Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1351: Dull fight

The soldiers of the Semitic tribe had their faces as gray as death, and dropped the weapons in their hands. Under the supervision of the officers and soldiers of the Eagle Division, they held their heads in their hands and walked slowly.

Vantino is now surrounded on all sides by an army of 100,000 Semites.

The Eagle Master was already trapped in the besieged city, fighting against an enemy five times more than his own. It could be said that he could not protect himself.

At this time, taking in so many captives is undoubtedly a huge burden. Whether it is imprisoning them or feeding them, it is a big trouble.

Even they themselves are quite dangerous.

Therefore, Vantino's people did not intend to accept these prisoners. As long as Lord Luo gave an order, they would directly use machine guns to sweep down all the enemies in the encirclement.

The dead will not cause them trouble.

Even the most stringent wartime laws can easily explain the past-after all, the enemy did not lay down their weapons.

Moreover, Lord Lorraine was not noble enough... or so mentally disabled to use international law to restrain his troops.

The so-called Maple Leaf Danlin International Convention is just a piece of waste paper to decorate the facade, killing all these Semitic people, and ensuring that no one in the whole continent has opinions.

In the end, Lord Luo gave the order that the Semi soldiers surrendered to protect their lives.

Eagles have weapons far beyond the times. At this time, they are like a baby tiger that has just been weaned, with blood on the corners of their mouths, learning to hunt. The more this time, the more unable to relax.

Once this indiscriminate killing is opened, they will eventually become a group of bloodthirsty mad demons. Then they will use a **** kill stamp to remove everyone in their way.

Lorraine and Leo can guarantee to control this surpassing army, but who is the leader after Lorraine and Leo?

What Luo Jue needed was a disciplined army, not a group of mad dogs infected with rabies, like the widow and carrot army in World War II.

And countless facts have proved that no war can be won with a group of mad dogs. And even more frightening is that as the owner of mad dogs, as long as you relax a little bit, those mad dogs will pounce on yourself for the first time.

The more powerful. The more discipline and principle are needed.

In this case, he must also lead by example.

As long as the enemy is willing to surrender, then he would rather risk those Semitic soldiers returning to riot, and also ensure their lives at this time.

What's more, Lord Lorraine had already figured out the use for these prisoners of war.

In a short while, the Semi soldiers had all been disarmed, and then they were under the supervision of a group of Eagle Division officers and soldiers. Slowly walked towards the direction of the Temple of Light.

At this time, it seems that their number is pitiful. No more than 30,000 people at most. Many of them were still injured.

And being a prisoner of war is not the end. What awaits these soldiers will be a severe trial by the Holy See. Once it is determined that some of them have committed unforgivable war crimes, the military court established by the Holy See will relentlessly hang them all.

Only the remaining people who have not had blood on their hands can survive.

Lorraine has already planned, and will make all the cases open to everyone, to warn the remaining Semites, so that when they do evil, they must also consider their own lives so as not to be too unscrupulous. .

This war is inevitable, but in this way, the harm caused by the war to people can be reduced as much as possible.

When all the prisoners of war in the city raised their hands and surrendered. After being gathered, a long horn sounded, and then the entire battlefield fell into silence.

Only occasionally can I hear the groans of severely wounded soldiers on the battlefield, but they are totally unacceptable.

At this time, both the Semitic and Terran soldiers are rushing to eat.

At the beginning, Velapland forced the front army to attack and did not give them time to eat, but the main force of the Chinese army arrived. He was immediately thrown into the battle by Verapran.

A crowd of Semitic officers and soldiers had already hungry and pasted their backs.

In order to deal with the battle, the soldiers of the human race did not care about eating.

Both sides are seizing the time, eating and resting, and actively preparing for war.

They all know that although they have experienced the tragic battle in the morning, this battle has just begun.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the fully fed Semitic army attacked again.

Under the personal command of General Veraplan, the Semitic army was divided into three sides. Charged towards the falconer's defense line.

The sound of the horn reminds us, and the killing sound screams.

Lorraine stood on the top of the Temple of Light, holding a binoculars to watch the enemy's attack on the opposite side, but couldn't help but sighed slightly.

After the morning's battle, the Semitic officers still didn't learn to be smarter. They were still extremely restrained and commanded the soldiers to line up neatly and charge towards them.

But this is understandable. After all, it was not the officers who were sent to death. They were too lazy to change their tactics. As long as the superior did not order, they would rather use the method they used to command the battle before, and they could also call it ‘strictly obey orders’.

