Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1354: Civilized man's weapon

Lorraine sneered, and said, "Give a magical weapon to Yating~!"

Patlaud was stunned for a moment, then with a feverish expression on his face, he shouted: "Yes, sir. I promise to give them a night that will never be remembered."

Mazovia heard it, and she suddenly woke up like a dream.

No wonder this Sir Alex is so awkward, no wonder he dared to smash the dead high priest by himself. Going into and out of the Demon Clan's Longtan and Tiger Den is like a man's land. Achieve a legend after another.

It turns out that there is an artifact in her hand~!

In the past, it really made the uncles think that he was very good. It turns out that the artifact is backing up.

Grandma's, if I have a magical tool in my hands, I'll still be pretty awesome.

He grabbed Lorraine, his expression was both excited and nervous, and said: "Lord, do you have a magical tool in your hand?

Alas, why didn't you say it earlier, the good news should be known to everyone.

What kind of artifact is in your hand? "

According to historical records, there are ten great artifacts in the world. The sword of frost, the mountain of light, the staff of the moon, the dagger of the underworld, the shield of the father, the saint of war, the spear of blood...and so on, each of them has the power to penetrate the sky and the earth, Overwhelming power.

It's just that those are the weapons of the gods of ancient times. No one has ever seen it. But today I have a chance to see it.

Just thinking about it is enough to make his whole body tremble with excitement.

While secretly guessing in his heart, he looked at Lorraine carefully and eagerly. It's like Xiaobai looked at the banana.

"Katyusha," Lorraine said with a smile.

"Ka... what Sha?" Mazovia couldn't help but stunned, and then desperately recalled in his heart, but couldn't think of how such an artifact was ever produced in ancient times.

Lorraine looked at his confused appearance, feeling quite unbearable, and then explained: "One of the three guerrilla artifacts."

"Guerilla...what is a guerrilla?" Mazovia asked suspiciously, "Moreover, why does it sound like a woman's name?"

Lorraine and General Patlaud and the officers of the Eagle Division looked at each other and laughed at the same one.

The laughing Mazovia was a little baffling. There was even irritation faintly.

Lorraine looked at Mazovia’s expression a little unnaturally, and immediately stretched out his hand and patted him affectionately on the shoulder, saying, "Brother Ma, you don’t understand this high-tech thing. Just look at it. .

Let the Silver Wing Guard and the Ascetic prepare, and after the firepower is covered, immediately go out of the city to find the Lich and kill them~! "

Mazovia saw that Lorraine gave himself face like this. Even the "brother" was called out, and it was not easy to continue to question immediately.

But thinking about it conversely, this is also a natural thing, that thing is their hole card. Naturally, it is impossible to let outsiders know casually.

In this case, the Pope has to use more beauties~!

At this moment, Lorraine had turned his head and looked outside the city, using the light of holy art to carefully observe the situation outside the city.

The three artifacts of the guerrillas, Akashnikov cannot make them now. It is simply impossible to equip troops in large quantities by just using one or two of them through laboratory production. What's more terrifying is that the huge bullet consumption of ak is enough to make any quartermaster in this era go crazy.

And rocket-propelled grenades. The abbreviated rpg seems to be very simple, but when I actually researched it, I found that there are many technical difficulties.

Half of the real creation exploded before shooting, or the tail flame burned the shooter into a fire stick.

Only rockets have a simple structure and do not require high machining accuracy. The price is cheap and the quantity is sufficient, and a small workshop can be mass-produced.

Therefore, rockets, like hand grenades, are the flagship products of the Flying Eagle Group Alchemy Research Institute.

However, due to the production of Nian's explosives, the production of rockets is not high under the principle of shells first.

The rocket produced by the Alchemy Institute was also solemnly named Katyusha, which is also the evil taste of Lord Lorraine.

If it is not to ensure the power, the bullet diameter cannot be made too small. Lord Lorraine even wanted to set the caliber at one hundred and seven millimeters, which would be a genuine artifact.

