today, but watching the Semitic people fall in groups, he was secretly shocked.

"Benevolent?" Lorraine Lianye sneered, then shook his head, and said, "No. I just don't want to waste Zichan anymore."

Mazovia shuddered, gave a dry laugh, and took a step back unconsciously.

Lord Lorraine touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Also, the living Semitic are more valuable than the dead Semitic, aren't they?"

Mazovia thought for a moment, and immediately understood Lord Lorraine's meaning, nodded heavily, young and strong, always the most sought-after goods.

Even if they were taken prisoners, the fate of these Semites would not be too good, but Mazovia would not care.

Even Lord Lorraine killed all these people and he didn't care, as long as he wasn't in front of him.


The sudden change in the city shocked Veraprani who was commanding outside the city.

Knowing that there is a human ambush in the city, the human pope and the flying eagle and the **** of war are all in Vatican, Veraprani is not panicked, but very excited.

This means that he can capture these two enemies in a single battle and make a lifeless feat.

In ecstasy, Veraprani immediately ordered the entire army to press on and attack Vantino, and must take the city within a day. Don't let the pope and Lorraine run away.

A small Vatican, it is impossible for humans to hide many troops in it.

Under the attack of his superior force, it didn't take much time to end the battle.

But what happened next made Veraprani and the Semitic generals dumbfounded.

The rumbling of artillery fire continued like rolling thunder, and the artillery shells shot through the air with a sharp howling sound, flew out of the city, and hit outside the Vantino Gate.

Several explosions per second formed a barrage of flames and steel that lay across the road of the Semites rushing to Vatican.

The Semi soldiers in the barrage were swallowed instantly, and thousands of people disappeared without a trace in the sound of the explosion.

The Semi soldiers in the rear were still charging forward, batch after batch of soldiers rushed into the smoke raised by the explosion, and disappeared one by one.

Except for the explosion flashes that constantly lit up from the gunpowder smoke, nothing else could be seen.

The violent explosion sound and ground shaking made the Semi people outside the city stunned. The attacking team stopped before the explosion and did not dare to take a step forward.

Velaprani was also stunned. It was the first time he saw shelling.

With a sharp whistling sound tearing the air, the flames rose from the ground, followed by black smoke and dirt from the explosion.

The Semi soldiers within the scope of the explosion disappeared instantly, and fell to the ground near the explosion. No one was ever seen to get up, and the remaining half of the human body and stumps could be clearly seen flying around the sky.

More than a thousand people rushed up and disappeared in the flames and smoke of the explosion.

More than a thousand people rushed up behind, and they disappeared completely in an instant.

The artillery fire completely separated the vanguard and the main force entering the city.

"Is this the artillery..." Velaplani murmured to himself.

Hardu had reminded them countless times to be careful of Lorraine's artillery, but Velaprani never sneered. In his opinion, this is the underdog who is looking for an excuse for himself.

He didn't believe that any one cannon would be more powerful than the full blow of the archmage, and any artillery fire would be endless, capable of hitting thousands in a short time.

This is impossible~!

The violent explosion and deafening roar in front of me at this moment proved that what Hadu said was true.

Velaprani secretly regretted it, so he should ask Hadu a few more words.

"But so what~!" Veraprani shook his head, still full of confidence in his heart, when the human artillery would always stop, it was impossible to take Vantino into consideration.

At this moment, the other three sides are not quiet and quiet. It is a big deal to detour. Semitic soldiers can always rush in, and the advantage is still in his hands.

At this time, a **** man suddenly rushed to his horse and cried, "My lord, my lord, the striker is over, the striker is over~!"

Veraprani was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted with a grim face, "What did you say?"

"Strike, stuck in the city, it's over, it's over."

Veraprani slammed his whip and shouted angrily: "Where is Talma, let him see me, jerk, how to lead the forward."

"General Talma is stuck in the city."

Veraprani jumped off his horse, squeezed the collar of the report officer, and said harshly: "What the **** is going on? Didn't you rush into the city?"

The officer's forehead was still bleeding, and said sadly: "We have taken the city gate and we are about to win. Suddenly a group of men in black emerged from the ground. Their weapons will breathe fire, and the brothers are inexplicable-- They died, and they took the city gate back again. Thousands of people went up to the wall and blocked the general's back. Then there was crackling noise in the city."

"How did you come back?" Veraplani glared at him and asked.

"I took my brothers and was beaten out of the city gate by humans. I was about to come back to ask for reinforcements. Suddenly there was a fire on the ground. My brothers and horses all flew to the sky, and the people were broken into pieces.

Hundreds of people rushed all the way, but only a few of us are left. Please help your majesty~ "

"Talma this idiot~!" Velaprani shook off the officer in his hand and swearing viciously: "Jing made me mess up."

The surrounding Semitic generals looked at each other, and then they all fell silent, muttering secretly in dissatisfaction: It was your old man who made him attack the city immediately before he found out the reality of the city, and who was it strange.

Although Veraprani doesn't care about Talma's life or death, the 50,000 strikers are very important to him.

That is the most capable army under his men. If all were buried in Vatican City, his power would be greatly damaged.

"Order the entire army to attack from all sides at the same time, and must enter the city."

(To be continued)

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