For this battle, Lorraine had almost lost the desire to watch the battle.

This is a battle without the slightest clue.

Although the Eagles are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, the Gatling machine guns in their hands give them an absolute say.

In terms of firepower, he has an absolute advantage.

When the Semitic soldiers rushed to a distance of three hundred meters, the machine guns on various defense lines fired one after another.

In a series of ‘sudden’ gunshots, red chains of fire spurted from the muzzle, sweeping the soldiers on the opposite side to the ground, as if cutting grass.

Lorraine clearly saw in the binoculars that among the Semitic legions directly opposite, a huge banner was ruthlessly swept down by machine gun bullets.

But immediately, the soldiers next to him bravely stood up and raised the battle flag again. Then he straightened his chest, held the flag high, and guided the soldiers to move on. He was swept down by the machine again. Then another soldier stood up and raised the flag again...

This process is repeated over and over again.

Without exception, the soldiers were all exceptionally brave, but in the face of the machine gun, the only thing they could stay was bravery.

That kind of behavior is so stupid that all the officers and soldiers of the Eagle Division feel extremely incredible: Why are they unable to live with their lives? So vying to die?

Until the entire square is lit up. The horn of retreat came from the rear of the Semitic army.

Although the entire offensive process only took one hour, this tragic and meaningless offensive left an extremely deep impression on the Eagle Division officers and soldiers.

The soldiers of the demons were as brave as them, but because of the incompetence of the officers, they could only die in vain.

Although it is in a different camp from those Semitic people, it still feels a bit depressing.

After all, such a slaughter also has a psychological burden for the soldiers of the Eagle Division.

After this, the Semitic launched two more attacks.

After frustration. They improved slightly.

Although there was still a queue for the first time, the machine guns rang and retreated immediately.

And another time, he began to learn to crawl on the ground. Slightly there are some signs of modernized war-war is the best teacher.

Because whoever fails the exam. It's all dead.

However, since they had just learned this method, it was extremely clumsy.

The crawling speed was too slow, and the bullets from the machine gun above the head swished past, causing the soldiers to have great fear.

Since a complete system of noncommissioned officers has not been established, the Semitic army is all supported by officers. This also makes the grassroots command system extremely weak.

This is also the reason why square formations have been used in the army of the old age-after the formation of the square formation, officers can understand at a glance and facilitate command.

This set works well in the old days. But when it enters the era of automatic weapons, it won't work. In this era, in order to avoid the rain of bullets from the enemy, soldiers can only fight in squads and skirmish lines.

Therefore, a good grassroots command system with non-commissioned officers as the mainstay is extremely important.

As a result, many people start to steal and **** without a teacher. Lie on the ground, holding his head in both hands, motionless.

Anyway, at this time, no officer dared to run over and kick his **** and force himself to charge.

No officer dared to stand up in the dense bullet rain.

There was no shouting to kill, no charging, no horns, and no loud shouts from officers. The battlefield was extremely dull and monotonous, and only the sound of machine guns was left.

Occasionally a sniper’s cold gun sounded, and every time an officer of the Semi tribe fell.

And this made the Semitic's offensive slower, and the officers dodged far away in fright, and no one urged the soldiers to attack.

The situation on the battlefield has almost stalled. The Semitic soldiers crawled on the ground and moved forward little by little. But looking at the speed of their squirming, it is estimated that they will not be able to climb beside the trench until 2012.

And this was still when the machine gun failed to hit either of them, so that Lorraine wondered if the enemy was deliberately consuming his bullets.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the stalemate was suddenly broken by cheers from the rear of the Semi.

Lorraine hurriedly looked, only to see nearly a hundred black spots appeared in the sky, and then the pupils rapidly enlarged.

That is the war fortress of the undead~!

They finally appeared.

Seeing this situation, Lorraine was immediately overjoyed: Grandma's, it's worth noting that I have been waiting for such a long time, and these puppies have finally arrived.

Although the Eagle Master had a strong firepower advantage, Sir Alex told them to stay in the city and never step out of the city. They were worried about these war fortresses of the undead.

Although the Hawks have great firepower, they are still helpless in the face of blows from the air.

In the era when Sir Alex Ferguson came, air supremacy represented everything.

Therefore, before obtaining absolute air supremacy, he would never risk sending his precious troops into the wild to increase the enemy's experience points.