But because of this, Katyusha is now thick and big, and it looks a little silly and thick. The lethality is a few points stronger than the original version.

Patlaud's excited opponent shouted: "Little ones, move the baby out. Fireworks are set off~!"

The officers of the former Eagle Division suddenly agreed. Then one by one, they couldn't wait to turn around and ran out. In the excitement, these puppies were like children eager to show off their new toys, almost all of them ran away clean.

From afar, they yelled in excitement: "The Lord Sir has spoken, we are going to give magic tools to the demon girls~!"

"Little ones. Quickly, get Katyu Sarah out~!"



In a series of urging sounds, the soldiers of the Rocket Artillery Corps rushed into the underground warehouse, and the two of them joined forces, picked up the long wooden box on the ground, and ran out like flying.

At this time, the launchers have already been installed, each spaced 30 meters apart, and lined up hundreds of meters wide.

The artillery command post continued to receive the azimuth coordinates from the front observation post, and quickly began to calculate the elevation angle of the launcher, then reported it out loudly, and finally adjusted by the artillery.

After thousands of trainings and exercises, the soldiers of the Security Army have done it in an orderly manner. Thousands of people shuttled back and forth, but they were busy and not chaotic.

At the same time, all the soldiers in the city had also begun to mobilize in accordance with Lorraine's orders.

The artillery turned the muzzle, concentrated all the more than 300 artillery calibre of the Eagle Division up and down, blasting the undead creatures in the east of the city with the most unprecedented density.

Under the dense artillery, the whole land was trembling, and the air was burning. Half of the sky was stained with an unhealthy red.

The soaring flames from the explosion were so bright, with the naked eye, you could even clearly see the dark shadows of several shells just before they landed.

The corpse demon and the split monster were torn to pieces in the flames of the explosion, and the liches were also caught off guard, and there was no time to regroup.

Immediately afterwards, the clergymen of the brigade evacuated the north and east walls and ran across Vatican quickly, panting like dogs, to reinforce the defenses of the West and the South.

The enemies to the west are the densest, because that is the direction of the undead's base camp. The place where the Liches attacked first.

The density of enemies in the south is relatively small.

After receiving reinforcements, the fighting power of the Vantinos immediately increased. The walls were densely covered with people. The light of holy arts formed a wall of light that was hundreds of meters wide, which stretched between the undead creatures and the wall, which was spectacular. .

Under the scorching hotter than the sun, the undead creatures were even repelled hundreds of meters.

The offense of these three-faced corpses and the combined monster was immediately stopped.

But when the liches saw this, they were not surprised. Instead, I was overjoyed. Because they found that although the offensive on these three sides was contained, the defense on the north seemed to be abandoned by humans.

They immediately mobilized manpower to rush to the north of the city to support the dark wizards there and increase their attack.

The corpse demon's mountain-like body also wriggled desperately with a faster frequency.

The split monster no longer needs the cover of the corpse demon. Killed from behind the corpse demon, the stubby legs took a ridiculous step and rushed towards the walls of Vantino.

Behind them there was even a sharp laughter peculiar to the Lich, and that sound like a night owl instantly spread throughout the battlefield.

Behind the city wall, the soldiers of the Rocket Regiment prepared nervously.

Lorraine, Vera, Hilmelia and Mazovia, and even the young dragons, all watched the Eagle Division officers and soldiers prepare for launch.

The soldiers took crowbars and carefully pried open crates.

I saw a slender, pointed cylindrical iron pipe lying inside, with a line of black printing on the iron pipe. It clearly says "Katyusha".

"This is a divine tool..." Mazovia and the dragons couldn't help but curious, and leaned forward to watch. What disappointed Mazovia most was that this thing was so stupid and thick that it didn't seem to match the artifact at all. If you really want to talk about it, it is a chimney.