And this is why Sir Alex would rather rot his heavy warships than sail.

At this time, Nian's war fortress was also standing by in the rear.

Immediately, he gave an order to send troops to the war fortress behind him.

The battle fortresses of both sides fought a fierce battle in the air.

All kinds of war fortresses are chasing me in the air, and countless magic and cannonballs are blooming in the air, which is very beautiful.

Every now and then, there are war fortresses dragging long black smoke to the ground.

Nian's war fortress is mobile and has high defense. The firepower is strong, but the war fortress of the undead has an advantage in numbers.

The two sides played ping-pong-pong for a long time. In the end, the victory was undivided, but they evacuated because of energy exhaustion.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the attack on the ground was completely stagnant. In desperation, Veraprani had no choice but to send orders to retreat.

After nightfall. After a whole day of fierce fighting during the day, the soldiers were all tired like dogs after fighting to the death.

At this moment, whether it is the eagle soldiers in Vatican City. The Semitic army outside the city was all quiet, only the lighted lights showed that there was someone on duty there.

A dark cloud flew slowly, covering the dim moonlight in the sky, and the earth was pitch black. On the battlefield scorched by explosive flames during the day, the ominous voice of the night owl was piercing and unpleasant.

In the dim night sky, dozens of black figures were quietly suspended in mid-air. Facing the direction of Vantino.

The large black robe swayed with the night wind, like a bat with spreading wings, giving people a feeling of fear.

Under the robes that were occasionally lifted, the pale skeletal body was exposed. These people were the liches under the undead high priest.

Dozens of liches gathered together, undoubtedly planning a major event.

What's more, on the ground behind them, there are hundreds of dark mages standing in the shadows.

The power of these dark spellcasters alone should not be underestimated. It is absolutely enough to attack a human city.

Veraprani led a team of knights and walked over slowly with a gloomy face.

The gloomy atmosphere left and right made him very uncomfortable, and he felt like walking through a group of rotten and withered corpses that had been dead for decades.

If you could choose, Veraprani would not stay here for a minute.

But after today's battle, he understood that it was very difficult to win Vatican with the Semitic army in his hand.

It was almost the same if he doubled the force in his hand.

But the order of the high priest is to capture Vatican as soon as possible, as soon as possible, which means that the sooner the better.

So when the Lich Marcel came to him. When he said to help him capture Vatican, Veraprani agreed without hesitation.

In fact, he didn't have the guts to refuse, because this was a direct order from the high priest.

Veraprani was quite slanderous about this, which meant that the high priest was dissatisfied with his progress. Especially after the striker's 50,000 army was annihilated, he has no other choice.

Velaprani passed through the crowd of dark wizards. Carrying the horse in the dark, came to the front of the crowd and shouted: "Master Marcel."

But no one answered.

A minute later, a pair of light spots that looked like fireflies shook in front of Veraprani.

Feeling irritable, Veraprani was about to wave his riding whip to drive them away. Just as he raised his arm, he suddenly remembered that it was the eyes of the Lich.

A hoarse voice sounded a few feet away in front of Veraprani, and slowly said, "Your Excellency General."

"Master Marcel," Velaprani leaned respectfully and said, "I'm here."

The Lich Marcel floated in front of Veraprani, but just nodded at random and said, "We are almost ready."

Veraprani lifted his spirits. Anyway, if he can win Vatican, he will never lose his credit. He respectfully said, "Thank you, Master."

"However, you'd better withdraw your subordinates for a while." Marcel the Lich said to himself.

Veraprani was a little puzzled, and said in confusion, "Retreat?"

Marcel said impatiently: "The things we release like to devour the flesh and blood of living people. You don't want them to run to your camp, do you?"

Velaprani was shocked and nodded quickly. He also knew some of the weird and malicious dark spells, but he was secretly annoyed, and said in secret: This bunch of bone sticks are too unreliable, since they planned well at night, why didn't they inform during the day. He retreated.

Now that most of the soldiers have fallen asleep, they remembered to tell him to evacuate, and the soldiers below were determined to complain.

But the liches are such arrogant and unreasonable characters, and it would be nice to remember to inform him.

In the Semitic, when the Liches do anything, they never bother to say hello to the Semitic.

Just do it, they still dare to have opinions.

Veraprani said embarrassedly: "However, it takes time to retreat."

The Lich Marcel snorted dissatisfiedly and said impatiently: "One hour. At most one will give you another hour."