Even if you look at its size, it is at most a very thick chimney.

But seeing Lorraine's confident face made them a little confused. Is this really an artifact?

Just before they hesitated, only three or four soldiers joined hands and broke the rocket into two parts in a few strokes.

Mazovia could not help but exclaimed, as if afraid of something terrible popping out of it. But it issued nothing at all.

At this time, the soldiers began to load explosives and propellants separately.

Mazovia looked curious, and reached out to touch it, but was caught by the artillery in front of him, and solemnly warned: "Don't touch it. Danger~!"

Mazovia chuckled, stepped back to Lorraine, and said, "Then the artifact... is Katyusha's main material? Is it good?"

Everyone in the Dragon Race also opened up their ears and listened curiously.

Lorraine smiled mysteriously and said, "You'll find out later."

After loading, the artillery carefully assembled them together. Several people held the rockets and worked together to lift the launcher.

Finally, four large wings were installed on the tail, and the fuse was attached. The gunner immediately raised the red flag in his hand and shouted: "The assembly of No. 1 is complete and it can be launched~!"

The whole process only took ten minutes, and at this time the corpse demon had advanced to a close distance of more than a hundred meters from the city wall.

"The second preparation is complete~!"

"Number Three..."


A row of dozens of rockets lay quietly on the launcher, with the oval head pointing to the northern night sky.

Lorraine pulled a few people and pushed out hundreds of meters away, and the others quickly moved away from the launch pad. This thing is also dangerous when launched.

Patlaud looked around, quite complacent, and immediately raised his arms high, shouted, and said: "Launch~!"

The officer in front quickly lit the fuse, then ran back quickly while pressing his hat.

The people in the distance saw the fuse shining faintly like stars.

The fuse burned quickly, and then a little light fell into the shell of the rocket.

The long rocket trembled first, followed by a burst of orange flames several meters long and one meter in diameter from the tail.

The propellant burned violently, making a "boom" sound like a beast roar.

The dazzling flame illuminates the nearby square, and the tail flame rushes to the ground, scorching the ground, ejecting a cloud of gray-white smoke, mixing with the blowing mud on the ground, and rising into the air.

The rocket trembled on the launch pad. Struggling like a mad cow bound by a rope.

In the next instant, the long body of the rocket flew out of the frame, making a sharp "cheep~!"

Dragging a long orange tail flame into the air, he quickly passed the city wall.

The first rocket had just left the launching rack, and the second tail next to it was spraying flames. It only stayed on the launching rack for a second, and followed the first rocket and flew out of the city.

The rocket on the other side was also igniting at the same time, and the fire illuminates the entire launch site.

Everyone's Vatican can see the whole launch process clearly.

The violent "swish" sound of the flame spray overwhelmed everything. Vantino could only hear the sharp cry of the rocket as it flew.

The rockets flew out one after another, dragging a bright tail flame, like a burning meteor rushing into the night sky, magnificent.

The distance set by the artillery was only 500 meters, but only a few seconds after taking off. The rocket hit the ground one end, and fell into the densely packed undead creatures on the ground. Dozens of rockets landed in less than two seconds.

Then the internal fuze burned and the warhead exploded.

At the beginning, the warhead exploded not a ball of fire, but when it exploded, it formed a white cloud. The sparks dragging the white smoke trails bloom like fireworks, flying around, falling into groups of corpse monsters and mosaic monsters. No one was spared within 150 meters.

The huge body of the corpse monster was stained with most of the sparks. In the flames of the explosion, white smoke could be seen from the body of the corpse monster.

Behind is the rocket equipped with a high-explosive warhead.

They fell into the densest place of undead creatures and exploded violently. A fireball as high as the Temple of Light was lit up, and black smoke rose slowly, forming a mushroom cloud in the air.

The explosion lifted all the undead creatures within 50 meters into the sky and shattered them.

Even a rocket pierced accurately into the body of the corpse monster, and under the action of inertia, it slammed into the body of the monster.

A second later, the back of the corpse monster exploded, and flames burst out of its body. It spread rapidly, and after a few minutes, half of the corpse monster was burning.

Mazovia, who climbed up the city wall, saw with his own eyes that the corpse demon quickly disintegrated like a torch, and fell apart into burning fragments. Not only did the flame on the corpse fragments not weaken, but it burned more and more, and the flames covered hundreds of meters around the area. Ground.

This corpse demon finally did not rebirth.

Mazovia exclaimed and said loudly: "Is this... hellfire~!"

Lord Lorraine curled his lips. I secretly said: It is terrible to have no culture.

The so-called Hellfire is a dark spell, and the burning effect is almost the same as before.

Then Lorraine explained with a dry smile: "It's just a smoke bomb. It's really just a smoke bomb. Back then, when the Israelis were playing hooligans, they used this kind of white phosphorus bomb and called this smoke bomb. The smoke bomb is out.

Don't look at me anymore.

Sir Sir, I am a truly civilized person. How could it be possible for a dictator like Caddafi or Silly Damu to use chemical weapons casually.

Believe me, my weapon is completely in line with the "United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons."

It's just that the temperature is a little bit higher, just over a thousand degrees. "

"A thousand degrees~!" Mazovia remembered that he wanted to touch this thing with his hands just now. This would make a shudder, if he touched his hand, it would disappear.

And listen to Lord Lorraine's meaning, that napalm bomb is more powerful than white phosphorus bomb.

Especially looking at Lord Luo Jue’s embarrassing explanation, he secretly murmured in his heart: This damned bastard, how many unknown weapons the Flying Eagle Group has~!

Fortunately, these guys belong to us.

At this time, the second batch of dozens of rockets flew over Mazovia's head, dragging a bright tail flame onto the battlefield.

The explosions lit up one after another, across the entire battlefield, and the flames engulfed the corpse monsters and the split monsters-the rockets were aimed at them.

Not to mention that such fragile undead creatures as skeleton soldiers were shattered by the bombing.

The shock from the explosion made the walls of Vantino tremble, and Mazovia had to hold on to the fixture, otherwise he would have to fall.

Gun smoke enveloped the battlefield, and a heat wave mixed with pungent sourness, burnt smell, paste smell and dust rolled back, unspeakable nausea, and vomiting.

Lorraine frowned and touched his nose, and several dragons flew into the air to avoid.

A mile in front of the Vatican city wall was swept away by Katyusha, and the three corpses and countless gangsters were all blown to pieces. Not even one was left intact, only the burning remains. Minced A few minutes later, the third batch of rockets screamed and flew out again, and the explosion once again covered the original positions of the corpse fragments and the puzzle pieces on the battlefield.

This time, even the huge body of the flattening monster who survived by chance was blown up, spinning around in the sky, falling to the ground and rolling a few times like a ball.

Before the smoke on the battlefield dissipated, the fire of the fourth batch of rockets illuminated the sky, and the firepower had begun to extend forward.

Mazovia was stunned, and said again and again: "Enough, enough, my dear Sir, save it later.

It's time to let the people of the Holy See go. "

Lorraine smiled and shook his head, and said, "Enough? Early that~!

Since it is a fight output, I will hit an unprecedented damage, I just want to kill them, but also fight them.

I want the demons to be scared when they think about it~! "

The Eagle Division’s rocket artillery fired seven rounds of rockets in forty minutes, ploughing the battlefield a few miles north of the city, and there seemed to be no standing thing in the fire.

Following a roar from the city, the Silver Winged Guards, who had been wandering above Vatican, rushed out of the city, searched for the trail of the Lich and the Dark Mage behind the battlefield, and then destroyed them.

The gate to the north also opened with a bang, and the Knights Templar protected a large number of priests followed by killing them out, shouting and rushing northward.

(To be continued)

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