Velaprani gritted his teeth in hatred, and cursed in his heart: I'll give you an hour, and you can withdraw 100,000 people to see, damn~!

But the show can only respectfully said: "How far do you need to withdraw?"

The Lich Marcel thought for a moment, and said, "Ten miles."

Then he waved his hand and said, "Prepare quickly, you can just come and collect the human body tomorrow, but. Maybe you can't even find a corpse."

After all, the Lich Marcel laughed sharper than Ye Xiao, and the laughing Veraprani and the Semitic soldiers were terrified.

The Lich flew back into the air with a sharp laughter of "Jie Jie", and Veraprani waved his horse's head and looked at the fuzzy figure in front of him. He cursed: "What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you hear? Go and inform the ministries, and retreat westward, twenty miles, immediately~!"

In the dark, of course, you can't run 20 miles in an hour, even if you can walk five or six miles, it is very powerful, but they also understand that Veraprani means to make everyone get better and better away from here.

The Semitic soldiers turned around in a panic. Each rushed to the camp quickly.

A few minutes later, a loud drum horn sounded in the Semitic camp.

At this time, the sleeping Zhengxiang Semitic soldiers suddenly woke up, jumped up from the ground in a panic, took up their weapons and ran out, shouting in panic, "What's wrong?"

"Where is the enemy?"

"Get together, get together quickly~!"

"Humans are here~!"

There was a commotion in the camp, and the soldiers thought it was humans who launched the night attack. Looking for the enemy in a panic.

The Semitic officers were prepared for this. They held up torches to illuminate themselves, sounded the snare drum, and shouted: "No enemy is coming, don't be nervous."

"Emergency gather together, line up, line up~!"

When I heard that there was no night attack by humans, it was just an official's play that these little soldiers played emergency gatherings. The soldiers who had been hit by human guns and bullets all day during the day were immediately annoyed and exclaimed angrily: "You still let people live?"

"Fuck you too bully, you desperately don't say anything during the day, and you have to kill yourself at night. You will go to war by yourself as officials tomorrow."

"Who the **** made the bad idea, I beat him to death~!"

Suddenly, a powerful voice rang in front of the soldiers: "Shut up to Laozi~!"

With a majestic voice, the noisy Semi soldiers quickly calmed down. Because they saw through the fire that the speaker was His Majesty King Veraprani.

Veraprani flicked his whip and shouted: "The wizards are preparing to cast a spell on Vantino. If they don't want to follow a burial party, they immediately run west for Lao Tzu."

The soldiers of the Semi tribe suddenly panicked, and they all knew what it meant for the dark wizard to cast spells.

Just like the authentic samurai in Japan taking the common people to try their swords on the street without breaking the law, the liches and dark wizards arrest and kill people in the Semitic, and no one dares to control.

The Semi people are afraid of them, just like mice are afraid of cats.

The spells released by the Dark Mage and those terrifying undead creatures are terrible things.

The Semitic soldiers in the camp lined up in a panic, dropped their packages and baggage, and ran to the west as if their buttocks were on fire.

Veraprani patrolled the camp back and forth. It took more than half an hour to drive all the soldiers out of the camp, order them to move twenty miles west, and wait for orders.

The Lich Marcel had already waited impatiently. For him, this kind of boring waiting was very boring, especially for those lowly ordinary high priest arranged important tasks for him. The Lich Marcel only wanted to complete it immediately, which was very important to consolidate his position in the seat of the high priest.

Seeing that the soldiers in the Semitic camp were almost withdrawn, the Lich Marcel didn't care if it was enough for him to promise Veraprani for an hour, waved his hand, and said excitedly: "Go on, use dark Power destroys this wicked city~!"

In the darkness, the hoarse voice of a Lich cried out: "A wonderful world without a priest."

"There is no elemental mage either."

"There is no life mage, and no **** druid."

The liches laughed excitedly and shouted like a declaration: "Let the darkness cover the earth, and only the immortal will not die~!"

Suddenly, a black fog that was darker than night appeared on the ground, and the black fog hovered against the ground, spinning like a tornado, blowing away a breeze with a bone-chilling chill, and quickly spreading around.

The dark mage behind was also chanting the spell at the same time, and waves of surging mana came out.

Soon, from the condensed black fog, there were bursts of clicks, and there was a low roar like a beast in between.

A skeleton swayed out of the black mist, followed by the boundless white bones slowly out of the black mist.

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